Archive of SID وٞٗيٚ ١٘بيً ٗٔي ًٜشفّ ثيٞٓٞليي ؼـ ًٍبٝـقي ٜٗ ٝبثغ عجيؼي 13 ي 14 ثُمه 1394 ؼيٜبٗيىٖ خؼ٘يز ثبًشفي١بي آٛشبُٛٞيىز ؼ Erwinia amylovoraـ كّّٞ ث٢بـ، سبثىشبٝ ٙ دبييك ؼـ ؼـغشبٙ ٗيٟٞ ؼاؼ٠ٛاـ اوشبٙ آؾـثبيدبؿ ٙفثي ضجيت ٞٛخٞاٙ زيسٌٞٔي ّٜٞٗـ4، وؼيؽ عفيويػ ،4جبوؼٔي ـٝاٝ 2 ٞٔٛ دفيىب عب١في4 1- ځَيٌ ځٕبٌدِٙپٓ، ىاوٚپيٌ ٽٚبيٍُْ، ىاوٚڂبٌ ٵَىيٕٓ ډُٚي -2 ثو٘ ځٕبٌدِٙپٓ، ډَٽِ سلٺٕٺبر ٽٚبيٍُْ ي ډىبث٬ ٥جٕٮٓ آًٍثبؼٔبن ٱَثٓ ؤًٖىيٌ ډٖئًڃ: [email protected] ٔپٓ اُ ثٕمبٍَْبْ ډُمٓ ٽٍ ثٍ ىٍهشبن ډًٌٕ ىاوٍىاٍ هٖبٍر اٹشٞبىْ ُٔبىْ ډُٓوي، آسٚټ ځاثٓ ثب ٭بډڄ ثبٽشَٔبٔٓ Erwina amylovora ډٓثبٙي. ىٍ ٙبم ي ثَٿَبْ ىٍهشبن ډًٌْٕ ىاوٍىاٍ، ثبٽشََْبْ ادٓٵٕز ُٔبىْ يػًى ىاٍوي ٽٍ هبٕٝز آوشبځًوٕٖشٓ آنَب ٭چٍٕ ٭بډڄ ثٕمبٍْ آسٚټ ځاثٓ اطجبر ٙيٌ إز. ثٍَٕٓ ي ا٥ا٫ ٔبٵشه اُ ػمٮٕز ثبٽشََْبْ آوشبځًوٕٖز ثبڅٺًٌ ىٍ ٵًٞڃ ډوشچٴ ٕبڃ ثٍ اسوبً سٞمٕڈځَْٕ ىٍ ٍيَٗبْ ډئَٔشٓ وٖجز ثٍ ثٕمبٍْ، ٽمټ ٙبٔبوٓ ډٓسًاوي ىاٙشٍ ثبٙي. ثَاْ َمٕه ډى٪ًٍ ومًوٍثَىاٍْ اُ ثبٱبر ٕٕت، ځاثٓ ي ثٍ ىٍ َُٕٙشبنَبْ ډوشچٴ إشبن آًُثبؼٔبن ٱَثٓ ىٍ ٥ٓ ٵًٞڃ ثُبٍ، سبثٖشبن ي دبِٕٔ ىٍ ٕبڃ 1393 ثٍ ٭مڄ آډي. دٔ اُ ػيإبُْ ثبٽشََْبْ ادٓٵٕز ىٍ ََ ٵٞڄ ٍيْ ډل٤َٕبْ NA ي King's B ي اوؼبڇ آُډًنَبْ آوشبځًوٕٖشٓ ٍيْ ډل٤ٕ ػ ،M9يأٍَبْ ثيٕز آډيٌ ىٍ ٍٕ ځَيٌ دبوشًآ، ًٕىيډًوبٓ ي ځَڇ ډظجز ىٕشٍثىيْ ٙيوي. ػمٮٕز ََ ځَيٌ ډًٹ٬ ػيإبُْ طجز ځَىٔي. وشبٔغ وٚبن ىاى ٽٍ ػىٔ دبوشًآ ثٕ٘سَٔه ػمٮٕز ٍا ثٍسَسٕت ىٍ ٵٞڄ ثُبٍ ي دبِٕٔ ثٍ هًى اهشٞبٛ ډٓىَي. ػىٔ ًٕىيډًوبٓ ثٕٚشَٔه ػمٮٕز ٍا ثٍسَسٕت ىٍ سبثٖشبن ي ثُبٍ ىاٙز ي ثبٽشََْبْ ځَڇ ډظجز ىٍ سبثٖشبن ثٕٚشَٔه ػمٮٕز ٍا ىاٍا ثًىوي. َُٕٙشبنَبْ ډلمئبٍ، وٺيٌ ي اٙىًٍٔ ثٕٚشَٔه ػمٮٕز آوشبځًوٕٖز َب ٍا ىٍ ثٕه ٕبَٔ َُٕٙشبنَبْ آًٍثبؼٔبن ٱَثٓ ىاٙشىي. ثَ إبٓ أه وشبٔغ، َمـىٕه ډٓسًان إشىجب٣ ومًى ٽٍ ىٍ َُٕٙشبنَبْ ػىًثٓ أه إشبن ٽٍ اُ ډٕبوڂٕه ىډبْ ثباسَْ وٖجز ثٍ َُٕٙشبنَبْ ٙمبڅٓ ثَهًٍىاٍوي، دَاٽى٘ آوشبځًوٕٖزَب ثٕٚشَ ثًى. ًٔ٘بر ًٔيؽي: آسٚټ، آوشبځًوٕٖز، ادٓٵٕز، ىٔىبډٕٖڈ، ػمٮٕز Population dynamics of antagonistic bacterium, Erwina amylovora in pome fruit during spring, summer and autumn in West Azerbaijan province Habib Nojavan Chichaklouye Mansour1, Saeed Tarighi1, Abbasali Ravanlou2 and Parissa Taheri1 1-Department of Plant Protection, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 2-Department of Plant Protection, Agricultural and Natural Resources Center of West Azerbaijan, Urmia, Iran Corresponding Author: [email protected] Fire blight, caused by Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most economically significant and devastating bacterial diseases in pome fruit trees. Foliage of pome fruit trees, are harbored by many epiphytic bacteria with antagonistic properties against E. amylovora. This study was carried out to explore the trend of the population dynamics in potential antagonistic bacteria in different seasons. Sampling from foliage of apple, pear, and quince were conducted from the different locations of west Azerbaijan province during spring, summer and fall in 2014. Epiphytic bacteria were isolated from the samples using NA and King 's B media and their antagonistic properties were tested using cross-cultured methods on M9 medium. These isolates were categorized into three groups including pseudomonads, Pantoea, and Gram-positives. The population of each group were recorded as isolating. The results showed that the Pantoea had the highest population in spring and fall, respectively. Similarly, th e pseudomonad had the highest population in summer and spring. In Gram-positives, the highest population were found in summer samples. Comparing the cities, the highest population was in Mohammadyar, Naqadeh, and Oshnavieh. The result of this study also indicated that antagonistic bacteria dispersal was more in south cities of West Azerbaijan province which have much more average temperature in compare to north cities. Keywords: Blight, Antagonist, Epiphyte, Dynamics, Population 91 www.SID.ir .
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