E1082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 19, 2012 York Conferences and events. Currently serv- securing federal funding, and I share Eddie Teamsters makes our US economy work, ing as Assistant Director for Recreation, Jim is Wong’s belief that with the partnership we grow, and prosper for all us. responsible for the City’s environmental and have, we can complete the remaining work on Again, I congratulate Teamsters Local Union horticultural education programs and parks this important testament to our rich and com- No. 600 on their 100th Anniversary, and wish stewardship, as well as the oversight of the plex history. them more success in the future. Rochester Public Market. Jim truly embodies Mr. Wong came to the Executive Director f the spirit of this region. position with a strong background in the cul- An example of Jim’s creativity and dedica- tural social issues at stake. He graduated from IN RECOGNITION AND CELEBRA- tion to the area is his close work with Parks UCLA with a BA and MFA from School of Fine TION OF ISRAEL SOTO PRIN- and Trails New York to coordinate the annual Arts Motion Picture and Television Program. CIPAL OF JAMES WELDON JOHN- ‘‘Cycle the Erie’’ bike tour, which showcases Before joining AIISF, he co-founded Visual SON LEADERSHIP ACADEMY the Canalway’s heritage. In addition, Jim is Communications, the nation’s first Asian PUBLIC SCHOOL 57 currently a Board member of the Genesee American film production company, served as WaterWays Center. He is the former President the Strategy and Investment Principal for HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL and a current Foundation member of Monroe Media and the Advisor on Social Justice for OF NEW YORK County Cooperative Extension. Jim serves as the Democracy Alliance, and was Executive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a member of many other related boards and Director of the National Asian American Tele- Tuesday, June 19, 2012 organizations, including the Monroe County communications Association (now known as Parks Advisory Committee, the Ontario Beach the Center for Asian American Media). Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize a dear friend and great force in the Park Program Committee, the Farmers Market Understanding that the Angel Island Immi- education of our children, Israel Soto, principal Federation of New York, and the National As- gration Station site resonates personally with of James Weldon Johnson Leadership Acad- sociation of Produce Market Managers. He is many immigrants, Mr. Wong says, ‘‘I think that emy Public School 57, who is retiring after a also the secretary and one of the founding my father, who was deported from Angel Is- long career in public education service. Israel, board members of the Tony Jordan Youth land as a 15-year old and came back a year a Puerto Rican immigrant, began his career in Sports Foundation, which provides supple- later determined to better his life, would be education in my congressional district as a mental funding to enhance the quality and in- proud that a place of shame has now become school bilingual coordinator and as an assist- tegrity of youth sports in the City of Rochester. a site of conscience ‘‘ ant director of bilingual education in Wash- The Erie Canalway Corridor is a symbol of Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring ington Heights. American ingenuity and perseverance, and I Eddie Wong and in wishing him well in his re- In 1999, Israel ascended to principal of am grateful for Jim Farr’s continued commit- tirement. James Weldon Johnson Leadership Academy ment to promoting its national significance by f Public School 57, a pre-K–8 school in East serving on the Erie Canalway National Herit- Harlem/El Barrio, which is also a part of my age Corridor Commission. I ask my colleagues IN HONOR OF TEAMSTERS LOCAL district. Mr. Soto’s expertise in bilingual edu- to join with me in commending Jim Farr for his UNION NO. 600 cation and the fact that his second language long record of public service. was English, like many of the school’s stu- f HON. RUSS CARNAHAN dents, made him an ideal choice for principal. OF MISSOURI His talents extend to all facets of education, HONORING EDDIE WONG and under his leadership, James Weldon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Johnson Leadership Academy has gone from HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY Tuesday, June 19, 2012 a near-failing school to one that received a grade of ‘‘A’’ in its latest Progress Report and OF CALIFORNIA Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today is ranked in the 93rd percentile of all New IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize Teamsters Local Union No. 600, in celebration of their 100th anniversary and York City K–8 schools. Tuesday, June 19, 2012 service to the members of the St. Louis Metro- Principal Soto has deservedly received nu- Ms. WOOLSEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to politan Area. merous awards during his tenure. In 2001, he was named ‘‘Principal of the Month’’ in his honor Eddie Wong, a man who has played a Teamsters Local Union No. 600 is deserving school district and in 2004 was recognized as significant role in the ongoing restoration and of special public recognition for its many ac- the ‘‘Educator of the Week’’ by Univision 41 development of the Angel Island Immigration complishments. It has distinguished record of Nueva York. Israel has also been inducted Station in Marin County, CA. On June 30, service to working men and women, as well into the ‘‘Cahn Fellows Program for Distin- 2012, Mr. Wong is retiring after four productive as to their families. Its immeasurable contribu- guished Principals’’ at Columbia University as years as Executive Director of the Angel Is- tions to the advancement of the union labor well as being honored by Children 4 Children, land Immigration Station Foundation (AIISF). movement in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area the YMCA of New York, the New York Post, have made our community a better place. Located off the coast of Tiburon, California, and El Diario La Prensa. in Angel Island State Park, the Immigration Teamsters Local Union No. 600 has worked Principal Soto’s work at James Weldon Station is the site of the detention of 175,000 to improve the working conditions, benefits, Johnson Leadership Academy serves as a Chinese immigrants from 1910 to 1940. Be- and wages for the men and women of the St. model for current and future educators. He cause of the Chinese Exclusion Act, many of Louis Metropolitan Area. In addition, their influ- has built strong partnerships with teachers, them were held for weeks, months or years in ence was appreciated and felt by those who parents, community organizations, and the pri- a prison-like barracks where life was difficult drove freight trucks, worked in warehouses, vate sector while keeping his focus internal, and humiliating. made milk deliveries, and worked at the An- on his students. This outreach has significantly The restoration of this Station and related heuser Busch beer distributorships. increased the academic resources available to educational projects recognize the struggle of But there work has not only been limited to his students and demonstrates the supreme these immigrants and our nation’s challenge to St. Louis. As a Member the US House of Rep- importance of an active and charismatic prin- honor our history of immigration. AIISF, with resentatives’ Transportation and Infrastructure cipal and leader. the hard work of its many supporters and part- Committee, the Teamsters Local Union No. On Thursday, May 31, 2012 at the elegant ners, including the California State Parks and 600 advice and counsel has been invaluable Marina del Rey, the Soto Retirement Com- the National Park Service, has led these reha- to me when working on local, regional, and mittee joined the East Harlem/El Barrio com- bilitation efforts. During Mr. Wong’s tenure, the national transportation issues. munity of leaders, children, parents, families, Immigration Station Museum opened, the Im- Teamsters Local Union No. 600 has also friends, and education advocates to pay trib- migrant Heritage Wall was created, and the lead the way in providing employers in the ute to our Dream Maker Principal Israel Soto. hospital at the site was stabilized. transportation industry with the best trained Mr. Speaker, I ask that you and my col- The Angel Island Immigration Station now employees, making it possible for the goods leagues join me in honoring a great man and hosts more than 50,000 visitors, including and services that millions of Americans rely on an impassioned educator who, first and fore- 30,000 schoolchildren, every year. I have had to be delivered safely, on time and in good most, believes in all of our extraordinary chil- the privilege of participating in this effort by condition. This kind of commitment by the dren. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:17 Jun 20, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19JN8.060 E19JNPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS June 19, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1083 OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE 80TH Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young The Stonewall Inn, a popular gay bar in Man- ANNIVERSARY man and his supportive family demonstrates hattan. the rewards of hard work, dedication, and per- The spontaneous demonstrations that com- HON. CHELLIE PINGREE severance. I am honored to represent Zachary posed the Stonewall riots are commonly re- OF MAINE and his family in the United States Congress. ferred to as the first instance in American his- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I know that all of my colleagues in the House tory when people of the LGBT community will join me in congratulating him in obtaining fought back against a government system of Tuesday, June 19, 2012 the Eagle Scout ranking, and will wish him persecution which targeted sexual minorities.
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