June 15, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 11 15101 the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, RESIGNATION AS MEMBER OF GENERAL LEAVE an iron curtain has descended across COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, the continent.’’ GOVERNMENT REFORM I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- Russian historians date the begin- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- bers have 5 legislative days to revise ning of the Cold War from this speech. fore the House the following resigna- and extend their remarks and include And in its drawing together of several tion as a member of the Committee on extraneous material on the resolution themes to a climax, Churchill’s speech Oversight and Government Reform: under consideration. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there may be regarded as one of the finest in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, the 20th century. It certainly changed Washington, DC, June 15, 2009. objection to the request of the gen- the way the democratic West viewed Speaker NANCY PELOSI, tleman from Virginia? the communist East. House of Representatives, The Capitol, Wash- There was no objection. ington, DC. Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, The astounding achievements of Win- DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: This letter serves I yield myself such time as I may con- ston Churchill’s life are a testament to as my intention to resign from the House sume. his dedication to protecting liberty for Committee on Oversight and Government Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 530 all people. Churchill did not merely Reform effective today. Thank you. commends the purpose of the third an- hate tyranny; he despised it, and he re- Sincerely, nual Civil Rights Baseball Game and viled communism. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS, Member of Congress. recognizes the historic significance of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without the location of the Civil Rights Base- b 1630 objection, the resignation is accepted. ball Game in Cincinnati, Ohio. The contempt he breathed for dic- There was no objection. I want to commend my colleague the tators renewed his Iron Curtain speech f gentleman from Cincinnati (Mr. in Fulton, Missouri, and strengthened DRIEHAUS) for introducing this legisla- RECOGNIZING CIVIL RIGHTS tion. The Civil Rights Baseball Game is the West’s faith in the superiority of BASEBALL GAME democracy and the inevitability of its an important event, and it deserves to Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, success. be recognized by the House of Rep- I move to suspend the rules and agree resentatives. The Winston Churchill Memorial and to the resolution (H. Res. 530) com- The third annual Civil Rights Base- Library was founded in 1969. The mu- mending the purpose of the third an- ball Game will be played in Cincinnati, seum is a 16th-century church designed nual Civil Rights Baseball Game and Ohio, at the Great American Ballpark by Christopher Wren that was pains- recognizing the historical significance on June 20, 2009, between the Cin- takingly relocated, brick by brick, of the location of the game in Cin- cinnati Reds and the Chicago White from London, England, to Fulton, Mis- cinnati, Ohio. Sox. Many celebrities will be in attend- souri, and is the only museum in the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ance, including Hank Aaron, Muham- Nation that exists for the sole purpose tion. mad Ali, Bill Cosby, and Bebe Winans. of honoring the life and extraordinary The text of the resolution is as fol- This Major League Baseball game was legacy of Winston Churchill. I might lows: created to honor those who fought both mention that it underwent a multi- ES H. R . 530 on and off the field for equal treatment million dollar renovation just a couple Whereas the third annual Civil Rights of all people. years ago. Baseball Game is being held in Cincinnati, The first Civil Rights Baseball Game Ohio, at the Great American Ballpark on The bill we consider today recognizes was played in Memphis, Tennessee, in this museum as the world-class facility June 20, 2009; Whereas the Cincinnati Reds, the host of 2007, between the St. Louis Cardinals that it is and the historical signifi- the Civil Rights Baseball Game, are recog- and the Cleveland Indians. It was orga- cance of the site. nized as being the first professional baseball nized as a preseason game, intended to I urge all my colleagues to join me in team in the United States; commend the civil rights movement in passing this important legislation. Whereas the Major League Baseball Civil the United States as part of a larger Rights Game was created to honor those who Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. celebration of the civil rights move- fought both on and off the field for the equal ment. Memphis was selected for its im- Speaker, I have no further requests for treatment of all people; time, and I yield back the balance of Whereas baseball was at the forefront of portant role in the history of the civil my time. the civil rights movement and was inte- rights movement. Mr. SABLAN. Mr. Speaker, as I was grated before either the Armed Forces or the This year’s host city, Cincinnati, listening to the gentleman from Mis- public schools; Ohio, has a long and rich history in souri make a statement, I couldn’t help Whereas Cincinnati, Ohio, was home to the both the game of baseball and in the but notice that the Winston Churchill Negro League’s Cincinnati Tigers from 1934 field of civil rights. Cincinnati was an to 1937; important stop on the Underground Memorial and Library is actually a Whereas Cincinnati, Ohio, was an integral source of pride for him and for his con- Railroad and is the home of the Na- stop along the Underground Railroad as one tional Underground Railroad Freedom stituents in Missouri, and I encourage of the first free ‘‘stations’’ slaves would en- my colleagues on both sides of the aisle counter when escaping north; and Center located adjacent to the ball- to please support the passage of House Whereas Cincinnati, Ohio, is home to the park. Cincinnati was also home to the Resolution 390. National Underground Railroad Freedom Negro League’s Cincinnati Tigers from Center, which opened in 2004: Now, therefore, 1934 to 1937, and it was in Cincinnati Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance be it that the first night baseball game was of my time. Resolved, That the House of Representa- played in 1935. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The tives— Mr. Speaker, baseball has long been (1) commend the purpose of the third an- question is on the motion offered by considered the great American pas- the gentleman from the Northern Mar- nual Civil Rights Baseball Game; and (2) recognize the historical significance of time. It is part of our culture. It re- iana Islands (Mr. SABLAN) that the the location of the Civil Rights Baseball flects the values of teamwork, com- House suspend the rules and agree to Game in Cincinnati, Ohio. petition, fair play, and the pursuit of the resolution, H. Res. 390, as amended. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- excellence. Baseball was once seg- The question was taken; and (two- ant to the rule, the gentleman from regated, as was most of the rest of the thirds being in the affirmative) the Virginia (Mr. SCOTT) and the gen- country, until Branch Rickey signed rules were suspended and the resolu- tleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) each Jackie Robinson to play for the Brook- tion, as amended, was agreed to. will control 20 minutes. lyn Dodgers in 1947. The rest of the Na- A motion to reconsider was laid on The Chair recognizes the gentleman tion would follow in time, but it was on the table. from Virginia. the diamond that we made the most VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:28 Oct 13, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H15JN9.000 H15JN9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 15102 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 11 June 15, 2009 important steps towards ending Jim erature, and athletics. His wife, by the b 1645 Crow. As Mr. Rickey said, ‘‘Prejudice way, attended Texas College in Tyler, I applaud Major League Baseball. I has no place in sports, and baseball Texas, where she is on the board of di- applaud the Cincinnati Reds for choos- must recognize that truth if it is to rectors. And it has been one of the ing Cincinnati as the host of this maintain stature as a national game.’’ highlights of my life to get to meet Mr. event. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join my Aaron on more than one occasion. I would draw your attention to one colleague from Ohio in honoring the It’s heartbreaking, heart-rending, to other aspect of the game, Mr. Speaker, Civil Rights Baseball Game. I urge my hear some of the hell on Earth he was and that is to the Underground Rail- colleagues to support this important put through simply because of race. road Freedom Center. The Under- resolution. Yet he never wavered. He continued to ground Railroad Freedom Center is a Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of give everything he had to those tasks stone’s throw—a baseball’s throw, if my time. put before him. People remember the you will, from Great American Ball- Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, I yield home-run record, but many do not real- park. The Underground Railroad Free- myself such time as I may consume. ize he had over a .300 batting average, dom Center, founded in 2002 in Cin- I do support House Resolution 530, .305, I believe, lifetime.
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