Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 1-31-2002 Arbiter, January 31 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Bols~eijf ,si;!ta'1'~t~e~u"'l'J,iu~. v~ersl;.<~% .'.e='.·.·..•.••••..===- Vol. 15 Issue '36, First Copy Fre~ - January 31, 2002 et Oass. on making posi~ve changes and improving self· esteemoffered Ruch refuses to resign Are you in transition or thinking ofmaking a change in your life, such as starting a new job or going back to school? . 'A free; class in Nampa offeredby the CenterforNew Directions at Boise State is designed to prepare you for . new changes in your life and help you build skills for per- sonal and careersuccess. .Topicsinclude identifying your. personal strengths, exploring a career that fits, planning for your.career and creatinga supportsystem, The Center' for New Directions is a' unit .of the Selland College of Applied Technology.The goal of the center is to help people improvetheir livesand make President's significant .positive career changes. Gasses are offeredat no charge on a varietyoftopics leadership includingfinancialaid for col- legeandjobreadiness. challenged The class will ronTuesdays from10 am. to noon Feb.5-26 By Andy Benson and 1]1'.: in Room140 ofthe Boise State Mary Marggret Rice Canyon County Center, 2407 Tile Arbiter I . CaldwellBlvd.inNampa.Call 426-4721 to register. Boise State President Charles Ruch said he feels ! I Workshop on the basics of students' pain - but won't .1, self-esteemavailable resign. On Tuesday, , ASBSU t ,.r Life experiencescart add to President Nate Peterson or take away one's sense of announced he would circu- self-confidence.If you experi- late a petition calling for PhoIo by Ted HannOn, The ArtlIler. ence -drcumstances that Ruch to resign or re-think his ASBSU senators applaud Nate Peterson after he was finished speaking about the petltlcn that calls for President Ruch's resignation. demand personal changes, leadership. you may suddenly,find your- Peterson cited Ruch's .Idaho president. Peterson money spent then could have self feelingfrozenwithfear. resIJonse to' challenges such and media, some of whom resign. been available now .to pre- Fortunately, self-esteem as the budget crisis, the new " Peterson made a point of said Hoover has held town were forced to sit on the floor hall meetings and created a serve faculty and services. can increaseif you know a bit $85,000 logo and the to listen. The majority of the thanking' the BSU vice presi- "We can't risk another about making ,changes in PeopleSoft cost overruns as dents for their willingness to web site specifically to Senate members lined up address student concerns mistake like that again," times of, uncertainty. Learn examples of what he charac- behind Peterson in support. work with student leaders, Peterson said. how to practicethe basicsthat . terizedas Ruch's ineffective and singled out Peg Blake, regarding budget cuts. However, Ruch said he is "I know. more about how After his address, will help you achievehealthy leadership. vice president of Student the right person at the right they are dealing with cuts up Peterson took the opportuni- self-esteem through a free The announcement was time to lead Boise State. Affairs, as someone who ty to become. the first signer workshop'offered by. the made during Peterson's State worked to create new, trust there than. I know about "I don't agree with the res- Boise State University's ofthe petition. Center for New Directions-at of the.Students address prior ignation proposal. I 'do not , with students. ButPetersori In a Tuesday interview Boise State. Topics. include' to the ASBStr Senate meet- was unflinching in his criti- plans," Peterson said; 'I wish to resign," he said. Peterson listed several with . the Arbiter, Ruch \ . dea1ingwith transition, atti-' ing. Ruch said he was aware cism of Ruch. ' ' defended himself against [ other issues that have created I . tudes for success, leaming"]' Peterson gave the address the press conference was Peterson compared Ruch various charges, including an how to encourage yourself, to a packed room of students to Bob Hoover, University of. tension between student coming but never planned to leadership and the adminis- unpopular $150,000 retire- managingstressand personal tration .. ment bonus provided by the goalSetting~. Problems include Ruch's BSU Foundation. Theworkshopwillmeet on commitment to expanding . "I did not ask for the TuesdaymorningsfromFeb.5 BSU West in Nampa .at the annuity. It came from the throughMuch 5 at theCenter expense of existing faculty University Foundation. It .for New Directions'near the and an unwillingness to find came .from foundation dol- Boise State campus, 1226 creative ways to match the lars. You need to talk to Belmont, on the comer of Promise Scholarship. them," he said . Belmontand Euclid.Call 426 Peterson also said Ruch Ruch said annuities were . 4026 to register. has displayed a lack of empa- awarded to University of thy for students who are Idaho and Idaho State Les Bois'pianoquartet struggling to make tuition, University presidents .as perfonns at BSU and created a false dichoto- well. my of students versus ~culty Ruch also said spending TheLes Bois PianoQuartet over student fees.' . money to renovate his future will givea concertat4 p.m.on On the issue of BSU's new home on Warm Springs is Sunday, Feb. 17, in thl,! logo, Peterson criticized it as not his decision. MorrisonCenterRecitalHall, an example of frivolous "I have to live in the nus Boise State music spending, noting that it was house. It is a requirement department's resident faculty in conflict with Gov. Dirk that I live in the house," he ensemble is comprised of Kempthorne's "Buy Idaho" said. pianistDel Parkinson,violinist campaign. Peterson said the Ruch said it is not his Craig Purdy, violist Linda logo should have been creat- house, but the University's. Kline Lamar and cellist J. ed by university talent or by. In addition, Ruch said he WallisBratt. -, . a local business. has only good will toward The ensemblewill openthe Regarding the PeopleSoft Peterson and the student concert .with the seldom- cost overruns, Peterson blast- body. played.'"Piano' QuarIcl in A ed Ruch's decision to pay for "This university is so Minor," a piece by Spanish the overruns with savings important that we want to composerJoaquinTurina.The Photo by Ted Hannon, The.Arblter. from faculty salaries and stu- move it forward and have it program will .oontinueWith dent bonds, saying that the get even better," he said. works' including. "G Minor linran Ail(right) hands a petition to Tobin Stelskal to be circulated throughout the student body. Piano.Quai'tet" by Johannes Brahms, "Three.String Trio" and "Four Miniatures for Equal rights functions Three Strings," both by 20th century . composer .Vaclav Student draws vveapon need attention at BSU' NelhybeLTIcketsareavailable at the. door fo,r$q. ~eraJ admission,$3 seniorsand free . in Student Union By Mary Maraaret Rice, march; workshops and a to studentsand Boise Statefao- the three people involved, meet one another again on The s.peeartechr.bY.RUb..in... "HJ,UTican.e" By,Amy Wegner -r:.. .' ulty and staff.Forinformation, Rouse said. campus that day. After . Cart . cal1~980. The Arbiter At this point, it is doubt- meeting accidentally, Martin LutherKingHuman.·· The week took four months Tempers flared in the ful that any of the three stu- words were exchanged in Rights Celebration organizers - to plan. Efforts started in late I SUB last week. dents, involved will be such a way: that one of the hope to see more . student September. Two weeks were '. ! g • f On Jan. 21, at a about expelled from campus; '. men thought it was neces- inV.e).I.V..e.ment nex.. ty.ear, CI.·tin. g...a, spen! ..·pl.·ckin '. th..·e .:th. em.e.: 6:45 p.m" two students It is a situation that sary to pull a knife in order lack of volunteers "for. this: "RaCism: Understand It, I approached another. to protect himself. yeax'slumualHuman Rights .Ai:ceptitj.Defeatit~:·<·en student. Words were . "Even though the Celel>rations.'·.: "•........ More.thnewas'tak in exchanged. One of the knife was pulled and ; The more people that get ··selectIon ofwott<S.'toptopics students pulled a knife "Even. though the knife displayed, it wasn't: involvecLtheeasieritbecomes, ..andJeaders,andfin:dinga News on the two students, was pul.lea and dis- used, in an aggres'- foreachpersontounderstand,;keynotespeaker.Committee reportedly near the sive or threatening the definition of iaciSm,and" member5spent,countless pool tables. ,played, itwa$n't used . manner. It was just broaden<their horizOns, hoursservipgtime on: the stu- Noone was injured '';nan avgresst'.v·.e..or . ' used to hold off the,expl8.in~d,·ASB!3U Senator dentled'arid,ree,resented,~m· in the fight, ilnd all • p' . other two ,men'." .ClliistOpherMathias' mittee,bUt;meiriberit~ythe three agreed not to threatentng manner. It Rouse said. "At a'sclioorthiSsize,it's time was wOrth.ili ' "":e- , press any charges. ' t . d t h ld Campus security kirid of ridiculous there's only .Their vieWpoint "w$, if a •. A police .report was was JUS use .' 0, . ° . reports' that .no a handful of us: trying to. do few people learned a fair filed, according to off the other.tw.o:.me!,.'~, aggravated ,.asl'lault. 8Q ae ,one"oithe amount about human righlt>.
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