AL BAYAN BUSINESS GUIDE - Bint Jbeil: Tel: (7)450121/2 AL BARAKA BANK LEBANON - Bir El-Abed: Tel: (1)545435- 548900/1 - Central: Tel: (1) 364883 - 372883 - Chairman : M. Adnan Ahmad Yousef - Chahhar: Tel: (4) 410282 - 410281 - General Manager : M. Muatassim Mahmassani - Choueifat: Tel: (5)433302/3 - 433601 BANKS IN LEBANON HEAD OFFICE: - Chtaura: Tel: (8)542451/2/3 Racheed Karameh Str. - Center Verdun 2000 - 2nd Floor - Dekwaneh: Tel: (1)682389/90/91/92 - Ashrafieh: (Sodeco)Tel: (01) 612790 - Fax: (01) 612793 Tel: (1) 806496/7/8 - 806463 - 808008 - Fax: (1) 806499 AL AHLI INTERNATIONAL BANK - Ain El-Remmaneh: Tel: (01) 292870 - Fax: (01) 292869 - Elyssar: Tel: (4) 913211 - 913221 Telex: 48662 LE - P.O.B: 113/5683 Beirut - Ferzol Tel: (8)950850/1/2 - General Manager : M. Michel Saroufim - Ajaltoun: Tel / Fax: (09) 234620 E-mail: [email protected] - Amyoun: Tel: (06)955600 - Fax: (06) 955605 - Furn El- Chebbak: Tel: (1)291528/9/30 - Assistant General Manager : M. Joseph Bitar Ghanem BRANCHES: - Hamra: Tel: (1)351261 - 341280/2 - Baabda: Tel: (05)451452/ 953241 - Fax: (05)953236 - Chtoura: Tel: (8)546151/2 - Fax: (8)546153 - Assistant General Manager : M. Fouad Rahme - Bab Idriss: Tel: (01)977588 - Fax: (01) 999410 - Hasbaya: Tel: (7)550272/3 - Haret Hreik: Tel & Fax: (1)543672/3/4 - Jbeil: Tel: (9) 546700 - 546407 - Executive Manager : M. Ghassan Abu-Adal - Badaro: Tel: (01)387395 - Fax: (01) 387398 - Saida: Tel (7)754477/8/9 - Fax: (7)754488 - Executive Manager : M. Baz Baz - Basta-Noueiri: Tel / Fax: (01) 661323 - Jib Jannine: Tel: (8)660240 - 660370 - Tarik Jadidah: Tel (1)309791/2/3 - Fax: (1)309806 - Kaslik: Tel: (9)221437/8/9 - Executive Manager : M. Aed Jalloul - Bechara El-Khoury: Tel/Fax: (01) 664093 - Tripoli: (6) 447911/2/3/4 - Fax: (6)447861 - Bhamdoun: Tel: (05) 261285 - Fax: (05) 261289 - Manassef: Tel: (5)720598/9 - Executive Manager : M. Michel Abi Rashed - Mazraa: Tel: (1)818431- 302540 - Executive Manager : M. Charbel Moubarak - Bint Jbeil: Tel: (07)450900 - Fax: (07) 450904 - Bliss: Tel: (01)361793 - Fax: (01) 361796 BANK OF BEIRUT - Metn: Tel: (5)530050- 530482 - Executive Manager : M. Afif Abu-Shahla - Bourj Abi-Haidar: Tel / Fax: (01) 317102 - Rachaya El- Wadi: Tel: (8)590240- 591243/4 HEAD OFFICE: - Bourj-Hammoud: Tel / Fax: (01) 263325 - Chairman - GEN. MGR : M. Salim G. SFEIR - Saida: Tel: (7)724369 - 723857 Riad El Solh Str.: Tel: (1)970921/9 - Fax: (1)970944 - Broummana: Tel: (04)860163 - Fax: (04)860167 HEAD OFFICE: - Tripoli Mina: Tel: (6)200103/4/5/6 Tlx: 2051 LE, 42423 LE - P.O.B: 5186 Beirut - Chekka: Tel / Fax: (06)545379 - Foch Str. - Beirut Central District - Bank of Beirut s.a.l. Bldg. - Tripoli Tall: Tel: (06)430460/1 - Tyr: Tel: (7)343651/2/3 E-mail: [email protected] - [email protected] - Chiyah: Tel / Fax: (01)541120 Switchboard: +961 1 983999 - 972972 - Fax: +961 1 983999 - Chtaura: Tel: (08) 542960 - Fax: (08)544853 Telex: 23640 LE - 48203 LE - P.O.B: 11-7354 - Unesco: Tel: (1)867144/5/6 BRANCHES: - Zalka: Tel: (1)893910 - 886764 - Dora (Cebaco Center): Tel: (01) 258877 / 259066 - Tel / Fax: (01) 259076 E-mail: [email protected] - WebSite: www.bankofbeirut.com.lb - Babidriss: Main Branch: Tel: (1)970921/9 - Fax: (1)970952 Call Center: 1262 (if Calling From Lebanon) - +961 5 955262 (if Calling From - Cyprus: Lymasol: Tel: (5)381290-381369 - Dora (Cité Dora): Tel: (01)255686 - Fax: (01)255695 - Syria: Damascus: Tel: 02-11-2134596/7/8 - Dora: Tel: (1)875570 - 883722 - Fax: (1)894721 - Dora (City Mall): Tel: (01) 884114 - Fax: (01) 884115 Abroad) - Hamra: Tel: (1)350303 - 340270 - Fax: (1)742843 - Dora (Vartanian Center): Tel / Fax: (01)250404 BRANCHES: - Jdeideh: Tel: (1)881719 - Fax: (1)883891 - El-Horj: Tel: (01)660636 - Fax: (01) 660686 - Ain El-Remmaneh: Tel: (1)385342/3/4 - Fax: (1)385341 BEMO - Kaslik: Tel: (9)210783 - Fax: (9)210773 - Elissar - Mazraat Yachouh: Tel: (04)913929 - Fax: (04)913932 - Aley: Tel: (5) 556125/6 - Fax: (5) 555924 - Saida: Tel: (7)721270- Fax: (7)728931 - Fanar: Tel: (01)879637- Fax: (01)879641 - Antelias: Tel/Fax: (4)525637/8/9 - Chairman : M. Henry Y. OBEGI - Tripoli: Tel: (6)430106 - Fax: (6)430105 - Furn El-Chebback: Tel: (01)290713 - Fax: (01) 282104 - Ashrafieh (ABC Beirut Mall): Tel: (1)204669 - 204671 - Fax: (1)204668 - General Manager : M. Samih H. SAADEH : HEAD OFFICE: - Verdun: Tel: (1)797080 - Fax: (1)797083 - Gefinor: Tel: (01)743400 - Fax: (01)343977 - Ashrafieh (Sioufi): Tel/Fax: (1)204606/7/8 - Ghazir: Tel / Fax: (09)851720 - Baoushrieh: Tel: (1)871415/6/7 - Fax: (1)871417 Achrafieh, Sassine Square, BEMO Bldg. - Tel: (1)200505 - Fax: (1)217860 - Ghobeyri: Tel : (01)541125 -Fax: (01) 272342 - Baoushrieh (Jdeideh): Tel: (1)897750/1/2 - Fax: (1)897753 GENERAL MANAGEMENT: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK - Hadeth: Tel / Fax: (05) 464050 - Boulevard (Metropolitan - Habtoor city): Tel: (1)488416 - 488429 Riad El Solh Square,Esseily Bldg, Bloc A,7th Floor. - Halba: Tel / Fax: (06) 692020 - Bourj Hammoud: (1)262480 - 263599 - Fax: (1)269401 Tel:(1)992600 - Fax: (1)992821/2 - E-mail: [email protected] - Beirut Branch Manager : M. Maroun EL KHOURY - Hamra: Tel: (01)341491- Fax: (01) 344680 - Broumana: Tel/Fax: (4)960806 - 963029 BRANCHES: - Deputy Manager : Miss. Fadia ABOU SHAHLA - Haret Hreik: Tel / Fax: (01)277270 - Chiyah: Tel/Fax: (1)274555 - 276042 - Achrafieh: Tel: (1)200505/6/7 - Fax: (1)217860 HEAD OFFICE (In Lebanon): - Hazmieh: Tel: (05) 451850 - Fax: (05)457963 - Chtaura: Tel/Fax: (8)540421 - 540431 - Chtaura: Tel: (8)544725/6/7/8 - Fax: (8)544729 Riad El-Solh Street - Arab African International Bank Bldg. - 1st floor - Jal El Dib: Tel / Fax: (04)710393 - Dora: Tel: (1) 256020/1 - Fax: (1) 256022 - Dora: Tel: (1)257771/2/3/4 - Fax: (1)257775 - Jbeil: Tel: (09)541410 - Fax: (09)943121 - Elyssar: Tel: (4)920106/8 - 928190/1/2 - Fax: (4)920105 - Kantari: Tel/Fax: (1)373314/5 Tel: (1)980162/163 - 980264/265 - Fax: 980910 - Jeb Jannine: Tel: (08)661488 - Fax: (08)661481 - Foch (Main Branch): Tel: (1)985418/9 - Fax: (1)985327 - Riad El Solh: Tel: (1)992600 - Fax: (1)992821/2 P.O.Box: 11-6066 - Jeita - Aintoura : Tel: (09)235257 - Fax: (09)235260 - Gefinor: Tel: (1)738767/8/9 - Fax: (1) 744634 - Sin El Fil: Tel: (1)513990/1/2/3 - Fax: (1)513997 E-mail: [email protected] - Website: www.aaibank.com - Jounieh: (Fouad Chehab Blvd) Tel : (09)641660 - Fax: (09) 644224 - Ghobeiry (Main Road): Tel: (1)278717 - 552480 - Fax: (1)543874 - Verdun : Tel: (1)799420/1/2 - Fax: (1) 799427 - Jounieh: (El-Chyr) Tel: (09)638060 - Fax:(09)915511 - Hamra (Eldorado): Tel/Fax: (1) 749608/9/10/11 - Zouk: Tel/Fax: (9)211182 - Khaldeh: Tel : (05)801988 - Fax: (05) 806405 - Hamra (Ras Beirut): Tel: (1)350168/9 - 354458 - Fax: (1)349935 - Syria (Free Zone) Damascus : Tel/Fax: (963 11) 21 33 701 /2 /3 /4 ARAB BANK - Mansourieh: Tel: (04)533610 - Fax: (04)533614 - Hamra : Tel: (1)352992 - 742182 - Fax: (1)342840 - Cyprus (Limassol): Tel: (35725) 583628 - 587640 - Fax: (357 25) 588611 - General Manager - Lebanon : M. Ziad Itani - Mazraa: Tel: (01) 305612 - Fax: (01) 316873 - Hazmieh: Tel/Fax: (5)459221 - 951168 - Fax: (5)457272 - Jal El- Dib: Tel: (4)711399 - 711517 - Fax: (4) 711396 - 711399 HEAD OFFICE: - Mousseitbeh: (Alger Str.) Tel / Fax: (01)747550 - Mousseitbeh: (Mar Elias Str.) Tel : (01)818277- Fax: (01) 303084 - Jal El- Dib (Square): Tel (4)523624 - 523626 - Fax: (4)523625 B L C Riad El-Solh Square - Banks’ Str., Commercial buildings. Co. Bldg. - Mreijeh: Tel: (01) 477980 - Fax: (01) 477200 - Jbeil: Tel: (9) 546530 - 546534 - Fax: (9) 546534 Tel: (1) 980246/7/8/9 - 981155/6/7 - Fax: 980803- 980299 - Nabatiyeh: Tel: (07)767812 - Fax: (07)767816 - Jounieh: Tel: (9) 913955 - 913990 - Fax: (9) 637586 - 913900 - Chairman - General Manager : Dr. Shadi Karam P.O.B: 11-1015 Riad El Solh Beirut 1107 2070 - Port: Tel: (01)580530 - Fax: (01) 580885 - Jounieh (Ghadir): Tel (9)639006/7 - Fax: (9)639010 HEAD OFFICE: E-mail: [email protected] - Web Site: www.arabbank.com - Rabieh: Tel : (04) 405950 Fax: (04) 416105 - Kfar Akka (Koura) Tel: (6)651516 - 952727 - Fax: (6)651517 Adlieh Square - BLC Bank Bldg - Tel & Fax: (1) 429000 / 387000 - 616984 P.O.B: 11-1126 Beirut - 2064-5809 Beirut BRANCHES: - Raoucheh: Tel: (01) 805068 - Fax: (01)805071 - Mansourieh: (4)409693/4 - Fax: (4)409695 - Mar Elias: Tel/Fax: (1)305571 - 818148 Email: [email protected] - www.blcbank.com - Bhamdoun Mahatta: Tel: (05) 262310/1 - Fax: (05) 262312 - P.O. B: 11- 1015 Beirut - Riad El Solh: Tel: (01) 994000 - Fax: (01)980537 - Roueiss: Tel: (01) 541146 - Fax: (01)541149 - Mazraa (Barbir) : Tel/Fax: (1)663915/6/7/8 BRANCHES: - Chtaura: Tel: (8)546200/1- Fax: (8)542415 - P.O.Box: 5 Chtaura - Saida: (Abra) Tel: (07) 752267 - Fax: (07) 752275 - Mazraa (Saeb Salam Boulvard) : Tel: (1)313276 - 318852 - Fax: (1) 312340 - Achrafieh: Tel: (1)200990/1- Fax: 339664 - Dora: Tel:(1)248441-240317/8 -Fax:(1)240316 - P.O.B: 80640 Bourj Hammoud - Saida: (Eastern Blvd) Tel: (07)751885 - Fax: (07)751889 - Nahr: Tel/Fax: (1)562342 - 587226 - Baabda: Tel: (5)468084/5 - Fax: 921820 - Mazra'a Tel: (1)654961/2- Fax: (1)654960- P.O.B: 11-1525 Beirut - Saida: (Maarouf Saad Blvd) Tel / Fax: (07)728601 - Palais De Justice: Tel/Fax: (1) 425842 - 426201 - Batroun: Tel: (6)741599- 642166 - Fax: 742812 - 642166 - Ras Beirut: Tel: (1)340630 - 348486 - Fax: (1)341685- P.O.B: 11-5187 Beirut - Saida: (Riad El-Solh Blvd) Tel: (07) 733750 - Fax: (07)724561 - Riyad El Solh: Tel: (1) 980222 - 980333 - Fax: (1)980350 - Becharre: Tel: (6)672767- 671585 - 672101 - Fax: 671101 - Saida Tel: (7)751070/1/2- Fax: (7)721482 -P.O.B: 199 Saida
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