Vol. 8. No. 22 Copyright 1950 by Eastman Koda k Company, Rochester, N . Y. June 1. 1950 Folsom Elected Chairman Ads Carry Of CED in Capital Session El( Story Marion B. F olsom , treasurer and a director of the Compan y, has been elected chairman of the C om m ittee for Economic Develop­ men t. H e succeeds W . Walter W illiam s, president of Continental, Inc. Paul G. Hoffman, former pres­ To Millions ident of the Studebaker Corpora­ White House and heard a brief talk by President Truman. Kodak' s 1 95 0 advertising tion, was chairman of the commit­ campaig n is rollin g in to h igh tee until 1948, when he resigned In his inaugural address, Folsom to become ECA administrator. said that the goal of stable, pro­ gear now that ideal pictu re-tak­ The CEO elected Folsom chair­ ductive employment at a high ing weather is here. man at its recent meeting in Wash­ level depended on "an objective Appearing in the outstanding ington. The board visited the approach by businessmen, work­ publications of the country, EK's ers, farmers, consumers and the ads in black and white and color Government as to what is good for feature still cameras, picture tak­ the economy as a whole rather ing, color and accessories. than the specia l interest of any The total number of advertising group." messages delivered by the cam­ He recalled that real wages­ paign runs well above the 400 mil­ the purchasing power of money lion mark, and will go into four out wages-had increased more than of five homes across the n ation 12 fourfold in the last 75 years. If this times this year. rise in li ving standards is to con­ k • 0 M • T ake a peek inside the new home The ad program will run tinue, he said, "we will have to do N ew L00 In es 01nes-of EK Stores, Inc .. Des Moines. throughout the year, but the high a better job of increasing produc­ Inset is H arry Prins, who ha s been m an ager since 1948. point will be reached in m idsum­ tivity than in the past because of mer. That's the time when vaca­ the large sums it is necessary to tions will be in full swing, and spend on national defense and picture taking goes hand in hand foreign assistance programs." EI(S Gets New Home with travels and leisure time. The CED is a nonprofit, non­ partisan organization of many of Eastman Kodak Stores, Inc., Des Moines, formerly located at 318 The story of Kodak's current ad­ the nation's leading businessmen Eighth St., has packed up and moved to a new commodious store v ertising program will be told in and educators. Folsom was one of at 513 Locust St. There, with enlarged facilities, the store offers a its founders. a display in the State St. audito­ (Continued on P age 4) com fortable p lace to view the latest in photographic materials. rium. EKers are invited to visit The history of the Des Moines it noon hours, June 5 through 9. Store dates back to 1899, when the Panel exhibits will be set up to Des Moines Photo Material Com­ show how Kodak advertises its pany originally was incorporated. amateur. p rofessional. industrial. EK Stores, Inc., acquired the busi­ graphic aris and medica l photo· Getting ness of this company in 1903. graphic products. The media in­ The first manager of the store was clude magazines. newspapers, dis· G. E. Strassler , who was succeed­ plays, direct mail. leaflets. folders DoYin to ed in 1905 by L. M. Pratt. The lat­ and other Kodak publications. ter transferred to the Denver Store There also will be a 4-foot model in 1909. Manager until 19 12 was of Kodak's Colorama in New Tom Roberts jr., who recently re­ York's Gr and Central Station. Earth tired as manager of EK Stores, • • • Inc., New York. R. E. Saul headed EK's over-all campaign is beamed Caterpillar Does It the store from 1912 until 1917. to five big photographic markets. 25 Years for AU hans They are: With a Cine Special 1. The Family. For the next 25 years, W. W. 2. The Teen-Ager. Althans served as m anager, and 3. The higher price bracket. was succeeded by Paul Hastings. 4. The Photo Fans. After five years in Des Moines, 5. The Hobby Fans. Hastings transferred to Dallas. Part one of the program-the Present m anager is Harry W. Family market-is a good example Prins, who joined EK Stores, Inc., of how it works. Two hard-hitting Sioux City, in November 1910. He campaigns are directed to this served in a variety of capacities mass market ... the fathers, m oth­ until Nov. 23, 1942, when he was ers, sisters and brothers. They appointed store manager. Prins make up the snapshooting family. became manager of the Des Moines One campaign stresses picture Store in 1948. taking. Beautifully reproduced in While the Des Moines Store is full color, page ads will carry the well k nown for its service to the snapshot story throughout the am ateur photographer, it also acts year in the magazines the whole as a source of supply for the p ro­ family reads - Saturday Evening fessional trade including portrait, Post, Life, Look and Collier's. commercial and industrial photog­ There will be 36 ads throughout raphers, commercial photofin ish­ the year, delivering 144,560,6 10 ers and the graphic arts. The messages to 15,181 ,559 families. store's facilities include a color The second appeal to the Family (Continued on P age 4) market emphasizes popular cam­ Pretty Tricky_ A;bove. Frank K irchner. Cater- eras-the Kodak Duaflex Camera, plllar Tractor Co. photographer. the Kodak Tourist Camera, the gets a worm's-eye view and an operator's·eye view faust faux Pas Brownie Flash Six-20 Camera and of a motor grader at work with a Cine·Kodak Spe· A taxi stopped: a stranger en­ the Kodak 35 Camera. Eye-catch­ cial Camera. Right, Reinhard Knittel is assembling ing two-color ads will run through a Cine Special in Dept. 35, Camera Works,. tered Bldg. 10 early Monday morning, May 15. the spring and summer. They will aim 61,371,378 messages at 15,- T he Caterpilla r T ractor Company wanted "Has the cast come in yet?" he queried KO Guard Emmett 181,559 families reading the publi­ som e "d own to ear th " m ovies t he other day ... Harris. cations. and it got t hem w ith a Ci n e--,K=od:::,a:,:k:_::::S~p~ec:i:a~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~====::::==~~~ " What cast?" was Harris' A good share of the advertising Cam era. r puzzled answer. also will tell the story of the Cine­ Their camera crew was shooting that they used, either. They mount- Copies of the film have been " The Metropolitan cast. the Kodak cameras and their use in a two-reel Kodachrome movie ed the camera on an all-steel sent to Caterpillar distributors and opera company. They're going making home m ovies. Magazines showing one of their big Diesel framework tripod atop the grader. dealers throughout the United to sing Faust tonight.'' be de­ like Saturday Evening P ost, L ife, motor graders at work and wanted This enabled the camera to look States, Canada and overseas. clared. H o 1 ida y, National Geographic, to get some "close-ups." just over the motor grader opera- Movies taken with the Cine-Ko- " This is the Eastman audito­ Field and Stream and U.S. Camera They mounted th e camera on a tor's head to record on film the ac- dak Special Camera are nothing rium. isn't it?" the stranger will carry full-color ads on full specially bu ilt yoke j ust below the tion as the operator sees it. new for Caterpillar. Only recent­ continued. "That's where I told pages. fr on t axle of the m achine. This In addition to actua l grader op- ly their "shooting" schedule the taxi driver I wanted to go." Store displays, direct-mail ma­ put the camera lens about 3 or 4 erations, the movie shows the man- <'a iled for 800-foot fi lms each on Harris soon had the stranger terial to the movie makers, and in ches from the ground. They got ufacture and assemb ly of m otor Caterpillar engines, m arine en­ on his way to the Eastman Cine-Kodak folders, booklets and the film they wanted showing the graders at the Caterpillar plant in gines, V8 and Vl2 engines, snow Theater-and a good thing for stuffers will tie in with the maga­ rolling action of the earth off the Peoria and highlights materials removal and railr oad applications, the opera. too. zine ads. And dealers are urged to blade of the gr ader. and processes employed in grader as well as two 400-footers on The stranger was the com­ link their promotional programs This wasn't the only technique production, all shot w ith the Cine tractors. They all were on Koda- pany's chief electrician. with Kodak's by using newspaper new to industrial fi lm production Special. chrom e F ilm and in sound. and radio advertising. June L 1950 2 KODAKERY Youth Clicks with Camera Photog Saves To Capture $20,000 Contest Self, Camera From r- Croc' Only muddy water caused a crocodile to m iss Lt.
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