ISSN: 2148-9173 Vol: 6 Issue:2 July 2019 International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO) is an international, multidisciplinary, peer reviewed, open access journal. Analysis of the Kura River flooding in Azerbaijan territory in 2010 based on Hydrometeorologicall Observation and Remote Sensing Amil AGHAYEV & Rza MAHMUDOV Chief in Editor Prof. Dr. Cem Gazioğlu Co-Editor Prof. Dr. Dursun Zafer Şeker, Prof. Dr. Şinasi Kaya, Prof. Dr. Ayşegül Tanık and Assist. Prof. Dr. Volkan Demir Editorial Committee (2019) Assos. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Aksu (TR), Prof. Dr. Bedri Alpar (TR), Prof. Dr. Lale Balas (TR), Prof. Dr. Levent Bat (TR), Prof. Dr. Paul Bates (UK), Prof. Dr. Bülent Bayram (TR), Prof. Dr. Luis M. Botana (ES), Prof. Dr. Nuray Çağlar (TR), Prof. Dr. Sukanta Dash (IN), Dr. Soofia T. Elias (UK), Prof. Dr. A. Evren Erginal (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cüneyt Erenoğlu (TR), Dr. Dieter Fritsch (DE), Assos. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem Göksel (TR), Prof.Dr. Lena Halounova (CZ), Prof. Dr. Manik Kalubarme (IN), Dr. Hakan Kaya (TR), Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan Kükrer (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maged Marghany (MY), Prof. Dr. Michael Meadows (ZA), Prof. Dr. Nebiye Musaoğlu (TR), Prof. Dr. Erhan Mutlu (TR), Prof. Dr. Masafumi Nakagawa (JP), Prof. Dr. Hasan Özdemir (TR), Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou (GR), Prof. Dr. Erol Sarı (TR), Prof. Dr. Maria Paradiso (IT), Prof. Dr. Petros Patias (GR), Prof. Dr. Elif Sertel (TR), Prof. Dr. Nüket Sivri (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Füsun Balık Şanlı (TR), Prof. Dr. Uğur Şanlı (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Oral Yağcı (US), Prof. Dr. Seyfettin Taş (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Suat Taşkın (TR), Dr. İnese Varna (LV), Dr. Petra Visser (NL), Prof. Dr. Selma Ünlü (TR), Assoc. Prof. Dr. İ. Noyan Yılmaz (AU), Prof. Dr. Murat Yakar (TR), Assit. Prof. Dr. Sibel Zeki (TR) Abstracting and Indexing: DOAJ, Index Copernicus, OAJI, Scientific Indexing Services, Journal Factor, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, WorldCat, DRJI, ResearchBib, SOBIAD International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics 6(2): 206-212 (2019) Reaserch Article Analysis of the Kura River flooding in Azerbaijan territory in 2010 based on Hydrometeorologicall Observation and Remote Sensing Amil Aghayev*, Rza Mahmudov 1 National Aviation Academy, AZ1045, Mardakan av. 30, Baku, AZERBAIJAN * Corresponding author: A. Aghayev Received 18 Oct 2019 * E-mail: [email protected] Accepted 10 June 2019 How to cite: Aghayev & Mahmudov (2018). Analysis of the Kura River flooding in Azerbaijan territory in 2010 based on Hydrometeorologicall Observation and Remote Sensing,. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO), 6(2): 206-212. DOI: 10.30897/jegeo.514468 Abstract Because of ongoing global climate change on Earth, along with other natural disasters floods widespread and frequent occurrence of this process in the Kura River basin in Azerbaijan creates great threat for the local population, agriculture and economy of the country. The core objective of the study was the analysis of the flooding in 2010 based on hydrometeorological and satellite data. Assessment of the hydrometeorological parameters that could cause flooding and tendency in comparison of the water level with perennial norm in the Kura River were conducted. Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) multispectral satellite images reflecting this event were used. The map of flooded areas was developed by the usage of different tools and modules of ArcGIS 10.2.1. Keywords: Floods, the Kura River, Remote Sensing (RS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Image Classification. the same time in Turkey and Georgia, as well as in the Introduction territory of Azerbaijan and agricultural activities of people (Abbasov &Mahmudov, 2009; Махмудов, 2001; Flood management requires a good understanding of Aslanov, 2013). During the flooding increased extreme complex interaction of the geographical space and water level broke protective dikes around the river and related spatial information such as surface and caused inundation of some territories mainly in groundwater sources, land vegetation cover, land use, Sabirabad, Saatli, Imishli, Zardab and Shirvan cities meteorological parameters, hydrological condition and (Fig. 2). human activities (John, 2002; Ertek et al., 2003). Combination of the hydraulic series data within a spatial Rising of the water level in the riverbed caused not only interface, such as a Geographical Information System destruction of dams, but also resulted with the rising of (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS), are the key to graphical groundwater in the area with little altitude difference to visualizations on the hydraulic modelling and effective the riverbed, typically from one to several meters (Fig. spatial support for flood risk analysis (Gazioğlu et al., 3). Due to this low difference the territories are 2014). The increasing availability of very high constantly under threat. Fluctuation between 0,5-1 performance GIS software packages such as ArcGIS meters is sufficient for rising of groundwater level and opens new opportunities for engineers to perform flood inundation of residential settlements located close to the inundation analysis in conjunction with hydraulic models river bed. with interactive visualization within immerse decision support environments (Sinnakaudan, et al., 2003; Ghani, Usually, Salyan and Neftchala districts were mostly et al., 1999; ESRI, 1992; ESRI, 1996; ESRI, 2001; affected regions by floodwaters, but during 2010 flood, Farhan et al., 2018; Büyüksalih & Gazioğlu, 2019; there were less inundations there than in other regions Rashidin et al., 2019; Badolava, et al., 2019). In this (Imishli, Saatli, Sabirabad). Just with the rising of point of view, study of the 2010 flooding in May in the groundwater, the areas close to the riverbed with little Kura within Azerbaijan territory through altitude difference were subject to the impact of subsoil hydrometeorological, GIS and Remote Sensing data is an waters. important issue in the paper. Besides from natural flooding in 2010, some areas were Study Area inundated intentionally. Therefore, on the 31st May 2010, a new tributary near to the Bahramtapa hydro The water basin of the downstream of the Kura River junction was opened by The Ministry of Emergency was selected as the study area (Fig. 1). The territories Situations of Azerbaijan Republic to overcome the were object to the impacts of the flood waters in some consequences of the flood, clean flooded areas from extent. The last flooding occurred in 2010. The main floodwaters, and to reduce water level (Fig. 4). The reasons for the flooding were consistent heavy rains at stream of the river in near territory to the existing 206 Aghayev & Mahmudov / IJEGEO 6(2): 206-212 (2019) Bahramtapa hydrojunction locating on the Aras River was directed to the Mughan plain and thus resulted with and within the administrative boundary of Imishli region the inundation of the most part of the plain. Figure 1. The study area. Figure 2. Photos of 2010 flooding (URL 2). Figure 3. Inundated yards by subsoil waters (spring, 2010) (Eco-миграция, 2013). During the 2010 flood, a map had been developed based The map that was prepared by SCLC was compiled with on the data collected from the field surveys during the the use of topographic maps in 1:100000 scale and flood and archival materials by the specialists of the according to the data of July 7, 2010. Generally, it was former State Committee of Land and Cartography difficult to delineate precisely the extent of flooded areas (SCLC) of Azerbaijan Republic. According to the map during flood. At that time it was almost impossible to 70,000 hectares were inundated: transfer field survey of flooded areas into map accurately. Because flooding covered a larger area in a Sabirabad region – 43726 ha short period. The only and most simple solution to this Imishli region – 14770 ha problem are remote sensing techniques. The only and Hajigabul region – 2470 ha most simple solution to the problem is remote sensing Bilasuvar region – 120 ha techniques. Saatli region – 8926 ha 207 Aghayev & Mahmudov / IJEGEO 6(2): 206-212 (2019) Figure 4. Cartographic presentation of the branch that seperated from the Aras river after 2010 flooding event Average annual temperature 15 14,5 14 13,6 13,6 13,5 12,9 C 0 13 12,3 12,5 12 12 11,5 11 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Years Perrenial norm 1961-1990: 12.3 0C Figure 5. Average annual temperature during 2008-2012 in Azerbaijan. Average annaul precipitation 550 527 483 500 463 445 453 450 mm 400 350 300 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Years Perennial norm 1961-1990: 477 mm Figure 6. Average annual precipitation during 2008-2012 in Azerbaijan. 208 Aghayev & Mahmudov / IJEGEO 6(2): 206-212 (2019) Material and Methods 477 mm in 1961-1990, but this figure was 527 mm in 2010 (Fig. 6). The data obtained from The National Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural The 2010 flooding covered mainly May and June. The Resources of Azerbaijan Republic obviously showed that following graph shows that monthly perennial norm in along with anthropogenic factors, mainly natural factors 1961-1990 was high in April, May and June absolutely played a key role in the occurrence of the flood (Fig. 7). (Mahmudov, 2014; Махмудов, 2016; Mahmudov, 2015). So according to the data the norm of average Being higher than the norm of the levels of temperature annual temperature in the country was 12,30C in 1961- and precipitation led to sharply rise of the river flow. As 1990, but this figure was 13,60C in 2010 (Fig. 5). Thus a result of continuous rainfall in the neighbouring high temperature intensified melting of snow and countries of the Kura River peaked the runoff of the glaciers in mountainous areas, and in a result it created river, critical situation was arose by the drastically level flooding of rivers. of the water. In considered case, following graph illustrates the shifting level of the water in the Kura Furthermore, along with an increase in temperature in River in a particular period.
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