CENTS flealfki wea10 WASHINGTON, D. C. E. J. Hall CURES AND "CURES" WHAT ABOUT ELECTRONIC REACTIONS OF ABRAMS ? FAKES, FADS, FOLLIES --- REMEDIES AND THEIR RATIONAL USE ‘11.11.13:11=11 Hot Weather Health THE SUMMER SEASON has its health hazards as well as its health advantages. The hot weather season is the time of typhoid fever. It is the time that infant deaths mount high. THE JULY ISSUE of Life and Health will be a Summer Health number. Several articles on seasonable topics will help you to make your summer a season of health. " Feeding the Child During Its Second Year," by Belle Wood- Comstock, shows that you do not need to dread baby's second summer if you know what to do about weaning and feeding. This article tells you just what to do. • Typhoid Fever and Its Prevention," by Dr. G. H. Heald, makes a plain the methods being successfully used to combat typhoid, and tells what to do to prevent it.. " Summer Suggestions," by Marie Blanche, is an interesting, in- structive, and practical article on how to make the most of summer " Some Summer Salads," by George E. Cornforth, gives recipes for making simple salads — just what you want and need for summer. Other good articles add to the value of our July number. We wish we could tell you how many people express their appreciation of Life and Health by letter. This appreciation is also shown by the fact that the circulation list keeps climbing. It is now up to 55, 0 0 0 and going on up. EDITORS JUNE. 1924 Louis A. Hansen LIFE AND HEALTH Volume 39 George H. Heald, M. 1), Number )1 Issued monthly. Printed and published by the REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. Subscription Rates.— One year, 75 cents. Remit by Post Office Money Order (payable at Washington, D. C., post office), Express Order, Draft on New York, or in two-cent postage stamps. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter. When a change of address is desired, both the old and new addresses must be given. No extra charge to foreign countries. Entered as second-class matter June 14, 1904, at the Post Office at Washington, D. C., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Sec. 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized on June 22, 1918. A WHOLE YEAR FOR 75 CENTS CURES and "CURES" T is bad enough for people to be sick. But it tions. But a bungler can very easily and quickly makes a bad matter worse when the sick must ruin this wonderful handiwork of God. I run the gantlet of so-called cures offered for The legal requirements necessary to qualify a any and every ailment. Trying to tell what man to practise medicine are in favor of the sick. is what in medicine is a job for a well man. For It takes four years of high school, two of college, one who is sick it is well-nigh an impossible task four of medical school, and a year of interneship to determine what is genuine out of all that claims to prepare the regular doctor for legal practice, to be curative. all of which is for our protection. There are many forms of disease and no telling Progressive medicine is no longer satisfied with how many " cures." With the vast volume of a look at the tongue or a feel of the pulse to tell remedies and the many healing methods offered, what ails the patient. The up-to-date physician we might expect to see disease disappear and all knows the value of laboratory tests and analyses sickness wiped out. But, instead, disease is on of blood, sputum, urine, and stomach contents. A the increase. With more cures than ever, there thorough diagnosis, usually including X-ray find- are more sick than ever. ings, is a routine part of the real doctor's work. Evidently all these healing methods are not all Contrast this with some of the snap-judgment, they claim to be. They are not making good. short-cut, superficial, and cock-sure methods now They are not doing what they claim to by able foisted upon the public, and we must take a stand to do. in favor of a lawful, legal, and conscientious prac- It is poor comfort that one cure derides and titioner. decries another, disputing its claims and posing This does not mean a defense of drugging. In itself as the genuine article. As many of the fact, the drug method is more and more disappear- sure-cure methods are directly opposed to others, ing from the field of true therapeutics. Calling a it is sure they cannot all be right. The fact is system of healing " drugless," does not stamp it that no cure-all has as yet been found. as genuine. The many arguments against drugging Beware any cult that claims big things; that furnish good material to many health schemes that is usually a danger signal to the sick. are worse than worthless to the sick. Be certain that any remedy, or any method or Denouncing drugs is no defense for short-cut system of treatment, that promises a cure without methods of treating disease founded upon as foolish calling for a reform in living is fraudulent. , That and assumptions claims as are the most 'blatant is one of the earmarks types of fake nos- of quackery. trums. These methods The list of names bear alike the telltale and designations in The following list of titles and designations of health mark of asking big our insert might be methods, considered irregular in New York, was given in fees for making big considerably 1 en g t h- the Weekly Bulletin of the Department of Health of New promises and calling ened. Some of those York City. for no particular listed may represent This classification includes some forms of treatment change in living habits. procedures in them- regular in themselves, but against which complaint was Caution is urged selves good enough, made for their irregular use: about investing in any but which, when used " Aerotherapy " " Leonic " healers financial scheme that by unlearned and " Astral " healers Mental and spiritual promises get-rich-quick " Autothermy " healing unskilled individuals, Beautifier Establishments Medical gymnast returns. Such schemes or as all-inclusive heal- " Biodynamo-chromatic " Mechanotherapy usually leave the in- therapy " Naturologist " ing methods, become " Blood " specialists "Natureopath " vestor poorer. How- fraudulent. Bone setters " NeurotheraPY " ever, they only rob Cancer " cures " " Naprapath " After all, it is not " Chromo-therapy " Optical Institutes people of their money, so much what one " Christos" (blood washers) Obesity cures including widows and Christian Science Psycho-analyst " styles himself that de- " Chromopathy " Patent Medicine Men orphans. termines his place as Coueists " Phototherapy " Get-well-quick Diet-therapy Physical culture a healer; it is what Diathermy " Physiotherapy " frauds that promise he actually k no w s " Drugless healers " " Psychotherapy " large physical returns Electrotherapy " Practo-therapy " about disease and its Electrotonic methods " Quartz-therapy " for little physical out- cure and how to make Electric light diagnosis " Spondylo-therapy " lay are still worse, for " Electryonic " methods " Sani-practor " the best use of na- " Electro-homeopathy " " Spectrocrome " they take both money ture's curative proc- "Eiectronapro-therapy " Special food faddists and health and make " Geo-therapy " Special drug faddists esses. It takes years Hypnotist " Spectro-therapy " widows and orphans. of hard study and ap- Hydrotherapy " Tropho-therapy " Don't accept any Herbalist " Telathermy " plication to learn much Heliotherapy Vacuum and serum " cures " " cure " on its claims. about the marvelous " Irido-therapy " diagnos- " Vitopath" What it does may be ticians " Zodiac-therapy " mechanism of the hu- Kneipp cure " Zonet-therapy " something altogether man body and the laws different. that govern its opera- YE EDITORS. Page 81 PRACTICE physicians teach that is lay- the people that re- A ing the Avoid the Use of storative power is foundation of a not in drugs, but vast amount of dis- in nature. Disease ease and of even Poisonous Drugs is an effort of na- more serious evils, ture to free the sys- is the free use of Mrs. E. G. White tem from condi- poisonous drug s. tions that result When attacked by from a violation of disease, many will the laws of health. not take the trou- In case of sickness, ble to search out the cause should the cause of their be ascertained.. illness. Their chief Unhealthful con- anxiety is to 'rid ditions should be themselves of pain changed, wr on g and inconvenience. habits corrected. So they resort to Then Nature is to patent nostrums, of whose real properties they be assisted in her effort to expel impurities and know little, or they apply to a physician for to re-establish right conditions in the system. some remedy to counteract the result of their Natural Remedies misdoing, but with no thought of making a Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, ex- change in their unhealthful habits. If immedi- ercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in ate benefit is not realized, another medicine is divine power,— these are the true remedies. tried, and then another. Thus the evil continues. Every person should have a knowledge of Drugs Do Not Cure Disease nature's remedial agencies and how to apply them. It is essential both to understand the People need to be taught that drugs do not principles involved in the treatment of the sick cure disease. It is true that they sometimes and to have a practical training that will enable afford present relief, and the patient appears one rightly to use this knowledge.
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