Page Two Rockland Courier-Gazette, Thursday, June 19, 1924. Every-Other-Day country as a whole." It is a gentrtrtb FARRINGTON APPARENT WINNER HATS OFF TO “TIPPY” BRING THE KIDDIES TO SEE THIS The Courier-Gazette platform and does not cater to any I- _______ THREE TIMES A WEEK_________ group in particular, but to the wel­ circulation" "affidavit fare of the country in general," he Rockland, June 19, 1924. His Lead In Governorship Race Is 338, But Official Can* said. Star Thomaston Twirier Ends the Little Argument As To A Pond Made of these Rugs with Live Personally appeared Frank S. Lyddie, who • • • • on oath declares that he Is pressman In the vass By Governor and Council Is Awaited—Other The political leanings of 13 states Who’s Who In Knox and Lincoln Counties. office of the Rockland Publishing Co., and Ducklings Swimming Around is in Our that of the Issue of The Courier-Gazette of Political Matters. will he affected by the attitudes of .lime 17. 1924, there was printed a total of the Democratic convention in New- 6,325 copies. York on the liquor question, accord­ I the weakness proved fatal in the end, Window. The Rugs Are Waterproof. Before we, FRANK B. MILLER, ing to a survey made by agents of ' as It was bound to. Notary Public. With only two small towns missing (or State Senator by 313 votes. It the Association Against the Prohi­ I SAW MONT traIn ER Except for this one inning Ihe game Frank G. Farrington has an unof- the contest for clerk of courts, Clar- Trust in the Lord with all thine bition Amendment. As listed in a was quite lacking in features, and flcial lead of 33S in the great race enee H- Richards of Damariscotta? heart; and lean not unto thine own statement by Captain W. N. Stayton, at the championship game in the story is quickly told. understanding. In all thy ways ac­ which was waged for the governatiip the present encumbent, recelyed 512 founder of the association, thg states Camden yesterday; at least I First inning: Thornton drove a nomination in the Republican party, more votes than did Harry G. Marr of knowledge him, and he shall direct whose voters have a "very intense saw him when he was not long fly to left field, lt seemed to The totals last night were: Fairing- Aina. thy paths.—ProV. 3:5, 6. antipathy for the Volstead Law,” being eclipsed by the portly have the earmarks of a hit as it sped ton 47,566; Brewster 47.231. For county commissioner George A. are New York. Massachusetts, New- form of his seatmate the Cour.t over the diamond, but Sawyer made Although Brewster has not with- Huston of Bristol beat out Charles E. For President Jersey, Connecticut. Rhode Island, of Monte Christo. There's an a fine catch. Fred Stewart and drawn the congratulations sent Far- Pegglee of Aina by 54 votes, while Ohio, Illinois. Missouri, Maryland, alarming report that Mont lost Murphy fanned. Thomaston was also rington when it appeared he had a for representative to the State Legis- CALVIN COOLIDGE California, Michigan. Montana and weight during the 6th inning retired in order—Grafton fanning. lead of 1800 votes, he and his sup- lature in the class towns of Dainari- Of Massachusetts Washington. Declaring the Repub­ cataclysm, but he bravely held Condon flying out to Thornton and porters were encouraged in the seotta. Wiscasset, Dresden. Noble- lican convention had straddled on the onto that genial smile for Feehan's grounder being cured for by hope for further revision of the vote boro and Bremen, Daniel E. Bisbee For Vice President issue, the statement asserted that "if which he is so famous. Mont Murphy. by the extent to which Farrington's of Damariscotta by the narrow mar- Democratic leaders are wide awake has fed uncounted hundreds Second inning: Frank Stewart early lead had been whittled away gin of 64 votes defeated Harvey K. CHARLES G. DAWES and will take advantage of the al­ since he came back from the flied to Feehan. Grounders by Rising by belated returns and by discrep- PeaBe of Wiscasset. Of Illinois most nation-wide demand for modi­ war and his fame as a re6tau- and Knight were both foozled by Hall. ancies uncovered hy figures reported Farrington carried the county, as fication of the Volstead Act. there rantcur is widespread. Back Ludwig grounded to Stone who threw the night of the primaries. Compar­ did White for Congress. will be another landslide in November of that was a time when he out Knight at second. This left Ris­ Nothing could exceed the courtesy ative figures from city and town . • » » —and not for the elephant." used to play pretty good call ing on third and Ludwip on first. with which the police department is clerks forwarded hy mail to The As­ Getting Ready For Fray • • • • for the Rockland High.—The Cameron fanned, and Rockland's sociated Press provided some putting into effect the traffic regu­ The Republican State Committee W. R. Hollister, for* many years Sporting Editor. chance to get a good start went into lations which become more and more changes, and the official canvass of will start th campaign with a meet­ artting secretary of the Democratic the discard. Newbert singled to right the vote by the governor ant counoil. Bird s ing at Augusta Friday, when plans field, hut in trying to stretch it into NeponserRues essential as Rockland's narrow National Committee, says that the to l?e made sometime after June 28 will be formulated for the work of historic two-thirds rule governing the a double he was thrown out by Mas­ streets take on congestion with the Thomaston 3, Rockland C DEFY WATER’AND WEAR will have more than the usual sig­ the next two months and a half. nomination of candidates in Demo­ salin at second. Stone and Hall Thomaston High School won the growing summer travel. Nobody is nificance. Chairman George L. Emery of Bidde­ cratic National convention was failed to connect with Rising's being bawled out, nobody violently Recapitulation of the vote for the ford. who recently waa elected, will broken at the Ban Francisco Con­ undisputed championship of the Knox benders. gubernatorial nomination by counties Third inning: Massalin struck out, haled before the court. When the make good his promise to carry the vention, although the leaders vert and Lincoln League yesterday when shows that Farrington carried nine i campaign into every county with not awn re of it. Thornton again flied to Sawyer, and 8 advantages of owner returns to his car which has it defeated Rockland High 3 to 0 in and Brewster seven. The counties I vigor and enthusiasm. At Friday's Ml'. Hollister, who is editor of the Fred Stewart fanned. Vinal filed to a play-off contest before 1500 spec­ overstayed its time at the curb he carried by Farrington were Aroos­ neeting National Committeeman Jefferson City Capital News, after Fred Stewart, Teel was a helpless Bird’s Neponset Rugs finds a neatly printed slip tucked took. Hancock. Kennebec, Knox. Lin­ Harold M. Bewail of Bath, the Na- a careful investigation of ihe minutes tators on the Camden field. victim of Rising, and Sawyer was coln. Piscataquis. Somerset, Waldt lonal coinmitteewoman. Mrs. Guy P. out. Murphy to Frank Stewart. back of the windshield: of the San Francisco convention, says "Tippy" Fcehan was in his very- and Washington, none of them west­ Jannett of Augusta, and the vice that the two-thirds rule was not in­ best form, and while he struck out Fourth inning: Murphy could do They are Washable Parkis, on Main Strut is ern counties. Brewster carried An­ nothing with Feehan. Frank Stewart Limited to Thirty Minutes chairman of the State committee, voked at the time, although the con­ only one more man than Rising the Police Committee. droscoggin. Cumberland. Franklin, Mrs. Eva C. Mason of Dover-Fox- vention kept on balloting until Gov. premier honors belong to him. and flied to Newbert and Rising's ground­ They are Durable This is suggestive, educative and Oxford. Penobscot, Sagadahoc, and croft, will give members of the com­ Cox was nominated by a two-thirds they are hereby bestowed ungrudg­ er was cared for by Hall. Grafton York, all in western Maine, except struck out, Condon singled and stole In the great majority of cases will mittee reports of conferences which vote. ingly. Penobscot. they held with leaders from other This discovery, if found to be ex­ Yesterday’s contest was essentially second: Feehan flied to Ludwig. They are Economical amply meet the situation. The car The question was discussed yes- States at the Cleveland convention. act, leaves the National Convention a pitcher's battle, aqd might have Fifth inning: Knight flied to owner thus politely admonished is j terday in many quarters as to what • • ♦ • Stone. Ludwig and Cameron fanned. free merely to formally adopt the lasted until darkness called a halt, They are Beautiful not likely again to offend the neces- remedy the voters of Randolph. Another Cleveland Convention rules of the last National Conven­ had not the Jinx suddenly dropped Stone was out, Murphy to Frank Skowhegan and some of the Aroos­ Stewart; Hall fanned, and Vinal fol-i sary regulations. This is not to say The conference for progressive po­ tion. after which a nomination could out of a clear sky and landed astrad­ took county towns had. who were litical action, whose convention in be niude by a majority vote. dle of, the luckless Rockland team’s lowed Stone’s example.
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