PORTLAND m DAILY PRESS. 'IWIMlim——— U—>——U—————M—1—1— —* —— llil WTll— W III III 111 l| Wllimu—WWI1 1———T^***"*—WT———M—IBMMBLMI—.IUWH JI.11I ^"r~n~—n— iumuhuu LtxuiunLjujMm——a——m—n——— ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862..--Y0L. U. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 24. 1876. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUMjINADYANCE. ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. WANTS. BOARD. Db. Hamlin seems to prefer that Turkey _____ THE PRESS. _MISCELLANEOUS._ should not become a Christian State unless it Business Wanted, Board. can become his particular kind. This $11 CENTENNIAL J $11 Tuesday istg feeling TWO EXHIBITIONS a or mormyg, oct. 24, $11 party with good experience, (chiefly in flour,) ii.’gcntlcmen'XIarg efront ronmw) may be Christian, but it looks more like sec- CENTENNIAL ! $11 BY and having a few thousand dollars in cash. FOIt»* 31 JELjI hTKBET. THE octl4 tarian -OF- PIANO-FORTE WAR Address .-A. B. B. B eod2w* bigotry. We do not communi- -- read anonymous letters and $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 P. O. 1 —— still and while oct2Id2w»_Portland cations. The name and address of the writer are In $11 goes on, most other first-class makers are quarreling Boarders Wauled. CENTENNIAL J $11 as to who received TIIE All cases indispensable, not necessarily for publication Our New York Letter. FIRST PRIZE at the Centennial, the fflWG single gentlemen and a number of table but as a ART PICTURES Wanted ! JL boarders can find excellent accommodation at guaranty of good faith. Don’t a Second-Class Route w hen go by 2U4 Congress street, up oc20-dlw We cannot undeitake to return or reserve commu- — AND — Blairs,_ (mu the First-Class Route you go b.v lO YOUNG MEN lO nications that are not used. municipal Politics—Mtruggliug for the at the Lowest Rates. To Bonrders. —AND— Spoil*—The Opposing Candidate*—The well-known boarding house, corner Park BY PglHE PANTOMIMES, GO 5 YOUNG E ABIES 5 JL and Gray streets, will remain in the hands of Every regular attache of the Press is furnished Struggle for the Stale. for tlie benefit of the the proprietor who now has desirable rooms present with a Card certificate T. to leal n Telegraphing for posit ions in Telegraph of- vacant, furnished and unfurnished. countersigned by Stauley MAINE GENERAL ficer. Employment as soon as qualified. Call or ad- oct7 dim Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel HOSPITAL, dress Port land Telegraphic Institute, 396$ Congress managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding New York Oct. 21, 1876. will be given at St., or 162 Exchange St., Portland, Me. octl9.ltf TO JLTET WITH BOARD. and Avoid rvi-ht (.'huntfc*, making early and credentials of every person claiming to represent our Municipal politics are beginning to evoke sure connections, aril zing at Fall River at 7 J p. m., animation CITY Wanted, or two boarders can be accommodated at Journal. lively among the voters of the me- HA.LT, aup enjoy a trip on the Pineal Cleansers in the active intelligent man to travel in the coun- ONE416 CUMBERLAND STREET with a pleasant — ON — World. tropolis. Tammany Hall, under the leadership for a Wholesale House. Must front room. AN try Grocery sep20dtf of .John after have experience. Address BUSINESS, Box 1052 Kolley, abandoning all hope of an and CENTENNIAL ! Thursday Friday evenings, §11 §11 giving real name. octlHdlw Pleasant Front Rooms to Let alliance with the Democratic faction iu revolt October 26th and 27 th, §11 CENTENNIAL ! §11 against its power, has been forced to the alter- with Board, at 75 Free St. arranged by Ct. B. Bartlett of Deerfield, Mass., §11 CENTENNIAL ! §11 Apply native of putting forth a straight tickBt for the assisted by a number of Ladies and securely rests on its laurels gained by its superior excellence in a large §11 CENTENNIAL ! §11 anted! apr29 dtf important city officers that are to be contended Gentlemen of this city. steady growth during the last quarter of a century. Loggers_ for on the 7th of November. The are of three prizes Doors at 7 o’clock; commence at 8. RESPONSIBLE party to cut and draw open to such value iu of Admission, 3r> cents Tickets to be obtained at F. BRAND PROMENADE CONCERTS A five millions of spruce timber a year for the respect emolument, patronage next three EDUCATIONAL. F. 1 [ale’s, Sturges & Co.’s, and at the door. & Wlieelock’s years and drive the same about eight and power that are to be every on board ttao Billings miles into the they likely struggled Reserved Seats, 50 cents, to be procured at Stock- evening magnificent steamer Uprights, &c., &c., Androscoggin river. Bristol and Providence by Unll’a Celebrated for with desperate tenacity. The Mayoralty, bridge^oct23d5t Baud. JOSEPH HOBSON* Saco. MISS EDITH J. CUMMINGS, MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, ootl7d3w (salary 812,000) is a coveted post of honor. To Reporter and Teacher of Standard Pho- be the chief Magistrate of a million people is $11 CENTENNIAL | all warranted, and at LOWEST PRICES possible for first class In- House Wanted. nography, ARMY $11 no light distinction even if they a re a some- / AND NAVY small a * struments. without children desire $11 CENTENNIAL family what and ! $11 rent in the western part of the city. House NO. 696 CONGRESS STB EFT, motley heterogeneous constitnency. Piano Covers ! MAmust contain from seven to nine rooms, having The place of sheriff, with good management $11 CENTENNIAL ! $11 Piano Stools 1 considerable direct and be ME. sunlight, supplied with PORTLAND, has made gas and good water. Reference Address been to yield its incumbent a net in- $11 CENTENNIAL done to order. Leavitt’s given. L., References—Andrew J. Graham, 563 ! $11 Tuning Scotch Polish. Box 1557. se27nalwttf Broadway, come of a New York, Author of Standard Fhouopraphic Work, 8100,000 year and more. It was the oc2i FOR PRESIDENT, Be sure before purchasing your tickets for the eod3m source of Mr. Kelley’s own fortune. He held Centennial and inquire about this route of borne of WAREROOMS 3 FREE STREET BLOCK, PORTLAND. it for two terms and did well in it all the time. the party of 423 persons who went on our excursion LOST AND FQUNd7~ PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCA IS* RUTHERFORD B. HA Since Mr. Green has been SIX of September 12th. FES, comptroller, the per- CONCERTS, JIA88B, A. M., Iuntrue tor lu quisites have been cut dowD SAMUEL IiOSt, OF OHIO. remorselessly. Excursious leave THURSTON, PROF.the French Language and Literature Portland Tuesday GOLD NECK CHAIN with Locket attached. In the Much of the profit isjderivable from construc- oclMTS&T GENERAL. \ High School of Portland, wishes to say that Oct 21th. AGENT. Jk. UI FOR VICE U. 1UC IWC lUtlia UUlUfV CUilUlCI, &CL WIIU Polity he has greatly reduced his prices ou account of hard PRESIDENT,! tive fees, and these the indexible guardian of of flowers iii gold and stone. Supposed to be lost on times. He will give lessons to classes at ONE private the Treasury has refused to It is doubt- LECTURE. TICKETS FOR SALE BY ORGANIZED 1853. the Ogdensburg Excursion ot Friday, Oct. 13tb. houses whenever desirable. WILLIAM A. WHEELER, pay. FIRST CLASS A suitable reward will be given by leaving at Prof. M. may be found at Loring, Short & Har- ful therefore, whether the post is such a desir- T>. II. oct21d3t*THIS OFFICE. mon’s. under Falmouth Hotel, from 11 to 19 A M. OK1 NENV — — YOUNG, YORK, able one unless the Finance is in AND AN or at the Chadwick Street. department 266 Mansion, Congress MIDDLE STREET. dim facile hands. There are grave responsibilities ectl2dtd lostorstolmT oct21_ For Presidential Electors. Fire Insurance. attaching to it and personal risks that it re- At Large.—WILLIAM W. THOMAS. FRANK A. no PORTLAND NOTE dated Aug. 15, 1876, payable to the order BLACKSTONE, NATHAN A. FARWELL. quires little astuteness to escape. MUSEUM, of STAPLES & DOE.Ior Two Hundred First District-SYLVESTER A Twenty LITTLEFIELD. The County Clerkship is a clean place and Coe. of Cougrc.a nud Exchange Street*. or short term Insur- Dollars and ninety cents. (220.90), three months af- TEACHER OF Second 1. WARREN MERRILL. THE Long terdate at Canal National Bank, and signed by A. Third BENJAMIN D. METCALF. carries with it a certain income of not less than H. Davis All persons are cautioned Fourth J. W. PORTER. ance at current Rates. against negoti- 800,000 a year tor three years. Under our Lecture and Concert MONDAY, OCT. 23d, ating such a note as payment has been stopped. AND Fifth SETH L. MILLIKEN. Committeej STAPLES & DOE. PIANO ORGAN, unique system of local administration any man and until further FIRE INSURANCE CO. 0Ctl9 d2\v — OF THE — notice, 1-3 DOW is eligible to it who can write his name. Even a6 STREET^ Certificates. The Grand Scenic Discharge that qualification is not as the Production, — — iodispensible, WM. ALLEN, Jr., OF The New York and & Union LOST 2 Philadelphia, Boston Si^TDEtlirB CAD lift, and oftpn hppn mnda hv Army Navy usinessflollege papers como to U3 with notices that the proxy. But as a concession to popular 31 1-2 A number of unreceipted Bills institution of ■ ■ the kind preju. have the nleasiirt* of nnnnnnrinir in the St., Thorough in- ■ struction in Government officers have been for sometime dice that standard of education has and Exchange BROOKLYN, N. Y. ol the Portland Publishing Com- usually Public, that their Money and are at work on a matter re- been maintained in the selection of'candidates Misery. pany. The finder will confer a lOoMeepingi jiclLaw past, now, The most Elaborate Scenic Production ever at- Stanton Block, collateral ■ ■branches of s BUSINESS ■ for tempted in this city.
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