Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 10-9-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 09, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1984 Volume 70, Issue 37 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 09, 1984." (Oct 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'Cosmic hit~ halt~ space shuttle communications CAPE CAN ... 'ERAL (API - the memory of the Tracking and Robert Crippen complained " it jungles, deserts and ocean.. station at White Sands t N . ~l , " Nature added to Challenger's Data Relay Satellite orbiting feels like irs about late August " The TOR earli... today During the outage. the woes Monday with "a heavy 22.000 miles overhead. The in Houston: ' sustained a heavy burst of astronauts communicated with cosmic burst of radiation" thai TDR sa lrllitc. which IOJks Despite the problems. the cosmic radiation ," said mission Mission Control in Houston cul communications'in half. and down on halfthe Earth. receives "ork for the crew of seven wen I control' s Brian Welch. " What through a series of ground with a tropical storm that was \'oice and digital com· on unmterrupted on the fourth that normally doeswilh a pi ece stations.butlheywereunabJelo heading toward the ship's municaltons from the shull Ie day of their 8-day flight. of deli cate equl pmenl like that send any of the high speed data landmgstnp. and relays it to the ground. Although the astronauts has causedthe sotellitetodump from the radar camera The "cosmIc hIt " - a narc or In Challenger's cabin the couldn't " dump" the data to the its memory ... The satellite NASA asked for help from the e I ec I ri ca I dis t u rba nee temperature rose to 90 degrees ground. the sh uttle's radar itself is not damaged. it s just a Air Force. which turned over streaming from a sunspot because of a cooling system camera continued the task of question of relflading the four of its ground stations to t:ruotion nn the !:tun - wiDed out oroblem and co mmander peering below the surface of memory fr om the g-vund help fin some global gaps. Vaily'Egyptian Tuesday, Uctober9. 1984 . Vol. 70. ~ o3j Southern Illinois University Candidates vie for support of U.S. Italians By th e J\ ssocidlea Press While both sides claimed President Reagan and a victory in Sunday mght's clash. buoyant Wal(er F. Mondole White House aides coneeded court ed support from Ilalian­ that Mondates showing was Am erica ns on Columbus Day. good enough to help him In the pressing their campaign battte polls. for ··the soul of our country" one "We don't think we lost the day after a televised debate that debate:' said White House chief neutral polls indicated was a of staff J ames A. Baker III. c lear-cut triumph for the adding that Mondale falied to Democratic challenger. deliver a knock-out punch that Mondale and running mate would narrow the public opimon Geraldine Ferraro marched polls dramatically. past thousands of supporters at The challenger, struggling to a holiday parad. in Manhattan, overcome a deficit of 15 points prelud e to his fa st-paced tour or more in most pu blic opinion Staff Photo by Neville Loberg through northeastern and polls, was clearly upbeat as he midwestern industrial states. arrived in New York for the Vice President George Bush parade. Robbin Crosb,>an d Warren De Martini of Rall. entertained a lively crowd at the Arena Sunday carried the Republica n banner Mondale aides said their own a band kno,",'n for n O l- s ~s ubtl e rock'n'roll. night. in the same parade, while poll showed the Democrat a . " Reagan said in orlh Carolina dear winnner, and campaign that there is " opportunity manager Bob Beckel said. " We unHm iled" in America. "That is expect this to lead to a Resolution on use of PR grade what we are about to restore for tightening of the race," all of us ." he said. In all overnight survey con· Reagan then traveled to dueled fo r Newswee- magazine. to be considered by F-Senate Baltimore. where he ded:cated 54 percent of those pt.!led rated a statue of Chris topher Mondale the winner. compared By Ed FDic'" in the future, but only those in Jack Brown, English faculty Columbus and jabbed at with 35 percent for the Starr Writer which the University has member. Mondale - without mentioning presirient. Even so, a majority required a grade of C or better Bruce Appleby. area head for hi s na me - for being a mong the also said Reagan was "more A resolution that recommends to obtain credit. composition in thE English "pessimists who ,"un 't bring capab" of dealing with the bringing back the PR grade will The reinstatement is being department, said that the PR lhemselves to admit America is country's problems ." be considered by the Faculty looked at because of a recom­ grade needs to be brought back back on the right track." US Today bannered a poll of enateTuesday. mendation by the General to prevent a n inordinately high The president said that al­ its ~wn that reported Mondale a The PR - in progress - Education Curriculun, Council failure rate in GED-IOI if the titude reminded him of what lIafrOWer winner. 39 percent to grade gives the students " not that credit for GED·IOI , an requirement of a C or better to Baltimore favorite son H.L. 34 percent. making adequate progress" a English composition class, only get credit for that course is Mencken said of the Puritans : chance to take the class over be given for grades of C or enacted. "the ha unting fear that again once to improve their above. "We're concerned thal someone. somewhere may be g r~Jes . It would only be used, T!le Office of the Vice English composition may happy. " for now. In GED-IOI. an English President for Academic Affairs become a 'f1unk-out' course;' he Reagan and Mondale both composition course, according and Research is waiting for the said. said they would leave it to the to the word;ng of the resolution. Faculty Senate to take a Brown said that the grade will \'oters to decide who won the The resolution acknowledges position on the PR grade before only be given in cast- where the debate - to be followed on that it may be necessary for the taking action on the C-or-belter student had gone to class con­ Thursday by a clash between grade to be used in other classes requirement fo r GED-IOI. said sistently. done all the cour­ vice presidential candidates, sework, and obtained the per­ and a return malch between the Gus says Fritz may be on Cloud mission of the dean of his presidential candidates on Oct. Nine now, but Reagan still leads college. 21. in the polls there, too. This GMorning Lease sought for golf course on SIU land By Karen Wilt berger showers. lockers a nd dressing Partly ~u n n! : highs in.Os University to lend at least 270 Starr Writer acres of land, calls for an 18-hole area. He said the complex wO<.Jld golf course. with the option to be the first of its kind in lol inois, A golf course and outdoor build anlJlher nine-hole course, and maybe the nation. This prof isn't typical 6 swimming pool complex that said Park District Director A 4<lO-acre site south of the would be operated by the George Whitehead. Ca rbondale city reservoir is the Creek offers adventure 9 Carbondale Park District will Whitehead said the water favored construction site, be located on University-owned park, which would require an Wh itehead said, adding that New English courses set 7 property if Park District and additional 10 to 20 acres, w~uld negotiations for the land bet­ University officials can iron out include three water slides ween the Park Dislrict and the World Series to open Sports 20 some disagreements. connected to a t2,OOO-square­ University began last winter The proposed golf course, foot pool. a kiddie pool. a which would require the gameroom. a concession stand. See LEASE, Page 5 Body Perm student Special GJVewswrap (With c upon) onl\" $22.95 notion/ world on Introducing ... Tues. Wed . & Thurs. ask (or Prison sentence handed down A New Daily Feature (Tues.Fri) SHARON 3·GPM Mallam's to Indian activist amid protest CUSTER. S.D. (AP) - Indian aclivisl Dennis Banks was sen­ tenced to three years in prison on ~1onda y for his role Jfl a 1973 rim II Hangar ~ Study HallU al the Cusler CounlY courlhouse despile the urgings of friends a nd supporlers who thoughl he should go free. The Indian activlsi recently surrendered after nine years as a fugitive. American with Indian Movement leader Rossen Means testified at a sentenci ng hearing that Banks should be kept oUI of jail to improve relalions between whiles and Indians in South Dakota. '·Somelime. " Insane Jane" somehow, the leadership of South Dakota, the wh,te I""ders of South Dakota, have to starl a real human relationship with Indian (behind the bar) people," Means said. Researchers 10 s lud~' pro blem of acid rain 254: drafts MonTequila Sunrise . DETROIT (AP) - Researchers WIll obtain waler samples Irom 65¢ speed rails Tues·ee, J Daniels 1.800 lakes in the upper Midwesl as pari of a S6 million nationWIde 954: call liquor While Label .75 study of acid ram contamination.
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