THE PHOENIX PROJECT / “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD!” VOtUiVlE 7, NUMBER 11 NEWS REVIEW $ 3.00 JANUARY 10, 1995 Real War IS On: The. Mental Battlefield “Year Of The PatrioP?? 1/9/-9S#t HATONN It is long past time you citizens awaken to the biggest lies of all foisted off against you. While you THOUGHT you had a Space Program and wondrous INSIDE THIS ISSUE Shuttles moving back and forth into space-you have had lies, lies and more lies from the Elite One Worlders. Russia, on the other hand, has had Particle Beam The CIA’s Nugan Hand Bank-Busy Little Money-Go-Round, p.2 weaponry and Cosmospherks in the heavens with destroy-the-world capability since before your Space Program ever got started. Is it not time you listen to the Robber-publicans’ New Look Is Same Old Agenda, p.2 patriot-brothers who have THE FACTS and risk all to present this information? Patience For A Bit Longer, p.4 May you read this information with great and overwhelming attention and alarm. Every issue of this newspaper SHOULD be Number One on the Best- Nevada Corporations: Seller list of every nation-yet they are buried or burned by the Would Be Puppet-Masters. FREEDOM IS YOUR CHOICE. 1995 IS THE YEAR OF Your Financial Defense Against The New World Order! p.8 DECISION! Kissinger’s Parasite “Family” Squirming To Remain Hidden, p.9 I take from Ronn Jackson’s motto for this year: “1995-The Year of the Patriot”. It is now come to pass, citizens, that this is THE YEAR or you may as Important Points About Parasites, p. 11 well lie down and perish. If you “start”, you CAN finish-if you want to do so. As you read this issue of the paper, you who are regular readers will find UFOs, The Grand Deception & The Coming New World Order, p.12 very little that is really “new”. Please read it all AGAIN because you will find The News Desk, p. 19 the information we’ve given you over past years is now documented, proven and the investigators are COMING FORWARD and COMING UNDER MY Scientist Seeking Meteorite In Inyo County From Fireball, p.21 PROTECTION. If you have bad “aliens’‘-you ALSO HAVE “GOOD” ONES! To Separate Truth From Scam Always Keep Eyes Open! p.22 If YOU are a servant of the Adversary of Freedom-you are ‘rthe” enemy. We, however, DONOT go to war with bullets. If there is a battle-it MUST BE Weaver Travesty News Update, p.23 (Please see War’ On Mental Battlefield, p.58 ) Keeping An Eye On Shenanigans By Elite Crooks, p.24 Fire From The Sky: Battle Of Harvest Moon & CONTACT True Story Of Space Shuttles, Parts S-8, p.27 P-0. Box 27800 U.S. POSTAGE Las Vegas, NV 89126 Have You Done Your Part To Turn This Nation Around? p.36 Mojave, Ca. 93501 Update On Richard Wayne Snell, p.37 FIRST CLASS MAIL Permit No. 110’ Recent Messages From Ronn Jackson: “Year Of The Patriot”, p.38 Update From Michael Maholy, p.39 Secret Underground Bases-u Little” Military Surprise, p.40 Now You See It, Now You Don’t: How The Banksiers Control Your Life, p.53 New Gaia Offers Nature’s Products, p.60 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PR,QJECT The CIA'sNiiian Hand Bank Busvd Little. .Monev-Go-Round J l/2/94 #2 HATONN “Suiciding” is the leading cause of MURDER cur- DONALD BEAZLEY, head of Nugan Hand operations rently known to man.] and later president of a Miami bank owned bv a To make a point of which our readers will not have had MICHAEL HAND, ex-Green Beret (H: A friend of Col. Colombian wheeler-dealer. [H: Who in turn was duplication of the writing, we will offer something from Bo Gritz perhaps?] CIA contact agent, and Nugan’s well-known by the Bush brushlets.] one we’ll call “Clarity” from the year 1984 (April) in business partner, fled Australia after Nugan’s death; MITCHELL WERBELL III, CIA mercenary recruited PENTHOUSE, The International Magazine for Men. The his whereabouts are unknown. [H: Really???J for Caribbean resettlement to Meo refugees and paid latter statement is a bit sick in its own right. I suppose, GENERAL EDWIN F. BLACK, commander of U.S. by Nugan Hand bank. however, that this would be where most International troops in Thailand during the Vietnam War and later TIRATH KHEMLANI, Pakistani trader who worked with Leaders would first LOOK.(???) assistant army chief of staff for the Pacific, was presi- the CIA on the Whitlam “coup”, was convicted in the dent of Nugan Hand’s Hawaiian operations. U.S. of an organized-crime swindle. [QUOTING, PART I:] EARL P. “BUDDY” YATES, retired rear admiral and GOUGH WHITLAM, Australia’s PRIME MINISTER former chief of staff for strategic planning with U.S. until 1975, when a CIA disinformation campaign fi- BLOOD MONEY forces in Asia and the Pacific, was Nugan Hand’s nanced by Nugan Hand contributed to his government’s president. fall. THE STORY OF THE CIA’s NUGAN HAND WILLIAM COLBY, CIA director from 1973 to 1976, JAMES CAIRNS, Whitlam’s deputy prime minister, was BANK-ANINSTITUTIONCOMWTTED TO HEROIN was a Nugan Hand lawyer. politically ruined by a CIA disinformation campaign. DEALING, MONEY LAUNDERING, ARMS TRAF- THEODORE S. SHACKLEY, former No. 2 in charge of JOHN KERR, the British Crown’s CIA-linked represen- FICKING, AND COVERT DIRTY TRICKS. By Penny CIA clandestine services, former head of CIA covert tative in Australia, sacked Whitlam. Lernoux. (H: I would suggest that this only touches on operations in the Far East, and an Edwin P. Wilson the activities but it is “new” to the readers and not quite associate. (H: Now to continue:] as boring as repetition over and over again about BCCI, EDWIN P. WILSON, former CIA agent and arms trader At the time of his death, 37-year-old Frank Nugan was Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland, The who used the Nugan Hand Bank for undercover opera- facing criminal charges for defrauding shareholders in the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. All tions. Convicted of smuggling arms to Libya. Nugan family food business. Auditors had discovered big our stories have a lot of intrigue and eye-opening infor- BERNIE HOUGHTON, former undercover agent with cash payoffs by the company to people apparently linked to mation -so please feel free to subscribe, for you get a U.S. Naval Intelligence, was Nugan Hand’s repre- drug trafficking. Three months later, after the Nugan Hand whole bunch for your investment in CONTACT. Surely sentative in Saudi Arabia; in hiding. Bank collapsed, it was learned that Nugan had illegally you tax beneficiaries and World Order rip-offers have TOM CLINES, director of training in the CIA’s clandes- diverted S 1.6 million of the bank’s money to the family funds for a little newspaper? By the way, Clarity, I tine services and later with the Wilson-trained inter- business. [H: More like over $3 Billion.] The bank’s have been hand-delivered your documents and I am in national trading firm A.P.I. DISTRIBUTORS, was directors knew of Nugan’s legal troubles, and one of them great appreciation--they go WITH other documents involved in the Nugan Hand takeover of a London frequently accompanied him to the hearings that led to which we will be moving toward, in focus, a bit later bank. formal charges. This man was General Edwin F. Black, on.] GENERAL RICHARD C. SECORD, former Middle East former commander of troops in Thailand during the Viet- Early on a Sunday morning in January 1980, two adviser to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, nam War and later assistant army chief of staff in the policemen driving along a lonely stretch of highway near introduced Clines and Shackley to Houghton. Pacific. He was then the Nugan Hand Bank’s representa- the Australian city of Sydney came upon a Mercedes-Benz sedan with its lights on. Inside the car slumped across the front seat in a pool of blood was the body of a middle-aged man. In the dead man’s pockets the police found the business card of WILLIAM COLBY, a Washington law- Robber-publicans’New Look yer who three years earlier had been director of the Central Intelligence Agency. On the back of the card was the itinerary of a trip Colby intended to make to Asia. Next to the body was a new rifle. Alongside it was a Bible with a meat-pie wrapper as a place mark. On the wrapper were scrawled names-William Colby’s and Is Same Old Agenda California Congressman Bob Wilson’s, Wilson was then the ranking Republican member of the House Armed Ser- l/2/95 #2 HATONN IN AMERICA, THE LAND OF THE FREE, UNDER GOD, vices Committee. WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, THIS AC- The dead man turned out to be a Sydney (Australia) Just in case the Governor and Governors and politi- TIVITY IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. merchant banker named Frank Nugan. He was a co-owner cians think that we do not KNOW what has been, AND IS, of the Nugan Hand Bank, an Australian bank with 22 going on around and about the nations in the control of CLINTONISTAS AND branches worldwide. Investigators at first theorized that Elite and Evil Onk Worlders-we are going to continue to THE ROBBER-PUBLICANS’ AGENDA Frank Nugan had killed himself because of business share tid-bits wh?ch might well enlighten you “unknow- troubles.
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