Recipient Candidate Candidate Office Date Amount First Name Last Name FEDERAL Terri Sewell For Congress Terri Sewell House 3/23/2018 $2,500 Robert Aderholt For Congress Robert Aderholt House 10/26/2018 $2,500 WOMACK FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE Steve Womack House 2/26/2018 $5,000 McSally For Congress Martha McSally House 9/20/2018 $5,000 Friends Of David Schweikert David Schweikert House 10/26/2018 $2,500 Friends Of David Schweikert David Schweikert House 7/30/2018 $1,500 Majority Committee PAC Kevin McCarthy House 1/24/2018 $5,000 JEFF PAC Jeff Denham House 5/2/2018 $5,000 Devin Nunes Campaign Committee Devin Nunes House 9/13/2018 $5,000 Ken Calvert For Congress Committee Ken Calvert House 5/29/2018 $2,500 WALTERS FOR CONGRESS Mimi Walters House 2/26/2018 $2,000 VALADAO FOR CONGRESS David Valadao House 3/23/2018 $2,000 STEVE KNIGHT FOR CONGRESS Steve Knight House 5/29/2018 $2,000 WALTERS FOR CONGRESS Mimi Walters House 6/1/2018 $2,000 Jim Costa For Congress Jim Costa House 7/31/2018 $2,000 WALTERS FOR CONGRESS Mimi Walters House 3/23/2018 $1,000 Lou Correa for Congress Lou Correa House 6/26/2018 $1,000 VERN BUCHANAN FOR CONGRESS Vern Buchanan House 6/1/2018 $3,000 Mast for Congress Brian Mast House 7/30/2018 $2,500 Bilirakis For Congress Gus Bilirakis House 7/31/2018 $2,500 Friends of Matt Gaetz Matt Gaetz House 8/22/2018 $2,500 Bilirakis For Congress Gus Bilirakis House 10/25/2018 $2,500 Mario Diaz‐Balart for Congress Mario Diaz‐Balart House 10/25/2018 $2,500 Vern Buchanan for Congress Vern Buchanan House 7/31/2018 $2,000 Brian Mast for Congress Brian Mast House 9/25/2018 $1,500 Maria Elvira Salazar for Congress Maria Salazar House 10/15/2018 $1,000 MICHAEL WALTZ FOR CONGRESS Michael Waltz House 10/25/2018 $1,000 ROSS SPANO FOR CONGRESS Vincent Spano House 10/25/2018 $1,000 RICK SCOTT FOR FLORIDA Rick Scott Senate 9/20/2018 $5,000 RICK SCOTT FOR FLORIDA Rick Scott Senate 5/2/2018 $2,500 Reclaim America PAC Marco Rubio Senate 7/31/2018 $2,500 Reclaim America PAC Marco Rubio Senate 10/18/2018 $2,500 Collins for Congress Doug Collins House 7/30/2018 $5,000 Handel for Congress, Inc. Karen Handel House 10/30/2018 $3,000 BUDDY CARTER FOR CONGRESS Buddy Carter House 9/25/2018 $2,500 Buddy Carter for Congress Buddy Carter House 10/18/2018 $2,500 Handel for Congress, Inc. Karen Handel House 3/24/2018 $2,000 Roskam For Congress Committee Peter Roskam House 9/20/2018 $5,000 REPUBLICAN OPERATION TO SECURE AND KEEP A MAJORITY Peter Roskam House 9/20/2018 $5,000 DAN LIPINSKI FOR CONGRESS Daniel Lipinski House 10/30/2018 $4,000 Roskam For Congress Committee Peter Roskam House 2/26/2018 $2,500 MIKE BOST FOR CONGRESS COMMITTEE Mike Bost House 3/23/2018 $2,500 John S Fund John Shimkus House 6/1/2018 $2,500 LaHood For Congress Darin LaHood House 9/20/2018 $2,500 Mike Bost for Congress Committee Mike Bost House 10/15/2018 $2,500 Rodney For Congress Rodney Davis House 10/18/2018 $2,500 Rodney For Congress Rodney Davis House 6/1/2018 $1,500 OORAH! POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE Todd Young House 6/26/2018 $5,000 Walorski For Congress Jackie Walorski House 9/13/2018 $5,000 GREG PENCE FOR CONGRESS Gregory Pence House 10/30/2018 $5,000 GREG PENCE FOR CONGRESS Gregory Pence House 3/23/2018 $2,500 TREY FOR CONGRESS Trey Hollingsworth House 3/23/2018 $2,500 Bucshon For Congress Larry Bucshon House 9/25/2018 $2,500 Bucshon For Congress Larry Bucshon House 10/18/2018 $2,500 JIM BANKS FOR CONGRESS, INC. Jim Banks House 5/2/2018 $1,000 TREY FOR CONGRESS Trey Hollingsworth House 5/2/2018 $500 Mike Braun for Indiana Mike Braun Senate 7/30/2018 $5,000 Mike Braun for Indiana Mike Braun Senate 9/13/2018 $5,000 TEAM MARSHALL Roger Marshall House 3/23/2018 $2,500 RON ESTES FOR CONGRESS Ron Estes House 3/27/2018 $2,500 Kansans For Marshall Roger Marshall House 7/30/2018 $2,500 Yoder For Congress, Inc Kevin Yoder House 5/2/2018 $2,000 Yoder For Congress, Inc Kevin Yoder House 10/26/2018 $1,500 COMMITTEE TO ELECT STEVE WATKINS Steve Watkins House 10/25/2018 $1,000 BARR‐PAC Andy Barr House 3/23/2018 $5,000 Hal Rogers For Congress Hal Rogers House 4/19/2018 $5,000 Guthrie For Congress Brett Guthrie House 5/2/2018 $2,500 Comer for Congress James Comer House 10/26/2018 $1,500 GLISSON FOR CONGRESS Vickie Glisson House 9/13/2018 $1,000 Bluegrass Committee Mitch McConnell Senate 10/30/2018 $5,000 Scalise Leadership Fund Steve Scalise House 1/24/2018 $5,000 GARRET GRAVES FOR CONGRESS Garret Graves House 2/26/2018 $2,500 Richmond For Congress Cedric Richmond House 4/19/2018 $2,500 Richmond For Congress Cedric Richmond House 5/29/2018 $2,500 Pelican PAC John Kennedy Senate 3/23/2018 $5,000 Poliquin For Congress Bruce Poliquin House 7/31/2018 $500 Upton For All Of Us Fred Upton House 6/26/2018 $5,000 Upton For All Of Us Fred Upton House 7/30/2018 $5,000 Debbie Dingell For Congress Debbie Dingell House 10/18/2018 $5,000 Huizenga For Congress Bill Huizenga House 3/23/2018 $2,500 Mike Bishop For Congress Michael Bishop House 3/23/2018 $2,500 Mike Bishop For Congress Michael Bishop House 3/27/2018 $2,500 TRUTH IS MARKETS WORK FUND A/K/A TIM W FUND Timothy Walberg House 6/1/2018 $2,500 Moolenaar For Congress John Moolenaar House 10/26/2018 $2,500 Huizenga For Congress Bill Huizenga House 10/30/2018 $2,500 John James for Senate Inc. John James Senate 9/20/2018 $5,000 John James for Senate Inc. John James Senate 6/26/2018 $2,500 Peterson For Congress Collin Peterson House 10/26/2018 $2,500 Friends of Hagedorn James Hagedorn House 10/26/2018 $2,500 PETE STAUBER FOR CONGRESS VOLUNTEER COMMITTEE Pete Stauber House 3/23/2018 $2,000 Jason Lewis for Congress Jason Lewis House 7/31/2018 $1,500 Friends of Hagedorn James Hagedorn House 7/31/2018 $1,000 HOUSLEY FOR SENATE COMMITTEE Karin Housley Senate 9/20/2018 $2,500 Ann Wagner For Congress Ann Wagner House 9/25/2018 $5,000 Billy Long for Congress Billy Long House 10/25/2018 $5,000 Jason Smith For Congress Jason Smith House 4/19/2018 $2,500 Jason Smith For Congress Jason Smith House 7/31/2018 $2,500 Billy Long for Congress Billy Long House 7/30/2018 $500 JOSH HAWLEY FOR SENATE Joshua Hawley Senate 5/2/2018 $5,000 JOSH HAWLEY FOR SENATE Joshua Hawley Senate 7/31/2018 $5,000 Friends of Michael Guest Michael Guest House 7/31/2018 $2,500 Cindy Hyde‐Smith for US Senate Cindy Hyde‐Smith Senate 11/13/2018 $5,000 Wicker For Senate Roger Wicker Senate 10/15/2018 $3,000 Cindy Hyde‐Smith for US Senate Cindy Hyde‐Smith Senate 7/30/2018 $2,500 Cindy Hyde‐Smith for US Senate Cindy Hyde‐Smith Senate 9/13/2018 $2,500 Wicker For Senate Roger Wicker Senate 2/26/2018 $1,000 Wicker For Senate Roger Wicker Senate 5/2/2018 $1,000 GREG FOR MONTANA Greg Gianforte House 9/25/2018 $1,500 McHenry for Congress Patrick McHenry House 7/31/2018 $5,000 MORE CONSERVATIVES PAC (MCPAC) Patrick McHenry House 10/18/2018 $5,000 MEADOWS FOR CONGRESS Mark Meadows House 10/26/2018 $5,000 Virginia Foxx For Congress Virginia Foxx House 10/26/2018 $5,000 First in Freedom PAC Richard Hudson House 12/19/2018 $5,000 Hudson for Congress Richard Hudson House 3/27/2018 $3,000 Rouzer For Congress David Rouzer House 3/23/2018 $2,500 George Holding For Congress George Holding House 7/31/2018 $2,500 George Holding For Congress George Holding House 9/25/2018 $2,500 Ted Budd for Congress Ted Budd House 10/25/2018 $2,500 Walker 4 NC Mark Walker House 10/26/2018 $2,500 Walker 4 NC Mark Walker House 10/30/2018 $2,500 George Holding For Congress George Holding House 5/2/2018 $1,000 TILLIS MAJORITY COMMITTEE Thom Tillis Senate 10/30/2018 $5,000 Cramer For Senate Kevin Cramer House 9/13/2018 $5,000 Armstrong for Congress Kelly Armstrong House 7/31/2018 $3,500 Armstrong for Congress Kelly Armstrong House 9/13/2018 $1,500 Cramer For Senate Kevin Cramer Senate 6/1/2018 $1,500 Cramer For Senate Kevin Cramer Senate 5/2/2018 $1,000 DON BACON FOR CONGRESS Don Bacon House 5/29/2018 $2,000 Yvette4Congress Stella Herrell House 9/25/2018 $2,500 AMODEI FOR NEVADA Mark Amodei House 5/2/2018 $2,000 CRESENT HARDY FOR CONGRESS Cresent Hardy House 10/25/2018 $1,000 Heller For Senate Dean Heller Senate 6/26/2018 $2,500 Excelsior PAC Tom Reed House 7/31/2018 $5,000 KATKO FOR CONGRESS John Katko House 3/23/2018 $3,000 DONOVAN FOR CONGRESS Daniel Donovan House 1/24/2018 $2,500 Donovan for Congress Daniel Donovan House 10/30/2018 $2,500 FASO FOR CONGRESS John Faso House 5/2/2018 $2,000 KATKO FOR CONGRESS John Katko House 5/29/2018 $2,000 Tim Ryan For Congress Tim Ryan House 1/24/2018 $5,000 STEVE PAC Steve Stivers House 2/26/2018 $5,000 Renacci for Senate Jim Renacci House 3/23/2018 $5,000 Latta For Congress Robert Latta House 4/19/2018 $5,000 Latta For Congress Robert Latta House 5/2/2018 $5,000 Friends of Dave Joyce Dave Joyce House 7/31/2018 $5,000 Balderson for Congress Troy Balderson House 9/25/2018 $5,000 Davidson for Congress Warren Davidson House 9/25/2018 $5,000 Jim Jordan For Congress Jim Jordan House 10/15/2018 $5,000 Stivers For Congress Steve Stivers House 1/24/2018 $4,000 Wenstrup for Congress Brad Wenstrup House 10/26/2018 $3,500 Johnson For Congress Bill Johnson House 2/26/2018 $2,500 Friends of Dave Joyce Dave Joyce House 3/23/2018 $2,500 Citizens For Turner Michael Turner House 4/19/2018 $2,500 BALDERSON FOR CONGRESS Troy Balderson House 4/19/2018 $2,500 BALDERSON FOR CONGRESS Troy Balderson House 5/2/2018 $2,500 Johnson For Congress Bill Johnson House 6/26/2018 $2,500 Gibbs For Congress Bob Gibbs House 6/26/2018 $2,500 Steve Chabot For Congress Steve Chabot House 6/26/2018 $2,500 Anthony Gonzalez for Congress Anthony Gonzalez House 7/31/2018 $2,500 Anthony Gonzalez for Congress Anthony Gonzalez House 10/18/2018
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