Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-23-1992 The BG News September 23, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 23, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5415. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5415 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Q The BG News Wednesday, September 23, 1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 75, Issue 21 Weather President's campaign engine gets rolling Bush's not-yet-official whistle-stop gathering Club rushes to hype event expected to attract large crowd of supporters by Chris Hawley also asked for volunteers to local government reporter help with security, set up au- by Christina Wise dio equipment and to join city editor "Trie trip to Ohio has not officially been announced yet" spirit teams to circulate The Bowling Green College among the crowd during the Paul Luthringer, White House media relations Republicans have a long week visit. When George Bush rolls into ahead of them. "This could be one of the Bowling Green Saturday it will With President George most incredible five days of be another Frazee Frenzy - polit- Bush planning a whistle-stop your life," Ziance told mem- ical style. While White House press offi- visit to the city on Saturday, bers. Sun 'n' fun: Topper Ray, White House ad- cials still assert the trip to Ohio club leaders are urging mem- Club leaders passed out Wednesday, sunny. High vance press lead, said the presi- has not been made official, Ray bers to "sacrifice sleep" to fliers and asked members to near 60. Winds northeast 10 dent's "whistle-stop" visit will said Bush will definitely be here. publ icize the event. distribute them in residence to 20 mph. Wednesday night, take place on the railroad tracks "We knew it was going to be halls, in campus parking lots, clear with a chance of frost. between Frazee and Reed ave- "We're sure he's coming, but like this," CR President Scott in the downtown area and at Low in the mid-30s. Thurs- nues, site of the annual Frazee the visit will not be made official Ziance told the group at its Woodland Mall. Bowling day, sunny. High near 70. block party that ended in 1990. until Marlin Fitzwater releases meeting Tuesday night. "We Green College Democrats An estimate of the crowd ex- the information and announces it knew we were going to have President Mike Cook called pected to attend has not yet been to the White House press corps," less than one week's notice, the rally "a going-away party made, but Ray speculated it will he said. and it happened." for a lame-duck president" be big. "We were never prepared and said his group has invited Inside The News "The trip to Ohio has not offi- for it, but we're going for- CDs from Kent State Univer- State Sen. Randy Gardner said cially been announced yet," said ward and we're moving well." sity, Ohio State University, Meet Bunny the wonder- it would be nice if there were a Paul Luthringer, White House he said. Miami University and the dog: lot of people. media relations. "It could be an- Ziance said club volunteers University of Toledo to attend Bowling Green police "A crowd of 10,000 to 15,000 nounced at any time, though." plan to distribute about 7,000 the event. show University students people would be good," he said, fliers a day publicizing the "Our goal is to have more their drug-sniffing dog's ca- "especially if local Republican An agenda for the president's visit and hope to paint 2,500 pabilities. candidates can share some of the visit is scheduled for release to- signs before Saturday. He See Republicans, page four. U Page four. spotlight." Whistle Stop'92 day. Need to do laundry?: Name That Tune Three men were arrested for stealing $1,500 in quar- ters from automatic car wash coin machines in Ohio and Michigan. □ Page four. Olscamp speaks with USC: University President Paul Olscamp discusses issues with USG during the group's retreat. □ Page three. Outside Campus Death and dishonor: LUBBOCK. Texas - A pa- thologist pleaded no contest Monday to charges of falsi- fying autopsies in three counties and was sentenced to 10 years of probation. Ralph Erdmann was forced to relinquish his medical license while under probation and agreed to pay about $14,000 in restitution for autopsies he had said he completed but now ac- knowledges he did not per- form. The case was investigated after Erdmann included the weight of the man's spleen in the autopsy. Family members noted the man's spleen had been removed The BG Ntwi/roddKlclimlt several years earlier. Creating their own music, freshman biochemistry major James Watson (left) plays front of the University Union. Bllkins said they call their music "idiot music." bis guitar while Junior music major Travis Bllkins whistles through his hands in "He cut corners of cases he didn't think would come under the scrutiny of the au thorities, like accidents and Man arrested for public indecency suicides," said Assistant At- torney General Shane Phelps. "As far as we can by Eileen McNamara complex parking lot on Thurstin home from class. tell, he did not compromise police reporter "He had his window down and I thought he was going to ask Avenue. "I started to give the directions or cut corners in any crimi- "I was really freaked out," she - I wasn't really looking At him nal cases." me something and I got up to close my window because I when I was talking because I was A 33-year-old man was taken said. "I was afraid this loony was into police custody for allegedly didn't want to talk to him... that's when I noticed what he going to start following me." looking in the direction of I-7S - masturbating and exposing him- was doing." According to police, Bailey did and then turned to look at him self to several female University follow one witness. He allegedly and he was ... you know, so I called him a name and I left," she Lottery students in broad daylight Mon- anonymous witness stopped a woman on High Street day. and asked her for directions to said. Steven P. Bailey, of Pandora, According to the police report, "He had his window down and I Interstate 75. When she arrived Police said they had received thought he was going to ask me at her apartment complex, she about three phone calls around 3 CLEVELAND - Here are also led police on a high-speed witnesses first observed Bailey something and I got up to close noticed him sitting in the parking p.m. and 3:30 p.m. and they were Tuesday night's>Ohio Lot- car chase through Bowling masturbating in his van in an my window because I didn't want lot in his van. looking for him. tery selections: Green until city and University apartment complex parking lot police managed to corner him on Thurstin Avenue at about to talk to him ... that's when I no- Another witness also was Det. Kenneth Fortney, who was Pick 3 Numbers: 8-3-9 in an unmarked police car on and remove him from his vehicle. 10:45 a.m. ticed what he was doing." stopped by Bailey for directions, Pick 4 Numbers: 8-6-5-8 The witness said she called to this time at about 3:30 p.m. in the South College Drive, was the Buckeye: 1-13-19-20-35 Bailey was arrested on two "I was in my bedroom getting her roommate, who looked out commuter lot behind Offenhauer first to spot Bailey. He said he The Super Lotto jackpot is counts of public indecency and ready for class and my window the window and saw the man Towers. pursued him at a fairly high $12 million. taken to the Wood County Justice was open," said a witness, who Center. He already has two prior did not want her name printed. speed out of the parking lot. She Krissy Meli said Bailey pulled speed for several blocks before convictions of public indecency "And I noticed a van circling the added that when she left for her up to her in his van to ask her for pulling in front of him and at- Compiled from staff and directions to 1-75 as she was cut- wire reports. from an arrest in Huron County lot ... I thought maybe he was class, she saw the suspect just in 1989. looking for someone. sitting in another apartment ting through the parking lot to go See Indecent, page six. Opinion page two The BG News Wednesday, September 23, 1992 The BG News JEREMY STONE WEBER AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT VOICE EDITOR- IN-CHIEF FOUNDED IN 1920. J.J. THOMPSON KIMBERLY LARSON PUBLISHED DAILY DURING THE ACADEMIC YEAR NEWS EDITOR OPINION EDITOR AND WEDNESDAYS DURING THE SUMMER SESSION. KIRK PAVELICH CHRISTINA WISE CAMPUS EDITOR CITY EDITOR 214 WEST HALL BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY MATTHEW A. DANEMAN GLEN LUBBERT BOWLING GREEN, OHIO 43403-0276 INSIDER EDITOR SPORTS EDITOR Copyright 1992. The BG New! Toxic labeling initiative would be big bellyache 'SAT, KID..
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