33048 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 3'0, 1974 offenses against the United States; to the MEMORIALS Buiz. de Vargas; to the Committee on the Committee on the Judiciary. .Judiciary. By Mr. THOMPSONo! New Jersey: Under clall.Se 4 of rule XXII~ memorials By Mr. HORTON: H.J. Res. ll52.. Joint resolution to require were presented and referred as follows: H.R. 16960. A bill for the :relief of Carl B. the Watergate Special Prosecution Force to 54l'r By Ul.e SPEAKER: A Memorial of the Malcolm; to th~ Committee on the Judiciary. make available. to the public a report on an H.R.. 16961. A blll for the relief of Antonio information it has concerning Richard M. Legislature or the State of California, rela­ tive to rapid transit financing; to the Com­ DiMaria; to the- Committee on the Judiciary. Nixon in offenses against the United States; H.R.. 16962. A bill for the. relief of Joseph to the Committee o.n the .Tudiclary. mittee on Appropriations. 542. Also, memorial of the Legislature of P. Mahady~ to the Committee on the By Mr. DON H. CLAUSEN: . Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 65.!. Concurrent resolution the state of Callfarnia, relative to gasoline expressing the sense of the Congress with allocaticns; to the Committee on Interstate respect to the banning of high seas netting and Ycreign Commeree. for salmon~ to the Committee on Merchant PETITIONS,. ETC. Marilie and Fisheries. Under clause 1 of :rule XXII, petitions By Mr. FROEHLICH (for himself, Mr. PRIVATE lULLS AND RESOLUTIONS DERWINSKI, and Mr. ROUSSELOT): and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk H. Res. 1397. Resolution to amend the Under clause 1 of rule xx:rr~ private and referred as follows: House rules to require that the repor~ of bills and resolutions were introduced and 521. By the SPEAKER~ Petition of the each House committee on each public bill or severally referred as follows: Board of Directors, Appalachian Regional joint resolution reported by the committee :By Ms. ABZUG: Center for the Healing ArtS", Johnson City, shall contain a statement as to the inflation­ H.R. 16956. A bill fOI" the relief of Harold Tenn .• relative to local health planning; to ary impact on the national economy of the Alston Dindlal, b.is wife Bernice, and their the Committee on Interstate and FOl'eign Commerce. enactment. of such legisla.ti<m; to the Com­ children Neil Miclmel~ Myrtle Sharon, and mittee on Rules. Jill C.arol; to the Committee on the Judi­ 522. Also, petition o-r Michael A_ Turley and By Msr. HOLTZMAN= ciary. Charles Hudson, Reidsville, Ga... relative to IL Res. 1398. Resolution directing the :By Mr. PHILLIP BURTON: redress of grievances; to the Committee on President to p1'01l'ide to the House of Repre­ H.R. 16957. A bill for the relief of David the Judiciary. sentatives information relating to certain M. Recalde-Martorella..; to the Committee on 523. Also, petition of the Councfl of the services, facilities, and payments: provided by the Judiciary. California. Library Association. Sacram.ento, the United States ta :Riicha.rd M. Nixon and H.R. 16958. A bill for the relief of Pa.a A. relative to the use of. the new Library af member& of his. i:mmediate !amily~ to the Norna; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Congress building~ to the Committee on Puh­ Committee· on. Government Operations:. H.R. 16959. A bill :for the relief of Luz A. lic Works. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO HAN­ mittee thereof authorized by the committee Mr. Speaker, I know the 4-H members SEN SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE to. held hearings, is authorized to sit and act in the Second Congressional District of during the 94th Congress at such times and Kentucky. I know what they have ac­ RESOLUTION 988 places witilln the United States including any Commonwealth or possession thereof, complished and I would not question HON .. HAROLD V. FROEHLICH whether the House is in session. has recessed, their theme for 1 minute. When our 4- or had adjourned, to hold such hearings, H'ers tell us that they can make some­ OF WISCONSIN and to require, by subpena 01" otherwise, the thing happen, we know that they will. IN THE. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES attendance and testimony of such witnesses Their record speaks for itself. Monday, September 30, 19-74 and the production o:f such books, recnrds, 4-H has made it happen sin~e the correspondence, memorandums,. papers, and early 1900's. As our Nation faced periods Mr. FROEin.ICH. Mr. Speaker, under documents. as it deem.s necessary; except of varying needs and priorities so,. too, leave to extend my remarks in the that neither the committee nor any subcom­ mittee thereof may sit while the House is did th e 4-H program. Perceived origi­ REcoRD, 1 include the following amend­ nally as an organization to serve rural ments proposed to be offered by me to meeting unless special leave to sit shan have been obtained from the House. Subpenas may youth, today more than 40 percent of the the Hansen substitute for House Resolu­ be issued under the signature of the chair­ 5 million 4-H participants reside in ur­ tion 988: man of the committee or any member of the ban areas. Members of 4-H and their AMENDMENT Oi'FEB.ED BoY MR. E!&OEHLICH TO committee designated by him, and may be leaders accepted the challenge of change. THE HANSEN S U BSTTIU'n:. F.Oil. H OUSE R ES­ served by any person designated by such Realizing that today a single farmer can OLUTION 988 chairman or member. The ccmmittee or any produce enough food to feed 50 people, On Page 25, immediately following line 8, subcommittee thereof authorized by the projects of interest to the young people insert the followtng paragraph: committee to hold hearings shall publish " ( 4-) Each report of a committee on each report s of the hearings, and slull have au­ on our farms were not shunted aside. bill or foint resolution of a public character thority to report legislation to. the Congress. Rather they were strengthened and up­ reported by sueh commit tee shtill contain a "(d} The commi:ttee shall report to the dated as new projects to in.vGlve the detailed analytical statement' as to whether House- within nine months after January 3, young women and young num in the the enac:tm.ent of such bill or joint resolu­ 1975, the results of its study, together with towns were initiated. tion into law may have an inflationary im­ su ch recommendation as it deems advisable. In Kentucky we are proud of our 3,627 pact on prices and cost s in t he operation of Any such report which is made when the 4-H Clubs and special 4-H groups. Last the natioll!l.l economy." House is not in session shall be filed with year over 147,000 youth and 35,000 vol­ On page- 50, immediately following line 5, the Clerk of the House. inser t the following new sect ion: unteer leaders took part in the 4-H pro­ "205.(a) There is hereby created a select gram. Projects such as animal science committ ee to be cmnposed of eleven Mem­ and _production, foods and nutrition, bers of the House of Representatives to be THE 4- H PROGRAM CO ITINUES TO clothing. and personal development were appoint ed by t.he Speaker, on e of whom. he SERVE popular choices. Other Kentucky mem­ shall design at e as chairman. Any vacancy bers chose ornamental horticulture, occurring in t h e m embership of the commit­ home furnishings, or conservation while t ee shall be filled in the same m anner in which t he original appointment was made. HOtt WILLIAM H. NATCHER with other 4-H'ers the preference was for "(6) The commit tee is authorized and di­ OF KENTUCKY fruit and vegetable gardening or career re::ted t o conduct a full and complete study I N THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES exploration~ of the constit utional basis of the January This year more young people will be 22, 1973, Un ited States Supreme Court deci­ Monday, September 30, 1974 drawn to 4-H, bringing with them new siom; on abort ion, t h e ramifications of such decisions on the power of the several States Mr. NATCHER. Mr. Speaker, 4-H ideas and interests. The program as it t::> enact abortion legislation, and th e need Clubs throughout this country have set has done in the past, will expand to meet for remedial action by Congress on the sub­ aside the week of October 6 to October 12 their needs. ject of abortions. as their national week and have adopted Last year, in the bluegyass and Mam­ '' (c ) For the purpcse of carrying out this as this year's theme, ''4-H-We can moth Cave a1eas of our State, th~ exten­ re:s:Jhition the committee, or any subeom- lVIake It Happen." sion agent for 4-H set up an oppor- September 30, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 33049 Result. This needless regulation is based tunity camp for deserving youngsters. Page 59, line 231 strike out "(7)" and insert This remarkable undertaking not only in lieu thereof "(9) ". on the false premise that small producers · Page 59, line 24, strike out "(8)" and insert are being squeezed out of the nation's pipe­ gave 100 boys and girls between the ages in lieu thereof "(10) ". lines by the major producers, who bul.lt and of 10 to 13 a chance they might not have Page 59, line 25, strike out" (9)" and insert own most of the lines.
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