THE M ECCANO MAG A7. IN F /J1tr/11 11 rlt 1• N ttrlnnnl Emergenc:t onl:t limited .W fJp/ ies of VITALITY BULBS mt' lllJIV I ikely to be available. If ·rn11 1 l).:<1lers cannot supply :tou tuith the type ~0 11 r1·q 111 re. do lei us have full pariiculars, t111H·tli ,.,. w it It rlieir name a nd address, because it 111/u/11 )11 sl ltap/1e11 tlwt we know of factors who may be able to sup pl:y tit em. Nl!VILLE HOUSE. NEVILLE Pt.ACE, LONDON, N.21 ARE YOU INTERESTED? Whether you dabble in experiments o r pursue a course of se rious study you will need our LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Send ld. stamped envelope for PRICE LIST. (Scientific Dept. G). 60, Hi gh Street BECK STOKE NEWINGTON , LONDO N N.16 Bookle t. "Experimen ts in Chemistry," 7d. P.O. EL IT E GLIDER No. 2 36 Inch span COMPLETE KIT 9/1, Post Free tt! Contents of Kit: CUT-OUT RIBS, DOPE, CEMENT, TISSUE STRIP, ETC .. and FULL-S IZE PLAN. A dl11mond fuselage machine with high p:ir:uol wing mounting, cleverly faired Britain' s largest !llto the wing, giving SUPER STABILITY .,11 cl thnt IQng floating glide which seeks Retailers of cycle, .ind holds thermals. For Its size, this model Is unbeatable. Average duration motor cycle and Is of 4~ M 50 seconds, without thermals. car accessories o f( 100 foot tow li ne. SOLIDS and electricities. IPITPIRlll, HURIHCANIS, ltc., ltc. fram 2 1 3 i'oat Free SRND JJ , /•.- NliW CATALOGUE Jllu11rn11t,r ,, FULL RANGE ~ ICITS THE HALFORD CYCLE CO. LIMITED ELITE MODEL AIRPLlllE SUPPLIES Br anches In all large towns 14, Bury Now Rond, Monche$ter 8 THE MECCANO MAGAZINE i MOD.EL , J\ -1RCRAFT I • • lntern~tional Model Aircraft have not, been produ,cing ~ Model Aeroplanes for 5 years because their experts have been working hard on more important winner$, but we hope soon that all the latest moqels will once again be available to model aircraft enthusiasts. These 1 wilt include:- · , ~ . FROG Flying Scale Models, FROG Flying Scale -Model R 0 Construction Kits, FROG "SENIOR" Flying Construction (i Kits, FROG "PENGUIN" Non·Flying Scale Model Kits. ~ • Sole Concessionaires: - ' LIN ES BROS~ LTD. TRI-ANG WORKS, MORDEN ROAD, LONDON S.W.19 I ii THE MECCANO MAGA? INE \ ... TARGET for TO-MORROW! To-day we are Planning to resume production of new scale models of Railways, Ships and Engines • that will give joy and instruction to all our customers. Write f or Wartime Stock List (L/17), price 4d. Waiting to resume friendly "Bulldlng a 2t In. gauie Flying Scotsman," price 1 /-. "How to Build a Traction Engir1e," commerce . their price 6d. "Laying Model Per• "lllanent Way," price 3d. All above are post free. famous WEBLEY AIR RIFLES, BASSETT-LOWKE LTD. NORTHAMPtON . LONDON: 112, High Holborn, W.C.1 ' AIR PISTOLS and SPORTING 'MANCHESTER: 28, Corporation Street, 4 GUNS will be better than ever wi\\ bfing WEBLEY & SCOTT LTD. eeace BIRMINGHAM, ENGLAND . ybodY 'I td ever (Est. 150 years) bClG~ · - of \easures the P h with / hotograp y ' p . nd faster ·\\ better a st• Selo fi\rns Hf or d SELO F I l M S• • THE 1'1ECCANO MAGAZINE iii TOYS FO'R CIRLS AND · BOYS The bad and overpriced toys you h ave been forced to buy were not ours. We have been m aking guns, shells and aeroplanes, etc., during the war. Soon we h ope to be permitted to re.. st art m aking TRI,ANG TOYS. Th e illustrations underneath are just a r.emiilder of what real toys look like. ' MINIC MINIC Seal• Model Clockwork Toy• Scale Model Clockwork Toy• / LINH 8101. LTD. World Famou• TRl·ANG TOYS TRl•ANG CHILDREN'S CARS TRl•ANG DOLLS' PRAMS UNIQUE AND UNITY CYCLE CO. L TO. FAIRY CYCLES TRICYCLES JUVENILE CYCLES, TRI-ANG "FAIRYCYCLES" (Regd.) TRl·ANG TRICYCLES (Regd.) Made at our famous Birmingham .Works ' LINES BROS. LTD. AND SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES UNIQUE AND UNITY CYCLE CO. LTD. PEDIGREE SOF1:° TOYS LTD. TRI-ANG, WORKS, MORDEN ROAD, LONDON S.W.19 · I \ iv \ THE MECCANO MAGAZINE .. tifJIJNTJ THE WfJl(l,f) WITH ~§A No. J2 ~- := 1~l~ . Fiji - . · ~~~ ~~ , ~~'L - _, .......... '·~.• - .. - -..;;; :;;;. -..::::m:r--::::::::.. Islands . ~-,, -- :'\''":'\~~~~-·ti·--~- - . ~~ Would you like to be ~~.;-- the first to visit an island whose inhabitants are known to be cannibals ? And yet - that's _exactly what the W ~sleyan Missionaries did about 100 years ago, when they set out to convert the Fijians.to Christianity. Those Missionaries were men of very great courage, for the Fijians are reported to have been -all too fond of eating human flesh, and it is ~aid 'that their favourite dish was a large helping of 'Long Pig'­ th~ name-they gave to human meat. The Fijians have changed since those days. Now, they ' have quite different interests. Indeed, they take . their pleasures ·very much like you. They are fond of cycling, for instance, and, like you, they think a great · deal of B.S.~, . bicycles. Your Dad has promised you one? ... Ask him to see· your loc:al dealer, who'll do his best for you. If you are patient - your turn will come. - I THE BICYCLE YOU CAN'T BEAT! . B.S.A. Cycles Ltd., Birmingham,1 l I • Next Month: " BOMBERS OF THE RED AIR' FORCE." By J. W.R. Taylor ECCANO,- Editorial Offic~: Vol. XXX Binns Road Liverpool 13 MAGAZINE No. 7 England July 1945 ·with the Editor British Post-War Civil Aircraft being built. There is little need to praise· this aircraft-the reputation of Short I recently received a letter from a flying - boats is world - wide and tbe / 'reader who has seen in the· press a great "Shetland" merely carries on i..vhere the deal about new American air-liners, but Empire and "Sunderland" flying-boats very little about British post-war civil left off. aircraft. He wonders if this means that The new Miles M-56 and M-60 and the we ar~ being left behind in the struggle de Havillan d "Dove" were described last for a share in the world's airlines. month. These aircraft cater for feeder-line Fortunately things are not nearly as operators, ensuring that there is a British­ bad as they seem. There is no doubt that built air-liner for every job. some American aircraft receive more than We have every reason to be proud of our their fair share of publicity. This is not achievements in the last six years. The 1 altogether the fault of the Americans, only Allied jet-propelled aircraft in action I alth ough some of their companies are at the moment is British; our born b- and 1 inclined to be over-enthusiastic about their gun-sights are so good that the Americans aircraft. Much of the trouble is due to use them . in preference to their own. In eur notorious British modesty about fact almost all the outstanding inventions ' home producil!:i, and the fact that so few of the air war, including rocket projectiles of our companies are publicity-minded. and, most important of all, radar, are It is clear that we must put our goods solely the results of British research and into the international shop-window if we manufacturing genius. are to give our aircraft a square deal in Until the new afr:.liners are available in the world market. And what a :fine show large numbers we ,have the "York" and of new afrcraft we have. "Lancastrian," the "Warwick," "Halifax" .. The A vro "Tudor" 1 and :Vickers transport and "Sunderlands" to fill the "Viking" prototypes are already flying. gap. They are as good as any comparable Both are fine large air-liners, designed and aircraft in the world. built by the manufacturers who gave us the "Lancasters," "Spit fires" and "Wellingtons." Later this year the• first This Month's Special Articles "Tudor" II will be completed and should ' Page Aircraft versus Seacraft .. 218 set a new standard for pivil transpoi:ts, ' by C. G. Grey its pressurised cabin · accommodating 50 Manning the Breakdown Crane . 221 passengers in comfort. In the same class by "Shed Superintendent" is the Handley-Page "Hermes," developed Through a "Superfortress" 222 from the "Halifa.x" bomber and built by by Michael Loraot a company whose experience in the con­ How Saws are Made . 1 226 struction of air-liners is second to none. by Eric N. Simons In the "very large" category is the Life-Boats in War and Peace 229 150-seat Bristol 167 "Brabaz0n." It will Ships that linked Old and New ,- I not fly for 1some time yet, but will be vVodds, by "Spithead" worth waiting for as it will incorporate 230 all the lq.test ideas. Meanwhile numbers Modern Charcoal-Making .. 234 of • Sh0rt ''Shetland" flying-boats are by M. ~cbofield \ 217 218 THE MECCANO MAOAZINE Aircraft versus Seacraft By C. G. Grey ow that all of the offensive work action, which n.1l11 i, ii I y d<>pends on ·their N for aircraft in Germany is over and supply of fuel, ha\,. ,111 ndvantage on'r only peace-flying of Very Important either (a) anti-aircn1 It guns on warships, Persons and prisoners of war remains, we or (b) aircraft catapu 11 od from warships, may reasonably consider what the aircraft or which took off from t lie llying decks of the British Empire will have to do in of aircraft-carriers. the Pacific war, and what aircraft of the Obviously land-based bomhrrs must U.S.
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