Year 3-4 Booklist Author Title Year Level Abramson, Ruth The Cresta Adventure 3-4 Agard, John Hello New! 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan Please Mrs Butler 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan The Bravest Ever Bear 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingham, Bruce The Pencil 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingman, Bruce Previously 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingman, Bruce (ill.) Everybody Was a Baby Once 3-4, EC-2 Airey, Miriam No Hat Brigade 3-4 Alderson, Maggie Evangeline 3-4, EC-2 Alexander, Goldie The Youngest Cameleer 3-4, 5-6 Alexander, Goldie; Gaudion, Michele (ill.) Lame Duck Protest 3-4 Allaby, Michael DK Guide to Weather 3-4 Allen, Emma; Blackwood, Freya (ill.) The Terrible Suitcase 3-4, EC-2 Allen, Judy Anthology for the Earth 3-4 Allen, Scott Jesse the Elephant 3-4 Amadio, Nadine; Blackman, Charles (ill.) The New Adventures of Alice in Rainforest Land 3-4 Andreae, Giles; Sharrat, Nick (ill.) Billy Bonkers series 3-4 Angleberger, Tom An Origami Yoda Book series 3-4 Anholt, Laurence Camille and the Sunflowers 3-4 Anna Ciddor A Roman Day to Remember 3-4 Annear, Robyn Fly a Rebel Flag: the Battle of Eureka 3-4, 5-6 Anno, Mitsumasa Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar 3-4 Apel, Kathryn Bully on the Bus 3-4, 5-6 Applegate, Cathy; Huxley, Dee (ill) Rain Dance 3-4 Applegate, Katherine The One and Only Ivan 3-4 Arena, Felice Bottomus Burps of Britannia 3-4 Arena, Felice Champions of the World 3-4 Arena, Felice Farticus Maximus series 3-4 Arena, Felice Hey, Cat! 3-4 Arena, Felice Mission Buffalo 3-4 Arena, Felice Stink-Off Battle of the Century and Other Stories 3-4 that Reek Arena, Felice The Secret Four-ce 3-4 Arena, Felice Water Fight Frenzy 3-4 Arena, Felice; Kettle, Phil Boyz Rule series 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Birthday Party Bedlam 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Horsing Around 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Netball Showdown 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Newspaper Scoop 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Pony Club 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Skater Chicks 3-4 Arena, Jacqueline Snowball Attack 3-4 Arlon, Penelope Bugs 3-4 Arlon, Penelope Dinosaurs 3-4 Arlon, Penelope Planets 3-4 Arlon, Penelope; Gordon-Harris, Tory Farm 3-4, 5-6 Arlon, Penelope; Gordon-Harris, Tory Penguins 3-4, 5-6 Arlon, Penelope; Gordon-Harris, Tory See Me Grow 3-4, 5-6 Artis, Lara Police Officer 3-4 Atherton, Bruce; Redlich, Ben (ill.) Cowzat! 3-4 Atherton, Bruce; Redlich, Ben (ill.) The Pumpkin Eater from Pondicherry 3-4 Atinuke Anna Hibiscus series 3-4 Atwood, Grace; Slaghekke, Harry (ill.) Meet Nancy Bird Walton 3-4 Axelsen, Stephen The Very Messy Inspection 3-4 Axelsen, Stephen The Nelly Gang 3-4, 5-6 Baddaley, Liz The Finding of Freddie Perkins 3-4 Badger, Meredith Angels Forever 3-4 Badger, Meredith Back to School 3-4 Badger, Meredith Beach Break 3-4 Badger, Meredith Birthday Girl 3-4 Badger, Meredith Boy Friend? 3-4 Badger, Meredith Camp Chaos 3-4 Badger, Meredith Field Trip Trouble 3-4 Badger, Meredith Going Overboard 3-4 Badger, Meredith Keeping Secrets 3-4 Badger, Meredith Over the Rainbow 3-4 Badger, Meredith Puppy Love 3-4 Badger, Meredith Truth or Dare? 3-4 Badger, Meredith; Mackintosh, Michelle (ill.) Fairy School Drop-Out 3-4 Badger, Meredith; Mackintosh, Michelle (ill.) Undercover 3-4 Badger, Meredith; Perry, Chrissie Go Girl! Angels Anniversary Edition 3-4 Baillie, Allan Imp 3-4 Baillie, Allan The Excuse 3-4 Baillie, Allan; Harris, Wayne (ill.) DragonQuest 3-4 Baillie, Allan; Tanner, Jane (ill.) Drac and the Gremlin 3-4 Baillie, Allan; Wu, Di (ill.) Old Magic 3-4 Baker, Jeannie Mirror 3-4, 5-6, EC-2 Baker, Jeannie The Hidden Forest 3-4, EC-2 Baker, Jeannie The Story of Rosy Dock 3-4, EC-2 Baker, Jeannie Window 3-4, EC-2 Baker, Jeannie Belonging 3-4, 5-6, EC-2 Baker, Jeannie Where the Forest Meets the Sea 3-4, 5-6, EC-2 Ball, Duncan Emily Eyefinger series 3-4 Balla, Trace Rivertime 3-4 Bancks, Tristan My Life and Other Stuff series 3-4, 5-6 Bancroft, Bronwyn Why I Love Australia 3-4, 5-6, EC-2 Bancroft, Bronwyn Patterns of Australia 3-4, EC-2 Banyai, Istvan Re-Zoom 3-4 Banyai, Istvan Zoom 3-4 Barber, Antonia; Bayley, Nicola (ill.) The Mousehole Cat 3-4 Barber, Shirley The Seventh Unicorn 3-4 Barrows, Annie Ivy and Bean series 3-4 Bartlett, Anne Aboriginal Peoples of Australia 3-4 Base, Graeme The Waterhole 3-4 Base, Graeme The Jewel Fish of Karnak 3-4, 5-6 Base, Graeme The Legend of the Golden Snail 3-4, 5-6 Base, Graeme The Sign of the Seahorse 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, EC-2, 9-10 Base, Graeme Enigma 3-4, EC-2 Base, Graeme Animalia 3-4, EC-2 Base, Graeme Jungle Drums 3-4, EC-2 Base, Graeme Uno's Garden 3-4, EC-2 Base, Graeme The Eleventh Hour 3-4, EC-2, 5-6 Bass, Guy Monster Boy 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, EC-2, 9-10 Bates, Dianne The Hold-Up Heroes 3-4, 5-6 Bateson, Catherine The Wish Pony 3-4 Bauer, Michael Gerard; Bauer, Joe (ill.) The Case of Animals Behaving Really, Really, Really 3-4 Badly Becker, Aaron Journey 3-4 Bell, Anne Muster Me a Song 3-4 Bell, Krista; Elliot, Belinda (ill.) Jack's Bugle 3-4 Bell, Krista; Miller, David Lofty's Mission 3-4 Bell, Krista; Smith, Craig (ill.) Sniffy the Sniffer Dog 3-4 Bell, Krista; Walters, Ainsley (ill) Burning the Bails - The Story of the Ashes 3-4 Belton, Robyn Herbert the Brave Sea Dog 3-4, EC-2 Bemelmans, Ludwig Madeline series 3-4, EC-2 Bergin, Elana Dare to be Different 3-4 Biesty, Stephen Giant Vehicles 3-4 Bingham, Mindy; Maeno, Itoko Minou 3-4 Bizley, Kirk Swimming 3-4 Bjolk, Christina Linnea in Monet's Garden 3-4 Blabey, Aaron Sunday Chutney 3-4 Blabey, Aaron The Ghost of Miss Annabel Spoon 3-4, 5-6 Blabey, Aaron The Brothers Quibble 3-4, EC-2 Blabey, Aaron The Dreadful Fluff 3-4, EC-2 Black, Ivan Against the Odds 3-4, 5-6 Black, Ivan Fight or Flight 3-4, 5-6 Black, Ivan Hurricane Tamer 3-4, 5-6 Black, Ivan The Final Wave Goodbye 3-4, 5-6 Black, Ivan The Wild Ride 3-4, 5-6 Blacklock, Dyan I Want Earrings 3-4, EC-2 Blake, Jon Oshie 3-4, 5-6 Blake, Quentin; Bouchard, Andre Daddy Lost His Head 3-4 Blake, Stephanie Stupid Baby 3-4, EC-2 Bland, Nick The Aunties Three 3-4 Bland, Nick Monster Chef 3-4, EC-2 Bland, Nick The Very Cranky Bear 3-4, EC-2 Blume, Judy Double Fudge 3-4 Blume, Judy Freckle Juice 3-4 Blume, Judy Fudge-a-mania 3-4 Blume, Judy Superfudge 3-4 Blume, Judy Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 3-4 Blyton, Enid Adventures of the Wishing Chair 3-4 Blyton, Enid The Enchanted Wood 3-4 Blyton, Enid The Folk of the Faraway Tree 3-4 Blyton, Enid The Magic Faraway Tree 3-4 Blyton, Enid The Wishing Chair Again 3-4 Boardman, Alan; Harvey, Roland (ill.) Crossing the Blue Mountains 3-4 Boardman, Alan; Harvey, Roland (ill.) Eureka Stockade 3-4 Boardman, Alan; Harvey, Roland (ill.) The First Fleet 3-4 Bodsworth, Nan Peg Leg Meg 3-4 Bollard, Kellie In The Bin 3-4, 5-6 Bollard, Kellie Worms The Mechanics of Organics 3-4, 5-6 Bond, Michael A Bear Called Paddington 3-4, EC-2 Bond, Michael Paddington series 3-4, EC-2 Bone, Ian Scarlett's Bat 3-4 Bone, Ian; Dawson, Janine (ill.) Philomena Wonderpen series 3-4 Bone, Ian; James, Ann (ill.) Shoo Cat 3-4, EC-2 Bone, Ian; Vane, Mitch (ill.) Maddy in the Middle 3-4, EC-2 Bongers, Christine; McGuiness, Dan (ill.) Drongoes 3-4, EC-2 Booth, Christina Potato Music 3-4, EC-2 Borlenghi, Patricia Chaucer the Cat and the Animal Pilgrims 3-4 Bouchet, Bruno Captain Wetbeard 3-4 Bowring, Jane; Rossell, Judith (ill.) Aussiemaze 3-4 Bradman, Tony; Cunliffe, Ian (ill.) All Aboard the Toy Train 3-4 Bradman, Tony; Roberts, David (ill.) Here Come the Heebie Jeebies and Other Scary Poems3-4 Branford, Anna Neville No-Phone 3-4 Branford, Anna Davis, Sarah(ill.) Violet Mackerel's series 3-4 Branford, Anna; Orsini, Cheryl (ill.) Sophie's Salon 3-4 Brasch, Nicholas Theme Parks, Playgrounds and Toys 3-4, 5-6 Brassi, G. Riding the Rough 3-4 Breedon, Stan Growing Up at Uluru 3-4 Brennan, Sarah; Harrison, Harry (ill.) The Tale of … series 3-4, 5-6 Brewster, Hugh 8821/2 Amazing Answers to Your Questions About the3-4, Titanic 5-6 Brian, Janeen What's in the River? 3-4, EC-2 Brian, Janeen; Carthew, Mark; Veeken, John Machino Supremo 3-4 (ill.) Brian, Janeen; James, Ann (ill.) Dog Star 3-4, EC-2 Brian, Janeen; Johnson, Michael (ill.) Duck Down 3-4, EC-2 Brian, Janeen; Johnson, Michael (ill.) What's Wrong, Aram? 3-4, EC-2 Brian, Janeen; Spudvilas, Anne (ill.) Our Village in the Sky 3-4, 5-6 Brian, Janeen; Stuart, Emma (ill.) Eddie Pipper 3-4, EC-2 Bridgman, Roger; Macleod, Jilly; Stewling, Lisa (ill.);How Lazar, Nearly Ralph Everything (ill.) Was Invented 3-4, 5-6 Brim, Warren; Eglitis, Anna Creatures of the Rainforest: Two Artists Explore 3-4 Djabugay Country Brown, Alan; Toft, Kim (ill.) Turtle's Song 3-4 Brown, Jeff Flat Stanley series 3-4 Brown, Jeff The Japanese Ninja Surprise 3-4 Browne, Anthony Changes 3-4 Browne, Anthony Piggybook 3-4 Browne, Anthony Silly Billy 3-4, EC-2 Bucci, Alley Zillie The Circus Freak 3-4 Burgemeestre, Kevin B Is for Bravo 3-4, 5-6 Burningham, John Where's Julius? 3-4 Burton, Daphne Punytjina Kupi-kupi and the Girl 3-4 Bush, John; Geraghty, Paul (ill.) The Giraffe Who Got in a Knot 3-4 Caisley, Raewyn Karate Star 3-4 Caisley, Raewyn Monkey Trix 3-4 Cali, Davide; Boutavant, Marc The Great House Hunt 3-4 Campbell, Margaret; Pignataro, Anna (ill.) All Dressed Up 3-4 Cannon, Teresa; Wilks, Liz (ill.) Bibile: The True Story of a Baby Orphan Elephant 3-4, 5-6 Caraher, Kim The Cockroach Cup 3-4 Carbon, Sally I Want to be a Footballer 3-4 Carey, Peter The Big Bazoohley 3-4 Carman, Patrick Floors 3-4 Carmody, Isobelle Little Fur 3-4 Carnavas, Peter The Great Expedition 3-4, EC-2 Carroll, Jane Eddy the Demon Bowler 3-4 Carroll, Jane; Barrett, Virginia Jade McKade 3-4, EC-2 Carroll, Jane; Spudvilas, Anne (ill.) Mr Moonlight 3-4 Carroll, Jessica Billy the Punk 3-4 Carthew, Mark Apple on a Stick
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