GettyMusic In Christ Alone Songbook by Keith & Kristyn Getty Piano arrangements from the ‘In Christ Alone’ album Copyright 2007-2009 Gettymusic LLC. All rights reserved. 4 There Is a Higher Throne Words and Music by Maestoso (q = 92) Keith & Kristyn Getty E A/E E A/E E mf 1.There is a 2.And there we'll A'9/E B/E Esus B/D# C#m C#m/B B/A A A/G# high - er throne than all this world has known, where faith - ful ones from ev - 'ry tongue find our home; Our life be - fore the throne. We'll hon - or Him in per - fect song F#m7 Bsus B E A'9/E B/E will one day come. Be - fore the Son we'll stand, made fault - less where we be - long. He'll wipe each tear - stained eye as thirst and Esus B/D# C#m C#m/B B/A A A/G# F#m7 through the Lamb; Be - liev - ing hearts find prom - ised grace; Sal - va - tion hun - ger die. The Lamb be - comes our Shep - herd King; We'll reign with Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether .com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Refrain 5 B7sus B7 E/G# A'9 A B7 comes. Hear heav - en's voic - es sing; Their thun - d'rous Him. A/E E C#m C#m/B B/A A A/G# F#m7 an - them rings through em - 'rald courts and sap - phire skies; Their prais - es Bsus B E/G# A'9 A B7 rise. All glo - ry, wis - dom, pow'r, strength,thanks and A/E E B/D# C#m E/B B/A A A/G# F#m7 B7sus B7 hon - or are to God our King, Who reigns on high for - ev - er - E A/E E A/E E more. There is a Higher Throne 6 Across the Lands Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend Triumphant and Bold (q. = 60) D A G'9 D A G'9 G/A A7 D 1.You're the Word of God the mf 2.Yet You left the gaze of 3.With a shout You rose vic - G D A G D/F# Fa - ther from be - fore the world be - gan; Ev 'ry star and ev - 'ry plan- et has been an- gels, came to seek and save the lost and ex - changed the joy of heav- en for the to-rious, wrest-ing vic - t'ry from the grave and as - cend - ed in - to heav- en, lead-ing Em7 G G/A A7 D G A7 D fash -ioned by Your hand. All cre - a - tion holds to - geth- er by the pow - er of Your an - guish of a cross. With a prayer You fed the hun -gry, with a word You calmed the cap - tives in Your way. Now You stand be - fore the Fa -ther, in - ter - ced - ing for Your Copyright © 2002 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 7 Refrain A G D/F# Em7 Em/G Asus A voice. Let the skies de - clare Your glo - ry; let the land and seas re - joice. sea; Yet how si - lent - ly You suf - fered, that the guilt - y may go free. You're the own; From each tribe and tongue and na - tion You are lead - ing sin - ners home. G D/F# G A'9 Bm Bm/A G G/A Au - thor of cre - a - tion, You're the Lord of ev - 'ry man, and Your cry of love rings Bm7 A7 D A G'9 D A out a - cross the lands. 1.2. 3. G'9 G/A A7 G'9 A7sus A7 D 2.Yet You 3.With a Across the Lands 8 Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer Words by Margaret Becker Music by Keith Getty Slow & Thoughtful (q = 66) D G/D D G/A D G/D D 1.Je - sus, draw me ev - er near - er as I 2.Je - sus, guide me through the tem - pest, keep my 3.May the treas - ures of the tri - al form with - G/D D G/D D la - bor through the storm. You have called me to this spir - it staid and sure. When the mid - night meets the in me as I go. And at the end of this long Refrain G/D D G/D D D/F# pas - sage, and I'll fol - low though I'm worn. morn - ing, let me love You e - ven more. May this pas - sage, let me leave them at Your throne. Words copyright © Modern M Music, c/o The Select Artist Group, LLC, P.O. Box 1418, La Vergne, TN 37086, U.S.A. Music copyright © 2001 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 9 A D/A A D/F# G jour - ney bring a bless - ing, may I rise on wings of C D G/D D faith; and at the end of my heart's test - ing, with Your 1.2. 3. G D G/D D G/A D like - ness let me wake. 2.Je - sus wake. 3.Let the Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer 12 Hear the Call of the Kingdom Words and Music by Keith & Kristyn Getty & Stuart Townend Gospel Feel (q = 69) F Gm/F F F Bb/F 1.Hear the call of the King - dom, lift your mf 2.Hear the call of the King - dom to be 3.Hear the call of the King - dom to reach F A7 Dm7 Bb/C eyes to the King. Let His song rise with - in you as a fra - grant of - fer - ing of how chil -dren of light, with the mer - cy of heav - en, the hu - mil - i - ty of Christ; Walk - ing out to the lost; With the Fa - ther's com - pas - sion, in the won - der of the cross. Bring - ing F A7 Dm7 Gm7 C7sus C7 God, rich in mer - cy, came in Christ to re - deem all who trust in His un - fail - ing just - ly be - fore Him, lov - ing all that is right; That the light of Christ may shine through peace and for - give - ness and a hope yet to come, Let the na -tions put their trust in Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. 1. 2.3. Refrain 13 F Gm/F F F Bb/F F Bb/C F grace. 2.Hear the us. King of heav- en, we will Him. Bb F/A C Gm7 Gm7/Bb C7 an - swer the call; We will fol - low, bring-ing hope to the world, filled with F F/A Bb Gm7 F/A Bb F/C Bb/C pas - sion, filledwith pow - er to pro - claim sal - va - tion in Je - sus' 1.2. D.$. 3. F Gm/F F F Gm/F F name. 3.Hear the name. Hear the Call of the Kingdom 14 The Power of the Cross Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend With Strength (h = 58) F/A G/B C'9 C G7sus/D G7/D C'9/E F 1.O, to see the dawn of the dark - est day; Christ on the 2.O, to see the pain writ - ten on Your face, bear - ing the 3.Now the day - light flees; Now the ground be - neath quakes as its 4.O, to see my name writ - ten in the wounds, for through Your C/E Dm7 Fma7 Gsus G F/A G/B C'9 road to Cal - va - ry. Tried by sin - ful men, awe - some weight of sin. Ev - 'ry bit - ter thought, Ma - ker bows His head. Cur - tain torn in two, suf - fering I am free. Death is crushed to death, C G7sus/D G7/D C'9/E F C/E Fma7 Gsus torn and beat - en, then nailed to a cross of wood. ev - ery ev - il deed crown - ing Your blood - stained brow. dead are raised to life– "Fin - ished!" the vic - t'ry cry. life is mine to live, won through Your self - less love! Copyright © 2005 Thankyou Music/Adm. by songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingsway Music. [email protected]. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Refrain 15 G C/E F G/B C'9 C C/E F .
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