University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 11-2-1968 Kabul Times (November 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 185) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (November 2, 1968, vol. 7, no. 185)" (1968). Kabul Times. 1911. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1911 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , \ .... ,. .~ , ., ...... ,, 'I , I' • , '\ .(". ',' •",I ' d ....,':.' . " ~Co,g "'!iIEi'i""iIll!iZ!?'m'm..&S_ :;" " "GV 261968 l~.··" ,,-~, rt ." " ,1'lt':i':t~J" "'" ( . ~ ',. ~." ~.' ., ..... ~ i·~..r\ ..' _ VOI.Yn "NP,181. KABUL, SATURDAY, NOVEM~ER 2, 1968 (~QRAB 11, 1347S~ H·)SO) ',c~:li3j,'i':.,:,!t:7' ;PRICE AF. 4 ~oyal Audrena 'SOviet Le:a~ts Give-:Cqsllnon~ut purin~K:AIIUL,the Nov.week 2,endin~,(Bakhtar),-<?ctob~r A.' Tr' l';·-U·~ .'m·I'!p·J.h"an't'iwe'"I~om"'e""'" .: .... 31 ,the following Were receIved In audience by His Majesty the Ki· :MOSCOW N~v. 2 (AFP),-Co. Ing the activities i" the explora- nil:' lonei ,GeoJ!iy Ber~govoy fresh tio11 and uses of outer space, Inc· president o( the Wole.i ]irg"b from his' four.-day space flight in luding th.e moon ~d other cele­ '(HOIIse or Representatives), Dr, "Soyuz.3" Was to fly into Mos. stial bo'lles was. slg,ned, Abdlil',Zaher; Chief ,Justice Ab· cow yesterday to a triumphal we. "Outer space .musl .' become lUI • dul :Hllkim Ziayee; lntetior Mtn- lcome. , arena o~ scientiflcreseareh, of Isterli1:lr.,. Mohammad Wardak; Soviet Pr~sident Nikolai ':'odg9- international cooperatlon,_b~ not I PUbl~ 'Wor~s Miniater ,Eng, M07 rny, First Secretary LeOnid Bre- an arena of hostile, c1U1ies. WASHINGTON, Nov, ,2, (Reu­ But fhe sources said Hanoi un- The President said he had finally h~mad ·Hussain Ms'sa; PUblic zhnev and Prime Ministe,r Alexei "We kn~w well how dUJleult ter),~The United States friday . derstood thlt the President'S dcl"i§­ d~cldcd te: end the homolns "tl;) 'HealUi ' r;1"iriiSter, ','MiSS Kilbra Kosygin lined UP with the 47-year- and comphc~ted theconqu~ of haIled all bombing of North Viet. ion to hait the bombing did not really. determine the good fn'l,th of Noucliii; MiniSter. Without Port· old cosmonaut his wife and mot. outer space IS and we pay tribute nam. bar reconnaissance fligh'1; by un- tilOS~ who have assured us that pro~ ,foli'iF1k Abdul' Wahed $arabi; her to greet his arrival from the to the co'urage 'of the,American President Johnson orde.ed 1he armed American aircraft oYcr North !"rcss will rcslJlt when bombing cea-. Knn'li'illiiIr Governor' Moh.mmad Baykonur, Space Centre. ~ronauts who, recentlY lIccQm­ long·awalted total bombin~ halt Vietnam and the Zone. ~·'.:s a'1d to. try to ascert":., if ,any Sedflil Wardai< Governor , Abdul TII1lS quoted Beregovoy as sa. phshed a sUCl',essCui fllgllt Oil, bo­ i~ a dramtic late~night br:Jadr.ast,· Officiah: cautioned that thC're wo­ early peace is possible'·. K8i:1~ feazl; Kapisa Governor yinii'. ard ~e spaceship "ApOllo-7", Br- bU.l . w~f1.1cd ~anoi t~at Amerk3'o;; uld still b: no ceasefire, 'and thcy Johnson sajd the six-Ill'.ln'h long Nasiatullah Malekyar; commond· "The flight prograffiJ!1e was a ez',mev a~id. uOilatcrar action depended on com­ expected helvy ground fiznlin~ to j;~m in the Al'neric3J,~Nlll:h Viet­ ant!p'f th" .Publie· Works Ministry difficllit and extensive one", "in 'The flight of the Soviet apace. munist military restraint., rontinue in the Smlt.h Vi,otn<.!"... <;:p namese prelimmary oeao:e ':lIks in 'Work. Corps, Khwazak: member, accordance with the assignment ships Soyuz-2 and Soyuz-3 Is a The Presfdent acted only a[ter countryside whlle bard barl{oining Paris brokc only hlst wC~~("lld, when of ·tJl~ Appletate Court, Ghulam the ship "Soyuz.3" approached now. big contribution by our COIl- broad·ba~ed P.~:tC\! ~ Hanoi agreed to raged around the e~pandt:d COil­ ihc U.S. ·'began to j.''.' (nnli:"m:pion Moiji}}dciiri Z.ennariani; president the unmanned ship "Soyuz-2" ntry to the cause of peaceful tafks in Paris, geginnlne f1eXt \Ved­ fer~nce lIndcrs::)r.din~ t tab!e in Paris. of the eso;ential tI.l:t of *:;~'AbdulKabul Chamber of Cona:.. and maneouvred' in space. exploration and study of outer nesday, at which all four sides in But, u we cannot have produciv-: Vl,: had been seeking with th n Nort.h Il\e Ghaffciur Seraj; fo· "As a cosmonaut-,tester I ,hli. space. the Victnam conniet will be repre­ talks in an almosphere where the Vietnamese On the 1,:ritl,:11 issues rm ~(' Parwan Governor Khalil Ve no remarks to make about the "We mark the successlul reaults sented-South Vietnam and the cities are being shelled an.:' whprc between us". Ahnlad Abawi; and Dr, Moham· work of the ship's on board sys. of this flight not only as adlive' Viet Cong as well as the v,~. and the Demilitarised Zonf'! is bein,!; maQ;\Sliid Afghan graduate of terns. They are convenient, effec- ments of the.!?oviet p!!oP!M:, .but Authoritative source!' sr"u thf" North Vietnam. abused", the President warned. Azl\ar University in phIlosophy tive and reliable." also of the entIre progresslV1! rna- 11;-<:31;; ,'~,me wh"n 1( 1f!,1 ab.llldl·n~·0 "We have made clear to the other Sources said Soviet and r thc:r and;,~~heology. Georgy Beregovoy said that on nklnd.:': ., l:" nand:. 101 a pu " l."i, c.!t'..-Llra· side that such talks cannot contmue ,~ secret contacts indicated th ... t Hanoi tion cC an unconJ Illln,lI h'''nb'll;' Hll Majesty also re .. oive" end the first ooy of the flight he felt LeonId Brezhnev saId Qtat i~ they take military adv~~tCl-!l,,' ("If th~ l~r{'sident's has'~ award~ w:!s fully aWiHe of halt. and thlll the r,{l:ult'n,'d p<'a"'c had·:.,lunch with Niaz Mohammad -the unusualness of the sltuatio':l rgy B,egovoy them". Johnson declared. conditions. but they adm lIed thE'rc ~e :.1.lks should be ~'Inrl~' I;:hcllecl ::l Achakzai and a number of other. and was getting used to weight- the order of Lenin and for" Omcial sources said the Prl'!\:'knt ",·I.::tr~ was still no c;pedfic '"t'on­ fOlir-pO\vcr conferen-:e, ".ith lhe dignitaries from Spin Boldak du· lessness. In the days that followed second time the highest. title- dc;,::dcd to stop all tiro nuval nnd h~ro tl act·' with Hanoi on InlltllO'l) de­ Vil'~ ("on&·5 Nath:nal I ibcrttllon ring the week. be became accustomed to this st- that of of the SoVIet tIll. arJillcry bombardment uf North e'i::alalion, The- British Ambassador in ate. lOll. r •.'nt ~.'atca as -Ill ('qolal p1r:n('r, Victnam because he finally had ~"\\'h,\t w;,a~ '.": !Ill''''' expect - \\ C' The President ~a'd "vuth V:et- Kabul. Sir Gorden Witteridge, The ship's landing was carri-I-------.,...------ "reason to believe" Hanoi ".ould have a righl to expect-are p.fomp1. n·l·~-.~"se ~''lll!d whose term of office in Kabul has ed· out with great precision, "Af· ' re~pect tbe Demilitarised Zone di­ dele'1ates he free to productive. serious .. and inlensivp ·,.Ike part in next ..v,~dnc..;dJv'~ Tlec­ endell also called with Mrs. Whi· ter landing I did not even have L· SL CL: vidin~ North and South, ;'nd wouW ncgotiationo;; in an "lmosu~ll're th3t I ;I~, ~nd Hano; h<!d told the U.S. tteridge, on Theil' Majesties Jur· the time to open the hatch befo- 'U ntlO ,.. stop shelling South Vietnaml'l;c ci­ l ;s conducive to, progre3<;", Johnson lh;;lt the NLF W01:ld :!lso be reprc- ing the week. re I saw through the porthole . ',_. ties. h,;ded, .., r:1erJ i the faces of the comrades whu 0 sled From \'!C' Cong atlenJ '11~,' "10 nc W.1} were wailing for me", the cos· U .'" ,'<I ~~ re..;o~nill(l:~ 1'1 lilt' N:Jtll.r~dl !lIoveida Telegrams Reactions: monaut said, h S' t 0 ~J. \ .:.( 1~I ion Fron I l'ly lIlt' II ~,. he "Everything t at OVle pe - red:• .,.U'....ency auc.Jt-c pIe do on earth and in space &er~ Renewed Thanks .fE~~G, '(~1!)I' Ollidal sourc('~ ,a ,I Df.lC"CJ1J['C:; ves the strengthening of peace No".! 2,. '" ,Afghanistan Joins In Calling fl,r seating the "a -' 11 aild NI F KABUL Nov, 2 (Bakhtari.-· and the progress of mankind", HQI:ldreds ,of, tho,~ \!f. -I.:: ' sm!l!'1ii~" ~ ~'; .. ;::.qries still h:ld ',\ be ',,,,.);~~:i Tranfan P~ime Minister Amir Ab­ Brezhnev said. thronged the of Move A Step For Viet Peace (~! and technkl1 d 11\'n11;(."- l'oulrl bas Hoveida sent the following "The Communist Party and last night to hliil the fonnal dis- (Bakitt"r)~ h('lld . up the start llf mC'inmgfuJ mesage to Prime Mdnister the Soviet government have re· missal of President Liu Chi Cr· KABUL. Nov, 2, :he oJ,..lmbing of North \. :etr.:nn. peatedly stated that We stand for om all his posts, announced yes­ The Government of Afghanistan The Sec:re-tary-Gen<:.·(.1 de~l<lrcd ll\O,;o:ialions.
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