PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID EDDM Retail Monroe Twp., NJ 08831 VOLUME 53 / No. 7 Monroe Township, New Jersey July 2017 Memorial Day service By Joe Conti were heard as far away as KUDOS, KUDOS, KUDOS to the Clubhouse. chairperson Diane England After the recognition of and to all who were part of veterans presented by Inter- our Memorial Day service. It faith president Henry Cox, was the most well thought appropriate scriptures were out program in every detail read by Marie Bills, Jeff Al- that honored our men and bom, and The Rev. Dr. Dier- woman who served and for dre L. Thomson. those who paid the ultimate The most emotional part of sacrifice for our country. I the program was the reading have never been more of three letters from a book moved, or affected, or titled “War Letters.” The first prouder than I did at that ser- one was written by a son to vice during my eleven years his father, describing his at Rossmoor. situation and his thoughts The chorus, directed by of home. The second was Cecile Wang, was up for the written by a World War II challenge with exciting rendi- veteran to his brother. In it tions of Battle Hymn of the he says that he has a pre- Republic, The Navy, Army, monition that he is going to Air Force and Marine Hymn. die soon, but he does not Headed for Washington, D.C., from left, are Al Longo, Dan McOlvin, Frank Nobile, Vinny The program included “Go regret being where he is. Piccirillo, Denny O’Malley, and Roland (Toot) Tudor. Missing from the photo are Lou Now in Peace,” “America the He died months later. Both Allen, Tom Avgarakis, Bob Shine, Trudy Skladany, and Joe O’Reilly. Beautiful,” and ended with letters were read with emo- “God Bless America.” The tion and strong feelings by congregation sang the final Jim Wilson. Rossmoor veterans visit Washington, D. C., monuments song so loudly that I think we (Continued on page 4) By Dan McOlvin was breakfast for all 250 of Force Memorial, across from It was 5 a.m. in the early us, followed by a royal send- the Pentagon, where we en- morning of Saturday, June 3, off by the Fralinger String joyed a box lunch before when 11 Rossmoor veterans Band. Our way out was lined traveling into Washington, and four companions met up by cheering police officers D.C. and the National Mall. with 37 other Monroe Town- and EMTs. The Police De- When we got to the Na- ship veterans to begin their partment provided a motor- tional Mall, our first stop was 2017 Honor Flight trip to cycle escort for all five of our the World War II Memorial, Washington, D. C. buses all the way to the where we followed an Air Dan McOlvin and Denny Delaware Memorial Bridge. Force ROTC Color Guard O’Malley had the privilege of into the monument. Crowds leading our group, which con- At our destination of tourists welcomed us with sisted of Lou Allen; Tom Av- Our visit began in Arling- applause and many “thank gerakis and his son, Tom; Al ton, Va., at the U.S. Air (Continued on page 4) Longo; Vinny Piccirillo; Bob Shine and his son, Tom; Trudy Skladany, and aide Nora Kud- erka; Rowland (Toot) Tudor; Greeting Wounded Warriors Frank Nobile, with his daugh- By Tom Croake great veterans’ group called ter, Laura Bartelli, Joe Manger On Saturday, May 20, a AMVETS Post 917 in Staten and Joe O’Reilly. group of Rossmorites as- Island. For 10 years now, the or- sembled at the N.J. Turnpike The Wounded Warriors ganization, Honor Flight of overpass at Exit 8A on Fors- motorcade left from Walter Jim Wilson and Alyce Owens. Thank you for your in- Southern New Jersey, has gate Drive. It was a cold, Reed Medical Center, in Be- spired readings at the Memorial Day service. been conducting these com- windy, and rainy day, but that thesda, Md. They were es- plimentary trips for veterans didn’t bother us. Our purpose corted for the entire trip by to visit the memorials dedi- was to greet, cheer, and State Police through Mary- cated to honor their sacri- honor a group of Wounded land, Delaware, New Jersey, Cause of Mutual 6 carport fire has fices, their service to our Warriors. They were travel- and into New York. been determined country, and our freedom. ling in a motorcade en route When our Rossmoor group The New Jersey group is to Staten Island. Our heroes started arriving at the over- By Carol De Haan port sections that had been part of the Honor Flight Net- were being treated to a VIP pass, there was a Monroe “It was live charcoal bri- closed off since the fire. “The work which has grown to 130 weekend sponsored by a (Continued on page 5) quettes deposited in the burnt-out section will start to hubs in 42 states. Since the dumpster,” says President be rebuilt by the end of national programs began in Beverly Masters, regarding the June,” says Masters, who 2005, 159,703 veterans have May 17 early evening carport had been advised of the date participated in these trips. fire in Mutual 6, that destroyed by the Rossmoor Mainte- Inside this issue the carport and five automo- nance Department. The cost On our way biles belonging to residents. of rebuilding will be covered Our first stop was at the At the governors meeting . 2 Month in Pictures ......... 15 This determination was made in part by insurance and in High School in Williamstown, Bits & Pieces ................... 2 Musings & Memories .... 13 by the Township Fire Depart- part by contributions from New Jersey, where we joined Bob’s Almanac .............. 11 New Neighbors ............. 13 ment, which notified Mutual 6 each of the other Mutuals. four other buses carrying directors of their finding. The directors of Mutual 6 another 200 veterans from all Clubs ............................ 14 RCAI Meetings ............... 2 At a June 7 meeting of all are looking into ways of pre- across the state. They gave Health Care Center ....... 24 Religion ........................ 21 Mutual 6 residents, Masters venting future fires: use of us a gala welcome, as also Landscaping ................. 24 Sports ........................... 19 told her members that they flame retardants or installing did “Phanatic,” the mascot of Maintenance ................. 23 Transportation Tidbits .. 23 now had permission to park fire alarms. “Real loud ones,” the Philadelphia Phillies, who their cars in those other car- (Continued on page 7) came to cheer us on. Then it 2 JULY 2017 The Rossmoor NEWS Bits & Pieces Sue Ortiz I am not a beach person, they would be a good match, but I do like to get my feet wet and it will be good for both at the Jersey shore once in a families. She is not so sure. while. It’s peaceful, and the She’s not even sure she loves June 15, 2017, Board of charged to the RCAI Capital struction plans for a roof ex- sound of the waves is a great him. They argue; Sir Allen Governors Meeting Replacement Account. tension at the swimming pool endorphin booster. One of my grabs Lady Penelope’s arm as Daniel Jolly, RCAI Presi- to provide additional shade favorite Shore towns is Ocean she tries to run from the dent, opened the monthly The board also approved a at a cost not to exceed Grove. The clean, white beach room—to run from him. Pene- Board of Governors meeting at resolution to retain the ser- $2,400 and the expenditure is beautiful; the town is quaint lope’s sister, Beatrice, watches 9:00 a.m. with the Pledge of vices of FWH Associates to will be charged to the Capital with its many shops and multi- from afar… Allegiance followed by a mo- prepare conceptual and con- Improvement Fund Account. colored tent homes near the A while later, I walk to the ment of silence for Robert Great Auditorium. edge of the foamy surf to get Wright, Mutual 5 Secretary/ So vacation time arrives. my feet wet. My feet sink like Treasurer and his unfortunate After a rainy start to the week, they are trapped in quicksand. passing on June 12, 2017. I am packed and ready to go The cold water feels good as it at the first sign of a warm, splashes on my khaki capris. Ms. Muriel Calvanelli was sunny day. My Vera Bradley Back to the shade, and after honored for her years of ser- tote is packed with a towel, 45 minutes into my read and vice as Secretary of the sunscreen, camera, a library relaxation, a strong wind kicks RCAI Board of Governors book – a mystery, sunglasses, up. My umbrella turns inside from 2013 to 2017 and was flip-flops, a water bottle, and out with a snap and nearly appointed as Assistant lunch. The trunk of my car is knocks me out in the process. Treasurer. also packed with a lawn chair I hear laughing, and, this (no beach chair for me – too time, it’s not the gulls. The RCAI Reserve Study low to get in and out of), a I hastily try to right the set aside $123,000 in 2017 small UVP umbrella that brolly, but to no avail – the ribs to replace the 1965 HVAC clamps onto the chair, and are broken. Now it’s just a system #2 in the Clubhouse; aforementioned tote bag. I matter of compacting the thing $92,250 in 2017 to replace toss my wide-brimmed woven so it doesn’t blow away to be- the 1975 HVAC system #9 in “paper” hat into the back seat, come more garbage in the ocean.
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