1912. ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE. 3033 WISCONSIN. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Henry J. Goddard to be postm;ster at Chippewa Falls, Wis., in place of Henry i. Goddard. Incumbent's commission expires FRIDAY, JJ! arch 8, 1912. ·April 9, 1912. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Robert A. McDonald to be postmaster at Grand Rapids, Wis., The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol· -in place of Robert A. McDonald. · Incumbent's commission ex­ lowing prayer : pired February 26, 1912. Our Father in hea-ven, strengthen, we beseech Thee, our moral and spiritual fiber, that we may resist all the forms of tempta-. CONFIRMATIONS. tion which assail us and with firm and steadfast reliance in Executive nominations confirrne cl by the Senate March 8, 1912. Thee our God and our Father follow after the things which make for righteousness in the individual, in the home, in the UNITED ST.A.TES DISTRICT JUDGE. State, the Nation, that we may exemplify· in our daily life what George M. Bourquin to be United States district judge, dis­ we know to be right in Thy sight and in the sight of our fellow trict of Montana. men, to the glorY' and honor of Thy holy name. Amen. 0oNSULS. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Julean H . .A.mold to be consul at Chefoo, China. approved. Claude E. Guyant to be consul at Salina Cruz, Mexico. LEAVE TO WITHDRAW PAPERS. · Douglas Jenkins to be consul at Gottenborg, Sweden. By unanimous consent, at the request of Mr. J. l\I. C. S:M:ITH, Alfred S. Northrup to be consul at Trebizond, Turkey~ leave was granted to withdraw from the files of the House, PBOMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. without leaving copies, the papers in the case of Edward Cun­ ningham (H. R. 10766), no adverse report having been made Commander Chester l\I. Knepper to be a captain. thereon. Commander Charles M. Fahs to be a captain. Assistant Paymaster George P. Shamer to be a passed assist­ QUESTION OF PEBSONAL PRIVILEGE. ant paymaster. Mr. Al\IES. Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of personal Prof. Henry M. Paul to be a professor of mathematics, with privilege. the rank of captain. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Prof. Walter S. Harshman to be a professor of mathematics, Mr. Al\fES. On February 26, on page 2483 of the CoNGBES- with the rank of commander. · sroNAL RECORD, it appears that the gentleman from Iowa [1\Ir. Ensigns to be lieutenants (junior grade) t Goon] made the following statement about me, which is to the Carl T. Osburn, detriment of my character and honesty, and affects my position William S. Farber, as a l\Iember of this body. I ask the Clerk to read from the Archibald D. Turnbull, and CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. William F. Cochrane, jr. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will read. Passed Asst. Surg. John F. Murphy to be a STil'geon. The Clerk read as follows : POSTMASTEBS, I was amazed beyond my power to explain that that statement should have been made by the gentleman from Massachusetts. I can recall ARIZONA. that a few months ago, when the gentleman from Massachusetts, when the cotton bill was under discussion, said that he did not own stock and Francis D. Crable, Tombstone. was not interested in cotton mills, but that members of his family did own stock and were interested in them. The other day, when the Army CALIFORNIA. appropriation bill was before the House, the gentleman from Massachu­ Warren A. Woods, Suisun City. setts [Mr. AMES] said that he did not own stock in .ammunition con­ cerns, but that members of his family did. GEOBGIA. I want to raise the question now and have it settled once for all that not on the floor of this House, while I am a Member of it at least, will John A. Crawford, Dalton. I have my integrity impugned by a man wllo stands here not as a Rep­ ILLINOIS. resentative, but as a person representing members of his family who are i;;tockholders in concerns that would receive dividends under contracts Fred Frazier, Viola. that might be awarded. I believe that Members on the floor of · this Lizzie P. McKnight, Alexis. House should represent an American constituency, a constituency of Samuel S. Yolton, Villa Grove. men, and not a constituency of family members demanding dividends earned on Government contracts. INDIANA, Mr. Al\1ES. l\1r. Speaker, I regret the necessity that compels Albert F. Shaw, Osgood. the following statements with reference to the gentleman from KANSAS. Iowa. To destroy his reputation for honesty a.nd sincerity James H. Cleaver, Glasco. would not repair the injustice he has attempted to saddle upon Sheridan Crumrine, Longton. me or right the wrong of his baseless accusations. Everett G. Gillidett, Plains. But to protect this membership from such attacks and to Charles H. Kurtz, Mulberry. properly refute his accusations I feel in duty bound to show Roberta H. McBlain. Fort Riley. that one can not accept as facts these statements made by the George G. Nutter, Cuba. gentleman from Iowa, whether they be made about others or MARYLAND. about himself. Walter A. Aaronson, Aberdeen. Mr. Speaker, in my remarks of the 26th of February, which formed the basis for the unwarranted attack upon me by the MICHIGAN, gentleman from Iowa, I did not impugn either his integrity Martin W. Coon, Ashley. or his motives. Fabius A. Fisk, Colon. In order to show how impossible it is for rational men to Frank Mcintyre, Cheboygan. accept as fact these statements by the gentleman from Iowa, MONTANA. I desire to take his remarks concerning me, paragraph by para­ Louis V. i3o'gy, Chinook. graph, and analyze the same, to the end that those who hear Bruce R. McNamer, Cut Bank. or read may understand the curious results of the mental NEW HAMPSHIRE. processes of the gentleman from Iowa. On pages 2483 and 2184, C<>NGBESSIONAL R E CORD, February Je se C. Parker, Hillsboro. 26, the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Goon] began his misstate­ NEW YORK. ment of facts concerning myself and the so-called Ammunition Marc D. Johnson, Randolph. Trust, which trust exists only in a neurotic imagination. OHIO. The first paragraph of his remarks concerning me reads as John F. White, Logan. follows: J A few days ago, when the Army approp~n bill was before the OREGON. House, I had something to say on the question of- the Powder Trust. After I had taken my seat I was calied out of the Chamber, and my Alfred F. Linegar, Coquille. attention was not called to some remarks made by the gentleman from Virgil B. S~aples, Vale. Massachusetts [Mr. A111Es] until they a.ppea.red in the RECORD. I was in hopes he would be here to-day, as I told him I expected to discuss WASHINGTON. this bill and to refer to his remarks. I was a.mazed when I came to John F. Spangle, Cheney. read his remn.rks to find that not only the accuracy of my statements , was questioned, but the good faith and sincerity with which I made WEST VIRGlJ.~IA. them was also questioned. Emerson E. DeitZ, Richwood. Now, Mr. Speaker, can that paragraph convey any meaning Herbert P. Graham, Keystone. to the normal mind other than that the ge;r:itleman from Iowa 3034 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE. M.ABOH 8, intended us to believe that he was out of the room when I made founded attack upon my standing as a Ilepresentative in an my remarks concerning him and to which he took: exception; attempted justification of himself was not worthy his name or and also that I questioned his good faith and sincerity in his his State. absence? The second paragraph of the remarks of the Member from And, in addition, does not his statement therein read to make Iowa reads as follows: us believe that his attention had not been called to my remarks I was amazed beyond my power to explain that that statement should until afterwards, when he read the RECORD? have been made by the gentleman from Massachusetts. I can recall a few months ago, when the gentleman from Massachusetts, when the But what are the facts in the case, Mr. Speaker? The facts cotton bill was under discussion, said that he did not own stock and that the gentleman from Iowa seems to have shunned. was not interested in cotton mills, but that members of his family did The gentleman from Iowa was in the room, and not only in own stock and were interested in them. The other day, when the Army appropriation bill was before the House, the gentleman from Massachu­ the room but listening to my remarks, and not only listening setts fl\Ir. AMESl said that he did not own stock in ammunition con­ to my remarks but also interrupting them; and the proof of this cerns, but that members of his family did. fact lies in his interrupting me and asking that I yield, which I did. And his interrupting statement appears .sandwiched into Has it occurred to the gentleman from Iowa that there is my remarks on page 2118 of the RECORD. And, furthermore, scarcely a family of means in New England that some member . it was not until after I had used the major part of my first thereof does not have some interest in ome manufacture? five minutes that the gentleman from Iowa left the Chamber, And I might have expected that the reasons for my declara­ and only then in the face of my earnest verbal protest against tions relative to the interests of members of my family would his leaving.
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