Editors Pick Top 10 News Stories of 1971 SEE STORY BELOW Cloudy, Mfld Cloudy and mild today, rain FINAL likely tonight Chance of rain* Ked Bank, Freehold tomorrow, morning, followed by partly cloudy and mild. Long Branch Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper ^ PAGES VOL.94 NO. 128 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, DECEMBER 27,1971 TEN CENTS Phase 2 Machinery in Place for 1972 WASHINGTON (AP)-The from Congress and one or two million teachers. "I still hope it can be fin- a telephone check, said it ap- would hold average increases questioned whether a blanket machinery to enforce Phase 2 things he did not seek. Secretary of Commerce ished by the end of 1972, but I pears seasonal buying was up to 3 or Z% per cent. But Mrs. challenge was legal or prac- wage, price and rent controls One Is a pay raise for feder- Maurice H. Stans, meeting would not want to cast that as 11 to 12 per cent in dollars Rossetta Wylie, tenant mem- tical, but the business mem- is in place as .1971 nears its al civilian employes and the with newsmen, predicted a a prediction," he said. over last year, 8 to 9 per cent ber of the Rent Advisory bers said they would chal- end, and administration offi- military Jan. 1 instead of July strong upsurge in the econo- The cost-of-living index in volume, which would be the Board, said the regulations lenge individually each raise cials are expressing hope-but 1, at an estimated cost of my in 1972, perhaps reaching moved up two-tenths of 1 per biggest/annual gain in five would be inflationary, enabl- over 7 per cent in any case. not making predictions—that more than $1 billion. fyiz per cent, which would be cent for November, the same years. ing landlords to hike rents as Internationally, the newly the restraints can lie removed The act also specifies that the biggest annual gain since rate as for October. It reflect- The Pay Board and Price much as 30 per cent in rare devalued dollar surprised its before 1972 ends. pay raises caught in the 1955. ed the continued effect of the Commission continued to cases. guardians by riding high on President Nixon signed the freeze are to be paid under Asked about the duration of freeze that ended in mid- make decisions—and to run Business members of the foreign exchanges. The in-., bill extending his control au- certain conditions. AFL-CIO the controls, he said "the de- month and administration of- into controversy. Pay Board issued a blanket dications were that the ex- thority for the full period he President George Meany control process already is ficials expressed satisfaction. The commission issued challenge of all scheduled pay pected flow of European capi- asked, through April 30,1973. hailed this provision-as a vic- being studied," but that no Christmas shoppers appar- complicated new guidelines raises exceeding 7 per cent, tal into the United States The legislation gives him es- tory for labor. Among the ben- one now can be sure when ently were not deterred. The on rents that chairman C. throwing doubt on such future could be delayed until after sentially what be requested eficiaries are an estimated 1.7 Phase 2 will end. Commerce Department, after Jackson Grayson Jr. said raises. Some other members New Year's Day. U.S. Air Armada Hits Viet Depots SAIGON (AP) - An ar- dent Johnson's bombing halt The U.S. Command re- Nixon ordered the raids in re- mada of 350 American fighter- • three years ago. mained silent on Hanoi's : taliation for the loss of six bombers struck hard against Hanoi claimed that five F4 claims and withheld details of U.S. planes in the past 2% antiaircraft defenses and sup- Phantoms were shot down, the raids. But field reports weeks and as a warning to ply depots inside North Viet- two of them 70 to 100 miles from search and rescue units Hanoi "not to push" the nam for the second day today. south of Hanoi, and their pi- indicated there had been United States too far. It was It was the biggest air attack lots'"killed or captured." An some American losses. the ninth large-scale air oper- on North Vietnam since Presi- F4 carries two crewmen. Informants said president ation inside North Vietnam that has been announced since May 1970. North Vietnam's army newspaper, Quan Doi Nhan Dan. said the heavy new at- tack was "just one of the new U.S. criminal war aggressions that will increase the numbers and prolong the imprisonment of captured American marau- ders." Several hours before the air raids began, Radio Hanoi Rtguier Staff PlMto warned that.no American EIGHTH GRADERS — While the N.J. Department of Education maintains that a new school should, be prisoners would be released built In wesr Rumson, eighth graders go through a normal day at the Forrestdale School. Here they "so long as U.S. warplanes head for cafeterta ai lunchtFrne. Lunch periods for classes are staggered over two hours dt midday to continue to violate North Viet- alleviate crowding In lunch room and on playground. nam and the Nixon adminis- tration refuses to take the steps necessary to end the war." The North Vietnamese For- eign ministry accused the State Still Firmly Opposes United States of "deliberately violating the U.S. promise to completely halt all bombing against North Vietnam." Bases, Carriers Rumson On-Site Expansion The strikes began Sunday Register Stall Photo morning from Air Force bases A HAPPIER CHRISTMAS - Little Scott Rlcheal, 18 months, of Lin croft, in South Vietnam and Thai- By JANE FODERARO and undesirable. So we rec- other site. Two school boards efit the community most" was entertained at a Christmas party in the pediatrics ward of Riverview land and from the carriers Sixth in a Series ommend what will work in the have put five off-site propos- Dr. Spare noted that "sche- Hospital by members of the Middletown Veterans of Foreign Wars. Two Constellation and Coral Sea in long run..." als to the voters and all have' matic line drqwings that the of the VFW officials, who hosted a party for all pediatrics ward patients the Tonkin Gulf. The raids TRENTON - "Look," said Dr. Spare, director of the been rejected. Board of Education submitted are Santo Corallo, commander of the Middletown post, center, and Albert continued around the clock. Dr. Edward Spare of the N.J. Bureau of Facility Planning "Don't you see," Dr. Spare for on-site addition were re- Pacitti dressed as Albie the Clown. Department of Education, Services, is talking about the said, "we try to help suburban jected." While informants in Saigon "it's not that we're so much on-going debate over school areas avoid getting boxed in said the raiders were making smarter or wiser than any- expansion in Rumson. Voters like the urban areas have. "You must realize that the an all-out assault to lessen the body else. It's just that we presumably want to expand "In our experience with present school site is drasti- threat of North Vietnamese have seen so many school dis- the elementary school at its Rumson, we have found that cally undersized," he said. Dr. MIGs, surface-to-air missiles_ tricts suffer. present site. But the state has the boards have tried to do a Spare himself toured the Soviet Steps Up Aid and antiaircraft artillery, the' ' "In our experience, we have said since 1967 that a new good job and they should be Rumson school district in U.S. Command said the found many things in educa- school, for seventh and eighth commended. They've tried to 1967. strikes were of "limited dura- tion that were both desirable graders, should be built on an- bring about'what would ben- See State, Page 2 tion" and would end at an un- disclosed time. To Non-Red Nations The command said only WASHINGTON (AP) - A Actual aid deliveries tend to arms assistance to' non-Com- "military targets" were being State Department study re- run lower than the amounts munist developing countries hit, but Badio Hanoi claimed ports that the Soviet Union that the planes bombed and RedChina,Pay-PriceFreeze pledged and to fluctuate less last year came to $800 million, stepped up its arms-aid com- from one year to the next. the largest total since 1964, strafed a hospital in Thanh mitments to non-Communist The study estimated that with most of this going to Hoa, a provincial capital 70 countries sharply last year less than half of $11 billion in Egypt. Peking pledged little miles south of Hanoi, and pop- while Red China became the Communist economic assis- or no military deliveries to ulated areas in two other provinces along the Laotian Top News Stories of 1971 largest Communist pledger of tance pledged to less-devel- these countries. economic aid. oped countries from 1954 —Of the total Communist border. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 Heavy fighting on two fronts through 1970 has been deliv- between India and Pakistan The survey by the State De- pledges of $1.1 billion in new The U.S. Command said the Red China — its admis- partment's intelligence and ered. It said Communist tu TT * A AT .• broke out after the ballot for the economic aid in 1970, Red attacks were made "in reac- sion to the United Nations, research bureau on Commu- arms-aid deliveries to these stodes had been China committed the lion's tion to enemy activity which nist aid and trade with devel- countries lag less than the President Nixon s plan to seni, share with $709 mil- imperils the diminishing U.S.
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