Anglican Cycle of Prayer 2013 Tuesday 01-Jan-2013 Holy Name of Jesus Psalm: 96: 1,11-end Phil. 4: 10-23 Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man Jesus, Son of the living God, have mercy on us. Jesus, splendour of the Father, have mercy on us. Jesus, brightness of eternal light, have mercy on us. Jesus, king of glory, have mercy on us. Jesus, the sun of justice, have mercy on us. Jesus, son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us. Kumi - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Thomas Irigei Wednesday 02-Jan-2013 Psalm: 97: 1,8-end Isa. 42: 10-25 Kurunagala - (Ceylon) The Rt Revd Greg Shantha Kumar Francis Thursday 03-Jan-2013 Psalm: 100 Isa. 43: 1-7 Kushtia - (Bangladesh) The Rt Revd Sunil Mankhin Friday 04-Jan-2013 Psalm: 149: 1-5 Titus 2: 11-14, 3: 3-7 Kutigi - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jeremiah Kolo Saturday 05-Jan-2013 Psalm: 9:1-11 Isa 62:6-12 Kwara - (Kwara, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Olusegun Adeyemi Sunday 06-Jan-2013 The Epiphany Psalm: 72: 1-8 I Tim 1:1-11 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Bow down before him, his glory proclaim; With gold of obedience, and incense of lowliness, Kneel and adore him, the Lord is his name. Kwoi - (Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Paul Zamani Monday 07-Jan-2013 Psalm: 72: 1,10-14 I Tim 1: 12-20 Kyoto - (Japan) The Rt Revd Stephen Takashi Kochi Tuesday 08-Jan-2013 Psalm: 72: 1,15-end I Tim 2: 1-7 Kyushu - (Japan) The Rt Revd Gabriel Shoji Igarashi Wednesday 09-Jan-2013 Psalm: 98 I Tim 2: 8-15 Lafia - (Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Miller Maza Thursday 10-Jan-2013 Psalm: 138: 1-8 I Tim. 3: 1-16 Lagos - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Most Revd Ephraim Ademowo Lagos West - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Peter Adebiyi Lagos Mainland - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Adebayo Akinde Friday 11-Jan-2013 Psalm: 147: 12-end Isa. 47: 10-15 Lahore - (Pakistan) The Rt Revd Dr Alexander Malik Coadjutor Bishop of Lahore - (Pakistan) The Rt Revd Irfan Jamil Saturday 12-Jan-2013 Psalm: 89:1-2,20-27 Isa. 48: 1-11 Lainya - (Sudan) The Rt Revd Peter Amidi Pitia Sunday 13-Jan-2013 Epiphany 2 Psalm: 111: 1-6 I Tim. 4 Lake Malawi - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Francis Kaulanda Monday 14-Jan-2013 Psalm: 117 I Tim. 5: 1-6 Lango - (Uganda) The Rt Revd John Odurkami Tuesday 15-Jan-2013 Psalm: 111: 4-10 I Tim. 5: 17-25 Langtang - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Stanley Fube Wednesday 16-Jan-2013 Psalm: 105: 1-7 I Tim. 6: 1-10 Lebombo - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Dinis Sengulane Thursday 17-Jan-2013 Psalm: 113 Isa. 48: 12-22 Leicester - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Timothy John Stevens Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leicester - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Christopher John Boyle Friday 18-Jan-2013 Psalm: 119: 41-48 Isa. 49: 14-21 Lesotho - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Andreas Taaso Saturday 19-Jan-2013 Psalm: 139: 1-10 I Tim. 6: 11-21 Lexington - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Stacy Sauls Sunday 20-Jan-2013 Epiphany 3 Psalm: 1 II Tim. 1: 1-14 Liberia - (West Africa) The Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Bau-Bau Bonaparte Hart Monday 21-Jan-2013 Psalm: 33: 1-6,12 II Tim. 2: 1-13 Lichfield - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Jonathan Michael Gledhill Lichfield - Shrewsbury - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Mark James Rylands Lichfield - Stafford - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Geoffrey Peter Annas Lichfield - Wolverhampton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Clive Gregory Tuesday 22-Jan-2013 Psalm: 8 II Tim. 2: 14-26 Limerick & Killaloe - (Dublin, Ireland) The Rt Revd Trevor Williams Wednesday 23-Jan-2013 Psalm: 100 II Tim. 3 Lincoln - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Christopher Lowson Lincoln - Grantham - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Timothy William Ellis Lincoln - Grimsby - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd David Douglas James Rossdale Thursday 24-Jan-2013 Psalm: 85: 7-end II Tim. 4: 1-18 Litoral Ecuador - (IX, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Alfredo Morante Friday 25-Jan-2013 Psalm: 24: 1-6 Titus 1: 1-9 Liverpool - (York, England) The Rt Revd James Stuart Jones Liverpool - Warrington - (York, England) The Rt Revd Richard Finn Blackburn Saturday 26-Jan-2013 Psalm: 98: 1-4 Titus 1: 10-16 The Most Revd Dr Barry Morgan Archbishop of Wales & Bishop of Llandaff Assistant Bishop of Llandaff - (Wales) The Rt Revd David Wilbourne Sunday 27-Jan-2013 Epiphany 4 Psalm: 34: 4-10 I Pet. 1: 1-12 Lokoja - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Most Revd Emmanuel Sokowamju Egbunu Monday 28-Jan-2013 Psalm: 34: 11-18 I Pet. 1: 13-25 London - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Richard John Carew Chartres London - Edmonton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Peter William Wheatley London - Fulham - (Canterbury, England) Vacant London - Kensington - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Paul Gavin Williams London - Stepney - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Adrian Newman London - Willesden - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Peter Allan Broadbent Tuesday 29-Jan-2013 Psalm: 33: 12-14,19-end I Pet. 2: 1-12 Long Island - (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Lawrence Provenzano Wednesday 30-Jan-2013 Psalm: 145: 10-17 I Pet. 2: 13-25 Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Jon Bruno 1. Suffragan bishop of Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Mary Glasspool 2. Suffragan Bishop of Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Diane Jardine Bruce Thursday 31-Jan-2013 Psalm: 62 I Pet. 3: 1-12 Louisiana - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Maurice Thompson Friday 01-Feb-2013 Psalm: 37: 3-8 I Pet. 3: 13-22 Luapula - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Robert Mumbi Saturday 02-Feb-2013 Psalm: 145: 17-end I Pet. 4: 1-11 Lucknow - (North India) The Rt Revd Maurice Dan Sunday 03-Feb-2013 Epiphany 5 Psalm: 93 Prov. 28: 12-28 Lui - (Sudan) The Rt Revd Stephen Dokolo Ismail Monday 04-Feb-2013 Psalm: 1 Prov. 29: 11-27 Lusaka - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd David Njovu Tuesday 05-Feb-2013 Psalm: 103: 13-18 Prov. 30: 1-9 Luwero - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Evans Kisekka Wednesday 06-Feb-2013 Psalm: 32: 1-8 Prov. 30: 18-31 Lweru - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Jackton Yeremiah Lugumira Thursday 07-Feb-2013 Psalm: 50: 1-6 Prov. 31: 10-31 Machakos - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Joseph Kanuku Friday 08-Feb-2013 Psalm: 29: 8-11 Sir 1:1-19 Madhya Kerala - (South India) The Rt Revd Thomas Kanjirappally Oommen Saturday 09-Feb-2013 Psalm: 37: 3-6,27,28 Sir. 4: 11-28 Madi & West Nile - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Dr Joel Obetia Sunday 10-Feb-2013 Epiphany 6. Transfiguration Sunday Psalm: 19: 7-end Sir. 4: 29 - 5: 8 Madurai-Ramnad - (South India) The Rt Revd Dr Asirwadham Christopher Asir Monday 11-Feb-2013 Psalm: 34: 1-6 Sir. 5: 9-6:1 Mahajanga - (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Jean Claude Andrianjafimanana Tuesday 12-Feb-2013 Shrove Tuesday Psalm: 82 Sir. 11: 7-13 Maiduguri - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Emmanuel Kana Mani Wednesday 13-Feb-2013 Ash Wednesday Psalm: 19 Jms. 1:1-11 Maine - (I, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Stephen Lane Thursday 14-Feb-2013 Psalm: 17:1-11 Job 32 Makamba - (Burundi) The Rt Revd Martin Nyaboho Friday 15-Feb-2013 Psalm: 88:11-18 Jms. 1:12-18 Makurdi - (Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Nathan Nyitar Inyom Saturday 16-Feb-2013 Psalm: 62:1-8 Job 33:1-11 Malaita - (Melanesia) The Rt Revd Samuel Sahu Assistant Bishop of Malaita - (Melanesia) The Rt Revd Alfred Hou Sunday 17-Feb-2013 Lent 1 Psalm: 88:1-6 Job 33:12-22 Malakal - (Sudan) The Rt Revd Hilary Garang Deng Monday 18-Feb-2013 Psalm: 88:7-12 Jms 1:19-27 Manchester - (York, England) The Rt Revd Nigel McCulloch Manchester - Bolton - (York, England) The Rt Revd Christopher Paul Edmondson Manchester - Middleton - (York, England) The Rt Revd Mark Davies Tuesday 19-Feb-2013 Psalm: 34:1-7 Jms 2:1-13 Mandalay - (Myanmar) The Rt Revd Saw Nay Lin Wednesday 20-Feb-2013 Psalm: 27:7-14 Job 33:23-33 Manicaland - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Julius Tawona Makoni Thursday 21-Feb-2013 Psalm: 4 Job 34:1-15 Mara - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Hilkiah Omindo Deya Friday 22-Feb-2013 Psalm: 13 Job 34:16-30 Marathwada - (North India) The Rt Revd Madhukar Kasab Saturday 23-Feb-2013 Psalm: 15 Job 34:31-37 Maridi - (Sudan) The Rt Revd Justin Badi Arama Sunday 24-Feb-2013 Lent 2 Psalm: 32:1-7 Job 35:1-8 Maryland - (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Eugene Sutton Assistant Bishop of Maryland - (III, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Dr Joe Burnett Monday 25-Feb-2013 Psalm: 112 Jms. 2:14-26 Masasi - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Patrick Mwachiko Tuesday 26-Feb-2013 Psalm: 12:1-6 Jms. 3:1-12 Maseno North - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Simon Oketch Maseno South - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Francis Abiero Maseno West - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Joseph Wasonga Wednesday 27-Feb-2013 Psalm: 19:7-end Jms. 3:13-18 Masindi-Kitara - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Stanley Ntagali Thursday 28-Feb-2013 Psalm: 143:1-6 Job 35:9-16 Massachusetts - (I, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Thomas Shaw 1. Bishop Suffragan of Massachusetts - (I, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Gayle Harris Friday 01-Mar-2013 St David of Wales Psalm: 143:7-11 Job 36:1-12 Masvingo - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Godfrey Tawonezwi Saturday 02-Mar-2013 Psalm: 123 Job 36:13-21 Matabeleland - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Cleophas Lunga Sunday 03-Mar-2013 Lent 3 Psalm: 94:14-19 Job 36:22-33 Matlosane (formerly Klerksdorp) - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Stephen Diseko Monday 04-Mar-2013 Psalm: 55:1-8 Jms.
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