KORINTHIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY PRODUCTS OF KORINTHIA EXPORTERS LIST Korinthia has always been a place connected with trade. It’ s natural and intellectual wealth, directly linked to the shrewd creativity and productivity of the people , has established the area as a stratigical point. It is not so strange, then, that modern Korinthians, worthy successors of the ancient ones, have managed to turn to their advantage all the posibilities the land has to offer. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Korinthia, in an attempt to bring out, to anyone who might be interested, foreign or not, this place, and what it has to offer, has tried to present the products and the people behind them, as plain as possible, hoping, that in this way, it will help introduce the real Korinthia to others. orinthia is a prefecture a few miles southwest of the capital of Greece, Athens. It is the ideal tourist and shopping destination, combining Kmountains and seaside, with picturesque beach- es and modern accomodations. The unique climate of the area allows production of high quality products like olive oil, wine, grapes, currants (Korinthian raisins) and Sultana’s raisins - all internationaly aknowledged. The wine classified as “Appellation origin Nemea of high quality” (VQBRD), appears in a series of the most famous restaurants in the country and abroad. Currants and Sultana’s produced according to EU legislation, are considered high qual- ity products, consumed daily by thousand of people. Olive oil, produced with the most up to date proccesing methods, maintaining its nutritional value and high standard characteristics, valu- able for human health. The traditional values of Korinthian produc- ers and manufacturers and their dedication for high standards and safety for all products of the Korinthian land, is the quarantee for their presence as high quality products. Come to Korinthia if you wish to combine prosperous business deals and pleasant stay. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Korinthia is at your disposal, to facilitate your business deals. Vasilis Nanopoulos President of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Korinthia CHAMBER OF KORINTHIA EXPORTERS LIST AGRICULTURE NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE/FAX PRODUCT URL, E-MAIL +30-2741089100, AGAMEMNON LECHAIO KORINTHIAS APRICOTS, CITRUS FRUITS, 1 +30-2741088977 [email protected] Ι. ANTALOUDAKIS 20011, GREECE GRAPES FAX: +30-2741088977 +30-27420-34333, velofruit@kor. GEORGIA SOTIR. VELO KORINTHIAS APRICOTS, CITRUS FRUITS, 2 +30-27420-32233 forthnet.gr ZAFIROPOULOU 20002 GREECE GRAPES FAX: +30-27420-32168 www.velofruit.gr SANTA MARINA +30-27410- 86489, ASSOS KORINTHIAS 3 AGROTIKOS SINETAIR- +30-27410- 86125 CITRUS, GRAPES [email protected] 20006, GREECE ISMOS ASSOU FAX: +30-27410-87977 FRAGKOULI MOULKI KORINTHIAS +30-27420-29219 Xylocastro@gmail. 4 FRESH PRODUCTS KONSTANTINA & CO 20200 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-29218 com APRICOTS,STRAWBERRIES, +30-2741051851/51855 [email protected] ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS GRAPES, OLIVE OIL, OR- 5 PASKALIS KRETA S.A +30-27410-56402 www.paskaliskreta. 20001 GREECE ANGE, KIWI, MANDARINS, FAX: +30-27410-51852 gr POTATOES, CUCUMBER THESI ARKOUDA, +30-27420-27361 CITRUS- GRAPES- 6 ASA (HELLAS) LTD KIATO KORINTHIAS 20200 [email protected] FAX: +30-27420-27861 APRICOTS GREECE +30-27410-53747, ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS CITRUS, APRICOTS, 7 BACHTALIAS S.A +30-27410-50080 [email protected] 20001 GREECE GRAPES FAX: +30-27410-53890 TSOTOS-MAROULIS +30-27410-85556, PEDIO VOLIS, EXAMILIA CITRUS, APRICOTS, g.maroul@otenet. 8 KORINTHIAN FRUITS +30-27410-83500 KORINTHIAS 20100 GREECE GRAPES gr/ gmaroul@ot S.A FAX: +30-27410-84862 THESI KARANTZA, +30-27410-89522, CITRUS, APRICOTS, 9 ANASTASIOS D. SOFOS ASSOS KORINTHIAS +30-2741028029 GRAPES 20006 GREECE FAX: +30-27410-89522 LUCOFRUIT PLATEIA AG. FANOURIOU, +30-27420-33590 FRESH FRUITS 10 ATHANASIA VELO, KORINTHIAS +30-27420-32134 [email protected] & VEGETABLES LOUKOPOULOU & CO 20002 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-32234 ANASTASIOS +30-2742032959, +30- ARCH. KORINTHOS CITRUS, APRICOTS, 11 STARFAS 2742032583/35030 [email protected] KORINTHIAS 20007 GREECE GRAPES, POTATOES STARFRUIT S.A FAX: +30-2742034030 PAP S.A +30-27410-36955, APRICOTS, GRAPES, XYLOKERIZA KORINTHIAS 12 (PAPAFILIS FRESH +30-27410-35088 LEMONS, ORANGES, WA- 20100 GREECE PRODUCTS) FAX: +30-27410-36955 TERMELONS, MANDARINS 6977402291, BRAVO-STIMAGKA STIMAGKA KORINTHIAS CITRUS, APRICOTS, 13 +30-27420-34234 [email protected] GRAPES S.A 20002 GREECE GRAPES FAX: +30-27420-33729 +30-27410-51720 NICOLAOS ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS CITRUS, APRICOTS, [email protected] 14 +30-27410-51721 MITSOPOULOS S.A 20001 GREECE GRAPES www.nicos.gr FAX: +30-27410-51650 +30-27410- 54986 ALFA PANAGOULA ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS 15 +30-27410-51950 CITRUS, APRICTOS CHRISTOU PAPOUTSI 20001 GREECE FAX: +30-27410-54948 GRAPES ORANGES, KONSTANDINOS KLIMENTI KORINTHIAS 6974429503 16 LEMONS, OLIVE OIL, MAN- DIM. GKIOULIS GREECE FAX: +30-2742024258 DARINS, FRESH FRUITS MOUSON 7-9 IRAKLIS 17 VELO KORINTHIAS 20002 +30-27420-35302 CITRUS FRUITS IOAN. IOANNOU GREECE APRICOTS, LEMONS, VASILIOU BROS VRACHATI KORINTHIAS +30-27410-55344 18 ORANGES, MANDARINS, COMPANY 20006 GREECE FAX: +30-27410-51830 GRAPES STAVROS PARASK. MOULKI KORINTHIAS +30-27420- 28994 APRICOTS, LEMONS, 19 MASTORAKOS 20200 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-28998 ORANGES, GRAPES ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS APRICOTS, LEMONS, 20 DIOLKOS S.A +30-27410-50180 [email protected] 20001 GREECE ORANGES, GRAPES, KIW ELENI GIAMPOURANI & MOULKI KORINTHIAS +30-2742025940 CITRUS, APRICOTS, aristona@teledo- 21 CO .”ARISTON” 20200 GREECE FAX: +30-2742027827 GRAPES menet.gr TZANAVARAS, THESI PROFITI ILIA +30-27410-50380 ORANGE, APRICOTS, 22 GEORGIADIS POULITSA KORINTHIAS 6973694556 FAX: +30- [email protected] GRAPES DAFNON S.A 20006 GREECE 27410-50381 SIKYON FRUIT VASILIKO KORINTHIAS +30-27420-25802 CITRUS FRUITS, POTATOES, 23 ELENI ATHAN. 20200 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-25802 FRESH FRUITS ANDREADAKI +30-27410-50337 ADAMANTIA KALENTZI KORINTHIAS 24 +30-27410-58229 GRAPES, RAISINS PANAG. KOTSIAKOU 20001 GREECE +30-27410-50339 5ο klm P.E.O KORINTHOU- +30-27410-23923 ATHAN. & GEORG. FRESH FRUITS, CITRUS, 25 PATRON, ARCH. KORINTHOS 6944717071 GILLAS S.A GRAPES KORINTHIAS 20007 GREECE FAX: +30-2741025800 +30-27420-61425 STIMAGKA KORINTHIAS p_psichogiou@ 26 D. PSICHOGIOS S.A +30-2742033308 GRAPES 20002 GREECE hotmail.com FAX: +30-27420-61444 KONSTANTINOS THESI PROFITI ILIA, +30-27420-34661 APRICOTS, LEMONS, CHRYSIKOS @KOR. 27 CHRYSIKOS VELO KORINTHIAS +30-27420-30062 ORANGES, MANDARINS, FORTHNET.GR GOLDEN FRUITS S.A 20002 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-33350 GRAPES +30-27410-56495 EKATERINI SOULINARI KORINTHIAS ASPARAGUS, APRICTOS, 28 +30-27410-59215 ANAST. MITSOPOULOU 20006 GREECE GRAPES, CITRUS, KIWI FAX: +30-27410-59475 EL GUSTO FRUIT, STIMAGKA KORINTHIAS +30-27420-61611 APRICTOS, ORANGES, 29 FRAGOULI 20002 GREECE FAX: +30-27440-61612 GRAPES, MANDARINS, KIWI KONSTANTINA & CO PROFITI ILIA 11 +30-27410-51904 [email protected] 30 SUNTIP S.A ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS GRAPES,ORANGES, KIWI FAX: +30-27410-51905 www.suntip.gr 20001 GREECE TASTY GRAPES A. FARMAKI STIMAGKA KORINTHIAS +30-2742061460 31 FRESH PRODUCTS, GRAPES V. THEODOROU 20002 GREECE 6972509510(THEODOROU ) COMPANY MELONS, APRICOTS, VIOLOGIKA AGRAK- PROFITI ILIA 8 GRAPES WATERMELON, 32 TIMATA TOUNTA ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS +30-27410-50325 agra [email protected] OLIVE OIL, CITRUS, ELEFTHERIA & CO 20001 GREECE BOTTLED WINE. THIAMIS THESI POURNARI +30-27420-61231 GIANNAKOULIAS G. 33 STIMAGKA KORINTHIAS 6974904344 GRAPES THEODOROU Μ. 20002 GREECE FAX: +30-27420-61239 TROGADIS GR. THESI KARMPOUNARI +30-2741026368/29853 34 PIPILOS S.A KORINTHOS KORINTHIAS 6944282113 FRESH FRUITS [email protected] 20100 GREECE FAX: +30-27410-20910 DIODOS 6973249259 SYNETAIRISMOS ZEYGOLATIO KORINTHIAS 35 +30-27410-50388 APRICOTS, GRAPES PARAGOGON 20001 GREECE FAX: +30-27410-50387 ZEYGOLATIOU ETHN. ANTISTASIS 42 XRISOSTOMOS PANT. LEMONS, ORANGES, MAN- 36 KIATO KORINTHIAS 6949316373 MAKAVELOS DARINS, DRY FRUIT 20200 GREECE NIKOLAOS SPYRID. MOSIA KORINTHIAS CITRUS, WATERMELONS, 37 +30-27470-41157 STAMATOPOULOS 20014 GREECE POTATOES, TOMATOES. PERIOCHI ARKOUDA +30-27420-20700-1 RAISINS, OLIVE OIL, WINE, 38 AGRONOVA LTD MOULKI, KIATO KORINTHIAS +30-27420-20701 [email protected] FRESH FRUITS 20200 GREECE FAX: +30-2742020702 +30-27410-26403, THESI KOKORETSA, +30-27410-85986, APRICOTS, RAISINS, CIT- 39 RAP ER SA BOLATI, KORINTHIAS, +30-27410-24464 RUS FRUITS, GRAPES 20006, GREECE FAX: +30-27410-21173 WINE NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE/FAX PRODUCT E-MAIL, URL KORINTHIAKI +30-27410-39842 GKA ATHIKIA KORINTHIAS arkadiko-ktima@kor. 40 OINOPOIIA +30-27410-39442 BOTTLED WINE AND JUICES 20005 GREECE forthnet.gr G. KYRGAINAS & CO FAX: +30-27410-39442 +30-27460-23142 IOANNIS DIM. NEMEA KORINTHIAS BOTTLED WINE, OUZO, 41 +30-27460-23005 NIKOLAOU 20500 GREECE ALCOHOL +30-27460-23865 AMPELOURGIA +30-27460-23138 [email protected] ARCH. NEMEA KORINTHIAS 42 OINOPOIIA +30-6944742784 BOTTLED WINE www.papaioannou- 20500 GREECE A & G. PAPAIOANNOU FAX: +30-27460-23368 wines.gr LECHAIO KORINTHIAS +30-27410-86217 43 VINELLAS S.A WINE, GRAPE PRODUCTS. [email protected] 20011 FAX: +30-2741086497 2ο klm E.O info@zacharias. NEMEAS -PETRIOU +30-27460-22667 22826 com.gr 44 OINOTECHNIKI LTD BOTTLED WINE NEMA KORINTHIAS FAX: +30-27460-23579 www.zacharias. 20500 GREECE com.gr KOUTSOUMADI +30-27460-23966 AGGELIKI 45 ARCH. NEMEA KORINTHIAS +30-27460-24190 WINE GEORG. PALIVOU 20500 GREECE FAX: +30-27460-20191 +30-27460-31244 LAYKIOTIS ARCH. KLEONES KORIN- [email protected] 46 +30-27460-31000 WINE WINERY S.A THIAS 20500 GREECE www.lafkiotis.gr
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