_ UNITED NATION-5 Distr . ECONOM I GENERAL E/CN .4/1985/ 8 AN D 23 January 198 5 SOCIAL COO_ Original : ENGLISH/FRENC H COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHT S Forty-first session Item 6 of the provisional agenda VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN SOUTHERN AFRIC A REPORT OF THE AD HOC WORKING GROUP OF EXPERTS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE . WITH COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS RESOLUTIONS 1983/9, 1983/10, 1984/ 4 AND 1984/5 AND ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1984/4 2 E/CN .4/1985/8 page ii CONTENTS Paragraphs Page INTRODUCTION 1 - 45 1 A . Mandate and composition of the Ad Hoc Working Group 1- 9 1 B . Organization of work and working methods adopted b y the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts 10 - 36 2 1. Meetings and mission of inquiry 10 - 12 2 2. Procedure followed in conducting the inquiry . 13 - 36 3 C . Basic international standards relevant to the matters falling within the mandate of the Group . 37 - 40 8 D . General observations 41 - 45 9 Part one : SouthAfrica 46 - 43 1 12 Chapter I : APARTHEID, INCLUDING BANTUSTANIZATION, FORCE D REMOVALS AND ESTABLISHMENT OF "HOMELANDS" 46 - 11 2 1 2 Introduction < 46 - 5 9 1 2 A . Removals 60 - 9 0 1 4 1. Mogopa 62 - 63 1 4 2. Driefontein, Daggakraal, KwaNgema 64 - 72 1 5 3. Glenmore 73 1 6 4. Other "black spot" removals 74 - 77 1 6 5. Crossroads, Langa, Nyanga and Guguletu 78 - 82 1 7 6 . Huhudi < 83 . 1 7 7 . Other urban relocations 84 - 90 18 B. Influx control 91 - 98 1 9 C. Legislation 99 112 21 1. Aliens and Immigration Laws Amendment Act,1984 100 - 105 21 2. Matrimonial Property Bill, 1984 106 - 107 22 3. Proposed amendments to the Mixed Marriages Ac t of 1949 and Section 16 of the Immorality Ac t of 1957 108 23 E/CN .4/1985 /8 page iii Paragraphs Pag e 4 . Prohibition of Political Interference Act 109 2 3 5 . Local Government Bills 110 - 112 2 3 Chapter II : INFORMATION ON THE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND SECURITY OF THE PERSON 113 - 215 25 Introduction 113 - 218 25 A. The Internal Security Act 119 - 167 26 1 . Political trials 134 - 142 28 2 . Detentions 143 - 155 3 0 3 . Banning 156 - 163 32 4 . Listing of persons 164 - 167 34 B . The Criminal Procedure Act, 1977, section 50 168 - 171 34 C . Torture and ill-treatment 172 - 176 3 5 D . Other restrictive legislation 177 - 186 36 1 . The Police Act 177 - 183 3 6 2 . The Prisons Act of South Africa 184 3 7 3 . The Protection of Information Act 185 3 7 4 . The Demonstrations in or near Court Buildings Ac t of 1980 186 3 7 E . Court actions against the police 187 3 7 F . Prison conditions 188 - 202 3 9 1 . Women prisoners 188 - 190 3 9 2 . Other prison experiences 191 - 193 40 3 . Television monitoring of detainees 194 - 196 40 4 . Barberton Prison 197 - 202 41 G. Hoexter Commission 203 - 212 42 H . Other information 213 - 215 45 1 . Executions - 213 45 2 . Political assassinations 2.14 - 215 45 E/CN .4/1985/8 page iv Paragraphs Page Chapter III : THE RIGHT TO WORK AND TO FREEDOM O F ASSOCIATION, INCLUDING THE SITUATION OF BLACK WORKERS 216 - 348 46 Introduction 216 - 221 46 A . Trade unions 222 - 234 4 7 1 . Unaffiliated unions 228 48 2 . National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) 229 - 232 49 3_ Unity moves . : . : : : : . : . : : . : : : : : . : . : : : . : : : : 233 - 234 5 0 B . Developments in trade union activity < 235 - 248 50 1 . Occupational health 235 - 240 5 0 2 . Occupational safety 241 - 246 51 3 . Other developments 247 - 248 5 3 C . Industrial disputes and industrial action 249 - 286 5 4 1 . Action by the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) 249 - 255 5 4 2 . Strikes 256 - 273 5 5 3 . Action by the Industrial Court < . 274 - 286 5 8 D . Conditions of workers and trade unions .< 287 - 313 6 0 1 . Freedom of association 287 - 291 6 0 2 . Situation in the "homelands" 292 - 307 6 2 Permanent urban rights in the light of the Rikhot o Judgement 308 6 5 4 .. Unemployment Insurance Fund 309 - 312 6 5 5 . Workmen's Compensation Fund 313 66 E. Employers 314 - 329 66 1 . Manufacturing 317 6 7 2 . Mining 318 6 7 3 . Other sectors 319 - 321 67 4 . The European Economic Community Code of Conduct . 322 - 327 68 E/CN .4/1985 /8 page v Paragraphs Page 5- Sullivan Principles governing United State s companies in South Africa 328 - 329 6 9 6 . General comments 330 - 334 6 9 F . Legislation governing conditions of workers 335 - 348 70 1 . Conditions of Employment Act, 1983, re-enactin g inter alia the 1964 and 1941 Acts 335 7 0 2 . Conditions of Employment (South African Transpor t Services) Act, 1983 336 - 337 7 0 3 The Manpower Training Amendment Act, 1983 338 7 1 4 Machinery and Occupational Safety Act, No . 6 of 1983 339 - 344 71 5 . The Labour Relations Amendment Bill 345 - 348 72 Chapter IV . THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION INCLUDING TH E SITUATION OF STUDENT MOVEMENTS 349 - 388 74 Introduction 349 - 352 74 A . Unrest in schools 353 - 364 74 B . Unrest in colleges and universities 365 - 373 77 C. Compulsory education 374 - 375 78 D . Illiteracy and the drop-out rate 376 - 377 79 E . Education policy 378 - 385 79 F . General remarks 386 - 388 81 Chapter V : OTHER ASPECTS OF APARTHEID 389 - 430 82 A . The Church against apartheid 389 - 407 82 B . United Democratic Front (UDF) 408 - 414 86 C . Women under apartheid 415 - 421 88 D. Children under apartheid 422 - 424 89 E. Children in prisons 425 89 F . Freedom of expression 426 - 430 90 E/CN .4/1985/8 page vi Paragraphs Page Part two : Namibia 431 - 513 9 1 Introduction 431 - 446 9 1 1. Efforts to secure a peaceful settlement 433 - 442 9 2 2. Militarization of Namibia and attacks agains t neighbouring States 443 - 446 94 I . VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AFFECTING INDIVIDUALS 447 - 491 94 A . Capital punishment 447 - 450 94 1. Relevant legislation 447 - 448 94 2. Summary of evidence and informatio n received 449 - 450 9 5 B . Violations of the right to life 451 - 468 9 5 1. Atrocities committed by Koevoet 457 9 5 2. Cases of disappearances 458 - 460 96 3. Cases of persons captured at Kassinga i n May 1978 and imprisoned at Hardap Dam camp , near Mariental 461 - 468 97 C. Torture and ill-treatment of political prisoner s and captured freedom fighters 469 - 491 98 1. Relevant legislation 469 - 474 98 2. Summary of evidence and information received 475 - 491 100 II . RIGHT TO WORK AND FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION 492 - 497 1 05 III . OTHER MANIFESTATIONS OF POLICIES AND PRACTICES WHICH CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 498 - 510 105 A. Right to education 498 - 500 105 B. Right to health 501 - 502 106 C. Right to freedom of expression 503 - 507 106 D. Use of chemical defoliants and toxic gases by the army 508 - 510 106 IV . INFORMATION CONCERNING PERSONS SUSPECTED OF BEING GUILTY OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID OR OF A SERIOUS VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 511 - 513 107 E/CN .4/1985/ 8 page vi i Paragraphs Pag e Part three : Conclusions and recommendations 514 108 Part four : Adoption of the report 51 5 11 5 Annexe s I. Note from the Government of Madagascar concerning the draf t Convention on the Establishment of an International Penal Tribuna l for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and Other International Crime s II. Remarks by the Chairman of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts a t the conclusions of the Group's visit to Luanda, Angol a III. Statement made by H .E . Mr . Kenneth Kaunda, President of the Republi c of Zambia on 16 August 1984 IV. Deaths of people in detention under Security Laws V. List of political trials VI. List of persons held in preventive detentio n VII. Provisions of Section 29 of the Internal Security Act, No . 74 o f 1982 VIII. Selection of photographs transmitted to the Working Group by th e Government of Angola in the course of its visit to Luanda fro m 9 to 11 August 1984 IX. Map entitled : "South Africa : A Land Divided" (published b y Black Sash in 1982, compiled by Ethel Walt) 1984 Revision E/CN .4/1985/8 page 1 INTRODUCTION A . Mandate and com .osition of the Ad Hoc Worki Grou . of .ert 1. Since its establishment, the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa has had its mandate extended and enlarged by various resolutions and/o r decisions of the Commission on Human . Rights and the Economic and Social Council . In pursuance of its mandate, the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts has conducte d various inquiries into allegations of human rights violations in South Africa an d Namibia and has submitted a number of reports on the matter to the Commission o n Human Rights, the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly at it s express request . 2. At its thirty-ninth session, the Commission on Human Rights adopte d resolution 1983/9 of 18 February 1983, by which it decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts should continue to study the policies and practices which violat e human rights in South Africa and Namibia, bearing in mind the effects of aparthei d on black women and children and the Group's conclusion that the "criminal effect s of apartheid amount to a policy bordering on genocide" (paragraph 14) .
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