

Onomatopoeia Sounds Like... Special &anks To Our Cont!butors: Ma!ce Atkins Sab!na Marchal Tanja Bauerle Joanna Marple Margaret Chiu Greanias Yvonne Me Sue Frye Saba Nega$ K!"en Fulton Susan Rankin-Polard Ch!"ine Irvin Terea Robeon Elaine Kiely Kearns Donna L. Sadd Table of Contents Elements Earth, Fire, Water, Wind Food and Drink Sounds Animals Movements and Sounds Mystical Creatures Sounds from People People Clothing Emotions Bodily Sounds Devices, Mechanics, Sounds in a Building Sounds heard in the City Sounds heard in the Country Words to Describe Colors Elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Wind EARTH: Creek: babble, churn, lap, murmur, splash Leaves: Crackle, Crunch, Bat, Beat, Flap, Hail: beat, clink, clank, clunk, drum, pelt, ping, Flitter, Flutter, Pulsate, Rustle, Racket, Scrap, plink, plunk, ponk, pound, rap, rattle, stutter tap, Scratch, Whack, Whoosh, tink, Trees: Crackle, Groan, Rustle, Swish, Whisper, Ice: crack, crackle, pop, shatter, snap, splinter, Whoosh, Thump squeak Mud slide: Babble, Burble, Croon, Glunk, Lake: churn, lap, ripple, slap, splash Gurgle, Gush, Heave, Murmur, Prattle, Ripple, Ocean: crash, churn, lap, pound, roil, slam, Splash, Slop, Slosh, Spurt, Smoosh, Squash, slap, splash, thunder Squirt, Squish, Stream, Surge, Swill, Trickle, Pond: churn, lap, ripple, slap, splash Warble, Whoosh Rain: beat, drip, drop, drum, kerplunk, lash, Mud Puddle: Flop, Plop, Smack, Spatter, Splat, patter, pelt, pink, plop, ponk, rat-a-tat tat, rattle, Splatter, Squish, Splash, Splish, shatter, slap, slash, splash, splat, splatter, Dirt road: Bump (from pot holes), Hollow Thud, slosh, splish, splosh, thump Pat, Slap, Smack, Spank, River: churn, lap, ripple, splash Pavement: Click, Clack, Pound (the pavement Sleet: clink, clank, clunk, ding, drum, pelt, ping, by running, Sizzle, Smack plink, plonk, ponk, rap, rat-a-tat tat, rattle, slash, Earthquake: Bang, Bash, Bump, Crack, Crash, tink, Crunch, Pop, Shatter, Snap, Rattle, Whack, Snow: crunch, slosh, tinkle Wallop, Tsunami: churn, crash, slam, slash, thunder Avalanche: Prattle, Rattle, Roar, Shhhish, Water Fall: bubble, churn, crash, slam, splash, Swish, Swoosh, thud, thunder Sinkholes: Bump, Crash, Crush, Plop, Thump WIND: FIRE: Breeze: Blast, Crackle, Hiss, Purr, Swish, Burning Building: crash, roar, splinter Swoosh, Rush, Rustle, Whisper, Whoosh, Camp Fire: crackle, fizzle, hiss, sizzle, spit, Hurricane: Bellow, Blast, Growl, Groan, sputter Grumble, Howl, Moan, Roar, Rumble, Swoosh, Forest Fire: bellow, roar Wail, Whiz, Woo, Match: hiss, spit, sputter, susshhh Tornado: Bellow, Blast, Growl, Groan, Volcano: boom, burst, grumble, hiss, kaboom, Grumble, Howl, Moan, Roar, Rumble, Swoosh, moan, mumble, rumble, whoosh Wail, Whiz, Woo, Lightening: crack, slash Storm: Bang, Crackle, Crush, Lightning crack, Fireplace: crackle, hiss, sputter, spitter Pounding rain, Roar, Rushing wind, Rumbling thunder, Swishing trees, Swooshing limbs, SNOW: Brook: babble, bubble, churn, lap, gurgle, mumble, murmur, ripple, splash Food/ Drink ahhhhhhh - the sound after the first drink of nom nom soda. ping (the sound of artisan bread after it comes blub blurp blup blup- sound from boiling out of the oven) water. pop bubble pomp pomp pomp- sound from pounding meat. burble ssssss - sound of carbonation leaking from cing crup crik- sound of aluminum foil soda. chomp schwoop - the sound of opening a bag of chips crackle scrape cruk cruk cruk- sound from grounding bread sizzle crumbs. slurp crunch smack - licking your lips. dollop- sound of butter, sour cream or yogurt snap leaving spoon into a bowl/plate. snap krackle pop- the sound of cereal fizz squish glop swooiip- drinking from a can. glug swish gulp swiiiiii- sucking up on a straw. gur gur gur- sound of pouring from a milk jug. tang gurgle- sound of drinking tons of water. ting ting ting- sound of ice hitting inside a glass. guzzle thresh kling klang chang- sound of silverware being thump (throwing dough sound) thrown in a drawer. thwack kok kok kok- sound of cutting something on a whiff plate. whiiiiiiieeee- Sound from a tea kettle Lap glap lap- Sound of drinking from a water whaaaaoohh- sound from a brain freeze. fountain. yummm Looopppee- slurping soup. yummy mash zwummmmmm- sound of a blender munch zzzip - sealing a sandwich bag. mush Animal Sounds & Movement Alligators – hiss, grunt, roar, Cows – moo, low Grasshoppers – chirp, ugh-ugh Coyotes – yelp, cry, snarl cricket Antelope – snort Crab - click, clack, hiss Guinea pigs – squeak Badgers – growl Crickets – chirp, creak Hamsters – squeak Bats – screech Crows – caw, cah Hares – squeak Bears – growl, groan, moan, Cuckoos – coo, cuckoo Hens – cackle, cluck roar Curlews – pipe Hermit crabs- chirp Bees – hum, buzz, zooom Deer – bell Hippopotamuses – bellow, Beetles – drone, click rumble, roar, growl Dingos – bark, cry Birds – chirrup, chirp, twitter, Hogs – grunt, snort tweet, sing, Dogs – bark, woof, arf, bay, bow-wow, howl, yap, ruff, Horses – neigh, snort, whistle, cluck, coo, (for their yelp, bark, bawl, aroo, click, whinny, nicker, sputter, wings: flap, flutter) yip, yap, growl galloping, trot, clomp, clip, clop, stomp whoosh, swoosh, screech, Dolphins – click tweet, Hummingbirds – hum, twitter Donkeys – bray, hee-haw Bitterns – boom Hyenas – laugh, scream, Doves – coo-coo Blackbirds – whistle whoop Ducks – quack, splitter, Jackals – gecker, howl Bonobos – chirp, squeal, splatter screech, shriek, squeak, hoot Jays – chatter, screech Eagles – scream Calves – bleat Kangaroos – chortle Elephants – trumpet, roar, Camels – grunt moan, rumble, baraag Koalas – scream, bellow, wail Capuchins – chirp, chatter, (trumpeting), thunk, thump Komodo dragons – growl, trill Emus – drum snarl, hiss Cats – mew, purr, meow, hiss, Falcons – chant Lambs – bleat, baa yowl, caterwaul, scratch Larks – sing, warble scratch Ferrets – dook Linnets – chuckle Cattle – moo, low, bawl (calf), Flies – buzz, hum, zip bellow (bull), huff Foxes – bark, yelp, simper Lions – roar, growl Chaffinch – ow Frogs – croak, ribbit Llamas – maw Chickens – cluck, cackle, Geese – cackle, gobble, hiss, Magpies – chatter bock, chirp, crow, screech, honk, quack, chatter, flap Mice – squeak and squeal peep, pruck, squawk Gibbons – whoop, chirp, Monkeys – chatter, gecker, Chimpanzees – pant-hoot, screech, wail gibber, whoop, screech, eek grunt, scream, chatter, Giraffes – bleat eek, howl screech, bark Goats – bleat, baa Moose – bellow Chinchillas – squeak Gorillas – hoot, bark, grunt, Mosquitoes – whine, Cicadas – chirp whine, pock, pant zzzzzzz, hzzzzz Animal Sounds & Movement Continued... Narwhals – squeal Snakes – hiss, rattle, slither Pegasus- Fleww Fleww Nightingales – pipe, sing, Sparrows – chirp, twitter neigh, warble Squirrels – squeak, chatter, Hobbit--groan, humpf Okapis – cough, bellow click Witch or Wizard- a- Orangutans – groan, grunt, Stags – bellow hahahahahah/ smooch, wheeze, chirp, Swallows – twitter, squeal squeal, sputter bwahahahahah. Abracadabra, Swans – cry Ostriches – chirp, bark, hiss, alakazam Tapirs – whistle, squeak low hum Unicorn-clickety clack/ Tigers – growl, roar, snarl Owls – hoot, scream, neighhh screech, shriek Thrushes – whistle, sing Sylph- gurgled Oxen – bellow, low Tokay Geckos – croak Pirates- arrrr/arrrgh Parrots – mimic a variety of Turkeys – gobble Dragons- roarrrr, swooosh, sounds, screech, squawk Vervets – chirp, chatter, Peacocks – scream grunt, bark, coo, sputter flap flap Peafowls – scream Vultures – scream Vampires- slurp, vwahahaha, Penguins - whonk, splash Walruses – groan glup glup, chomp Pigs – snort, grunt, squeal, Whales – sing Medusa- hissssss, oink, slurp, slop, weeeeeee Wolves – howl, cry, yell, aroo Werewolf- howwwl, scratch Pigeons – coo Woodpecker – peck, click scratch, ahhoooo, Porpoises – whistle, click Wrens – trill, warble Alien- nanoo nanoo, Prairie dogs – bark Zebras – whinny, whoop beeepbop, earrrthling, Puffins – chirp Bigfoot- fum fum fum, grrrrr Queleas – chatter Mythical Creatures: Abominable Snowman- Rabbits – squeak, drum Gnome- nom nom plomp plomp, ARRHHHHH Raccoons – trill Giant or Troll- fee fi fo fum, Santa Claus- ho ho ho Rats – squeak, eek, brux hmf, crunch, chomp Easter Bunny- hop hop, Ravens – croak Fairy or Pixie- flutter/wisp, twitch Rhinoceros – bellow eeeeet Leprechaun or Elf- hahaha, Robins – chirp blarney Rooks – caw Mermaid or Merman- croon, Ghost- boo, oooohh, Roosters – crow, cock-a- swwissshh, tehehe, grrroooan doodle-doo Siren- eeeeeeee, Lochness Monster- gurgle, Seagulls – scream, squawk eeeoooohheee swush swush, Seals – bark Monster- roar/ tromp, Dinosaur – boom, bam Sheep – bleat, baa grrrrraaa Human Sounds: People, Clothing, Bodily Functions – Barf, Belch, Burp, Drool, Smell/Nose – Achoo, Honk, Pong, Snarfle, Eungh (strain), Gag, Itch, Hiccough, Pfft (fart), Sneeze, Sniff, Snort, Snuffle Pshh (urinate) Scritch, Scratch, Spit, Tinkle, Trickle, Wheeze Stomach - Rumble Cheer- Yahoo, Yea, Yeah, Yowie Strain – Nghh Choke – Argh, Ark Using a Toothpick – Splick Cold – Brr, Chatter Talk – Ahem, Blah, Blab, Blurt, Boo, Cackle, Chatter, Chitchat, Chitter, Click/ Clack (moving Concentrate- Ngh tongue), Cluck, Gasp, Growl, Grunt, Mumble, Murmur, Mutter, Roar, Pst, Screech, Shh, Cry - Bawl, Boo Hoo, Howl, Sob Shush, Sigh, Ugh, Waffle, Whisper, Yelp, Yikes Drink – Gag, Gargle, Glug, Gurgle, Scull, Sip, Teeth – Ch ch (brushing) Chatter (cold), Chew, Slosh, Slurp, Splosh Crunch Gnaw Eat – Burp, Chew, Chomp, Chow, Crackle, Whine – Boo, Groan, Grunt, Hiss, Moan, Crunch, Munch Wheeze, Whimper Hit/ Kick/ Fight – Bam, Bang, Bash, Bif, Boof, Clap, Clash, Kapow, Kick,

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