JAPANESE AMERICAN SERVICE COMMITTEE NEWSLETTER Spring 2019 • Vol. 49, No. 1 • 4427 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60640 • (773) 275-0097 • www.jasc-chicago.org Donors Help JASC Meet Donnelley Challenge Grant Funding Will Digitize Rare Film Interviews of Chicago Issei from 1970s Ryan Yokota, JASC Development and Legacy Center Director. “Film was expensive in those days, and few filmmakers bothered to turn their cameras on the Japanese community to capture in-language interviews such as these.” In detailing their immigration histories and their stories of in- carceration and resettlement, they are a testimony to the importance of safeguarding civil and human rights in the U.S. Today, this footage is under threat of decay, having shown signs of shrinkage, and the vinegary smell Some of the generous JASC donors in attendance at a December 6, 2018 Donnelley Challenge Grant indicative of deterioration. While fundraising event. the JASC had received a National In February of 2019, the JASC an- Came For Me exhibit in Chicago Parks Service Japanese American nounced the successful completion in 2017. In 2018, these films were Confinement Sites grant to orga- of a $25,000 Gaylord and Dorothy also screened at the Sixth Annual nize and prepare these collections Donnelley Foundation Challenge Chicago Area All-Camps Reunion. for eventual digitization, addi- Grant, which raised an additional These screenings were the first tional funds were needed for the $25,000 in matching funds to sup- time that these films had been digitization process itself. port the digitization of rare endan- shown in over 40 years. Digitization will not only help the gered film collections in the JASC Beyond the four finished films are JASC to disseminate these materi- Legacy Center archives. roughly 24,000 feet of additional als through the web, but will also These color films, produced over 16mm film footage as well as audio serve as a way to “preserve” the 44 years ago in 1975, were de- tape recordings, which include films from further decay, by creat- veloped through a federal grant rare one-of-a-kind interviews. ing a digital copy. received by the JASC to produce These oral history interviews “Through the contributions of films and materials as part of our represent a historical legacy that is the many donors of the Japanese Issei Gerontology Project, which rare not only in Chicago, but in the American community and beyond, focused on first generation Japa- nation as a whole. we have been able to save the life nese immigrants in Chicago. “I can think of few such collec- histories of these first-generation Four 16mm films were produced tions in the country that include Issei, and by doing so, save our at that time, including one which film interviews with first genera- unique Chicago story,” stated Mi- was included in the Then They tion Japanese Americans,” stated chael Takada, JASC CEO. Message from CEO Michael Takada JASC STAFF Chief Executive Officer: preservation. Michael Takada Programs and Special Events Manager: For example, the JASC wel- Joan Ambo comes materials that help de- Cultural & Community Affairs Coordinator: Kay Kawaguchi scribe and preserve the Japanese Tampopo-Kai Coordinators: American experience, particu- Naomi Negi Tomoko Hanna larly from personal perspectives. Donguri-Kai Coordinators: No story is too small. So before Kaori Tabion Kaori Horike-Lambert you throw away any old photos, Yuri Yatsuda scrapbooks, etc., make a call to Japanese Language Specialist: Keiko Takenaka the JASC Legacy Center or to Development & Legacy Center Director: other organizations and learn Ryan Masaaki Yokota, PhD Archivist: how to make a meaningful con- Merle Branner, MS, MLIS tribrution to their collections. Oral History Program Coordinator: Anna M. Takada Looking ahead, there is a Digitization Coordinator: Greetings from the JASC! As significant effort underway at Kioto Aoki, MFA Controller: you can see from our cover story the JASC to identify ideas for Bryan Robson we are extremely excited by your creating new space for our many Database Coordinator: Ryan Toguri response and generosity in sup- programs and services. Across Receptionist: porting our efforts to preserve the board, we experience grow- Yuki Scroggins Social Media Coordinator: rare color film and audio tape re- ing demand for our activities and Shalini Sivaram cordings from our Legacy Center services. At the same time, our Adult Day Care Services: archives. aging facility presents increasing Coordinator: Your contributions were financial challenges with each Melba Ristow, RN Nurse: matched by the Gaylord and passing season. Nanytes Blanca, RN Dorothy Donnelly Foundation So what does new space look Activity Planner: Katren Mesa Chiong, CNA and we now move onto the next like? As we are only at the Joel Villaruel phase of the project to restore beginning of the process, we Drivers: Ruben Alcantara and digitize these invaluable re- are keeping our options open. Tyroam McGhee cords of our community’s past. Possibilities range from selling Douglas Peterson We look forward to sharing our building to a party that can Home Support Services: Manager: news about this project’s progress develop the site with the JASC Sodarlene Khee in the coming months as well as as part of the new development, Homemakers: Djifa Agbemavor Harumi Richmand our plans for showcasing the final selling the property and finding Siddharth Ariya Anntonette Roby Carmelo Arzuaga Soung San products. another location, and everything Shanna Barnes Brionna Sangas Samoeum Buth Donna Scott Along these same lines related in between. We want to stay in Vezire Dema Vandeth Sek Kathy Drury Carolynn Shiozaki to preservation and our Legacy the neighborhood to serve the Dennetta Ellis JoAnn Silva Jennetta Hemphill Visal Sok Center, I am reminded that while interests of our social service Andrea Hernandez Senchanveasna Sours Mouykeang Horng Toni Talaska many of us may not necessar- clients, and we can say with cer- Andleeb Jawaid Dolly Tang Floyd Jefferson Rath Tep ily view family memorabilia as tainty that we will remain within Geraldine Jones Prisca Tevi-nouvi Lila Keo Kunthy Thach of much significance to people the city limits. We are just get- Eunhwa Kim Seng Thach Mabel Kwan Sovann Tim outside our immediate families, ting underway and I’m happy to Dao Maranion Chean Tiu Marla McClendon Aileen Tsuchida-Melendez it does represent a history and as chat with anyone more about this Sharon Mckinley Wanda Vanphou Nou Phly Connie Watkins such it is quite possibly of inter- exciting project. Verginia Obina Winnette Willis Anita Owuamanam Dunisha Winters est to groups such as the JASC In gratitude, Gold Onukwue Karina Yao Enriqueta Perez Tyler Young that are dedicated to historical Michael Takada Sopheary Phan Yuko Youssef 2 2019 Day of Remembrance Connects Legacy to Today discussed additional contemporary concerns such as the separation and detention of children and fam- ilies at the U.S.-Mexican border, and issues of policing and surveil- lance as they impact Muslim and Arab communities. The program then concluded with a call to ac- tion, the retiring of the colors, and a community reception. JASC SOCIAL MEDIA Internet From left: Karen Korematsu, Korematsu Institute Executive Director; Muhammad Sankari, Lead www.jasc-chicago.org Facebook Organizer at the Arab American Action Network; Mony Ruiz-Velasco, Executive Director of PASO https://www.facebook.com/JASCchicago - West Suburban Action Project; and Anna Takada, CJAHS/JASC Oral History Program Coordinator. Twitter twitter.com/myJASC On February 17, 2019, the Chi- Exclusion Order, which had called Instagram cago Japanese American commu- for the forced evacuation of the www.instagram.com/jasc_chicago nity held it’s 2019 Japanese Ameri- Japanese American community JASC BOARD OF DIRECTORS can Day of Remembrance at the during WWII. Chicago History Museum. Jointly Anna Takada, CJAHS/JASC President sponsored by the Chicago Japanese Oral History Program Coordina- John R. Sasaki Vice President & Treasurer American Council, the Chicago tor, screened a teaser trailer of an Yasuko Metcalf Japanese American Historical upcoming documentary, which Vice President Robert Kumaki Society (CJAHS), JACL - Chicago draws from the oral histories col- Vice President Chapter, the Japanese Mutual Aid lected in the project. Glenn Sugiyama Secretary Society of Chicago, and the Japa- Karen Korematsu, Founder and Stacy Uchida Brown nese American Service Commit- Executive Director of the Fred Directors Damon DiCastri tee (JASC), this event focused on T. Korematsu Instutute, served Marion Friebus-Flaman, PhD connecting the history of Japanese as the keynote speaker for the Sayaka Machizawa, PsyD Andrew Mine American WWII incarceration to evening, and in discussing the Brian Panish contemporary issues. 1944 Supreme Court challenge Kimberly Robinson The program opened with the that her father had waged against posting of the colors by members incarceration, noted that the 2018 JASC RESIDENT PARTNERS of the Chicago Nisei Post No. Trump v. Hawaii Supreme Court Asian Improv aRts Midwest • airmw.org 1183. Following this, MC Ryan decision that finally repudiated the A-Squared Theatre • a-stw.org Yokota, JASC Development and Korematsu decision was similarly Chicago Nisei Post No. 1183 • Legacy Director, recognized Mona dangerous as a court precedent in nationalveteransnetwork.com/ chicagoniseipost1183.shtml Noriega, Chicago Commission approving the Muslim travel ban. Shubukai • fujimalegacy.com on Human Rights Commissioner, Muhammad
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