Eastern Illinois University The Keep August 2000 8-31-2000 Daily Eastern News: August 31, 2000 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_aug Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: August 31, 2000" (2000). August. 23. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2000_aug/23 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2000 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in August by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Dail as e ws "Tell the truth and don't be afraid."---------- News Newman Center welcomes Local Ford dealer handles Panther football season opens new priest. Firestone nre recalL tonight at Indiana State. Story on Page 3 Story on Page 6 Story on Page 12 Grant funds breast cancer Questions and answers research at Eastern By Kate Burke Staff writer The Eastem chemistry department is in the beginning stages of developing a breast cancer research project after being awarded a grant. The grant came from both the National Cancer fustitute, a patt of the National fustitute of Health, and the Reseat·ch C01poration, a private company that spe­ cializes in funding reseat·ch, said Bob Chesnut, assistant chemistry professor. The money from the National fustitute of Health amounts to $101,929 and will be accessible to the chem­ istry departrnent statting Friday. Out of that money, $95,000 will go to research while the remaining $6,929 will go towat·d paying for labs and supplies. The Research Co1po1-ation granted the departrnent $25,700, which became available in July. "There at·e two benefits to receiving this money," Chesnut said. "The students can be paid to work full time in the SUllllller and there will be money for supplies which at·e fairly expensive." Chesnut said he is reseat·ching the breast cancer pro­ ject because he feels it is something in which he has See CANCER Page 9 Students to appear in court on mob action charges By Shauna Gustafson City editor The state's attomey's office said Wednesday that the five teens chat·ged in a beating early Sunday moming will be in cowt on Sept. 11 . James S. Bosvay, 19, of 1021 Greek Cowt; R01y D. Sara Figiel / Photo editor Mat·kham, 18, of Catman Hall; Dennis J. Mon1s, 17, of Oak Forest; Edwat·d M. Phalon, 17, of Oak Forest; and Cru1s J. Doeseckle, 18, ofAlsip , were chat-ged by police The Student Senate members took advantage of asking questions about pending projects on campus with the presence of Sunday after allegedly beating Jason Thorson, a 21- President Surles and four vice presidents at the senate meeting on Wednesday night in the Arcola I Tuscola Room of the yeat·-old computer management major, unconscious. Martin Luther King Jr. University Union. President Surles helped field questions from students about Eastern's future. Thorson had been hit over the head and knocked unconscious, and then beaten, along with a friend, by President, vice presidents address construction, new pro- the group. He said he was knocked out immediately, and remained unconscious for 20 to 30 minutes. By Christine Demma Sw·les and Hencken, along with installation of new air conditioning John Longwell, of the the state's attorney's office, Student government editor Teshome Abebe, vice president for systems in Taylor and Lawson Halls. said all the chat·ges that may be brought against the five academic affairs; Jeff Cooley, vice He added Andrews Hall and Thomas have not been reviewed, but the main chat-ges will be Thomas and Andrews halls may president for business affairs; and Hall will be looked at for air condi­ mob action and aggravated batte1y. have new air conditioning by fall of Jill Nilsen, acting vice president for tioning replacement next sUllllller. Mob action, a class fow· felony, can1es a maximwn 200 1, Lou Hencken, vice president extemal affairs, fielded questions on Senate member Tiffanny sentence of one to tru·ee yeat·s in a conectional facility for student affairs, told the Student Wliversity issues . Vandever questioned how feasible it and a $25,000 fine, Longv.•ell said. Aggravated batte1y, Senate at its meeting last night in the However, before the senate would be to chat-ge contractors if a a class tru·ee felony, catries a maximwn penalty of two Matt in Luther King Jr. University addressed questions to the adminis­ construction project is not complet­ to five yeat·s in prison and a $25,000 fine. Union. tr-ation, Hencken reviewed Eastem's ed by the date specified. Longv.•ell said each of the five suspects will be The Student Senate had the swlllller projects: the Ethemet sys­ Hencken replied by saying that chat·ged with one or more of these chat·ges. opportunity to ask questions to tem installation, a sprinkling system exact issue has been addressed in He also said all five had bonded out of jail. Their President Cat·ol Sw-les and the uni­ in Pembe1ton, the food comt contracts before; however, proble1ns bond was set at $10,000 each. versity's fow- vice presidents at progress, the replacement of hot Wednesday night's meeting. water pipes in Cannan Hall and the See PRESIDENT Page 9 See STUDENTS Page 9 2 Thm-sday,August31,2000 nus ________ 1!!!!!!1!111111~--..------iiiiiilllllllii--.-Cam _t(eDailyEa sternNews Faitern News Campus coffee house opens three-day By Karen Kirr oomo 1Mty oolfoe, but 1hey cru"'ko in H.U. The Daily Eastern News is published daily, '"~""" Do"""" forecast Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill .• dur­ Staff writer study and visit with friends, These rnic nights allow students ing fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Fitzgerald said. the opportunity to read poetry, play during tile summer term except during school Campus Perk is back with a "There are also numerous couch- music and perform comedy routines vacations or examinations, by today S'Qv;N;< tile students of Eastern llinois vengeance this year. es and games for everyone," in front of an audience, Fitzgerald - Universlty. SUbscription price: All students and staff are wel­ Fitzger·ald said. said. $38 per semester, $16 for summer only, $68 all Campus Perk, sponsored by the "Campus Perk has really attract- year. The Daily Eastern News is a member of come to attend the free coffee shop The Associated Press. Which is entitled to and hangout held Mondays and Residence Hall Association, began ed a diverse group of people," excklsive use of aDartic les appearing ® Thursdays weekly from 8 p .m. until this past Monday and was more Fitzgerald said. in tllis paper. The editorials on Page 4 represent the majority opinion of tile 12 a.m. in the basement of Thomas crowded than expected, despite not The whole experience, which editorial board; all otller opinion pieces Hall. being overly publicized, Fitzgerald began last semester, is now being are signed. The Daily Eastern News editorial "We really want students to have said. held on a biweekly basis this school and business offices are located i1 Buzzard F Hall. Eastern lli nois University. another option, besides drinking and Campus Perk will hold open rnic year based on popular demand. fiday Periodical postage paid at Charleston, IL61 920. going to parties," said Campus Per·k nights fi:om 10 p .m. untilrnidnight. "It is such a great place just to ISSN 0894-1599. organizer· Katie Fitzgerald. Thursday nights. The amateur time socially interact with others," Printed by Eastern Illinois University. Not only can students enjoy is directed by Al Dertz, a resident Fitzgerald said. Charleston, IL61 920. Posbnaster. Send address changes to The Daily Eastern News Buzzard Hall Eastern Illinois UniVersity RHA to hold welcome back meeting Charleston, IL61 920. By Christine Demma Nominations will also be accepted at the Sept. 7 Student government editor meeting, at which time the coordinator will be elected, Newspaper staff Wilcox added. Editor in chief .......................... ...Nicole Meinheit' Managing editor.. .. ...... .................... ...Kyle Bauer The Residence Hall Association will welcome back RHA is the governing body for all residence halls. News editor .................. .......................Amy Thon· students at its first meeting at 5 p.m . Thur"Sday in Weller Everybody who lives in residence halls, university Associate news editor .............. ...... Matt Neistien· Editorial page editor........ ........ .......Chris Sievers· Hall. court, university apar1ments, and Greek Court ar·e all Activities editor .... ............................J amie Moore The position of communications coordinator is considered part of the residence hall system. Administration editor.. ..............Josh Niziolkiewicz vacant and nominations will be accepted at tonight's "If anyone has something to say about the residence Campus editor .. ........ Michel e Jones City editor ........ .......................Sha una Gustafson meeting, said Erin Wilcox, RHA president. The coor­ halls, it's the perfect place to come and speak yow· Student government editor .......Ch ristine Demma dinator is responsible for conununications at the state, mind," Wilcox said. P.Olice Features editor ..................... ............Juie Bartlow regional and national level, Wilcox said. In other business, RHA will hear from Kevin Linker Senior reporter ............ ...... .................li nhai liew Photo editor ...... .................... ...... ........ .Sara Figiel "They organize delegations at different confer­ about sports intr·amurals, and a speaker from the home­ Associate photo editor...... .................Eric Walters ences," Wilcox
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