THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 25, 1896. 532L India Office, 25th September, 1896. INDIAN SUBORDINATE MEDICAL THE Queen has approved of the following DEPARTMENT, Promotions among the Officers of the Staff Corps To be Senior Assistant-Surgeon with the honorary and Indian Medical Services, and Admissions to rank of Surgeon'Lieutenant. the Staff Corps made by the Government of First Class Assistant-Surgeon Henry Holmes, India:— Bengal Establishment. Dated 24th July, 1896. INDIAN STAFF CORPS. Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels. The Queen has also approved of the retire- Dated 6th July, 1896. ment from the Service of the undermentioned Ernest Armond Barclay. Officers :—r Charles Oldfield Nicholetts. INDIAN STAFF CORPS. James Hayes Sadler. Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Alexander Fraser. John Edmund Mein. Dated 13th September, 1896. Dated 20th July, J896; Lieutenant-Colonel George Bulstrode Edmund Malcolm Edward Haleman Owen Welch. Radcliffe. Dated 23rd July, 1896. Major Clifton Frederick Samuel Alb.an. Dated To be Major. 16th August, 1896. Captain William Eden Evans-Gordon. Dated Captain Charles John Bcrnhard Hough Dressner. loth July, 1896. Dated llth September, 189G. The-promotion of Lieutenant W. A. L. Cowie, Indian Staff Corps, to the rank of Captain, BENGAL INFANTRY. notified in the London Gazette of the 14th Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Cuthbert Bigg- August, 1896, is post-date \ to the 24th May, With.r. Dated 21st July, 1896.' 1896. INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE. To be Lieutenants. Brigade - Surgeon - Lieutenant - Colonel George Lieutenant Herbert Reginald Hopwood, from the Massy, Bengal Establishment. Dated Ibt Svp- Royal Marine Light Infantry, dated 22nd ' tember, 1896. October, 1894, but to rank from 1st July, 1892. INDIAN SUBORDINATE MEDICAL Lieutenant George Gawler Irving Carmichael, DEPARTMENT. from the Gloucestershire Regiment. Dated 2nd Senior Assistant Surgeon, with the honorary rank September, 1894, but to rank from 20th of Surgeon-Lieutenant, Kdwurd Swainson, March, 1893. Bengal Establishment. Dated 1st June, 1896. Lieutenant Grahnm Walton, from the Royal War- wickshire Regiment. Dated 3rd November, The Queen has also approved of tho resignation 1894, but to rank from 24th May, 1893. of the Service of the undermentioned Officer : — Lieutenant Pescy Stanilaus Hicks, from the Hampshire Regiment. Dated 13th October, Lieutenant William Deriiigton Turner, Indi-n 1894, but to rank from 4th July, 1893. Staff Corps. Dated 13ih March, 1896. Lieutenant Harry Leith Tomkins, 1'rom the Royal x EBBATUM. Lancaster Regiment. Dated 14th October, The surnames of the undermentioned Officer?, 1894, but to rank from 28th July, 1893. whose admissions to the Staff Corps were notified Lieutenant Christopher Stewart Fellows, from the in the London Gazettes of tho 26th June and 14th South Lancashire Regiment. Dated 8th August respectivelyv are as now given, and not as November, 1894, but to rank from 26th stated in those Gazettes : — November, 1893. Second Lieutenant Francis Taylor Dnhan. Lieutenant James Muscroft, from the Yorkshire Lieutenant Robert .loseph Tucker Stewart. Light Infantry, dated 23rd October, 1894, but to itink from 18th May, 1894. To be Si cond Lieutenant. PABCEL POST. Si cond Lieutenant Ralph Ellis Can; Hall, from JAPAN. the Durham Light Infantry, vice L. F. Ash- IN pursuance of the Rules Publication Act, burner, who exchanges, dated 18th May, 1896, 1893, Her Majesty's Postmaster-General hereby but to rank from 12th December, 1894. gives notice that a Warrant, datal the loth day of September, 1896, has been made on his repre- INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICE. sentation by the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Surgeon-Lituienatits to be Surgeon-Captains. Treasury in pursuance of the Post Office Acts, Dated 29th July, 1896. ordering, directing, and declaring that on and from BENGAL ESTABLISHMENT. the 1st day of October, 1896, parcels may, subject Cecil Robert Stevens, M.D. to the provisions of the said Warrant, and at the Cecil Charles Stuart Barry. rates of postage therein specified and in accordance Leonard Rogers. with the regulations therein contained, be trans- Ernest Alan Robert Newman. mitted by post between the United .Kingdom and Gordon Travers Birdwood. Japan, either via Canada or by direct" steamer via Jay Gould. Suez. Reginald George Turner. And the Postmaster-General further gives James Davidson. notice that copies of the said Warrant may be John Mulvany; purchased, either directly or through any book- seller, from Eyre and Spottiswoodo, East Harding- MADRAS ESTABLISHMENT. street, Fleet-street, E.G.; or 'John Menzies and Eric Harding Sharman. I Co., 12, Hanover-street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Thomas Stodart. Nile-street, Glasgow ; or Hodges, Figgis, and Co. Bhola Nauth. Limited, 104, Grafton-stfeet, Dublin. Thomas Howard Foulkes. Dated this 24th day of September, 1896. BOMBAY ESTABLISHMENT. Patrick Percy Kilkelly. A 2.
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