VOL. XXXIV. NO. at- PHILLIPS, MAINE, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1912 PRICE 4 CENTS BIG RIFLE SHOOT TO BE HELD PORTLAND. S T E V E N S I A rifle meet to contain as members national guardsmen of Maine, regular Repeating Shotgun No. 520 troops at the torts, and private citizens will be held in Portland in April, under SELF-LOADING SIX LIGHTNING SHOTS the auspices of the Ordinance depart­ SOLID BREECH ment of the state. Lieut. Col. John J. Dooley, chief ordinance officer, is now tHAMMERLESS at work on the details. It will be the Rifles s biggest event of the kind ever conduct­ The’ fastest and ed by the National guard of Maine. e a s i e s t operating Made In pump gun on the market. “ The last .32, .35, .351 and .401 Calibers OWNERS OF COTTAGES AT C0BB0S- word in Repeating SEEC0NTEE ON THE ANXIOUS There is nothing to take your mind off the game if you REPEATER Shotguns.” SEAT. shoot a Winchester Self-Loading Rifle. The recoil does the Cleaned from the breech reloading for you, which places complete control of the gun You can look through the B NON-BALKABLE. under the trigger finger, and permits shooting it as fast as barrel and see that it's clean. Augusta business and professional the trigger can be pulled. These rifles are made in calibers Simple take-down. You can remove P e r f e c t l y bal­ men who own cottages on the shores the breech block with your fingers. anced. of Cobbosseecontee lake have been suitable for hunting all kinds of game. They are safe, strong and simple in action; easy to load and unload and easy to take down. ib'hoot Remington: CMC List Price, (2 5 . made uneasy by a report that steps Lesmok .22s. They hold the would be taken in the near future to Ask your dealer to show you one, or send to the Winchester Repeating r world’s 100 shot record of 2,484 For sale by all clear the shores of all human habita­ Arms Company, New Haven, Connecticut, for a catalogue describing out of a possible 2,500. progressive m er­ tions in order to preserve the purity of THE TRIGGER CONTROLLED REPEATERS RemingtonrilMC—the perfect chants. INSIST ON the water, which is used by Gardiner shooting combination. and- Augusta as a water supply. Gar Write for a free ict o f Targets. STEVENS. diner is wholly dependent on the big Remington Anns-Union Metallic lake, while Augusta takes from Carle- Cartridge Co. Latest Catalog 299 Broadway, New York City ton pond, except in times of severe For Your Fishing Trip Try and “ How to Shoot drouths, when it too draws from the Well” mailed for the new'LESMOK.” big lake. At the present time there BALL’S GAMPS. asking. are cottages on the shores of Cobbos­ .22, seecontee to the number of 200 or more No place like it for salmon, also trout and laketrout. J. STEVENS ARMS 8 and it is estimated that they represent Send for book B. Grand Lake Stream, Maine. an investment of $200,000. T O O L C O . P. O. Box s o ; JOB PRINTING OF ALL KINDS. CHICOPEE FALL, MASS. Advertising Pays Y ou MOUNTAIN VIEW SEND FOR PRICES. Large Motor Boat Arrives For Look & NEW MODEL Mountain View House OF THE Mountain View, Maine . Tibbetts. For further particulars write or address L. E. BOW LEY, Trains May Be Running to Kennebago By First ot August ROYAL Mountain Yiew, . Maine. STANDARD Mountain View, Feb. 28, 1912. from Oquossoc to Kennebago, stopped Messrs. Look and Tibbetts were here here Tuesday night. He was accom­ TYPEWRITER one day last week to superintend the panied by his son, John McGregor and KENNEBAGO, unloading of a large motor boat which L. C. Wicham, one of the surveyors GRANT’S GAMPS At arrived by way of Oquossoc and was that run the line last summer. Wed­ MAINE toted to their camps at Kennebago lake Are situated in a great fishing section. When planning a trip either nesday all three set off up the right of for fishing or rest, it will pay to write for terms, etc. Separate camps, by Amos Ellis, where it will be run way on a tour of inspection returning fine table and an ideal spot to spend vacation days. next season in connection with the up home by way of Kennebago and Range- ED GRANT <KL SONS, Kennebago, Maine to date sporting camps being built by ley. It is not yet announced to whom these two young men. the bid has fallen but will be given this Don, the bull dog, formerly owned by | week and work is to begin at once, as George Fanjoy, killed a deer on the they hope to have trains running to road between Indian Rock and Berlin Kennebago by the first of August. HAS TWO-COLOR RIBBONS, Brown’s Camps, Lake Kezar. Mills Co’s, store house but Otis Bean to Mr. L. E. Bowley and Mr. Winnie BACK-SPACER, TABULATOR For your Spring Fishing Trip why not come where the salmon are large whom Fanjoy had given the dog, had Tibbetts attended the Auto Show in and many new and valuable patented enough to interest you. The average weight of salmon here for the past him killed immediately. Portland last week. Although the five seasons has been seven pounds. We also offer you private cabins features that other typewriters do not with open fire, bath, twin beds, etc. Bass fishing is unsurpassed. Write James McGregor of the firm of Mc­ weather was bad, yet they reported a us forbooklet, rates and detailed information. Address Gregor Bro’s. contractors at Rumford, good time and a fine array of cars. have. B. E. BROWN, Center Lovell, Maine. who have a bid in for the building of They returned home the last of the the Maine Central railroad extensio week. PRICE, $75 Send for “ The Royal Book,” 32 TOWN MEETINGS. ment of taxes, $50; memorial purposes, pages of typewriter information— $10; state road, $200. the finest typewriter catalog ever KIN3FIELD. issued. Yours for a postal card. TIM POND CAMPS BYRON. Open when the ice leaves the lake. We guarantee both bait and fly- j:|: At town meeting H. S. Wing was Town meeting passed off with but ROYAL TYPEWRITER GO. | f fishing and catch trout. Telephone, daily mail. Write for 1912 booklet. £: chosen moderator and R. L. Kimball, litt’e excitement, and no opposition to 1 JU LIAN K. VILES & SON, Fraaklin Co- Tim- Maaie- | clerk. Officers elected are: F. E. Boy­ mention. J. E. Shaw was chosen mod­ Royal Typewriter Bldg., - New Yorfc nton, O. C. Dolbier, J. E. Voter, se­ erator and H. H. Richards, clerk. Un­ 268 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass lectmen; R. L. Kimball clerk; George der article 4th the following officers H. Winter, treasurer; George A. Sim­ were elected: Selectmen, etc., H. H. mons, collector; C. O. Wilkins, auditor; Richards, S. E. Pressey, Robert Whyte, L. A. Norton, member of school board; member on school committee, C. K. SPRING FISHING H. Woodcock, road commissioner. Hodsdon; Treasurer, E. G. Knajp; SEASON OF 1912 Sums of money amounting to $9,424 Road commissioners, E. G. Knapp, L. were raised. The contract with the A. Mason, W . C. Easter; Surveyors of THE SANDY RIVER AND RANGELEY LAKES RAILROAD Huse, Spool & Bobbin Company for lumber, L. A. Dunn, G. H. Ladd, S. E. street lighting was renewed. Pressey, A. A. Richmond; Truant offi­ Publishes a beautiful little Booklet in colors, cer, F. L. Knapp. AVON. Under article 15, $1700 was raised for -entitled “FISHING”. It tells all about where to go, Avon town meeting in spite of the school, roads, bridges, etc. A ten per in the Pangeley and Dead River Regions of Maine, bad roads brought out more than the cent discount was voted for prompt and contains an accurate Map of this Territory. usual crowd. Enthusiasm ran high payment, of taxes, same as last year. from start to finish. The main contest F. D. Abbott was elected collector of Add ress with stamp, was on selectmen. Officers elected: taxes and constable, $.015 on the dollar Tn The Maine Woods Moderator, Hon. Joel Wilbur; Town for collection, The treasurer was F. N. BEAL, G. P. R., Phillips, Mainer authorized to borrow money for use of : Clerk, H. W. Worthley; Selectmen, Sportsmen’s Guide Book G. F. Beal, G. H. Hamlin, Fred Ray­ town, under article nine. The town j mond; Treasurer, H. W. Worthley; voted “ yes” on state road, article ten, llth Annual Edition School committee, C. H. Leighton; and under article eleven raised $200, Published by the superintendent of schools, H. W. the maximum amount for state road. GO TO JOE’S Worthley. Appropriations: Support of It was voted to leave it with road com­ BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R. JOE WHITE RUNS BLAKESLEE LAKE GAMPS in the school, $500; text books, $50; High missioner to make wider the Marden Msi’ed anywhere for 15 cents in stamps. Dead River Region, where you can catch trout every day in school, $100; town charges, $50; town road. Article 13 to buy a snow roller Address Seo. M. Houghton, the season. That’s the point and that’s the fact. Write to officers’ bills, $300; town debts, $500; was passed over. The meeting was Passenger Traffic Manager, JOE WHITE, Eustis, Me,. For Booklet and Particulars. support of poor, $400; roads and bridg­ then adjourned, being in session only Bangor, Maine.
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