ST. PAUL'S LIBRARY COLLECTION CALL # TITLE AUTHOR DATE PUBLISHER MISCELLANEOUS 114 Picture Albums: History of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Cascade, WI 314 Videos: History of St. Paul’s, Cascade, WI 101 4V Layman’s Parallel Bible, The KJV; Modern Lang.; Living Bible; RSV Zondervan 101 4V NT New Testament in 4 Versions, The KJV; RSV;Phillips Modern;New English 1965 Christianity Today 101 GOD God’s Word 1996 World Publishing 101 KJV Holy Bible KJV A. J. Holman 101 KJV Holy Bible KJV World Publishing 101 KJV Holy Bible, The KJV American Bible Society 101 KJV Holy Bible, The KJV 1962 Southwestern 101 KJV GER Die Bibel KJV, German Concordia 101 KJV GER Die Heilige Schrift KJV, German Northwestern Publishing 101 NKJV Holy Bible NKJV 1979 Thomas Nelson 101 RSV Holy Bible RSV 1952 Thomas Nelson 102 ALE Lion Encyclopedia of the Bible, The Alexander, Pat, ed. 1986 Lion Publishing 102 AND Where To Find It In the Bible: The Ultimate A To Z Resource Anderson, Ken 1996 Thomas Nelson 102 BOY Bible Dictionary Boyd, James 1958 Ottenheimer Publishers 102 CHA Life and Language in the Old Testament Chase, Mary Ellen 1958 Ottenheimer Publishers 102 COM Hebrew Kings, The Comay, Joan 1977 William Morrow 102 DAV Dictionary of the Bible Davis, John D. 1973 Baker Book House 102 DOU New Bible Dictionary Douglas, J. D., et. al. 1982 Tyndale House 102 DRU Greatest Thing in the World, The Drummond, Henry 1991 Barbour and Co. 102 FRA Bible History Commentary: Old Testament Franzmann, Werner H. 1980 WELS 102 FRA NT1 Bible History Commentary: New Testament Volume 1 Franzmann, Werner H. 1989 WELS 102 FRA NT2 Bible History Commentary: New Testament Volume 2 Franzmann, Werner H. 1989 WELS 102 GAR Atlas of the Bible: An Illustrated Guide to the Holy Land Gardner, Joseph L., ed. 1981 Reader’s Digest 102 GAR Complete Who’s Who in the Bible Gardner, Paul D., ed. 1995 Zondervan 102 HAL Halley’s Bible Handbook: An Abbreviated Bible Commentary Halley, Henry H. 1965 Zondervan 2 copies 102 HAM Atlas of the Bible Lands Hammond, Inc. 1959 H. C. Hammond & Co. 102 HES Charlton Heston Presents the Bible: A Companion for Families Heston, Charlton 1997 GT Publishing Use w/301HES -4 videos 102 HOL Holy Land, The Palphot Ltd. 102 JES Jesus & the Twelve 1969 Good Will Publishers 102 KAI Hard Sayings of the Bible Kaiser, Walter C. Jr., et. al. 1996 InterVarsity Press 102 KEL Bible As History, The Keller, Werner 1981 William Morrow 102 KLI Home Life in Bible Times: A Study in Biblical Antiquities Klinck, Arthur W., Inc. 1947 Concordia 102 KOE Summary of Christian Doctrine, A Koehler, Edward W. A. 1939 Koehler Publishing Co. 102 KRE NT1 Popular Commentary of the Bible: New Testament Volume 1 Kretzmann, Paul E. 1921 Concordia 2 copies 102 KRE NT2 Popular Commentary of the Bible: New Testament Volume 2 Kretzmann, Paul E. Concordia 2 copies 102 KRE OT1 Popular Commentary of the Bible: Old Testament Volume 1 Kretzmann, Paul E. 1923 Concordia 2 copies 102 KRE OT2 Popular Commentary of the Bible: Old Testament Volume 2 Kretzmann, Paul E. 1924 Concordia 2 copies 102 LAB Living Letters: Life Application Edition Life Application Bible 1989 Tyndale House 102 LUE Concordia Bible Dictionary, The Lueker, Erwin 1963 Concordia 2 copies 102 LUT Der Kleine: What Does This Mean? Luther, Martin 1979 AAL 102 LUT Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism Luther, Martin 1965 Concordia 102 MAI First Christmas: The True and Unfamiliar Story in Words and Pictures Maier, Paul L. 1971 Harper and Row 102 MAI Real Story of The Creation, The Maier, Paul L. 2007 Concordia 102 MAY Books of the New Testament, The Mayer, Herbert T. 1969 Concordia 102 MIL Gospel According to Luke, The Miller, Donald G. 1971 John Knox Press 157 Layman’s Bible Commentary Vol. 18 102 MIN Gospel According to Mark, The Minear, Paul S. 1969 Concordia 157 Layman’s Bible Commentary Vol. 17 102 MOE Word-Pictures of Bible Events Moenkemoeller, Wm. 1925 Concordia College, St. Paul, MN 102 NAV Nave’s Topical Bible Nave, Orville J. 1921 Moody Press 102 NAV Nave’s Topical Bible: A Complete Analysis of the Bible by Subject Nave, Orville J. Holman Bible Publishers 102 NGS Everyday Life in Bible Times National Geographic Society 1967 National Geographic Society 102 PAT They Walked with Christ Patrick, Sam; Garrison, Omar 1962 Times-Mirror Syndicate 102 PFE Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible, The Pfeifer, Charles F. 1969 Weathervane Books 102 PFI Masterplan: following God’s plan throughout the Bible Pfitzner, V. C. 1985 Lutheran Publishing House 102 REE Reese Chronological Bible, The Reese, Edward 1980 Bethany House 102 RID Who Says? Ridenour, Fritz, ed. 1967 G/L Publications 102 SCH Where Jesus Walked Schuller, Dr. Robert Anthony 2006 Integrity 102 SMI Dictionary of the Bible, A Smith, William 1948 John C. Winston Co. 102 STR Case for Christmas, The: Journalist Investigates Identity Of Child In Manger Strobel, Lee 2005 Zondervan 102 STR New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, The Strong, James 1984 Thomas Nelson 102 TAY Complete Book of Bible Literacy, The Taylor, Mark D. 1992 Tyndale House 102 VAN Illustrated Dictionary of Bible Manners & Customs Van Deursen, A. 1967 Citadel Press 102 VIS After Jesus: The Triumph of Christianity Visalli, Gayla, ed. 1992 Reader’s Digest 102 WAR Jesus and His Times Ward, Kaari, ed. 1987 Reader’s Digest 102 WHO Who’s Who in the Bible: An Illustrated Biographical Dictionary 1994 Reader’s Digest 102 WOM Women of the Bible 1969 Good Will Publishers 102 WRI Great People of the Bible and How They Lived Wright, G. Ernest, et. al. 1974 Reader’s Digest 103 AAL Coming of Age Gracefully various contributors 1995 AAL 103 AAL Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance, A: Help for the Losses in Life AAL 1995 AAL 103 ABS I AM SOMEBODY! 1976 American Bible Society ST. PAUL'S LIBRARY COLLECTION 103 ABS Rejoice and Be Renewed 1976 American Bible Society 103 ASQ Lively May I Walk: Devotions for the Golden Years Asquith, Glenn H. 1960 Abingdon Press 103 BES Best-loved passages of the Bible: A Devotional 1997 Concordia 103 BRA Great God Here I Am Brandt, Leslie F. 1969 Concordia 103 BRE Meditations for the New Mother Brenneman, Helen Good 1985 Herald Press 103 BRI “Here I Am - Send Aaron!” Briscoe, Jill 1980 Victor Books 103 BRI all things Weird and Wonderful Briscoe, Stuart 1981 Victor Books 103 BRI What Works When Life Doesn’t Briscoe, Stuart 1980 Victor Books 103 BRO Recipe for a Merry Christmas, A Brown, Handel H. 1960 William B. Eerdmans 103 BRO Validate Me Quick; I’m Double-Parked! Brown, Toni Sorenson 1995 St. Martin’s 86 Shirley You Can Do It 103 BUT Power of Prayer Today, The Buttrick, George A. 1970 Word Books 103 CAN Chicken Soup for the Soul Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor 1993 Health Communications 178 Chicken Soup 103 CAN Chicken Soup for the Soul of America Canfield, Jack; Hansen, MV; Adams, ME 2002 Health Communications 178 Chicken Soup 103 CAN Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II Canfield, Jack, et. al. 1998 Health Communications 178 Chicken Soup 103 CAN Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul Canfield, Jack, et.al. 1997 Health Communications 178 Chicken Soup 103 CAR My Daily Devotion Carter, Stephen J. 2002 Concordia 103 CAR Prison to Praise Carothers, Merlin 1970 Merlin R. Carothers 103 CHA My Utmost for His Highest: An Updated Edition in Today’s Language Chambers, Oswald 1992 Discovery House 103 COL They Preached Liberty: Timely quotations from NewEng ministers of Am. Rev. Cole, Franklin P., ed. 2000 Coral Ridge Ministries 103 COU Real Men Pray: Prayer Thoughts for Husbands and Fathers Couser, Thomas 1996 Concordia 103 DAI Daily Guideposts, 1993 1992 Guideposts 103 DAR 52 Simple Ways to Make Christmas Special Dargatz, Jan 1991 Oliver Nelson 103 DET Leaf in the Wind, A DeTellis, George 2000 NEW Missions 103 DET Mending and Washing Your Nets: Fishing Lessons from the Disciples DeTellis, George Jr. 1998 President’s Publishing 103 DET Stubborn Hope, A - Without Disappointment DeTellis, Jeanne; Meloche, Renee 1996 NEW Missions 103 GOE Power Through Prayer: Guidelines for Developing an Effective Prayer Life Goetsch, Ronald W. 1959 Concordia 103 GRA Angels: God’s Secret Agents Graham, Billy 1975 Doubleday 103 HAN Next Place, The Hanson, Warren 1997 Waldman House Press 103 HAR Prayerables: Meditations of a Homemaker Harrell, Irene 1967 Word Books 103 HOF Hurry Home Where You Belong Hoffmann, Oswald C. J. 1970 Concordia 103 HOL How Can I Find You, God? Holmes, Marjorie 1975 Guideposts 103 HOS Caring Jesus, The: A Woman’s View of Christ in the Gospel of John Hosier, Karen Kooiman 1975 Hawthorne Books 103 HOW Just a Housewife? Your High Calling...Fitting into God’s Plan Howse, Betty 1985 World Home Bible League 103 JOH Invisible Woman, The: A Special Story for Mothers Johnson, Nicole 2005 W Publishing Group 103 KEE Joy of Children, The Keeley, Erin, ed. 1999 Tyndale House 103 KEL Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23, A: excerpts from the best-selling book Keller, W. Phillip 1999 Inspirio 103 KEL Shepherd Looks at the Good Shepherd and His Sheep, A Keller, Phillip 1978 Zondervan 103 KER You Are Precious Kern, Alma 1995 LWML 103 LAU Together With Jesus: Daily Devotions for a Year Lauersdorf, Richard J. 2004 Northwestern Publishing 103 LEW Paved With Good Intentions: A Demon’s Road Map to Your Soul Lewis, C. S. 2005 HarperSanFrancisco excerpts from The Screwtape Letters 103 LEW What Christians Believe Lewis, C.
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