LlJBOWSKIIN-- - ., ~ HOSPITAL.. Admitted while application is being heard for release of Terrorism Act detainees STAFF R~ PORTERS AS WIVES AND RELATIVES of the six detained Swapo leaders and trade unionists brought an urgent application in the Windhoek Supreme Court yesterday to have the detainees released, Anton Lubowski was admitted to the Windhoek State Hos~ital. Judge Kenneth Bethune will make a decision on wnether or not to order the release of the detainees this morniniC. Mr Lubowski, one ofthe six in deten­ Lubowski was under observation. He tion, is the second detainee to be admit­ was also on a drip and was being ted to hospital in the past two-weeks. treated with anti-spasmodics and Last week Mr Dan 'lJongarero was ad­ analgaesics. Today Mr Lubowski initted to hospital with a kidney ail­ wowdbe X-rayed once again, and ifthe ment as well as piles, which were suc­ stone had not passed, then he would cessfully operated on last Friday. 'undergo a minor operation. Dr Andreas Obholzer, Medical Mrs Gaby Lubowski, wife of the de­ Superintendentofthe Windhoek State tainee, said that police had not Hospital, confirmed Mr Lubowski's bothered to inform her that her hus­ admission yesterday for a renal stone. band had been admitted to hospital. He added Mr Lubowski had a history She also confirmed that she had been of this condition. Dr Obholzer said the denied permission to visit him in stone, which was lodged between his" hospital. , kidney and bladder, could pass by Meanwhile the urgent application itself, but that the condition caused was brought yesterday by Hermine Bessinger (wife of Swapo Joint · THE WIFE of Section Six detainee, Anton Gaby L cramps and abdominal pains. this morning. She confirmed that news had reached her of her husband's adlDlSSllon He said that the stone was only par­ Continued on 3 tially blocking the urethra and thatMr page ye,sterday morning~ Priest's arrest under TUTU ARRIVES IN WINDHOEK 'weird' circumstances A LUNCHEON for Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu sched~ed for Wednesday midday at the hOIJ}.e of Walvis Bay's Anglican Parish priest, Father Michael Yates, went ahead as planned, despite the fact that Father Yates had been taken into custody the niiCht before. D-D Yates, wife of Father Mike Yates, Father Yates and adde'd that police also confirmed yesterday that she 4ad were investigating possible Illicit Dia­ visited her husband injail. Similarly, mondBuYingGDB)charges. They said she added, Archbishop 'futu and his every effort was being made to have delegation was also granted permis­ Fa~h~r ~~.e~eleased on bail yester- sion to' see Father Yates. Lawyers confirmed the detention of _ Continued on page 3 We can proudly claim to have the widest selection of fashion fabrics under one roof in the country. ANGLICAN Archbishop Desmond Tutu arrived in Windhoek yesterday. Pictured at Eros Air­ port by John Liebenberg is Archbishop Tutu with his wife Leah, and Bishop James Kauluma of the Anglican Diocese of Namibia, who will accompany him on a trip to the far north of Namibia this weekend. ! 2 Friday September 1'1 1987 <§ THE NAMIBIAN WORKERS EMPLOYED BY MKU Enterprises, photographed on Monday, when they staged a one-day workstoppage after a deadlock in negotiations with management for wage increases. Deadlock in negotiations results in work stoppage ABOUT 215 workers at MKU Enter­ workers. prises in Okahandja staged a one­ RAJAH MUNAMAVA According to the workers , Manage­ day work stoppage on Monday ment then threatened to dismiss the over wage increases. They return­ would only be given according to merit. workers as well as to institute a court ed to work the following day after Foremen refused to recommend any order to have them evicted from the resolving to apply for a Concilia­ workers for the increases and sup­ company hostel. tionBoard. ported the general view ofthe workers Management also .refused to enter that they all contributed to the proper­ into further negotiations with the -THE MANAGER of MKU Enterprises, Mr Lehnert, addressing the striking workers . The work stoppage was a result of a ty of the MKU - hence a wage increase MliDWU Workers Committei. .' ~ fr;om rbehln.~ ~fety fencing. ' • deadlock between the Metal and. • for alL ..• Manwu then advised its workers to Allied Namibian Workers Union • Last week Friday a number- of return to work and to apply for it cpn­ (Manwu), Workers Committee at workers were given some increments ciliation board in order to resolve the MJ(U, and Management. in line with the "wage increase accor­ dispute. ding to merit" as , proposed by The workers' returned to work on The dispute dates bac1t to January Management.. , / ~ Tuesday. Remission of sentences to mark .: ..... this year according to Manwuy when On Monday, the Workers Cemmittee Manwu s!,lid the application. for a workers were promised two wage i n­ appro..ached Management to lJ.egotiaie conciliation board had become SAFD's 75th anniversary - creases in the course of 1987. ~., wage increases for all. necessary because management refus­ In March the workers received some Management offered a 5% increase ed to give a hearing to the workers' CAPE TOWN: The State President, Mr PW Botha, has approved wage increases but were told in August to be subtracted from increases plann· demands and added that by applying a one-year remission ofsentence to prisoners who were members that the next set of wage increases ed for 1988 - which was rejected by the for a conciliation board it would test of certain Defence Force units at the time of their conviction, in the credibility and intergrity of this honour of the 75th commemmoration of the SA Defence Force, it mechanism in resolving labour was announced yesterday (Thursday). disputes. In a statement releasedjointly by the Minister of Justice, Mr Kobie Coetsee, and. the Minister of Defence, General Magnus Malan, the latter also announced remis­ SWAPAC MUSI.C sion of sentences by military courts to one month, except in the case of religious and other objectors. The statement reads: "The State President approved one year special remis­ presents sion of sentence to prisoners who at the time of their offence or sentence, were members of the Permanent Force, Citizens Force, Reserve or Commandos in ac­ , tive service, or under training at any unit of the SADF (including the South West AfricaTerritorial Force), and who were serving a term ofimprisonment in a South Unipart African or South West African prison on July 1, 1987, or who were sentenced to DANIELE PASCAL For a comprehensive range of imprisonment on July 1, 1987." Unipart filters, ignition parts, nCllailrewPay withrrusic spark-plugs, bulbs, sealed . beams etc., contact: Ronnie, Dieter or George Call to safeguard rights » THE POWER OF PIAF « at 224541! of 'unprotected' workers CHIROPODY IN A LETTERto NewmontMining siderable influence to ensure that the at the Guinea Fowl Restaurant DOES WONDERS in New York last month, six US rights of "these unprotected" workers FOR YOUR FEET! Senators and Congressman ex­ are safeguarded as they would be pressed deep concern at the mass under US law. nightly f·rom 13-19 September FOR TREATMENT OF firing of workers at the three main The letter was signed by Senator Ed­ CORNS, IN-GROWN mines owned by Tsumeb ward Kennedy, Senator Paul Simon, TOENAILS ETC., Corporation. Senator Carl Levin and Con­ PHONE 31077 The Senators and Congressman gresswoman Mervyn Dymally, Con­ + Set menu dinner from 19h30 said they had understood that the gresswoman Patricia Shroeder and at a special price of R12,OO firing had been in response to Congressman Howard Wolpe. per person demands by striking workers who were demanding marginal better + Cabaret from 22hOO at RB,OO pay and working conditions, in­ per ticket cluding improved safety regula­ RussupClub + Normal light menu available tions and an end to discriminatory practices in the mines. searching for after the show "These demands seem to us, to be reasonabre and legitimate in the light prettiest girl of the harsh conditions created by the Book now for a special night out! system of apartheid imposed by South RUSSUP Football Club are staging Africa's continued ill~~~l occupation". a Miss Russup beauty contest, the They said that of particular concern first round ofwhich will be held on was the eviction of the 3 100 fired September 26. workers from company housing. They The finals take place on October 9, Tel 33227 from 11hOO-14hOO said that such action would render a and both events will take place in the and from 19h30 till late majority of the workers immediately Katutura Community Hall. homeless as they were separated from The entry fee for attending the fi rst their families during their terms of round isR2,00 andforthefinalsR3,00. contract. Music will be provided by Rastaman They asked Newmont as a US based Supply. corporation with a 32% interest in the ' Inquiries can be made at telephone Tsumeb Corporation, to use its con- number 62381. ...... - THe NAMIBIAN Friday September 11 1987 3 items of information were imparted. treatment while in detention, and am on his instructions. with every aspect of human rights. Wives wait for' In two separate letters, Mr Brandt afraid that his medical condition may "I believed, and still believe, that the Appearing for the Cabinet was Mr said that Colonel (Gerrit) Badenhorst, further deteriorate:' she said. detainees can and would give informa­ Jan Combrink SC fromPietermaritz­ Court decision "after having received and considered Ms Konstantia Pandeni, a matric tion to the police regarding the offences burg, and assisted by Mr JJ SwanepoeL confidential reports, letters and pupil in Windhoek and sister of de­ in accordance with the {Terrorism Continued from page 1 records concerning {the six men), caus­ tainee John Pandeni, stated in her af: Act>;' he said.
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