ISSN (English ed. Online) 2311-6374 ISSN (Ukrainian ed. Print) 1991-0177 ISSN (Ukrainian ed. Online) 1999-818X MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF UKRAINE KHARKIV STATE ACADEMY OF PHYSICAL CULTURE SLOBOZHANSKYI HERALD OF SCIENCE AND SPORT Scientific and theoretical journal Published 6 times in a year English ed. Online published in October 2013 № 3(53) Kharkiv Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture 2016 (LBC) 75.0 P 48 UDC 796.011(055)”540.3” Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport : [scientific and theoretical journal]. – Kharkiv : KSAPC, 2016. – № 3(53). – 91 p. English version of the journal “SLOBOZANS`KIJ NAUKOVO-SPORTIVNIJ VISNIK” The journal includes articles which are reflecting the materials of modern scientific researches in the field of physical culture and sports. The journal is intended for teachers, coaches, athletes, postgraduates, doctoral students research workers and other industry experts. Contents Themes: 1. Physical education of different population groups. 2. Improving the training of athletes of different qualification. 3. Biomedical Aspects of Physical Education and Sports. 4. Human health, physical rehabilitation and physical recreation. 5. Biomechanical and informational tools and technologies in physical education and sport. 6. Management, psychological-educational, sociological and philosophical aspects of physical education and sport. 7. Historical aspects of the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Publication of Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture Publication language – English. The journal is included in the list of professional publications in Ukraine, which may publish results of dissertations (Decree of Presidium of SCADT Ukraine: №3–05/11 from 10.11.1999. №1–05/34 from 14.10. 2009. Order Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1081 from 29.09.2014. Certificate of State Registration – КВ №12221-1105Р from 17.01.2007). Published by order of the Academic Council of KhSAPC from 21.06.2016 record №14 ISSN (English ed. Online) 2311-6374 ISSN (Ukrainian ed. Print) 1991-0177 ISSN (Ukrainian ed. Online) 1999-818X Key title: Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport Abbreviated key title: Slobozhanskyi her. sci. sport © Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, 2016 SLOBOZANS'KIJ NAUKOVO-SPORTIVNIJ VISNIK scientific and theoretical journal №3 (53), 2016 Editor in Chief CONTENT Rovniy A., Doctor of Science (Physical Education and Sport), Belenkaya I. Professor (Kharkov, Ukraine) MUSICAL TRAINING OF COACHES IN AESTHETIC-ORIENTED SPORTS ..............5-8 Members of the Board: Bogush V., Yatsunsky О., Sokol O., Smirnova I., Azhippo O., Doctor of Science (Pedagogi- Reznichenko O., Kuvaldina O. cal), Professor (Kharkov, Ukraine) Al Raggad Raid, Doctor of Science RESEARCH OF FUNCTIONAL STATUS OF HANDBALL PLAYER IS (Philosophy), PhD (Pedagogical), IN A TRAINING PROCESS ............................................................................9-13 (Amman, Jordan) Aftіmіchuk O., Doctor of Science (Peda- gogical), Professor, (Chisinau, Republic of Demenkov D. Moldova) THE EXISTING STATE OF MATERIAL SUPPORT OF FOOTBALL CLUBS .............14-17 Ashanіn V., PhD (Mathematics and Phys- ics), Professor, Academician ANPRE (Kharkov, Ukraine) Gant Ye., Bykova Ye. Baykovskiy Yu., Doctor of Science (Peda- SELECTION OF OPTION OF PREGAME WARM-UP IN HANDBALL gogical), Professor, (Moscow, Russia) Cieślicka M. Doctor of Science (Physical TAKING INTO ACCOUNT FEATURES OF FORCE OF THE NERVOUS Education and Sport), (Bydgoszcz, Poland) SYSTEM OF SPORTSMEN .........................................................................18-22 Druz V., Doctor of Science (Biology), Profes- sor (Kharkov, Ukraine) Kamayev O., Doctor of Science (Physical Ivasyk N. Education and Sport), Professor (Kharkov, CORRELATION OF QUALITY OF LIFE WITH COMPONENT Ukraine) QUESTIONNAIRE IN CHILDREN WITH ACUTE BRONCHO-PULMONARY Krutsevich T., Doctor of Science (Physi- cal Education and Sport), Professor (Kyiv, DISEASE ..................................................................................................23-25 Ukraine) Lizogub V., Doctor of Science (Biology), Professor (Cherkasy, Ukraine) Kalmykov S., Kalmykova Yu. Manolaki V. Doctor of Science (Peda- THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEDICINAL PLANTS USED IN gogical), Professor, (Chisinau, Republic of THE HERBAL Medicine оf type 2 diabetes ............................................26-30 Moldova) Mulyk V., Doctor of Science (Physical Education and Sport), Professor (Kharkov, Karaulova S. Ukraine) PLANNING OF COMPETITIVE ACTIVITY OF HIGHLY SKILLED Peshkova O., PhD (Medicine), Professor (Kharkov, Ukraine) ATHLETES-SPRINTERS DURING THE ANNUAL MACROCYCLE ......................31-34 Podrіgalo L. Doctor of Science (Medicine), Professor (Kharkov, Ukraine) Pristupa Ye., Doctor of Science (Pedagogi- Karbunarova Ju. cal), Professor (Lviv, Ukraine) INFLUENCE AUTHOR METHODIC TEACHING SWIMMING ON Prusik K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, COORDINAtion quality of children 6–10 years old with Professor, Academy of physical education and sport (Gdans’k, Poland) HEARING DISABILITIES ..............................................................................35-38 Savchenko V., Doctor of Science (Peda- gogical), Professor, Academician (Dnepro- Kharchenko Ye. petrovsk, Ukraine) Sutula V., Doctor of Science (Pedagogical), THE DYNAMICS OF SOMATIC INDICATORS OF BASKETBALL Professor (Kharkov, Ukraine) PLAYERS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE SPECIAL EXERCISES Tomenko O., Doctor of Science (Physical Education and Sport), (Sumy, Ukraine) WHICH ARE DIRECTED TO THE INCREASE OF STABILITY OF Vrublevskiy Ye., Doctor of Science (Peda- THE VESTIBULAR ANALYZER .....................................................................39-42 gogical), Professor (Minsk, Belarus) Yezhi Rut, Doctor of Science (Physical Edu- cation and Sport), (Rzeszow, Poland) Lastochkin V., Rovnyi A. Yermakov S., Doctor of Science (Pedagogi- ADAPTATION REARRANGEMENTS OF HEART OF YOUNG cal), Professor (Kharkiv, Ukraine) SPORTSMEN DEPENDING ON THE ORIENTATION OF THE TRAINING ACTIVITY ............................................................................43-46 Lopatskyi S. FEATURES OF CHANGE OF CONDITION OF A BIOGEOMETRICAL PROFILE OF BEARING OF STUDENTS IN THE COURSE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION .............................................................................................47-50 Meleshkov V., Petruhnov O. APPLICATION OF MEDICAL PHYSICAL CULTURE AT EXTENSIVE DEEP BURNS ...........................................................................................51-54 Mel’nik А. ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF TECHNIQUE FOR IMPROVING THE ACCURACY OF PERFORMING POWER SERVE IN JUMP BY SKILLED VOLLEYBALLERS ........................................................................................55-58 Politko E. THE RELATIONSHIP MODEL OF TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL AND MORPHO-FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGHLY SKILLED SWIMMERS SPECIALIZING IN 50 M BUTTERFLY ........................................59-63 Shynkaruk O. ORGANIZATIONAL FOUNDATIONS OF PREPARATION AND SELECTION OF ATHLETES ............................................64-66 Toporkov O. FEAtures of 30–40 years old tourists-skiers’ techniCAL TRAINING DURING BEFORE HIKING PREPARATION .....................................................................................................................................67-69 Tropin Y., Romanenko V., Ponomaryov V. MODEL CHARACTERISTICS OF SENSORY-MOTOR REACTIONS AND PERCEPTIONS OF SPECIFIC WRESTLERS OF DIFFERENT STYLES OF CONFRONTATION ...................................................................70-73 Vodlozyorov V. SPORTS SELECTION SYSTEM IN TRIATHLON ......................................................................................................74-78 Yaroshenko Ye. THE ANALYSIS OF EFFICIENCY OF TACTICS OF PERSONAL DEFENSE IN BASKETBALL ...........................................79-82 Yelnikova M. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INDIVIDUAL APPROACH IN PHYSICAL REHABILITATION OF MEN WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME TO IMPROVE ATHEROGENIC LIPID PROFILE ..................................................83-85 Zaplatynska O. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REPRODUCTION OF THE JUMp’s rhythM AND TECHNICAL SCORE OF THEIR EXECUTION BY GYMNASTS AT THE STAGE OF INITIAL TRAINING ................................................86-90 SLOBOZHANSKYI HERALD OF SCIENCE AND SPORT UDC 796.412/796.071.42/.43 ISSN (English ed. Online) 2311-6374 2016, № 3(53), с. 5-8 Musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports Kharkov state academy of physical culture, Irina Belenkaya Kharkov, Ukraine Purpose: to justify theoretically the need for musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports. Material & Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical super- vision. Results: the main directions of musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports were reviewed. It was discovered that in these types of sports coaches must have specific musical and rhythmic motor skills involving the use of musical accom- paniment as a methodological technique for training sessions. The means of music and rhythmic education, which facilitate effective musical training of coaches in aesthetic-oriented sports, were determined. Conclusions: the necessity of improving the teaching methods of the subject “music and rhythmic education” as part of the musical training of coaches in aesthetic-orientated sports, was theoretically justified. Keywords: musical training, aesthetic-oriented sports, music and rhythmic education,
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