January26,2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 9900 LYNDALE AVENUE SOUTH • BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420-4733 WWW.NATIVITYBLOOMINGTON.ORG Welcome 2 JANUARY 26, 2020—THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NATIVITY OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone Numbers Community News Parish Office 952.881.8671 Parish Fax 952.881.8692 Welcome Desk Volunteer School Office 952.881.8160 We are looking for a volunteer for Thursday after- Creative Clubhouse 952.881.9103 noons at the Welcome Desk. It would be the 1st Parish Staff Ext and 3rd Thursday of each month. The hours are Fr Nathan LaLiberte, Pastor 12:30pm—4:30pm. Duties include light phones and [email protected] 8066 greeting visitors. Please contact Judy in the parish Dcn. John Shearer, Deacon office at (952)881-8671 8072 or email her at [email protected] 8068 Dcn. Thom Winninger, Deacon [email protected]. [email protected] 8087 Baier, Cathie, Coord. of Evangelization and The Nativity Trivia Night is Back! Faith Formation On Saturday evening, March 7, we’ll [email protected] 8069 again be conducting our Nativity trivia Campion, Mike, Maintenance Manager [email protected] 8073 contest, so save the date and start getting your team Cronkhite, Kerry, Ministry Coordinator together (maximum of 6 players). We’ll begin tak- [email protected] 8070 ing entries in February. Watch the bulletin for more Dobson, Mary, Dir of Evangelization & information. Faith Formation [email protected] 8067 Grimme, Jill, Lunch Director The Society of St. Vincent de Paul [email protected] 8062 will be holding their second meeting on Monday, Hagerty, Wanda, School Admin. Asst. January 27 at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. [email protected] 8040 The meeting will last about an hour. If you missed the Keogh, Cindy, Creative Clubhouse Coordinator [email protected] 8065 first meeting on January 6th, you are still welcome to Millner, Nicole, Director of Liturgy & Music attend. Please contact Ed Koerner at 612-860-4560 [email protected] 8074 or [email protected] “ Pajak, Ryan, Principal [email protected] 8060 Rachel, Joanne, Director of Parish Operations [email protected] 8071 Tobroxen, Judy, Parish Administrative Assistant [email protected] 8072 Pray For… Weis, Terri, Part-Time Bookkeeper Please keep the following in your prayers. [email protected] 8075 Trustees and the prayers in our Tom Burns: [email protected] Parish Book of Intercessions. Christopher Dietzen: [email protected] Parish Council Chair: Please call Kass Lanman, Volunteer Coordinator Steve Casalenda: [email protected] of Nativity of Mary Prayer Chain Ministry, at Finance Council Chair: (952)881-0233, with your request for prayers. Chad Huset: [email protected] Parish Office Hours Hospital Ministry—If you or a family member is Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM, hospitalized and would like to be visited by our Saturday & Sunday: Closed hospital minister, please call the Parish Office at Website: www.NativityBloomington.org (952)881-8671. 9900 Lyndale Ave. South Bloomington, MN 55420 Sunday: Is 8:23—9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/ Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Mk 4:21-25 Mt 4:12-23 Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/ Weekly Readings: Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10/Mk 3:22-30 Mk 4:26-34 Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19/ January 26, 2020 Mk 3:31-35 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mk 4:35-41 Next Sunday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/ Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17/Mk 4:1-20 Lk 2:22-40 JANUARY 26, 2020—THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NATIVITY OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURC H 3 Pastor’s Note The Conversion of St. Paul This coming weekend, on Saturday, January 25th, our Archdiocese will celebrate its patronal feast, “the Con- version of St. Paul”. This feast is celebrated every year to remind us that even the hardest and most ruthless of hearts can be penetrated by the grace of God. St. Paul’s conversion began even before he realized it was happening. As the Acts of the Apostles relates, St. Paul, who was at the time known as Saul, was a scholar of the law. He LOVED all things Jewish and he knew the scriptures, the prophecies, and the traditions, he was, as he describes himself, “a Pharisee among Phari- sees.” Thus, St. Paul’s conversion began with his pursuit of truth. He could not get enough of it. Was it disor- dered and incomplete; yes… but what is of greatest importance is that he was a truth seeker, and it was this disposition of heart that prepared him for his meeting with Christ. When this truth seeker met the prayer of St. Stephen during his martyrdom, “Lord do not hold this sin against them” (Acts 7) Saul’s heart was bombarded by graces. Thus, as Saul moved on from the killing of Stephen to seeking the execution of all Christians in the city of Damascus, the heart of Saul, which was seeking all right- eousness, was hit with the final grace needed for his conversion; Jesus’ presence. Our Lord came to Saul and asked him, “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me.” Notice how Jesus does not say, “you are a horrible per- son you consented to killing someone”, but rather simply asks Saul “why are you persecuting the truth which you have declared you love?” Saul’s conversion, which had already begun in his pursuit of truth, was consummated when he met Truth itself; Jesus the Christ. It was not accidental that Saul was blinded after this encounter, as it was a sign to him, exter- nally, of what was happening internally. Mainly, that he was not able to see as clearly as he had once thought. As Christ removed his physical site, for a total of three days (the same time frame that Christ was in the tomb), Saul was forced to look inwards at his own heart. His external blindness opened him up to the real- ity that he was actually internally blind. Even though he thought he was doing the right, he was actually missing really important details to the narrative of salvation; mainly, that the messiah had come and he was a suffer- ing servant, not a worldly emperor or military general. It was after this moment, on the way to Damascus, that Saul became the heroic and incredible St. Paul. In this conversion, St. Paul began to see that all that he had obtained previously in life was just wood kindling for the fire that Christ would set in his heart. The rest of his life would be lived in extremely harsh conditions with un- relenting hours of work for the Gospel. How interesting it is that God, who gave Saul that incredible zeal for the Truth, took that wild potential in his provident hands and through Saul’s cooperation with grace, let it loose upon the world to do incredible and lasting things for Christ. What an amazing Patronal Feast our Archdiocese has been entrusted with. As we celebrate this historic event in the Life of St. Paul, let us ask for his intercession and help in our own personal conversions, as well as peti- tioning his help to have that same zeal that he had for the seeking of Truth. Weekend Masses Weekday Mass Saturday Mass 4:00 pm 8:00 am Monday, Wednesday-Friday, Sunday Masses 8:30 & 10:30 am **Tuesday 6:00 pm Confessions Adoration M-F, 7-8 am Mass Times Tuesday, 5-5:50 pm, Wednesday, 7:30-7:50 am, and Fri 8:30-noon Thursday, 8:30-9:30am, Saturday, 3-3:45 pm Saturday 8:00 am Communion Service 4 JANUARY 26, 2020—THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NATIVITY OF MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Faith Formation Community Life Children’s Liturgy of the Word There will be children’s Pastoral Ministries liturgy today at the 10:30 AM Mass. Grief Support For anyone who is grieving the loss of a loved one no Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Weekly Schedule matter how recent or long ago, we welcome you to join **There will not be any Catechesis of the Good Shepherd the Bloomington-Richfield Grief Support Coalition for the week of January 26. Thursday, January 30th from 4:30-6:00 at Norman- dale Hylands United Methodist Church, 9920 Norman- HELP NEEDED, We need volunteer assistants to help in dale Boulevard South 952-835-7585. The topic is the atrium for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Several slots are available. Please contact Cathie Baier “Wings for Widows: Taking Control: The First 90 Days” at [email protected] or 952-881-8671 presented by Tamara Block. This Winter Series contin- X8069. ues on Thursdays through February 27th. Women of Nativity - Abria Speaker Stephen Ministry Join us Wednesday, January 29th at 7pm in the Gather- There will be a meeting for all past and current Ste- ing Space to hear from Cindy Koeppl, the CEO of Abria phen Ministers on Monday February 3rd from 6:30- Pregnancy Resources. We will be collecting monetary 8:30. Please join us in the St. John Paul II room. Contact and item donations for Abria at the event. For more de- Kerry with any questions 952-881-8671 or tails and to RSVP, visit https://tinyurl.com/NatAbria or [email protected] call the parish office. Homebound Ministry 2020 WINE: Catholic Women's Conference We have lay minsters at Nativity that bring the Eucha- WINE: Women In the New Evangelization invites you to rist to the homebound from our parish that live in their conference at Our Lady of Grace in Edina, Satur- Bloomington.
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