Oracle® Fusion Middleware What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server 12c ( E80396-05 April 2018 Oracle Fusion Middleware What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server, 12c ( E80396-05 Copyright © 2007, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents Preface Documentation Accessibility viii Conventions viii 1 Introduction and Roadmap 1.1 Document Scope and Audience 1-1 1.2 Guide to This Document 1-1 2 What's New in Oracle WebLogic Server 2.1 WebLogic Server Update Summary 2-1 2.2 Multitenancy Support 2-5 2.2.1 WLST Changes to Support Multitenancy 2-6 2.2.2 Deployment Support for Multitenancy 2-7 Partition-Specific Deployment Plans 2-8 Concurrent Deployment 2-8 2.2.3 JNDI Support for Multitenancy 2-8 2.2.4 Partition Security 2-9 2.2.5 Partition Work Managers 2-10 2.2.6 Partition Scope Monitoring and Debugging 2-10 2.2.7 Domain to Partition Conversion Tool 2-10 2.3 Continuous Availability 2-11 2.4 Java EE 7 Support 2-11 2.4.1 Batch Application Processing (JSR 352) 2-12 2.4.2 Concurrent Managed Objects (JSR 236) 2-12 2.4.3 Default Data Source 2-13 2.4.4 JMS 2.0 Support for Simplified JMS Application Development (JSR 343) 2-13 2.4.5 Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7 (JSR 322) 2-13 2.4.6 Enterprise JavaBeans 3.2 (JSR-345) 2-13 2.4.7 Clustering and High Availability Support for WebSocket 1.1 Applications 2-13 2.4.8 GZIP Compression Support 2-13 iii 2.4.9 Java EE 7 Security Standards 2-14 2.4.10 Sample Applications 2-14 Avitek Medical Records — MedRec 2-14 New Java EE 7 Examples 2-14 2.5 JDK 8 and Server JRE 8 Certification 2-15 2.6 Docker Certification 2-15 2.7 Runtime Improvements 2-16 2.7.1 Deployment 2-16 Overriding Resource Group Template Application Configuration 2-16 Parallel Deployment 2-17 FastSwap Enhancements 2-17 Deployment Performance Enhancements 2-17 Behavior Change for Application Names 2-17 2.7.2 JDBC Data Sources 2-18 Simplified Driver Installation and Update 2-18 Proxy Data Source Support 2-19 JDBC Data Source Support for Multitenancy 2-19 Universal Connection Pool Data Sources 2-19 Connection Leak Profiling Enhancements 2-19 Enhanced Connection-Based System Properties 2-19 Application Continuity Runtime Statistics 2-19 ONS Node List Configuration Enhancements 2-20 DRCP Network Timeout Property 2-20 Enhanced Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR) Documentation 2-20 Guidelines for Planned Maintenance and Database Outages 2-20 Enabling ONS and JDBC Debugging Changes 2-20 Support for Encrypted Passwords in a Data Source Definition 2-20 Enhanced Data Source Shutdown 2-20 Retry Count 2-21 Connection Initialization Callback for Non-Oracle Drivers 2-21 JDBC Store Improved Retry Handling 2-21 JDBC Store Connection Caching Policy 2-21 Gradual Draining 2-21 Shared Pooling 2-22 WebLogic Server Integration with Oracle Database 12.2 Driver 2-22 Initial Capacity Enhancement in the Connection Pool 2-22 2.7.3 JTA 2-22 Transactions without TLog Write 2-22 Transaction Guard 2-22 2.7.4 Messaging 2-23 Messaging Support for Multitenancy 2-23 iv Simplified JMS Cluster Configuration and High Availability Enhancements 2-23 Service Restart In Place 2-24 Message Limit in a Subscription 2-24 2.7.5 Monitoring WebSocket Applications 2-24 2.7.6 Policy Classloader 2-24 2.7.7 ReadyApp Integration with WebLogic Server 2-25 2.7.8 RESTful Web Services 2-25 2.7.9 Simple WLST APIs for Dynamic Clusters 2-26 2.7.10 ThreadLocal Clean Out Support for Work Managers 2-26 2.8 Manageability Improvements 2-26 2.8.1 Elasticity Support for Dynamic Clusters 2-27 2.8.2 Resource Groups 2-27 2.8.3 Resource Group Templates and Resource Overrides 2-27 2.8.4 Named Concurrent Edit Sessions 2-27 2.8.5 Temporary Configuration Overriding 2-28 2.8.6 REST Resources for WebLogic Server Management 2-28 2.8.7 Fusion Middleware Control 2-29 2.8.8 Security 2-29 Support for Secured Production Mode 2-30 Oracle Identity Cloud Service Security Provider 2-30 New Method for Two-Way SSL Authentication in Java Clients Using JNDI 2-31 Java EE 7 Standards Support 2-31 LDAP Authentication Provider Manageability Enhancements 2-31 Default Minimum TLS Protocol Version 2-32 Support for weblogic-jwt-token 2-32 SAML 2.0 Implementation Updates 2-32 JEP 290 Utilization 2-32 2.8.9 Logging Enhancements 2-32 2.8.10 WebLogic Diagnostic Framework 2-33 2.8.11 WebLogic Server Development and Supplemental Distribution 2-34 2.8.12 Zero Downtime Patching 2-35 2.8.13 Applied Patch List 2-36 2.8.14 WLST 2-36 New Domain Commands 2-36 New Diagnostic Commands 2-37 New Node Manager Commands 2-37 New Edit Session Commands 2-38 New System Component Commands 2-38 Other New Commands 2-38 Modifications to Existing Commands 2-38 v idd Variable and Argument 2-39 2.8.15 Resource Consumption Management 2-39 2.9 Documentation Update History 2-39 2.10 Standards Support, Supported Configurations, and WebLogic Server Compatibility 2-43 2.10.1 Standards Support 2-43 Java Standards 2-43 Web Services Standards 2-45 Other Standards 2-45 2.10.2 Supported Configurations 2-46 2.10.3 Licensing Information 2-46 2.10.4 WebLogic Server Compatibility 2-46 2.10.5 Database Interoperability 2-47 Application Data Access 2-47 Database Dependent Features 2-47 2.11 Deprecated Functionality (Oracle WebLogic Server 12c 12.2.1) 2-48 2.11.1 SecurityConfigurationMBean.AnonymousAdminLookupEnabled Attribute 2-49 2.11.2 ServerTemplateMBean.DefaultTGIOPUser Attribute 2-49 2.11.3 WebLogic Full and Standard Clients 2-49 2.11.4 Log4j 2-49 2.11.5 LogMBean.ServerLoggingBridgeUserParentLoggersEnabled Attribute 2-49 2.11.6 Username and Password in boot.properties File 2-49 2.11.7 Maven 11x Plug-In Deprecated 2-50 2.11.8 JSP Tags for XML Processing 2-50 2.11.9 Deprecated Functionality in WLST 2-50 Server Argument to WLST Diagnostics Commands 2-50
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