Study visits catalogue 2010/11 Каталог на учебните посещения Katalog studijních pobytÛ Katalog over studiebesøg Studienbesuche: Katalog Õppelähetuste kataloog Κατάλογος επισκέψεων μελέτης Catálogo de las Visitas de Estudio Catalogue des visites d’étude Clár Cuairte Staidéir Catalogo visite di studio MÇc¥bu braucienu katalogs Mokom˜j˜ vizit˜ katalogas Tanulmányút katalógus ˚jarat ta’ Studju Katalgu Catalogus voor Studiebezoeken Katalog wizyt studyjnych Catálogo das visitas de estudo Programul vizitelor de studii Katalóg ‰tudijn˘ch náv‰tev Katalog ‰tudijskih obiskov za leto Luettelo opintomatkoista Studiebesökskatalogen Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010 The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union’s reference centre for vocational education and training. We provide information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice. Cedefop was established in 1975 by Council Regulation (EEC) No 337/75. Europe 123, GR-570 01 Thessaloniki (Pylea), GREECE PO Box 22427, GR-551 02 Thessaloniki, GREECE Tel. +30 2310490111, Fax +30 2310490020 E-mail: [email protected] www.cedefop.europa.eu Cedefop – Study Visits Tel. +30 2310490154, Fax +30 2310490044 E-mail: [email protected] http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu Aviana Bulgarelli, Director Christian Lettmayr, Deputy Director Peter Kreiml, Chair of the Governing Board A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010 ISBN 978-92-896-0628-8 © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2010 All rights reserved. Designed by Rooster Design – Greece Printed in the European Union CATALOGUE 2010/11 1 About the study visits programme The study visits programme for education and vocational training specialists, part of the lifelong learning programme 2007-13 (LLP), is an initiative of the European Commissionʼs Directorate-General for Education and Culture. Its objective is to support policy development and cooperation at European level in lifelong learning, notably in the context of the Lisbon process and the education and training agenda 2020 (E&T2020), as well as the Bologna and Copenhagen processes and their successors. As from 1 January 2008, Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) coordinates, on behalf of the European Commission, the study visits for education and vocational training specialists and policy-makers from 2008 to 2013. A study visit is a short-term visit of three to five days for a small group of specialists and decision-makers representing various groups of education and vocational training. They are stakeholders who want to examine a particular aspect of lifelong learning in another Member State. The profile of a participant corresponds mainly to one of the following categories: • company training managers; • directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • directors of guidance centres; • directors of validation or accreditation centres; • educational and vocational training inspectors; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • heads of departments; • human resource managers; • owners/managers of SMEs; • pedagogical or guidance advisers; • representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; • representatives of education and training networks and associations; • representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; • representatives of employersʼ organisations; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities; • representatives of trade unions; • researchers. The groups normally consist of 10 to15 participants. Study visits are organised locally or regionally and coordinated by the National Agency. They provide a forum for discussion, exchange and learning on themes of common interest and on European and national priorities. By exchanging innovative ideas and practices, participants promote the quality and transparency of their education and training systems. HOW TO APPLY If you want to participate in a visit, please contact your National Agency to check eligibility and other procedures. They evaluate and select candidates, and also provide any further information or clarification. A list of contact persons in your country is available online at: http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu 2 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Read the catalogue carefully. Having selected the visits you are interested in, you will have to submit an application online at: http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu Please note that there will be two application rounds in 2010/11. For study visits taking place from September 2010 to February 2011, you can apply by 31 March 2010 and for study visits taking place from March to June 2011, you can apply by 15 October 2010. HOW TO USE THIS CATALOGUE This catalogue comprises the study visits that will take place from September 2010 to June 2011 exploring the themes from three different perspectives: • general education (in the catalogue - the general education type); • vocational education and training (the VET type); • comprehensive lifelong learning (the mixed type). Descriptions of the visits on education, vocational education and training and lifelong learning have been submitted by the national agencies of the participating countries specifically for this catalogue. Study visits will be organised around 8 categories of themes (mentioned below), which reflect and encompass the latest policy developments in education and training in Europe: 1. Key competences for all, including creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship; 2. Improving access, equity, quality and efficiency in education and training; 3. Keeping teaching and training attractive and improving leadership; 4. Education and training for employability; 5. Implementing common European instruments and tools, principles and frameworks for lifelong learning; 6. Trends and challenges in lifelong learning strategies; 7. Development of learning communities, involving all actors in education and training; 8. Promoting cross border mobility in lifelong learning; In Annex (pp. 308-326), you will find descriptions for each of the categories that present the European context and latest developments on the theme, highlight aspects for approaching the theme by study visits and provide a list of reference sources. It also defines possible topics for study visits and keywords for each category of theme. This catalogue has been designed to allow you to choose the visits that suit your professional interests and schedules best. Study visits are classified by theme in chronological order, divided into two rounds: September 2010 to February 2011 and March to June 2011. The summary table (overview) allows you to find a visit quickly according to several criteria: category of theme, topic, round and date, country, working language and the page on which the content of the visit is described. You can use more search possibilities in the online version of this catalogue at: http://studyvisits.cedefop.europa.eu HOW TO USE THE DESCRIPTION PAGE The description of a study visit contains information on its content and objectives and the socio-economic context of its specific country or region. Each description contains the following information: CATALOGUE 2010/11 3 TOPIC Economic sector, if applicable Title of visit Group No: xx CATEGORY OF THEMES: The visits in 2010/2011 will be organised around eight categories of Round themes which are broad and cover the most important education and You can choose between visits vocational training policies. that take place either in the first or the second application round. WHY? This section provides the general background or the socio-economic Type of visit: context in which the visit will take place. You can choose between the visits that examine the themes WHAT? from either a general education In this section the organisers describe the main objectives and learning or vocational education and outcomes for the group. training perspective, or from a lifelong learning perspective. HOW? This section outlines the main activities through which the organisers Dates of the visit plan to achieve the objectives of the visit. dd/mm/yyyy Venue, Host country WHOM? This section describes who is expected to apply for the visit. Working language: SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: The working language of the visit This section contains a short description of the study visit in the language of the host country. Number of places: Number of places in a group Minimum required: Minimum number of participants for a visit to take place Keywords: • Keywords will help to better identify the focus of the visit. Organiser(s): WWW. The contact details of the organisers. You will be able to contact them for This section includes links to websites recommended by the organisers where you can find any additional information on the visit. additional information on the theme and places of the visit. 4 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Acerca del programa de visitas de estudio El programa de las visitas de estudio para especialistas en educación y formación, in- tegrado en el programa para el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. 2007-13 (LLP), es una iniciativa de la Dirección General Educación y Cultura de la Comisión Europea. Su ob- jetivo es apoyar el
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