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BRENNAN Associate Publisher ing in the firm's products and/or services. people") and more user-friendly and effi­ I talked to a solar energy salesm an who cient. The state and local governing bod­ told me he just sold a $17,000 alternative ies have a closer ear to the people and thus oncern about computer glitches in energy system to a guy that supposedly is should have a stronger voice. Having said C conjunction with the dawning of the one of the "higher-ups" in one of our local that, the federal government through both new millennium is growing louder as of power companies. He said this guy is con­ the executive branch and the legislative late. The Y2K scare is starting to amplify; cerned about the grid and wants to be cov­ branch needs to show some leadership and I expect it will only grow louder at an ex­ ered. Great! quash this "scare" immediately. Not only ponential factor as the days wear on to­ Then there are the so-called computer should they establish plans to deal with ward Year 2000. The rumor mill is run­ experts who proclaim, the problems that the potential problems of the Y2K, like we ning out of control with doom and gloom exist are being resolved; and although think they are doing, but they need to ed­ projected; everything being affected from there is nothing to be concerned about, ucate the public and launch a powerful airline control tower problems to power they are probably going to store some marketing campaign to combat the rising grid failures (no electricity) to the stock food away and take their money out of the tide of concern. There is no reason why market crashing. market because everyone else is. Well, the public should experience the terror of Unfortunately, those who have the most that is all we need, "the blind leading the Y2K, where people envision society, as we to gain from this fiasco, such as solar ener­ blind." Most of the doom -and-gloom sce­ know it, collapsing in every light switch gy firms, and those new Y2K enterprises narios encourage people to throw their and programmable VCR. appearing and disappearing overnight, fuel hands up in despair, or embrace a different the rumor mills. One day a company is kind of solution like buying gold or stock­ For more information on the Y2K issue, there. The next, it's gone without a trace, piling water, oatmeal and ammunition. send your e-mail address to associate­ and in its wake, many businesses are left I have always believed our federal gov­ [email protected]. Type hanging, with no place to tum after invest- ernment should be smaller ("power to the "Y2K?" in the subject box. COMMENTARY COMEBACKS associate publisher@ nevada business .com Dear LB: and those with parents who just the time to visit my school and extramarital trollops through the My name is Cheryl Best, and I'm simply don't care enough to extend staff, or if you only have the time to White House (and whatever other a Nevada teacher. I work in an at­ themselves to their children when make comments with little in which indiscretions he has on his con­ risk school in Reno. I would like to they are not in school. to base them. In a half a page of science), then he should also be invite you to our school, so you Our staff is very dedicated you r publication, you condemned a treated as a common man who has have a little more on which to base spending far more than contract large group of people, people that I broken the law by lying to the your opinion [August 1998]. More hours at school, as well as working guess you feel are all overpaid, un­ Grand jury. A trial, at least, would than 6o% of the teachers in our at home. You have no idea how caring, or just lazy. be a start oo• at least oo• even if he school have masters degrees, with much time we spend trying to help I hope to see you at our school isn't impeached. In my opinion, he several more, including myself, in these kids. As a staff we voted to soon. should just resign. To follow the process of acquiring one. All of implement a new reading program through with what I believe were us can show continuing education that is time consuming, and re­ Ms. Best: I applaud bath your pas­ good and just intentions, President credits for each year that we have quires on going training. sion and your personal effort. Keep Clinton should show some respect taught. All of us are more than When I finish my masters de­ an eye out for me. to the laws of the nation he repre­ happy to be evaluated on our per· gree, I will have spent five years sents. These laws are in place to formances as teachers, but there is full time in college as well as two protect, not to punish. Even if he is no test that will show if someone is years part time. It costs me $900 Dear LB: our President and his public opin­ capable of presenting knowledge every two months for my classes. I couldn't agree with your com­ ion rating is high, no one respects to motivate another to learn. On top of this, I am training for the mentary more [September 1998]. his position. And that is bad for the You seem to feel that teachers reading program that I mentioned. I used to be a proud Clinton sup­ stability of our nation. It is obvious are the only possible problem with What more would you ask? I am far porter because I thought his presi­ in our Clark County elections, as education today. Is there no re­ from unusual among my cowork­ dency stressed ideals and integrity well as in most elections around sponsibility in the home? More ers, in my school or in others. in the face of an uncertain world . the country, no one thinks that the than half of our students are ESL When was the last time you were He put much effort into furthering freedoms they were given inherent­ (English as a second language). in a classroom? From what experi­ the peace process in many nations, ly are worth preserving for their Many come to us speaking no Eng­ ences do you draw your opinion? and despite stalemates, remained children and future generations.
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