Workers of the World, Unite! KENYATTA - LEADER OF AFRICA IN REVOLT (See Page 3) THE PUBLISHED WEEKLYMILITANT IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE Vol. XVI - No. 49 267 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1952 PRICE: 10 CENTS CIO Convention State Dept. Blocks UN Truce Is Dominated by leadership Battle Move; “Hotter” War Feared Dec. 4 — The CIO national convention, convened since Dec. 1 in Atlantic City, has thus far been dominated by the struggle for the top post left vacant by the death of Philip Murray, to the virtual ex- ® Dictator Voids U.S. Troops to Remain elusion of consideration of vital issues facing labor. Election Result United Auto Workers President In Korean War Despite W alter Reuther and CIO Ex­ ecutive Vice President Allan S. Haywood head opposing factions In Venezuela in a struggle for the CIO An election, designed to provide Eisenhower Promises presidency. A t this w riting, al­ though no decision has yet been a democratic facade for the dic­ By A rt Preis reached, Reuther appears to have tatorship in Venezuela, has back­ Washington has whipped its reluctant allies into line the edge. Attempts of the officials fired. The URD (National Demo­ on the Korean truce negotiations. India was forced to to avoid an open contest by an cratic Union) won By a landslide. revise its original “ compromise” plan — already in accord agreement have thus fa r proved This forced dictator Perez Jimidez fruitless. The issue w ill come to with U jS. demands that have held®- a roll-call vote tomorrow unless to black out all news to the out­ up a truce for a year — and to the U.S. diplomats gave further Haywood, as rumored, withdraws side world while the election accept further “ amendments” evidence that the prisoners-of- .at the last moment. results were falsified and Ignacio dictated by the U.S. State Dept. war issue is not the only; or even The sharpness of the contest Arcaya, the head of the winning These are calculated to make UN the most important, issue block­ fo r leadership contrasts with the truce terms fu lly unacceptable to ing a truce. Their objections to party, jailed. The election outcome the Chinese and North Koreans. the original India plan were based almost total lack of discussion of is an unexpected blow not only to issues. While there is a difference In their latest UN maneuvers, on that section referring to a the military dictator Perez political conference to be held be­ of age, temperament and back­ Jiminez But to his backers — the ground between the contestants, tween the belligerents after an U.S. State Department and the armistice is reached. The U.S. they express no fundamental d if­ U.S. oil and steel corporations. Washington Faces ferences on the crucial issues af­ delegates demanded elimination By December 1 it was clear that fecting labor. Both boast they are of this reference. They indicated the URD had won the election faithful disciples of Murray. that Washington has no intention held the previous day. I t led in 18 Dilemma in Bolivia of dealing w ith the real issues Thus, it would appear that the of the country’s 20 states and an­ behind the Far East conflict — conflict over leadership is noth­ other opposition party led in one recognition of New China, return ing but a power fight between Tin Mines Seizure of the remaining states. Even the of Formosa, withdrawal of all two cliques, lacking any demon­ “Will the Eisenhower adminis­ government tabulating agency foreign troops from Korea to strated principled basis. Neither NEW S IT E M : Letters pour into Gen. Eisenhower’s headquarters demanding, “Bring the Boys tration buy Bolivian tin. ?” is reported that the URD was lead­ permit the Koreans to settle their side has presented the convention W ALTER REUTHER. auto home from Korea.” the question posed by a featured ing with 54% of the vote. Then own fate. Wall Street’s govern­ an effective program dealing with union head, shown with the late dispatch from Bolivia’s capital, censorship was clamped on the ment is determined on the the big and grave problems of CIO President P H IL IP M U R ­ La Paz, in the Nov. 24 issue of country, no telephone communica­ ultimate destruction of the pres­ the OI'O; nor has there been even RAY (seated), whose death set the Wall Street Journal. The tion with the outside world was ent revolutionary governments in an attempt at honest and critical off a leadership struggle in the Journal says this is a big question CIO. allowed until the night of Decem­ FI DEMANDS REVIEW OF CZECH TRIAL China and North Korea. analysis of the recent great elec­ ber 2 when the Ariny pronounced especially in the event that the toral defeat of the 20-year-old the dictator president and declar­ Bolivian government fails to pay FORMIDABLE PROBLEMS Democratic-labor coalition. they weigh inducements and ed that his party was leading in BEFORE IMPARTIAL LABOR TRIBUNAL what it calls “ fair compensation” Despite Eisenhower’s implied Both sides have been busy promises. 'But in the entire pro­ the election tabulation. to the nationalized mines’ stock­ promise to the American people cess of choosing a top leader the holders, many of whom are Amer­ scrambling fo r votes in event an PARIS, France, Nov. 28 — The CP by a rival clique which won Without doubt the police ap­ that he is going to Korea to end CIO ranks are being little con­ icans. open show-down comes. The lead­ FOR NATIONALIZATION International Secretariat of the the definitive backing of -»the paratus of Stalin prepared this the war, all press comment and sulted. Whoever wins, the problem ers of the different affiliated The URD not only opposed the Fourth International yesterday Kremlin. This is the way in which tria l in the classic manner of the According to the Wall Street speculation seem to turn on of leadership w ill not have been unions are lining up on the basis totalitarianism of the present condemned the Czech frame - up under analogous circumstances other trials of the same kind, Journal, the Bolivian question alternatives for continuing the really solved. of the bureaucratic advantages of­ regime with its concentration trial as a new monstrous crime trials will be prepared tomorrow slipping genuine agents provoca­ poses the following dilemma: war. This is what Eisenhower, A fu ll report from the conven­ fered by each side. There is some camps for union members but of Stalinism and appealed to fo r the French Slanskys and teurs and doubtful elements “ I f the U.S. doesn’t buy they say, is really going to Korea shifting 'back and forth among tion w ill be published in the next also called for nationalization of members of the Communist Par­ Geminders, the Martys, the Til- among the authentic Communist Bolivia’s tin, the mining industry to try to decide. the leaders of smaller unions as issue of The M ilitant. here may well collapse, and Uncle Venezuela’s rich oil fields and iron ties and progressives everywhere Ions and even the Thorezes. leaders who up to yesterday were Formidable problems confront ore deposits. to protest against the trial and loyal servants of the Kremlin. Sam would lose the only major WHY THEY “CONFESSED” * the U jS. diplomatic and military The present dictatorship rose demand it Be reviewed Before an source of tin in this hemisphere planners, both the U.S. News and STALIN’S TRADEMARK — a big blow if war should come. to power in 1948. The overthrown impartial, international working- The grotesque and odious char­ World Report and Life magazines A U.S.' boycott of Bolivia would president, Gallegos, accused U.S. class triBunal. The International acter of the accusation in this The method of amalgams is a emphasize in leading articles in also bring hunger, hardships and CIVIL WAR STILL RAGES oil companies of financing the Secretariat is t'he leading Body of new monstrous “ tria l” did not trademark of the GPU and Stalin. their current issues. I f the Amer­ now political upheavals to this revolt of the m ilitary junta. He the Fourth International, world escape any observer, even the least It can fool no one save those who ican ruling class hasn’t attempt­ country, and would fan the also declared that the m ilitary party of the socialist revolution critical. Accused in the same having lost all critical perception ed to push through to a definitive already strong anti - American attache of “a large power” had founded By Leon Trotsky Before breath o f’ being agents of im ­ and courage are already prepared military settlement in Korea, FIERCELY IN SO. KOREA feeling throughout South Amer­ participated in the military coup. he was murdered by an agent of perialism, Titoists, Zionists, Trot­ to quiet their conscience by paint­ it is because the obstacles in all ica. By Joseph Keller The “ large power’’ was understood Stalin. The full text of the ap­ skyists, bourgeois nationalists, the ing up the bureaucratic police directions are fearful and there ‘^On the other hand, if the U.S. to be the U.S. peal follows: Prague victims naturally “ con­ regime of Stalin in the colors of are no guarantees for successfully Anti-Rhee guerrillas by the thousands are still oper­ does buy Bolivia’s tin — without ... fessed” all up and down the line. the struggle for the revolution overcoming any or all of them. WANTED FIG LEAF satisfactory compensation having ating behind the battle-lines in South Korea despite two- Eleven of the defendants in the Imprisoned fo r long months, and for socialism.
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