Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 27 September 2018 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the South team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Approve - Conditions 10 2017/07893/PA 1200 Stratford Road Hall Green Birmingham B28 8HN Demolition of existing building and erection of a drive-thru restaurant (Use Class A3/A5) with associated car parking, access, servicing, landscaping and ancillary works Approve - Conditions 11 2018/05364/PA The Clock Tower Building Former Martineau Centre Balden Road Harborne Birmingham B32 2EH Change of use from offices (Use Class B1a) to 7 no. residential townhouse dwellings (Use Class C3) and associated external alterations, infrastructure, landscaping and parking. Approve - Conditions 12 2018/06195/PA 24 Hampshire Drive Edgbaston Birmingham B15 3NZ Erection of two storey rear and single storey side extensions Page 1 of 2 Corporate Director, Economy No Prior Approval Required 13 2018/06202/PA York Road Former Hall Green Greyhound Stadium Hall Green Birmingham B28 8JR Application for Prior Notification for the proposed telecommunications installation of 20m monopole structure supporting 3 no. antennas and 2 no. microwave dishes, 3 no. radio equipment cabinets, installation of 2.1m high palisade fencing and associated works Approve - Conditions 14 2018/04103/PA York Road Former Hall Green Greyhound Stadium Hall Green Birmingham B28 8LQ Demolition of Hall Green stadium and residential development of up to 210 dwellings (approval of reserved matters) Approve - Conditions 15 2018/05609/PA 16 Pavenham Drive Edgbaston Birmingham B5 7TW Erection of two storey rear extension and alterations to increase roof height. Page 2 of 2 Corporate Director, Economy Committee Date: 27/09/2018 Application Number: 2017/07893/PA Accepted: 15/09/2017 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 10/11/2017 Ward: Hall Green North 1200 Stratford Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, B28 8HN Demolition of existing building and erection of a drive-thru restaurant (Use Class A3/A5) with associated car parking, access, servicing, landscaping and ancillary works Applicant: Kentucky Fried Chicken (Great Britain) Ltd C/o Agent Agent: Savills Innovation Court, 121 Edmund Street, Birmingham, B3 2HJ Recommendation Approve subject to Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Link to Documents 1.2. Planning permission is sought for the demolition of a small office building associated with the existing car sales use of the site (Sui-Generis) and the replacement erection on the site of a single storey drive-thru restaurant building (Use Classes A3/A5) with associated car parking, vehicular access and landscaping. 1.3. The proposed drive-thru building would be sited towards the south western end of the site, fronting on to and perpendicular to, Stratford Road. The single width drive- thru lane would operate in a clockwise direction around the building. A new two way vehicular access off Welby Road would be created adjacent to No. 5 Welby Road. It would provide access to tarmacadam car parking areas along the north eastern and eastern parts of the site. Block paving would be laid in between the proposed drive- thru building and car parking/vehicular access areas, with soft landscaping laid to all the site boundaries, including Stratford Road. 1.4. The proposed drive-thru building would be set back from Stratford Road by 8.4m. It would measure 20.5m in length, and a maximum of 13.5m in width. It would be rectangular in shape, with a small sized order kiosk attached to its northern elevation. The gross internal floor area would be 186sqm in size. The proposed building would have a low angled mono-pitched roof, with a height of 5.1m at its front end (west) reducing in height down to 4.5m at its rear end (east). The roof would oversail the building on all sides, to a maximum of 2.5m at its front end, with a fascia comprising of grey powder coated aluminium. It would comprise of red facing brickwork with its base in blue facing brickwork. The central section of north and south facades would be clad in horizontal composite timber effect cladding panels. The front (west) elevation of the proposed building would comprise of glazed curtain walling. Page 1 of 14 1.5. The two existing vehicular accesses/footway crossings into the site - one off Welby Road and one off Stratford Road - would be removed and a new two way vehicular access would be created 10m along Welby Road from its junction with Stratford Road. The new access would measure 15.5m at its widest where it joins Welby Road, and 6m in width within the site. A new footpath link would be created from the application site to Stratford Road, providing direct pedestrian access to the front doors of the proposed building. 1.6. Turf would be laid around site boundaries, with the widest landscaped strip being located at the junction of Welby Road and Stratford Road. Six new trees would be planted on the site, five along the boundary with neighbouring residential properties. 1.7. The front boundary treatment to Stratford Road would comprise of 0.7m high brick wall. A new 2.5m high acoustic fence would be installed along the remaining site boundaries. 1.8. 13 new lighting columns would be installed within the site and around its perimeter, with all columns having a height of 6m, the exception being the two columns proposed to be installed adjacent to the rear garden of No. 5 Welby Road which would measure 5m in height. 1.9. 14 full time and 26 part time jobs would be created as part of this development. 1.10. Proposed opening hours would be 1030-2300 hours daily. 1.11. A maximum of 50 covers would be accommodated within the proposed restaurant building. 1.12. Three leylandii trees would be removed in the northern corner of the site adjacent to No. 5 Welby Road. 1.13. The site area is 0.19ha. The development would not attract a CIL contribution. 1.14. An advertisement application has been submitted in conjunction with this planning application - for the display of 6 internally illuminated, 3 externally illuminated and 10 non-illuminated signs associated with the proposed drive-thru restaurant (2017/07911/PA). 1.15. A Transport Assessment, Travel Plan, Planning Statement, Noise Assessment, Lighting Scheme, and extraction and ventilation details have been submitted to support this planning application. 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site is located on the junction of Stratford Road (A34) and Welby Road. It is located within the Primary Shopping Area of an established centre, namely The Parade, Hall Green Neighbourhood Centre. Hall Green Railway Station is located opposite the site to the north. 2.2. The site comprises of tarmacadam hardstanding and is used for car sales (sui generis). There are two existing vehicular accesses/footway crossings into the site - one off Welby Road and one off Stratford Road. There is a small, single storey, brick-built office building located immediately adjacent to No. 5 Welby Road. The Page 2 of 14 site boundaries to Stratford Road and Welby Road comprise of low brick boundary walls with railings and the remaining site boundaries comprise of close boarded timber fencing. The site is generally level but with some dropping away at the boundaries towards adjacent residential uses. 2.3. Immediately adjoining the site to the north east is No. 5 Welby Road, a semi- detached dwellinghouse, with its rear garden extending along the length of the north east site boundary. Immediately adjoining the site to the east is the rear garden of No. 181 Brooklands Road, a semi-detached dwellinghouse. Immediately adjoining the site to the south is Southdell Garages – an M.O.T/service/car sales centre, with its single storey workshop building located to the rear of the site. The surrounding area is a mix of commercial and residential, with Stratford Road being commercial in character and Welby Road being residential in character. Immediately opposite the application site is 1199 Stratford Road, which is a Grade C locally listed building. 2.4. Site location 3. Planning History 3.1. 19.03.87 - 60412001 – Continuation of use of land for open car sales – Approved Subject to Conditions 3.2. 2017/07911/PA - Display of 6 internally illuminated, 3 externally illuminated and 10 non-illuminated signs associated with the proposed drive-thru restaurant – Awaiting determination 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Transportation Development – No objections, subject to conditions, on the basis of additional investigations, Stage 1 Road Safety Audit, CCTV survey and amended access design plans. 4.2. Regulatory Services – No objection – Subject to conditions requiring submission of details of the acoustic barrier fence to be provided; restriction on rating levels for cumulative noise from all plant and machinery; and that hours of use shall only be open for customers between the hours of 10:00-23:00 Sundays to Thursdays and 10:00-00:00 Fridays and Saturdays, and deliveries between 10:00 and 16:00 only. 4.3. West Midlands Police - No objection 4.4. Birmingham Public Health – No response received 4.5. Severn Trent Water – No objection – Subject to a condition requiring details of drainage 4.6. Network Rail – No objection – Recommend a number of measures to be agreed separately with Network Rail in respect of demolition works, piling works, earthworks, surface water, Risk Assessment and Method Statement, and Basic Asset Protection Agreement 4.7. Local occupiers, Ward Councillors, MP, four local schools/colleges, and resident associations notified. Site notice displayed - 48 letters of objection (including some Page 3 of 14 multiple submissions) and 1 letter of general comment received from local residents raising the following relevant concerns: - Already more than 10% hot food takeaways on Parade.
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