WEDNESDAY APRIL 15, 1942 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICH.- 7 House Naval Committee Ponders Union Labor Curbs to one pack a customer and tha (enter Line, Romeo day's supply usually is gone in Limit on War Profits Australians a couple of hours. New sup- GOP Prerind Tigers Start Season plies are not in sight. Choirs Win Honors Cigaret, Some hotels already have sold Also Up for Discussion Face their April beer supply. Many B Entries Land Strong Signs Indicate Administration Captain Class Hotels ell only to regular custo- Shot in Second Division in First Division Beer Famine mers. Opposes Any Profit Restrictions Three Others Hurt 15—(/TN Seek Revenge for 5-2 Loss of Indians' Returns from Center Line and MELBOURNE. April V ¦>t clock was invented by WASHINGTON, April 15— Workers denied that the union in Argument Romeo received today show that —Australia is on the verge of a in Second Game at Briggs Today Pope Sylvester II in 996 A. D. Am and strong sign, of adminis- had engaged in a slowdown at and choral groups from the two cigarct and brer famine but the tration • •pposition to any profit the Curtiss-Wright plant there. CHICAGO. April 15 -f/Pi A towns won honors in the state- service men .ire among the fav- DETROIT, April 15—(/P) in succession in one stretch while restrictions at this time, the He telegraphed Byrd that the Republican precinct captain was —[ wide singing competitions at ored few still smoking normal The American League baseball] yielding five hits and one inten- House Naval committee .vent to reason the corporation had been shot and seriously wounded and Michigan State College Satur- packs. season is one day old and the tional pass leading up to the work today on projet ted legis unable to meet schedules was three other persons were injured day, Center Line scoring in first A survey disclosed that more -SEEDS- Detroit Tigers are in the second ninth, but when Higgins was hit lation which tentatively called that “Navy brass hats” had made early today in a political argu- division of choral groups from than 200 tobacconists in Mel- —For Farm division, where many experts by a pitch and Hams boat out not only for a limit on war so many changes in plans. ment near the 7th precinct, Class B schools and also winner bourne alone have closed al- —For Your Lawn say they will finish this year, so an infield single. Boudreau wav- profits but i Iso for suspension 14th ward rolls in the stock- a “very good for its girls’ quin- ready. WIDE OPEN’ HEARINGS yards Manager Del Baker and his re- *>d to the bullpen for Heving to of the 40-hour week ~nd curbs district. tette in small ensembles, and Chairman Vinson (D-Ga) of crew eager today to take the mound. Civilians found cigaretes un- on labor union activity for the Joseph Adamck. 29. who po- built were Romeo’s chorus of 80 voices FERTILIZER the naval committee promised situation obtainable today throughout the duration. lice said was the Republican do something about the Eric McNair promptly hit into placing in a first division of For Lawn or Garden that the open hearings on the against the Indians. main shops, though small outly- While he administration atti- captain of the 58th precinct, Cleveland a double play and. after Birdie Class D schools. projected profit and labor curb Before a surprisingly large ing establishments still have lim- tude was expected to influence 14th ward, was shot three times Tebbctts beat out a single, legislation wou 1 and be “wide of 39,267 at yesterday s The Center Line group was ited supplies. A. N. RICHARDS the committee’s deliberations to in the first reported violence of crowd pinch-hitter Rip Radcltff flied open” with pro-and-con argu- Indians pounded out from Busch high school there, Army canteens limit enlisted extent informed sources the city’s Tuesday primary elec- opener, the out. 7 617 8 Broadway at Market some ments publicly aired by the com- ear-old directed by Reginald Eldred and men to two packs daily and of- said was t oing made pointedly tion. a 5 to 2 victory for 24-> Established 1914 it mittee for the first time since Boudreau, mana- the Romeo group went from Ro- ficers five Stores limit the sales plain at this time primarily be- Police Lieutenant Leonard Lou youngest Pearl Harbor. ger to start a najor league meo high school and was di- cause Senate and House confer- Lynch said Adam Kczen. 27, as- ever The fi:st ession was convened manager con- Young Dancers rected by Kenneth Jewell. ees will make their initial es sistant Democratic captain of the season. The boy Entertain as Cong res., speculated on the single forts in a few days to settle dif- 7th precincts, 14th ward, admit- tributed a double and a possibility Club ferences between the two cham- that President Roose- ted firing the shots, after a dis- to the 13-hit attack off Alton Soldiers al USO velt, ' ho repeatedly has ex- bers on a pending $19,000,000,- pute over the primary. Kezen Benton and Roy Henshaw, but Eight members of the Milt- Willie Grows Up; pressed opposition to any change warclub was 000 war si >plies bill. was held by police. the most potent more Studios dancing classes in the houtfs ceiling, would lay Also injured in a melee which wielded by rookie Leslie Flem- Friday night entertained Self- TOP ON PROFITS He Got His Jap down a national war labor policy followed the shooting were Mrs. ing, a Detroit castoff. ridge Field soldiers with floor before either the or Sen- ( When the House passed this House Mary Kezen, 60, mother of IIIT .414 LAST YEAR .show numbers at the new Mount NEW YORK April 1 s— per- ate variety measure it imposed a six acts oil a of proposed Adam Kezen; Mrs. Anna Rodack, Fleming, up from Nashville Clemens U.S.O. club. Life around No. 1.848 Coney cent top on war profits, whereas labor ’aw changes. 31, wife of John Rodack, Re- of the Southern Association Island avenue, Brooklyn, used the rmdc 'rofit limita- Among the talented young Senate Navy Secretary Frank Knox publican captain of the 7th pre- where he butted .414 last year, to be practically unbearable for and vested performers were two Mount tion discretionary told the naval committee yester- cincts, 14th ward; and Andrew belted a homer into the upper Mrs. Westland. WOMEN LOOK YOUNG of Clemens girls, Florence and Do- control with the »ecretary day that he “wouldn’t be sur- a above the 400 foot time, West- * Zolinierski, 28, precinct work- deck seats All the said Mrs. war, the of navy aud lores Rubin. secretary prised” such a policy was no- er. Mrs. Rodack and Zolinier- mark along with a double and a land, young Willie was tagging chairman of the Maritime Com- claimed by the President. hospital. neatly match- program ebraced tap and hollering e. first, ski were treated at a single. He alone The around ‘Monuni mission. From the key ad- Knox, last of a long list of Tiger eight bases acts and vocal num- to ed the total of ballet dance when I grow up I’m going • • • • ministration officials hav . indi- when they are seloefiva and government officials, labor lead- on seven hits off Jim Bagby and bers. fly.” cated their belief that the profit ers and industrialists to appear Joe Heving. participants, from De- “Hurry up. then,” Mrs. West- moderate in matters food and drink control problem could be dealt before Guerrillas Other of the committee, declared Aussie Benton, bullpen artist to up. with by taxation. legis- former troit, were: Shirley Blum, Mara- land used say. “Grow that there is no need for • • • they who had won his last seven 1941 lyn Sitner, Evelyn Bassault, Fly.” when know the necessity of eas- Hence neither House nor Sen- lation as far as the Navy is con- Ready for Enemy starts, was touched for ten hits Barbara and Tina McFarlane Willie both grew and flew, for ate control version wa said to cerned, and cautioned Congress ing mental and bodily in his seven inning stay, but Private William J. Westland, 20, adminis- a g a m i- t impeding and Jean Armour. he satisfactory to die i production Formidable Striking manager on Army Corps Baker called today now is on the Air • • • Therefore, tration, and it was understood through “restrictive” statutes. tension Force Set for Action another right-hander, Paul (Diz- roll , for shooting down a that heavy pressure vas being Instead, he advocated: Turkey production in the honor ? to stop the Indians. fighter on his first mis- EAR, the ALL-GRAIY have the conferees 1. Voluntary agreements by MELBOURNE, April 15- (.V) zy) Trout, United States has doubled dur- Jap Zero exerted to was southpaw gunner in a raid both provisions from the labor to freeze union status for —Australian guerrilla units pat- Boudreau s choice ing the past 10 years, from 16.- sion as turret IOW IN CAIORII* strike Rabaul, beer, has beeome an legislation drafts, cancelling all the duration of the war, with terned after Britain’s dashing A1 Milnati. j 000.000 to 32.000.000 at New Britain Despite the shelling of Ben- profit control clauses. action by Congress to put the Commandos now form a formid- esteemed friend to LOWER THAN THI AVIRAOft Apart from this contro -ersial status-quo into effect if the able striking force eager to pit ton, the Tigers stayed in the game the seventh frame many women an well question the naval committee's agreements were not forthcom- their skill against the enemy, until Legal deliberations on legislation af- ing after a period of 30 or 60 army minister Francis Forde said when the Indians rallied for Notices ? two Fleming’s homer an men • • • Nourishing, fecting both the profit md labor days.
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