ALL THE NEWS OT SECTION BED BANK and Surroundln* Towm Told Ttmti—ir a»« Without »•• RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 18. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1940. PAGES 1 TO 12. Eastern Star Auxiliary To Old Farm Sold Rumson Symphonic Tag Day For At Oceanport Elks Not To Move Evening Group Given Chapter Honors Give Inhalator Ray H. Stlllman, real estate broker Group Set Dates Riverview To of Eatontown, ha* just consummated Out of Building the aale of an old-fashioned farm October 17th, 1040. 1940-41 Year Books District Deputy To Hospital house on the Eatontown-Oceanport Of Four Concerts Open Friday Mr. Thomas Irving Brown boulevard In Oceanport for the Rev. Editor. Red Bank Register, Banquet and Reception Red Bank Group Frederick H. Sterne, pastor of the Firit November 17— Ways and Means Group Red Bank, N. J. Endicott, New York Baptist church Club To Hold Annual Kiddies' Given at Masonic Gives $500 to to Mre. Victor Hugo Llndlahr of Russell B. Kingman to Hold Tour, Dance Dear Brother Brown: Deal, I have been instructed by Temple, Long Branch Monmouth Memorial The houae contains aeven rooms to Be Guest Artist and Perfume Sales Red Bank Lodge B. P. O. K. Halloween Party Saturday and bath, and was modernized a No. 233, to officially notify you that this lodge does not intend short time ago. The lot Is 100x150 The Rumson Symphonic society Red Bank auxiliary of Riverview The 1940-1911 year books of the Uirnbtn of Red Bank Eastern Red Bank auxiliary of Monmouth to move out of its building, Famous Women from History aa4 feet In alze on which there is also a will open Its 1940-1941 season at ahospital will conduct a tag day at evening group of the Red Bank Star chapter gav* a banquet and re. Memorial hospital voted Monday to also to the effect that no ne- Literature." hits. King i.i chalrmaa two-car garage. Mrs. Llndlahr bought concert Sunday afternoon, Novem- Red Bank tomorrow and Saturday. Woman's club were distributed at a ceptlon In honor sf Mia. Elizabeth give a new electric Inhalator to the gotiations of any kind have of the hostess committee. the property a* an Investment. ber 17, in the Rumson high school Plans for the event were made at a been made with the Riverview meeting of the club Monday night ThlMmeyer of Rumson, worthy dis- hospital as a Christmas gift and The garden department will meet auditorium. The society ha* ar- meeting of the auxiliary ways and hospital or anyone else to take j at the clubhouse. The hooks have March 11 and discusa "Preparation trict deputy of the 15th district, to contribute about a dozen layettea ranged to present three more' con- means committee Thursday at the the building over, I an attractive cover of light blue of Soil, Pruning, Shrubs and Spray- Thursday night at the Masonic to the welfare department. The certs later in the year. home of Mrs. Thomas N. Doremus : printed in white with a monogram ing." tempi*, Long Branch, The banquet auxiliary meeting was held at the Fraternally Yours, Quad Club To Walter Pfelffer, conductor of the on Vista place. j designed by Miss Kuth Clayton, The annual election of officer*will was attended by 256 guests and more home of Mrs. H. Norman Hoyt on Harold A. Giblin orchestra, which is made up of 50 Mrs. Doremus, chairman of the i The books were compiled by the be held at the March 17 irnetinf, than 400 attended the reception Maple uvenua. Secretary. musicians living in various sections way* and means committee, will be i club president, Mrs. Herbert P. The American home and literature which wa« held following the ban- The Inhalator will be uatd in Honor Eligible* of Monmouth county, has announced j assisted by committee members and ! Schaeffer; club vice-president, Mrs. departments will be entertained with quit. treating croup, asthma, Influenza the schedule for the coming pro- Lawrence J. Schilling; Mrs. Edgar a program given by student! from Mrs, Helen N, Laubcr of Rumson, and other respiratory diatui'bancea. Mrs. Charles M, Hilton, auxiliary grams. Sunday afternoon, January V. Denise, program chairman, anil the New Jersey College for Woman. worthy matron of the Red Hank The layettea will be be given to In Line For Draft president. Members of the junior Hintelmann For 12, 1941, the society will have Ralph Mrs. Alvln Parker, Miss Helen Maz- "Chamber and Program Music" will chapter, ualsted by chapter mem- needy maternity patient*. auxiliary will assist with tho tag day Gancl, pianist, as its guest artist. xa and Miss Louella Frey, year book be discussed by the music depart- ban, arranged the event. Guest* In- The auxiliary ia making plana for sales. committee members. Plan Dance for Frances Rlaisdcll, formerly of Red Election Revision ment. Mrs. VanNostrand is chair- cluded Mra. Hazel H. Nuttall of Tea- a large contribution of money in It was rpported that the historical Bank, foremost woman flutist, will man of hostesses. neck, atate grand matron, Clifford the spring when the organization tour held last week was successful. The following program has been Saturday, November 2, appear at the Wednesday night, I The tour guests visited the Mon- Officers will be Installed at the Uarbourt, Hamilton Square, atate reaches the end of Ita fiscal year. planned for the coming winter March 8, program. The final pro- | mouth County Historical association Assembly Nominee April 7 meeting and the drama de- grand patron; Mra. Lillian Harris, The contribution will be given to months: Monday, November 4, will at Pleasant Inn he American home night, in charge partment, under the direction of lira. Belleville, atate grand aaaoclate ma- the fund for the building of the gram of the orchestra's season will building at Freehold and Old Ten- Back* Edison Program be Wednesday, April 30. Joan Field, nent church. The next historical of Mrs, Philip T. Smith and Mrs. Peter Pingltore, will present a play. tron; Mra. Olga Bradshaw, Ridge- north wing of the new Institution. Mrs. Ross Wiley Is chairman of th« The ball room of Pleasant Inn will violinist, will be guest artist. tour will be Wednesday, November Joseph P. Hintelmann of Red Stanley A. Haviland, co-chairmen of fleld, atate treasurer; Mis. Clara To date this auxiliary ha* given the American home department. hostess committee. The American Kinsley, Hackerutack, grand con- morn than $500 to that fund. ba the acene of the Conscription Ml™ Blaisdcll is flute soloist with 13. The group will visit Princeton, Bank, one of the Democratic can- dance to be sponsored by the Red Phil Splt&lny'a All Girl orchestra of have luncheon at the Walker Gordon Miss Clarice Young of L. Bamber- home, garden and music depart' ductress; Mra, Grace Struckcn, Jer- Mrs. Hoyt announced a food aale didates for assembly, lias issued the nd company will speak on ments will combine their meeting! sey City, associate grand cou- to be held Thursday, November 7, Bank Quadrangle club Saturday radio fame, and Miss Field |« ap- dairy and then visit the Fulper pot- following statement, In which he ad- ] %1r_ pearing this season with many of "Accessories in the Home." Mrsan. d hear Kenneth Klein, director of ductreaa; Mra. Olive Rne, Loch Ar- in a store at 16 East Front street. night, November 2. Bill Goode's or- tery plant at Plemington. At Fletn- vocates revision of the election law, the conceit department of Town chestra will furnish the dance music. the leading orchestras of the coun- ington they will nee a demonstration Harvey Smock is chairman of the bor, grand electra; Mia. Anna de la Mrs. Irving Feist, auxiliary presi- stringent economy in governmental hostess committee. * Hall, New York, speak on "Active Reuaaille, Red Hank, state past dent, has donated a turkey to he The social will be a farewell party try as violin virtuoso. on how pottery Is made and tea will Listening." The literature and drama grand matron, and G. Warren awarded at Thanksgiving and Mra. for all member* of the club as well Russell B. Kingham of Orange will be served. The garden department will meet departments will discuss "The Tha- Aumack, Red Bank, worthy putrun Alfred Edwards will give a furit aa for all other young men between be guest artlsst at the November 17 Tentative plans were made for a Tuesday afternoon, November 12. atcr." Mrs. Forrest Gilbert ia hoat- of Bed Bank chapter. cake to be awarded at Christmas the agea of 21 and 35, Inclusive. The concert. This artist has appeared dance to be held Saturday, Decem- The topics to he discussed are ess committee chairman. Guests alao Included past grand time. Plans were also discussed for club is made up of young men and as cello soloist with prominent or- ber 28, bi Joseph's Hunting lodge at "Forcing Winter Blooms," and "This Country club, West Purchase and Care of Garden Tools." The club will hold ita annual matron* and patrons of the atale; Valentine card party February will lose a number of members be- chestras both in this country and the Norwood cause of the selective service pro- abroad. As a special feature Mr. Long Branch. Mrs. W. H. J. Gwyer Mrs. Irwin D. Campbell and Mrs. mother-daughter banquet May ft, worthy district deputies of the state, 14. Mrs. Sherwood is general chairman Members did mending for thgrame . Kingman will play the "Adagio" from is chairman of the "mile of pennies" I James G. VanNostrand are co-chair- atata grand representatives; and the I men of the department.
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