Calendar Greco-Catolic Român 2009 Romanian Catholic Calendar

Calendar Greco-Catolic Român 2009 Romanian Catholic Calendar

Calendar Greco-Catolic Român 2009 Romanian Catholic Calendar Ianuarie January Februarie February Martie March Aprilie April Mai May Iunie June J 1 T Tăierea Împrejur a Domnului, Sf Vasile cel Mare D 1 S Duminica Vameşului şi Fariseului. Începutul Triodului. D 1 S Duminica 1 din Post (a Dreptei Credinţe). Sf M Eudochia M 1 W Cuv Maria Egipteanca / Ven. Mary of Egypt V 1 F Sf Profet Ieremia / Jeremiah, Prophet E L 1 M Sf Treime. Sf M Iustin Filosoful New Year Ca/US Circumcision of the Lord, St Basil the Great Preserbarea Întâmpinării Domnului, Sf M Trifon 1st Sunday of Lent (Sunday of Orthodoxy). Eudochia, Mrt. J 2 T Cuv Titus Taumaturgul / Ven. Titus the Wonderworker E S 2 S Sf Atanasie cel Mare patr / Athanasius the Great, Patriarch Holy Trinity. St. Justin the Philosopher, Martyr 11:30 Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; Col 2,8-12; Lk 2,20-21, 40-52 Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee. Triodion begins. 12:30 (B) Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; G / T 1; Heb 11,24-26.32-40; Jn 1,43-51. V 3 F Cuv Nichita Mărturisitorul / Ven. Nicetas, Confessor D 3 S Duminica 4 a Sf Paşti (a Paraliticului). M 2 T Sf Nichifor aep Constantinopolului V 2 F Preserbarea Botezului, Sf Silvestru, papa Romei (harţi) Forefeast of the Presentation, Tryphon, Martyr L 2 L Sf M Teodot ep Cirenei S 4 S Sâmbăta Sf şi dreptului Lazăr, Pomenirea morţilor. Sf M Timotei şi Maura Nicephorus, Archbishop of Constantinople Forefeast of Theophany, St Sylvester Pope of Rome (all foods) 12:30 (B) Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 5; 2Tim 3,10-15; Lk 18,10-14. Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene Cuv Gheorghe din Maleon şi Iosif Imnograful 4th Paschal Sunday (the Paralytic). Timothy and Maura, Mrt. M 3 W Sf M Lucian şi Paula cu fiii lor. (harţi) S 3 S Sf Pf Malahia, Sf M Gordiu / Malachi, Prophet; Gordius, Martyr L 2 M Întampinarea Domnului in Templu E M 3 T Sf Eutropiu, Cleonic şi Basilisc Saturday of the Righteous Lazarus, Sat. of the Dead 12:30 (B) Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 3; Acts 9,32-42; Jn 5,1-15. Lucillian, Paula and Companions, Martyrs. (all foods) D 4 S Duminica Dinaintea Botezului Domnului. E 19:00 Presentation of our Lord. Heb 7,7-17; Lk 2,22-40 Eutropius, Cleonicus, and Basiliscus, Martyrs 9:00 (P) Ven. Joseph the Hymnographer; George of Maleon L 4 M Sf M Pelaghia / Pelagia of Tarsus, Martyr J 4 T Sf Mitrofan aep Constantinopolului Adunarea celor 70 Apostoli. Cuv Teoctist M 3 T Dreptul Simeon şi Profetesa Ana M 4 W Cuv Gherasim de la Iordan / Ven. Gerasimus the Jordanite E D 5 S Duminica Intrării Domnului în Ierusalim (Floriile). M 5 T Sf M Irina / Irene, Holy and Great Martyr Metrophanes, Bishop of Constantinople Sunday before Theophany. Ven. Simeon and Prophetess Anna J 5 T Cuv M Conon, Fer Ieremia Valahul Sf M Teodul şi Agatop, şi însoţitorii lor M 6 W Miercurea la jumătatea Cincizecimii, Sf Dreptul Iov V 5 F Sf M Dorotei ep. (harţi) Synaxis of the 70 Apostles; Ven. Theoctistus M 4 W Sf Isidor Pelusiotul (harţi) Conon of lsauria, Martyr; Blessed Jeremiah the Wallachian Palm Sunday, Theodulus, Agathopodes and their companions, Mrt. Mid-Pentecost Job, the Holy and Long-Suffering One Dorotheus, Bishop and Martyr. (all foods) 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 1; Col 2,8-12; Lk 2,20-21.40-52 Ven. Isidore of Pelusium (all foods) V 6 F Cei 42 de Martiri din Amoreea / 42 Holy Martyrs of Amorium 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Phil 4,4-9; Jn 12,1-18. J 7 T Apariţia Sf Cruci pe cerul Ierusalimului S 6 S Încheierea Sărbătorii Rusaliilor. L 5 M Ajunul Bobotezei / Vigil of Theophany J 5 T Sf M Agata / Agatha, Holy Woman Martyr S 7 S Sf Efrem, Vasile, Eugen ep şi ceilalţi, Pomenirea morţilor. L 6 M Începutul Săptămânii Mari. Sf Eutihiu aep Constantinopolului Apparition of the Cross over Jerusalem Cuv Visarion Taumaturgul şi Ilarion cel Tânăr Sf M Teopempt şi Teona, Cuv Sinclitica Post şi Ajun V 6 F Sf Bucol ep Smirnei (harţi) Hieromartyrs Ephrem, Basil, Eugene, et. al. Sat. of the Dead Holy Week Begins. Euthyches, Archbishop of Constantinople V 8 F Sf Ap şi Ev Ioan / John, Apostle and Evangelist Leave-taking of Pentecost Theopemptus and Theona, Mrt.; Ven. Syncletica, Fast and Abstinence Ven. Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna (all foods) D 8 S Duminica 2 din Post (a Sf Grigore Palamas). Sf Teofilact ep M 7 T Sf M Caliopiu şi Cuv Gheorghe, ep în Melitene S 9 S Sf Pf Isaia, Sf M Cristofor A Ven. Bessarion the Wonderworker and Ven. Hilarion the Younger M 6 T Arătarea-Botezul Domnului Nostru Isus Cristos S 7 S Sf Partenie ep, Cuv Luca Summer Time 2nd Sunday of Lent (St Gregory Palamas). Ven. Theophylact Calliopus, Martyr; George, Bishop of Melitene Isaiah, Prophet, Christopher, martyr D 7 S Duminica 1 d Rusalii (a Tuturor Sfinţilor). Sf M Teodot ep Theophany-Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ Parthenius, Bishop; Ven. Luke of Syria 12:30 Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; G / T 2; Heb 1,10-2,3; Mk 2,1-12. M 8 W Sf Ap Irodion / Herodion, Apostle among the 70 D 10 S Duminica 5 a S Paşti (a Samarinencei). Sf Ap Simeon Zelotul 1st Sunday after Pentecost (All Saints). A 19:00 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Titus 2,11-14. 3,4-7; Mt 3,13-17 D 8 S Duminica Fiului Risipitor. Sf M Teodor Stratilat, Sf Pf Zaharia L 9 M Sf 40 de Martiri din Sebastia / 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebastea J 9 T Sfânta şi Marea Joi. Denia celor 12 Evanghelii A Mother’s Day 5th Paschal Sunday (the Samaritan Woman). Theodotus, Bishop and Martyr M 7 W Sf Ioan Botezătorul, Sf Nichita de Remesiana ap românilor Sunday of the Prodigal Son. M 10 T Sf M Cuadrat, Ciprian şi însoţitorii A Great and Holy Thursday. The 12 Gospels of the Passion Simon the Zealot, Apostle 12:30 (B) G. /T. 8; Heb 11,33-12,2; Mt 10,32-33.37-38 şi 19,27-30. Synaxis of St John the Baptist, Sf Nicetas of Remesiana Theodore, Great Martyr; Zechariah, Prophet Quadratus of Corinth and Companions, Martyrs 19:30 Sf M Eupsichiu / Eupsychius Martyr 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 4; Acts 11,19-30; Jn 4,5-42. L 8 M Începe Postul Sf Petru şi Pavel J 8 T Cuv Gheorghe din Hozeba, Cuv Domnica 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 6; 1Cor 6,12-20; Lk 15,11-32 M 11 W Sf Sofronie aep Ierusalimului V 10 F Sfânta şi Marea Vineri. Post şi Ajun. Prohodul Domnului L 11 M Sf M Mochie / Mocius, Martyr Mutarea moaştelor Sf Teodor Stratilat Ven. George the Chosebite; Ven. Mother Dominica L 9 M Încheierea Sărbătorii Întâmpinării, Sf M Nichifor A Ven. Sophronius, Archbishop of Jerusalem 9:00 Good Friday. Fast and Abstinence. The Burial of Our Lord M 12 T Sf Epifaniu, ep; Sf Gherman, aep Constantinopolului Apostles’ Fast begins V 9 F Sf M Polieuct / Polyeuctus, Martyr Leave-taking of the Presentation, Nicephorus, Martyr J 12 T Cuv Teofan Mărturisitorul / Ven. Theophane, Confessor 19:00 Sf Terenţiu, Maxim, Pompei şi ceilalti /Terence, Pompey, Maximus, Mrt Epiphanius, Bishop; Germanus, Archbishop Transfer of the Relics of St Theodore Stratilates S 10 S Sf Grigore de Nisa, Sf Domeţian ep, Sf Marcian pr, A M 10 T Sf M Haralambie / Haralampus, Martyr V 13 F Aducerea moaştelor Sf Nichifor S 11 S Sfânta şi Marea Sâmbătă. Sf M Antipa M 13 W Încheierea Sărb de la jumătatea Cincizecimii, Sf M Gliceria M 9 T Sf Ciril aep Alexandriei / Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria Gregory and Dometian, Bishops; Marcian, Priest M 11 W Sf M Blasiu / Blaise, Martyr Deposition of the Relics of St. Nicephorus 23:45 Great and Holy Saturday. Antipas, Martyr Leave-taking of the Feast of the Mid-Pentecost. M 10 W Sf M Alexandru, Antonina; Timotei D 11 S Duminica După Botezul Domnului. Cuv Teodosie J 12 T Sf Meleţie aep Antiohiei / Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch S 14 S Sf Benedict de Norcia, Sf M Alexandru, Pomenirea morţilor. D 12 S Duminica Învierii Domnului (Sfintele Paşti). Sf Vasile Mărt. Glyceria, Martyr Alexander, Antonina, Timothy, Martyrs Sunday after Theophany. Ven. Theodosius V 13 F Cuv Martinian / Ven. Martinian, Hermit Ven. Benedict of Nursia; Alexander, Martyr, Sat. of the Dead The Resurrection of the Lord (Easter) Ven. Basil the Confess. J 14 T Sf M Izidor din Chios / Isidore of Chios, Martyr J 11 T Sf Ap Bartolomeu şi Barnaba 12:30 (B) Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Glas/Tone 2; Eph 4,7-13; Mt 4,12-17 S 14 S Cuv Auxenţiu, Pomenirea morţilor. D 15 S Duminica 3 din Post (Venerarea Sf Cruci). 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Acts 1,1-8; Jn 1,1-17; Vespers: Jn 20,19-25. V 15 F Cuv Pahomie cel Mare; Sf Ahile ep Bartholomew and Bamabas, Apostles L 12 M Sf M Tatiana / Tatiana, Woman Martyr Ven. Auxentius, Ascetic, Saturday of the Dead Sf M Agapiu şi cei 7 însoţitori ai săi L 13 M Lunea Luminată. Sf Martin papa Romei Ven. Pachomius; Achilles, Archbishop V 12 F Cuv Onofrei şi Petru de la Athos M 13 T Sf M Ermil şi Stratonic / Ermylus and Stratonicus, Martyrs D 15 S Duminica Înfricoşătoarei Judecăţi (a Lăsatului Sec de Carne).

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