Volume 4, Number 4 Veritas Scripturae October — December The Bulletin of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild 2012 ■—■—■—■ A publication that focuses upon the doctrines of Biblical inspiration and inerrancy — via Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church “Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth” (Jn 17:17) From the Director: The Neglected Books of the Bible There are some books of Holy Writ Look at the bold claim from the that seem to be more popular than Psalmist: “For ever, O LORD, thy others. Within the New Testament, word is firmly fixed in the heav- many of us are more at home with ens” (Ps 119:89). Ponder the the Gospel of Matthew than with Divine Son’s clear declaration: the Epistle of Jude. For the Old “But it is easier for heaven and Testament, we know Exodus, but earth to pass away, than for one have overlooked Nahum. However, dot of the law to become void” (Lk Jude and Nahum are not any less 16:17). No doubt, those verses inspired or inerrant than Matthew apply to the Sacred Writings from and Exodus. the older dispensation. Nonethe- less, the principle remains — every The Church Militant should rectify utterance from God deserves to be the disparity. Begin with this fact: treated with respect and devotion. www.sjbg.me the Catholic Church recognizes a Biblical canon of 73 books. Some Prayerfully go through a neglected Scripture Memorization and Exegesis: may not be personal favorites. book each Sunday after the Holy Joshua 24:14-15 2 Some may not hold our attention. Sacrifice of the Mass. The possible Inerrancy Basics: Some may be difficult to grasp and graces will be worth the labor. Guidance from Fr. Christian Pesch, apply. Whatever the case may be, Godspeed, Part II 3 the entire canon is part of our Cath- Salvatore J. Ciresi The Church Fathers and Scripture: olic Faith. Observations from St. Ambrose 4 St. Thomas Aquinas and Revelation: St. Jerome (A.D. 343-420) says: Commentary on Titus 2:7-8 5 “Read assiduously and learn as The Magisterium Speaks: much as you can. Let sleep find you The Pontificate of St. Pius X holding your Bible, and when your and Modernistic Exegesis 6 head nods let it be resting on the sacred page” (Letter 22.17.2; A.D. The Pontifical Biblical Commission: 384). The Response of 1908, Part II 7 “Constantly read the Bible; in fact, have it always in your hands. Learn Addressing Bible Difficulties: what you have got to teach” (Letter Mark 2:23-28, Part II 8 52.7.1; A.D. 394). The Biblical World: “Ignorance of the Scriptures is igno- The Sect of the Sadducees 9 rance of Christ” (Commentary on Isaiah bk. 18, prologue; A.D. 408- Book Recommendation: 410). The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 121: ”Love the Bible and wisdom will love St. Jerome — Commentary on you...” (Letter 130.20; A.D. 414). Galatians 10 Scripture Memorization and Exegesis: Joshua 24:14-15 “Now therefore fear the LORD, and The phrase “fear the Lord” (Heb., yᵉr’û serve Him in sincerity and in faithful- ’eth-yᵉhwāh) has earlier usage (Ex ness; put away the gods which your 9:30; Dt 6:2, 13; 10:20; 31:12; Josh fathers served beyond the River, and in 4:24). The saying refers to the awe Egypt, and serve the LORD. And if you and reverence one should have before be unwilling to serve the LORD, choose God’s splendor and holiness. Think of this day whom you will serve, whether St. Francis de Sales’ classic Introduc- the gods your fathers served in the re- gion beyond the River, or the gods of tion to the Devout Life, with its refrain the Amorites in whose land you dwell; “His Majesty.” but as for me and my house, we will The term “choose” (Heb., bachrû) has serve the LORD” (Josh 24:14-15). both a doctrinal and philosophical sig- nificance as a testimony to free will. This pericope takes place at Shechem; Man is a responsible creature and is a locale in the Ephraimite hill country granted the power of deliberation. This about 35 miles north of Jerusalem. truth is implied in texts such as Psalm Joshua gives his last address, and his 1:1-6. Verse 1 states in part, “Blessed actions “place a final stamp on the past is the man who walks not in the coun- (the exodus and conquest) and signal a sel of the wicked,” with verse 6 ending, future in which the people will settle in “for the LORD knows the way of the the Promised Land” (J. Walton, et al., righteous, but the way of the wicked The IVP Bible Background Commen- will perish.” tary: Old Testament, pp. 240-241). The episode is a typical covenant renewal: The directive to “serve the LORD” (Heb., a gathering before God (Josh 24:1), a na‘ăvōdh ’eth-yᵉhwāh) is not a mere rehearsal of past history (Josh 24:2- outward profession. The charge entails 13), a rejection of false gods and an words as well as deeds (i.e., actions). urging of loyalty to Yahweh (Josh 24:14 Note the fact that Joshua includes his -15), a pledge of obedience (Josh 24: “house” (Heb., ûvêthî). This under- 16-18), a warning about rebellion (Josh scores salvation is not only an individu- 24:19-20), and a vow of service (Josh al matter, but also a corporate and 24:21-24). The renewal ceremony then familial one (cf. Acts 16:30-31). follows in Joshua 24:25-28 (cf. E. Mer- rill’s Kingdom of Priests, p. 139). One commentary sums up the incident: “Joshua was calling Israel to honesty The grave exhortation of Joshua 24:14- and commitment. He wanted them to 15, spoken thousands of years ago, show singleness of heart” (F. Gæbe- challenges the Catholic here and now: lein, gen. ed., The Expositor’s Bible Will I follow Christ or the world, the Commentary III:368). flesh, and the devil? Veritas Scripturae Page 2 Volume 4, Number 4 www.sjbg.me Inerrancy Basics: Guidance from Fr. Christian Pesch, Part II This column will continue the study of ● Individual passages also posses this De Inspiratione Sacrae Scripturae by high authority (Mt 5:18; Lk 24:44; Jn Fr. Christian Pesch, by way of a précis 10:35; Acts 1:16; Gal 3:16; Heb 8:8-13) of its dogmatic section (nos. 373-636), ● Such authority rests on the fact that in L. Schökel’s The Inspired Word: God spoke through the sacred writers Scripture in the Light of Language and as through the prophets (Mt 1:22; 2:15- Literature. Pesch’s opus provides a val- 17; Acts 1:16; Gal 3:8; Heb 4:4-7; 10: uable template for a detailed inquiry 15-17) into the doctrine of Biblical inspiration. ● Inspiration is taught explicitly (2 Tim Last issue considered this teaching 3:14-17; 2 Pet 1:19-21). with the Old Testament as the starting The large number of passages from point. This issue will end with the New God’s Word given in the last column Testament. may now be joined to the extracts listed Below is an adapted excerpt from the in this column. This offers a fine survey précis (pp. 388-402). The Chapter and of Divine Revelation from both Testa- “Pesch’s opus Article titles have been retained: provides a ments. This is perhaps the best way to valuable template study the doctrine of inspiration, and Chapter I: The Existence of Inspiration for a the teaching on inerrancy that follows. Article I. The Testimony of Scripture detailed inquiry 2. The New Testament into the Fr. Pesch had a great mastery of the doctrine of ● The New Testament considers the Biblical topic of Biblical inspiration. Consider sacred books of the Old Testament to inspiration.” this assessment from a generation ago: be prophetic (Mt 1:22; 2:5-23; Lk “His manual has been replaced by 24:44) others in most lecture rooms, but this ● A collection of sacred books, known is unfortunate. No one had or has at as “Scripture” or “Scriptures,” were in his disposal the wealth of information, existence (Jn 2:22; 5:39; 7:42; 10:35; scriptural, patristic, and theological, Gal 3:22; 1 Pet 2:6) that he had; and this not only in the his- ● This collection is divided into “the torical section, but also in the systemat- Law,” “the Prophets,” and “the ic analysis” (L. Schökel, p. 387). Psalms” (Mt 5:17; Lk 24:44; Jn 10:34; It would be a tremendous service to 12:34; 1 Cor 14:21) Holy Mother Church if a publisher ● The collection also calls individual brought back into print De Inspiratione passages “Scripture” (Mk 12:10; Lk Sacrae Scripturae. An accurate and 4:21; Jn 19:36; Acts 8:35) readable English translation would be a ● This Scripture is invested with great gain for the Christian faithful. As well, authority (Mt 4:14; Jn 10:34; Acts seminaries could use a tome of this 15:15; Rom 1:17; 1 Pet 2:6) high caliber. Veritas Scripturae Page 3 Volume 4, Number 4 www.sjbg.me The Church Fathers and Scripture: Observations from St. Ambrose St. Ambrose of Milan (A.D. 340-397) But Saint Luke maintained as it were a cer- was born at Treves in Gaul. Trained in tain historical order and revealed to us rhetoric and law, he eventually was more of the Lord’s wondrous deeds — yet in such a way that the history in this Gos- consecrated bishop for Milan in A.D.
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