Herbert E. Clemson of >108 ' Tht Weather North Elm street, who is leaving ForocMt •( U. S. Weather. Bureau tomorrowifor Fort Devens, with n grroup of selectees from this town, Showrers, ooraaional thunder- Dast Friday afternoon Dr. uas given a farewell party last Member c l the Audit rtonaa ending >Iat« tonight; aot A. B. M oru lost his' dog,. It did , night at the home of his sister, Bureso of Circulations quite so oooL not come noma during the eve­ Mrs. Jennie Tracy 6f 114 North ning u hS'advertised in The. Elm street. Mrs. Tracy was as­ Among the enlistments in the Manchester—-A City of Village Charm Hewld. Result—within thirty sisted by her daughter. Miss Janet United States Marine Corps at mifiute.s after Saturday’s Her­ Tracy and Mrs. Florence Bayllss. ald hit the street he got a ! the Recruiting Station in Hart­ VOL. LXL, NO. 257 (ClaMlfled Adv ng on Page . 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1942 In yesterday's funeral notice re­ Only the familica of Mr. Clemson’a ford were Roland W. Wilson of 13# (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS porting the burial of Edward H. 'phone call to go to Autumrii brothera and aiaters who are liv­ Oak Btreet and Robert O. Henry Keeney it was stated that the ffr- street. His dog was on its way ing in town attended. The gue.ata 3rd of 32 Deerfield drive. ing squad was furnished by the home. pooled their contributiona and i TTji non born Saturday, July 2S, Army and Na\-y club. The squad Another satisfied advertiser gave Mr. Clemson a purse of Meet the New Champ to Mr. and Mr§. Nathanlfl Waite was fumlsheyd by Co. H-, Connec­ wanted to rent a Six-room flat: money. gnilth, Jr., of New Canaan, has ticut State Guard under Serggint It was a -••blind" address but Enjert Linder.s. Harold Olds, of the first mail brought thirty- Aiitb and Truck ericans Get bean named Austin Cheney Smith. one replies. Betty Ann and Barbara Goodale, j Red Armored Trains Mra. Smith was the former Miss G, State Guards, was the amall daughtera of Mr.^and ^fra. ! REPAIRS Mabel Cheney, daughter of Mr, and bugler. It pays to advertise la The Roy W. Goodale, of Niantic, Conn., i Bxpert Sonrta^ A! iMra. Cheney of .Wedgeway. Hart- Herald for quick and sure re­ have retumefl to their home after ' 'ford road. Four members of Co. H. State sults. spending a few days with their I ABEL’S Guards,- have been discharged grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Lyttle i Rear 2fi Cooper StreatT from service at their own request. of 48 Eldridge street. I Raiders; Tra Bring Fresh Troops; They are: Private Earle I. White, Mr. and. Mra. L. E. Darling of TAIX CCD.ABS Jr,. Corporal Burton Frazier, Pri­ 8 Oiurch street received a cable­ vate Edward A. McAllister, and gram today from their son. Staff 1 N O O Private Paul V. Shea. Frazier has .Sergeant L. E. Darling. Jr., stating , been inducted into the U. S. Army that he has safely arrived over- : Target of Bomber^ t o m o r r o w n ig h t and leaves tomorro.w morning for seas. TEA ROOM-SEA FOOD Lower Don Crossed Fort Devena, Mass. The other three sought a discharge for busi­ ^ ORANGE HALL Olaf Sundlis, of 5 Parker street, FR1D.\Y SPECI.\LS! ness reasons. has returned home from Dorches­ Also Down One or Pos- German, Rumanian and Defenders Reported to ter, Mass., where ha attended the i • SWORDFISH Judge Raps r. funeral of h^ father, Johan ' B.' -sibly Two Jap Planes British Fliers Again Slovak Troops Span Be Checking German Sundlie. The alder Sundlis was • LOBSTER Over New Guinea in River onf 150-Mile Onslaught West of PINEHURST FISH... Broiled Fish Fillets caretaker of the Peabody estate on s SHRLMP , Plans Lack ii Letnnn' Comn^wealth avenue, Boston, Addition to Bag at Raid French Coast Front; Thrust Spears' Stalingrad; h ; Parsley ftauee and prominent In Norwegian af­ \ * * . ■ New Un- {, FRESH SWORDFISH JoUenhe fair! in that city. Clams Scallops Darwin; Hombers Set heads 112 Miles South On Moving its Rnshefl into Bat- Fillets of: Cod Polloek Green Beans Soft Shell Crabs Raging Fire to . Yessd ^ Fighters Sweep Across Of Stream; Fighting Haddock Whole Haddock Creamed Potatoee Tax Collector Samuel Nelson And other Fresh Sen Foods, Refugee Tells tie Raging for Week rucnraher Salad will keep his office opened until 9 Besides Our Usual Array af Carrying Troops and i Channel in Direction In Progress for Salsk, Sole Mackerel Sliced Peachfw o^clbck tonight for those who wish Roasts, Steaks, Chops. Federfd Officials Says In Great Loop of Flounder Salmon Coffee or Tea to pay taxes. Saturday la the last xa/lPkAiyEi Shoot Up Escort. Federal Jury Of'Bolgne; Nazis At­ Railway Junction. War Department Negli­ Don; Situation Grave. Opened Chowder Clams... pint 39c Malted Milk day for the payment of taxes tack During Night, without having the additional 883 MAIN STREET gent on Evacuation Opp. St. Jamea’s Church (^neral MacArthur’s Head- Berlin (From German Moscow, July 31.'— — WEEK-END SPECIALS... charge added and the office on Of Nazi Link that day. will be open until noon qilkrters, Australia, July 31. London, July 31.—(/P)— Broadcasts), July 31.—■{/?)— For San Francisco, Armored trains of the Red Aa far aa poeaible, all week-end features start Friday mom- German, Rumanian and Slo­ taig ..butler, meat and grocery pricea being the same. Many only. ^A V rln the biggest burst British fighters swept across Army rolled into the shell- aeopla like to do part or all of their akopplng Friday. THE TEA ROOM of aerial warfare since the Asserts Molzahn Gave the channel in the direction vak tr(X)ps have crossed the San Francisco, July 31. — iP)-— tom steppes of the Don bend A wofd about Swordfish. This U genuine Block Island, Miaa Odett Dilworth of IMward Coral Sea battle nearly three lower Don - river on a 150- Judge William Denman of the naaUy eaaght fish. If yon want to Vsphirge” and have a center street and Miss Ruth Frazier of Tfiff COM Him Card to ^Hearl of Boulogne. this morning in today, bringing up fresh re­ Hawthorne street are spending months ago, American fliers a resumption of daylight mile front and already have United States Circuit Court of Ap­ inforcements for the defend-' eat of Swordfish at M e lb.. It’s mighty fine fish. We don’t look their vacation at Stony Creek VICTORY DAYS-TODAY ANT) FRIDAY mancnesteii Co h n * iq. Curtiss' Rittyhawks yes­ Of Gestapo’ in Altona thrust spearheads 112 miles peals charged today the War De­ for maeh Swordfish this summer and do not expect much change Dude Ranch in New York. raids on the occupied French ers who already had reported fen terday shot down nine Japa­ coast after a night of scat­ s ^ th of the stream, the (Jer- partment was negligent in draft­ checking the German on- have • food Mopply of Beefs LiMnb. Poultry, Tur­ BUY WAR STAMPS AND BONDS! On Trip to Germany. rrian l\igh command declared ing plans for civilian evacuation of nese raiders 6v^er Darwin tered German bombing at­ this city in event of an enemy air .slaught west of Stalingrad. keys And Veul for the week-end. ^ Take More of. Your Change in Stamps! and downed one or possibly two today. Fighting iz in progreu for raid. The new troops were rushed Japanese over New Guihea, while Hartford, July 31;—(d'l—A Ger­ tacks upon Britain. Nazi man refugee told a Federal court planes also were active over the the town of Salsk, a Junction Japanese incendiary bombs could straightway Into the battle which GET YOUR VITAMIN-FRESH VEGETABLES HERE! Wedding and Farewell heavy Allied bombers lOOt ^^mlles point on the rkUways from the cause more destruction to San has raged for a week in the great north of New Guinea set rfiging Jury todsy that, the Rev. Kurt E. channel during the forenoon and Many Nativo Venetablcfi, and in particular nearby hea\'y anti-aircraft fire was audi­ (Caucasus to Stalingrad, 100 miles •Francisco, with its winds and loop of the Don, front dispatchM Partiea For Soldiers fire to a Japanese transport and;; B. Molzahn, pastor of Old Zion’s wooden buildings, than the great said. Peachcfl,'Native Apples, Toiiiatoefi and Corn, art »t a CtHOUSe-'SOH ahot up ita destroyer escort. One ble for.several minutes on the out­ southeast of Rostov, a communi­ Our Specialty. Lutheran church in Philadelphia, skirts of London, which bad two earthquake and fire Of 1906, he NSciii' Able to Roll South new low. , INC. American plane was shot down at Samuel Reed Conrey V of Philadelphia, Judged grand champion que said. said. But while the Russians tbera Front a Sandwich Te a Meal! Darwin but the pilot parachuted gave' him a card to an official quick alarms during the night— He accused Lieut. Gen. J. L. were aaid to be holding the Naxl Lima Beans Crisp, Native whom he described as "the bead the fifth and sixth of the week. in the annual baby parade at Ocean City, N. J., gets his trophy from Pursue Russians Closely B I N G O -- to safety. Dorothy Jockers of Jenkintowh, queen of the parade. Samuel is 11 Speed troops and advanced In­ DeWltt, commanding general of advance, even thrusting it back at Green Beaiui CUCUMBERS, each A. PAGANI A SONS Lose Only One Plane of the Geatapo" in Altona, Ger­ The gunfire sent shoppers in the some points, the situation below 5c TONIGHT 8 O’CLOCK capital scurrying for cover, but months old.
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