.PAGE SIX .THE LETHBRJPGE DAILt HERALD . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 " RUTH POLES OUT DO -fOU«bt HIS 45TH HOMER WE COULD 1 WHERE ON THE BRINGING OTHER COULD UCK . BOSTON', Sept. 11.—B»bo KID I OF THE. iiulh mads his 45th home run •bTREET In tho eighth Inning of lie Brat v game at Boston today. Boston, after an gxrly lead o* 3 to 0, DP.'.. was defeattd 4 to. 3. FATHER ^ 4. * v v <• v •> •> v * •> •> <• .;• v v Baseball Major and Minor League RetdU 8Y- NATIONAL LEAGUE CL McMANUS Won- Lost. Fc.t. Now York ....... •, 84 51 .809 Brooklyn ........ 55 SB ,503 rilUbun -. .... .. 19 68 .565 Cincinnati ........ 75 64 .533 Chicago .......... 71 61 .626 St. Louis ........ 53 SI .(18 Philadelphia ...... 51 SS .37Z Jack Taylor Seeks Return Match SWAPPING HOKUM FOR SMOKE 'Beans" Reardon Tilden Wins Two Boston .. ........ IS 90 .348 By Tom Doeier Philadelphia ......... 7 12 I Brooklyn ............ 8 10 0 Mllcbell and Henllno; Doak and De- With Freberg But Makes No Alibis Can Use His Fists Straight Games In borry. Jack Taylor, defeated Wednes- "John Is a great wrestler, but AMERICAN LEAGUE day nlghl by John Freberg, the \ want another chance because 1 Former Western Canada Pro. Davis Cup Series Won. LoaL Pel. hardy Norseman from Chicago, believe I can best him. If I can't League Umps in Washington SI 57 .557 vants a return malch. I'll quit the mat and g= back to New York ...!.... 78 55 .013 Detroit 77 63 .550 Jack has no alibi.. He hasn't my Wyoming (arm, for If I can- New Role GEBMANTOWN CRICKET net beat Freberg I cannot hope to SI. Louis .. 10 S7 .511 rted to furnish one. He acknow- CLUB, Philadelphia, . Sept. II.— Cleveland .. .•65 ledges the superb wrestling skill wrestle . Slrangler Lewis," Taylor 7* .457 H'would appear IhaL when "Beans' William T. Tllrfen defeated Ger\ Philadelphia 61 77 .443 of the Swede, who It must be said said last night. HearcloD did his stuff as umpire ic the aid Patterson of Australia In gave a wonderful exhibition of the Jack Is awaiting Freberg's ant- Boston .. .. CO 78 ,435 Weslern Canada Baseball league some straight sets In the first match ol Chlcngo . - .. 50 7S science of wrestling. wer. years ajo lie didn't show his dill the Davis Cup challenge round bag of (ricks. Apparenlly he Is no here this afternoon! The scores New York .. 400 mean hand at- the pugilistic game. A were 6-4, 6-2, 6-2,- . Boston ... 2 7 I newGDeper report from Los Angolcs. Deal and Hoffman: Ehmko and which should prove Interesting to LIFTING BALL ON PUTTING those fans who knew "Beans," reads I Drumheller and Second Game as folloas: Naw York S 16 1 GOLFER SHOULD*PLAY THROUGH ."Clashing in th(j most vicious list . Hillhunt, Saturday Boston ' •. .. .* ... 7, 0 I light ever Eecm at- a local Pacific Shawkey >nd Hoffman: FortusoD Coast I^iguo ball game, Umpire and Evans. leans1' Reardou find Manager Char- DnUMIlELLER, Alia., Sept. 11.— t r-Plck of the Sacramento team camr. o line-up of Iho Drumholler United Waahinglon .. 7 12 0 gether In violent argument hero r lUc. game with Calgary HlUhursl, Philadelphia .. 4 10 1 GREE¥SHOUL¥BE ABotfsHED Marberry and Hilel; Rommell and onday. Saturday, at 2 p.m., Is as follov^a: elslg; Dlair and 11. Brown; Dar- Bruzgy- NEW YORK, Sepi- 10—Tho moro a rcrks ts> the advantage of the player. The row started when Itoardon lied Fielder Kopp. o( the Senators, g, Barber and Qordon; Campbell Chlcago .. -17 2 man sees ot medal play golf tourna- Tor t»d life ot him he can't recall Ihe d Barlnshairu Stenhouse; D. Brown Delrolt ments the less Impressed he be- exact ipot on which his boll had pro lit at Ural in the fifth inning of (ha ... 5 U 1 rsliga.me.of tbo holiday double.- d A. Stewart. " Fabcr and Krauss; Johnson and comes with the'practice of-lifting (he vlously rested, erfcil suppose there hap. This is a 'specially strong Itne-up, BasElcr. hall on the green, says expert T. C. jened lo be a piece of etilf crab eador with Los Angeles. Pick cnarg- id the boys aro in oven better Cleveland- .- 12 13 1 Pulver. As all close followers or Ihe rrasi Just In front—well, ll's human i across tho diamond from the coach ape lhan when they defeated Clover nature to dpdgo H It possible. line and the tiro joined In battle, St. Louis ..772 game are aware, this lifting process ar by four goals to nil. The players Uhlo and Swell; WIncard and occurs when the hall nearest tho hole By replacing the ball in inch or o'.lcemen separated them with dltll nd Ihelr supporters feel confident ulty after Reardoa was -blcadlng from Sevcreid. Ij In the way of the ball further away, even half an inch to ono side Ihe line at Hillhuret will have Iho battle of Second Game the reason being that a penalty awaits '.he hole may be made lo appear cut on the mouth and Pick had rc- elr lives. elved several husky punches," Cleveland 10 13 3 Ihe player who while pulling hits the moro attractive, and lhat may mean SI. Louis 6 12 3 other's ball, a gcod'hc-al. for after all much of Ihe **•:•$<•«•:•«<••:• •> *.;..; Gtorge Fothermgham, tho Norwood ronble encountered on Ihe greens Is One of the most remarkable game* professional, who has spent tho best mental. LACEY TO PLAY In 1ho earlier hlslorr of professional part ot his lit? "» the- Ilnkj. ia con- When, for Instance, a pult of say baseball was lhal played • August 17. vinced lhal It would be. to Ihe Inter- eighteen Inches has to bo negoMat BAGUMITS NEW YORK, -Hepl. 12.— 1682. at Providence, n.!., between the ests of the game and all concerned If ed, any replacing lhal leaves the ball Lacey cf the British polo Uim Providence and Detroit teams. Not Ihe owner of the ball nearest the- hole closer lo the hole than It was before announces recovery sufficiently a run was'-mado on either side until were to putt out when bit ball In any must ba regarded as an advantage Neil to Iho observation of the 1 hooting seasons themselves tho mos lo play tho firsl gamo .in In- Ihc last half nt tho clghlcenth Inning, way obstructed Ihe line of the rubber As It IB now, much of this" replaclnc •What's tho matter with the fasti secullve wins this season. ternat'cmal polo Salurday. vjwhen the famous Rndboum put a -core belonging lo the other player. ll7 . mean swift one. And Dazzy Is lio mporlant (actor for giving all hunt mlfhl easily be avoided. There Is a an equal chance to take gamo, anc home run over the fence and won Ihc His contention is that the -present really lltlla sense In lifting and mark In Iho battle between pllchcr and Ik1^ ^f'^,^ ,'° hj game for Provldenco by 1 to 0. method opens the way to temptation Ing a ball that rcEis some two feet or o or giving all game a lair chance, lJ :atler over the edge on getting the he observation of the tee limit and to Uke advantage ot n situation. le'sf from tho cup, even If the other League,' with L*io newest baseball f certain simple shootlng'rcstricllons When a ball Is lifted and the spot, ball IB n lltlle further away, for In a most advantage out of the ne-w live- record of 330 strikeouts for a season ? ur approximate spot, marked .with a stroke- competition the golfer Is no y ball this year, smoke has. been last year, Is Etlll depending solely ollowlnc Ihe migratory bird lreal> ccln, the chances are lhal In a ma- playing agalrel the man with whom he eliminated (or trickery. on his fust one. uch restrictions have been nrovldei jority of instances It Is not replaced Is paired, but rather against the en Curves aad hcK>ks have supplanted And there aro others, Rube Wad hroughout Canada and Ihe Unite* In the emct location. Somellraes thie tire field. zips. dell, with 3(3 in 1904; Chief Beride Itates, and thus Ihe hunters of both When the perky spp!e came- along with A string, and old Jack Coomb countries ure given equal privilege; MADE-TO-MEASURE the pitchers began lo eiperlmcnt were fast ball men. hlle Iho game Block Is conserved a: The Abbsl Stable with shoots. The fast tall was con- There Is an accepted theory In tha well. With him in the Abbot stao!e are sidered "meal" for heavy hitters. De- sport rial you cannct hit what yoi Bag Limits Fine Array Turf Wedding Prince, Captain Clover and Manitoba—Ducks, 20 before Octo cenlivenesg was Jlgured the only cannot ser-. And most fast ball men >er 1st, 40 otter, and not more tha (ire or s!v~ others of various degree means of healing'sluggery. shoot tho kind you can't see. \ of usefulness. Weddtns Prince, a son 200 of all kinds in a season; geese 10 VeL— "Walter Johnson regards the fas )ronl 15. rails 25, Wilson snipe 25. cf .'Marathon or Prince Ahmed, bred Walter Johnson, the Kansas Cy- ball as a big asset, and Dob Grove Stock In Sight by Commander J. K. L. H033, Lhe Saskalchevrar.—DyckE. geese ai clone, has been using his fast one Is proving it his real threaL brant, 30 of all kinds In one day an Montreal Jockey Club's president.
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