COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SENATE Official Hansard MONDAY, 17 JUNE 1996 THIRTY-EIGHTH PARLIAMENT FIRST SESSION—FIRST PERIOD BY AUTHORITY OF THE SENATE CANBERRA CONTENTS MONDAY, 17 JUNE Representation of Victoria ................................ 1581 Ministerial Arrangements ................................. 1581 Questions Without Notice— Sales Tax on Motor Vehicles ............................. 1581 Premiers Conference ................................... 1582 Taxation ........................................... 1583 Child Poverty ....................................... 1584 Premiers Conference ................................... 1585 Taxation ........................................... 1586 Taxation ........................................... 1586 Greenhouse Gas Emissions .............................. 1587 Sales Tax on Motor Vehicles ............................. 1588 Women’s Organisations ................................ 1589 Sales Tax on Motor Vehicles ............................. 1590 Nuclear Waste ....................................... 1591 Taxation ........................................... 1591 Cuba: Privatisation of Telecommunications ................... 1592 Assistant Treasurer .................................... 1593 Premiers Conference ................................... 1593 Black Hawk Helicopter Accident ............................ 1600 Condolences— Former Senator Thomas Joseph Tehan ...................... 1606 Petitions— Registered Chemicals .................................. 1613 Logging and Woodchipping .............................. 1613 Sale of Telstra ....................................... 1614 Uranium ........................................... 1614 Rifle Clubs ......................................... 1614 Wool ............................................. 1614 Higher Education ..................................... 1614 Higher Education ..................................... 1615 Notices of Motion— Indonesia: Proposed Nuclear Power Plants ................... 1615 Burma ............................................. 1615 Desertification ....................................... 1616 Music Funding ....................................... 1616 Brazil ............................................. 1616 Leave of Absence ...................................... 1616 Order of Business— Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee .... 1617 Aussie’s Coffee Shop .................................. 1617 BHP Petroleum ...................................... 1617 Sri Lanka .......................................... 1617 Native Title Committee ................................. 1617 Consideration of Legislation ............................... 1617 Matters of Public Importance— Sales Tax .......................................... 1617 Committees— Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee: Joint—Report: Government Response ................................ 1629 Documents— Tuna Long-line Fishing Treaty ............................ 1637 Auditor-General’s Reports—Report No. 26 of 1995-96 ........... 1638 Auditor-General’s Reports—Report No. 27 of 1995-96 ........... 1639 Committees— Economics References Committee—Report ................... 1639 Parliamentary Delegation to The 41st Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference ........................................... 1639 CONTENTS—continued Parliamentary Delegation to Sri Lanka ........................ 1641 Parliamentary Delegation to The 95th Inter-parliamentary Conference . 1643 Committees— Membership ......................................... 1644 Assent to Laws ........................................ 1644 Export Market Development Grants Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1996— Report of Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee 1644 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill (No. 1) 1996— Report of Economics Legislation Committee .................. 1645 Consideration of Legislation ............................... 1645 Consideration of Legislation ............................... 1646 Housing Assistance Bill 1996— In Committee ........................................ 1646 Adjournment— Parliament: Length of Term of Office ....................... 1653 Documents— Tabling ............................................ 1655 Questions On Notice— Family Farm—(Question No. 8) ........................... 1656 Civil Aviation Safety Authority: Staff—(Question No. 23) ........ 1656 Army: Vehicle Projects—(Question No. 24) .................. 1656 Prospective Migrants: Applications to Immigrate—(Question No. 28) . 1658 Monash University: Alleged Breaches of Law—(Question No. 29) . 1659 Human Pituitary Hormones—(Question No. 34) ................ 1660 Defence Personnel: Legal Aid—(Question No. 40) .............. 1661 Export of Live Native Animals—(Question No. 41) ............. 1662 Marine Communications—(Question No. 45) .................. 1662 Government Petrol Contracts—(Question No. 47) .............. 1664 National Museum of Australia: Gallery of Aboriginal Australia— (Question No. 52) ................................... 1665 Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation: Market Intelligence Report—(Question No. 55) ............................ 1665 Postal Services—(Question No. 58) ........................ 1666 Postal Services—(Question No. 59) ........................ 1668 Postal Services—(Question No. 60) ........................ 1670 Postal Services—(Question No. 61) ........................ 1671 Postal Services—(Question No. 62) ........................ 1672 Postal Services—(Question No. 63) ........................ 1674 Defence Purchases—(Question No. 64) ...................... 1674 Humpback Whales—(Question No. 81) ...................... 1675 SENATE 1581 Monday, 17 June 1996 starting point wrong. The fact is that on 11 June, in advance of the Premiers Conference, the Treasurer announced the Commonwealth’s The PRESIDENT (Senator the Hon. proposals in relation to the conference, includ- Michael Beahan) took the chair at 2.00 p.m., ing the question of sales tax. He said in that and read prayers. statement on 11 June that the Commonwealth would be proposing to remove the exemption REPRESENTATION OF VICTORIA from sales tax currently enjoyed by Common- The PRESIDENT—Order! I inform the wealth, state, territory and local governments. Senate that I have received, through the He also said, in terms of the specifics, that it Governor-General, from the Governor of would apply to vehicles purchased from that Victoria the certificate of the choice of the day by Commonwealth, state and territory houses of the Victorian parliament of Senator governments. He also said that, so far as the Stephen Michael Conroy to fill the vacancy remainder of the sales tax arrangements for caused by the resignation of Senator the Hon. non-vehicles was concerned, that would Gareth John Evans QC. I table the certificate. involve negotiations with the states on transi- tional arrangements and the like. MINISTERIAL ARRANGEMENTS That is the position that the Commonwealth Senator HILL (South Australia—Leader government went into the Premiers Confer- of the Government in the Senate)—by ence on. The reason why it went in on that leave—I inform the Senate that Senator Parer, basis was, of course, because it was aware— the Minister for Resources and Energy, will as were all the states, Senator Wheelwright, be absent from question time today. Senator contrary, I think, to your party opposite, Parer will be delivering the keynote address which vandalised the finances of this country to the annual conference of the Australian for 13 years—that it was necessary for all Petroleum Exploration Association in Darwin. members of the Australian community and all During his absence, I will take questions levels of government to make a contribution relating to the portfolios of primary industries towards meeting the deficit reduction of $8 and energy, and industry, science and tourism. billion that the government inherited two days after the election. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE Fortunately, the whole basis for the Premi- Sales Tax on Motor Vehicles ers Conference was that—unlike Labor oppos- Senator WHEELWRIGHT—My question ite—the state and territory premiers and is addressed to Senator Short, the Assistant leaders acknowledged that there was a need Treasurer. Senator, the Treasurer announced and a responsibility on all our parts to make in writing that sales tax will be payable on all a contribution to that deficit reduction which vehicles bought by state and local govern- was the direct cause of the irresponsibility of ments after 3.15 p.m. on 11 June. The Prime the previous Labor government. As happens Minister and the Treasurer then announced with all premiers conferences—and they have orally on 14 June that the earlier announce- been the same from time immemorial—the ment was wrong, and that only certain cars whole basis of the conference is that you go would be taxed. Could you please advise the and discuss the different ways of meeting the Senate of any precedent of withdrawing a objectives. written taxation announcement with an oral The important outcome of the Premiers one. Do you believe that this is a good way Conference was that the result—the bottom to make tax policy? Has any tax been charged line result—was a very satisfactory outcome to state or local governments under the indeed for the Commonwealth. previously announced regime, and will this Senator Bob Collins—Not for the taxpayer, tax be refunded? Jim. Senator SHORT—In response to Senator Senator SHORT—Yes, because, with the Wheelwright’s question,
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