MEDICINE ORIGINAL ARTICLE The Financing of Drug Trials by Pharmaceutical Companies and Its Consequences Part 1: A Qualitative, Systematic Review of the Literature on Possible Influences on the Findings, Protocols, and Quality of Drug Trials Gisela Schott, Henry Pachl, Ulrich Limbach, Ursula Gundert-Remy, Wolf-Dieter Ludwig*, Klaus Lieb* Arzneimittelkommis - SUMMARY linical drug trials funded by pharmaceutical sion der deutschen companies yield favorable results for the spon- Ärzteschaft, Berlin: Background: In recent years, a number of studies have C Dr. med. Schott, sor’s products more often than independent trials do. Dipl.-Biol. Pachl, shown that clinical drug trials financed by pharmaceutical This has been demonstrated by a number of studies in Prof. Dr. med. companies yield favorable results for company products recent years (1–4). Various ways have been described Gundert-Remy, more often than independent trials do. Moreover, Prof. Dr. med. Ludwig in which pharmaceutical concerns exert influence on pharmaceutical companies have been found to Klinik für Hämatologie, the protocol and conduct of drug trials, as well as on influence drug trials in various ways. This paper Onkologie und the interpretation and publication of their results (1, 3, Tumorimmunologie, provides an overview of the findings of current, 5, 6). HELIOS Klinikum systematic studies on this topic. Berlin-Buch: Two important reviews on this topic were published Prof. Dr. med. Ludwig Methods: Publications retrieved from a systematic in 2003 (7, 8): Klinik für Psychiatrie Medline search on this topic from 1 November 2002 to und Psychotherapie, Bekelman et al. carried out a quantitative analysis Universitätsmedizin 16 December 2009 were independently evaluated and of 37 studies to investigate the extent and the Mainz: selected by two of the authors. These publications were relevance of financial links between biomedical Cand. med. Limbach, supplemented by further ones found in their references Prof. Dr. med. Lieb companies on one hand and academic institutions and sections. * The authors Ludwig scientists on the other (7). This systematic review and Lieb have Results: 57 publications were included for evaluation in showed widespread conflicts of interest in the shape equally contributed of financial connections between scientists, academic to the manuscript. Parts 1 and 2 of this article. Published drug trials that were financed by pharmaceutical companies, or whose institutions, and the pharmaceutical industry. Around authors declared a financial conflict of interest, were one quarter of academic staff and two thirds of aca- found to yield favorable results for the drug manufacturer demic institutions had financial relationships with more frequently than independently financed trials industry. Analysis of 8 review articles embracing a whose authors had no such conflicts. The results were total of 1140 original articles (including randomized also interpreted favorably more often than in independently controlled trials [RCT], economic analyses, and retro- financed trials. Furthermore, there was evidence that spective cohort studies) revealed a statistically signifi- pharmaceutical companies influenced study protocols cant association between funding by biomedical in a way that was favorable to themselves. companies and conclusions favorable to the pharma- The methodological quality of trials financed by ceutical industry (summarized odds ratio [OR] 3.6, pharmaceutical companies was not found to be any 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.6–4.9). Industry worse than that of trials financed in other ways. financing was also connected with limitations of pub- Conclusion: Published drug trials that are financed by lication rights and constraints on access to trial data. pharmaceutical companies may present a distorted In the second review, a systematic analysis of 30 picture. This cannot be explained by any difference in publications, Lexchin et al. showed that drug trials methodological quality between such trials and trials financed by pharmaceutical companies are less likely to financed in other ways. be published, but that those published more frequently yield positive results for the sponsors’ products than do independently funded studies (8). The quality of the methods employed (analyzed in 13 publications) in Cite this as: Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(16): 279–85 trials financed by pharmaceutical companies was not DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2010.0279 inferior to that in studies with other sources of funding. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2010; 107(16): 279–85 279 MEDICINE Influence on many different aspects of a clinical Evaluation of the literature drug trial can affect the results, from the purpose via the The basic characteristics, purpose, and principal find- planning and conduct of the study all the way to its ings of each of the studies reviewed were recorded evaluation and publication (5). (eTable). The quality of the studies’ methods was not The authors of the present systematic review set out systematically evaluated, because there is no validated, to assess whether recently published studies reveal a reliable instrument for quality assessment that can be connection between financing of drug trials by pharma- applied to all of the various study designs (including ceutical companies and results favorable to these systematic reviews, meta-analyses, case studies, and companies’ products. Part 1 investigates whether and, if cross-sectional studies). so, how the type of funding affects study protocol and In the effort to ensure comprehensive portrayal of quality. Part 2 identifies and depicts the aspects of clini- the various ways in which influence could be exerted, a cal drug trials that can be influenced by financial descriptive approach was chosen; no hypotheses were support from the pharmaceutical industry. advanced or statistical analyses performed. The studies were arranged by topic according to their results. Methods Systematic literature review Results The criteria for the selection of systematic investi- The search of the PubMed database yielded 1705 publi- gations into the effects of financing on study results cations. After inspection of reference lists, 57 publi- were oriented on the above-mentioned reviews (7, 8). cations that satisfied the inclusion and exclusion The literature search was carried out in the PubMed criteria were evaluated (Figure). The results of this database. The most important MeSH terms and search evaluation are described in Parts 1 and 2 of the present terms, combined by means of Boolean operators, were study. “conflict of interest”, research support as topic”, clini- The publications included were primarily studies cal trials as topic”, “commerce”, “drug industry”, performed with the expressed goal of comparing clini- “authorship”, “publication bias”, and “financial cal trials funded by pharmaceutical companies with support”. clinical trials that had not received financial support The following limits, among others, were imposed: from such companies, e.g., with regard to the results or “publication date”, “clinical trial”, “meta-analysis”, conclusions. These studies were accompanied by a and “randomized controlled trial”. number of publications that investigated the conse- Searches were carried out on 26 May 2008 (for the quences of financing of a study by pharmaceutical period 1 November 2002 to 26 May 2008), 4 December companies. These included, for example, articles in 2008 (for 26 May 2008 to 3 December 2008), and 16 which information from the files of the US licensing December 2009 (for 1 October 2008 to 16 December authority (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) was 2009). compared with data from publications in medical jour - Publications in all languages were included. Two of nals, and case studies on individual substances. the authors (G. Schott, U. Limbach) independently se- Two systematic reviews carried out for much the lected suitable studies on the basis of the inclusion and same reason as the present review were excluded on the exclusion criteria (see below). In the case of disagree- grounds that their principal primary studies had already ment, consensus was achieved by discussion with a been included (10, 11). The results of the publications third author (K. Lieb). The reference lists of all selected covered in the present review are based largely on clini- articles were inspected for further relevant publications cal drug trials conducted principally in the Anglo- (9). American countries. A few publications also analyzed studies performed in Germany. The most recent studies Inclusion and exclusion criteria whose data were taken into account in the papers cov - The criteria for inclusion were: ered were published in November 2008. The publi- ● Publication between 1 November 2002 and 16 cations evaluated concern various areas of medicine, December 2009 (i.e., directly following on from but it cannot be completely ruled out that original data the period analyzed by Bekelman et al. [7]) from a small number of drug trials were included more ● Description of the methods employed than once. A few studies dealt with several aspects. ● Provision of empirical data as to whether and how financing by pharmaceutical companies affects Connection between type of funding and results of drug trials various aspects of clinical trials (e.g., protocol, Twenty-six of the 57 publications analyzed sought to conduct, results, conclusions, or publication). ascertain whether the results and/or conclusions of
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