NOTICE OF MEETING East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester West Sussex PO19 1TY Telephone: 01243 785166 Website: www.chichester.gov.uk MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE DATE/TIME Wednesday 17 September 2014 at 10.00am VENUE The Council Chamber East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester CONTACT Katherine Jeram –Member Services Officer Direct line: 01243 534674 E-mail: [email protected] 8 September 2014 JOHN WARD Head of Finance and Governance Services AGENDA This agenda should be retained for future reference with the minutes of this meeting PART I 1. Chairman’s Announcements Any apologies for absence which have been received will be noted at this point The committee will be informed at this point of any items in the schedule of planning applications ie agenda item 5 which have been deferred or withdrawn and so will not be discussed and determined at this meeting 2. Approval of Minutes The minutes relate to the meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday 20 August 2014 and appear herewith as pages [M1] to [M27] 3. Urgent Items The chairman will announce any urgent items that due to special circumstances will be dealt with under agenda item 7 (b) 4. Declarations of Interests For details of members’ personal interests arising from their membership of parish councils or West Sussex County Council or from their being Chichester District Council or West Sussex County Council appointees to outside organisations or members of outside bodies or from being employees of such organisations or bodies, please refer to the notes at the end of this agenda Such interests are hereby disclosed by each member in respect of agenda items in the schedule of planning applications where the Council or outside body concerned has been consulted in respect of that particular item or application Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, personal interests and prejudicial interests are to be made by members of the Planning Committee in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting 5. Schedule of Planning Applications (pages 1 to 66) The Planning Committee will consider the schedule of planning applications 6. Schedule of Planning Appeals, Court and Policy Matters (pages 67 to 84) The Planning Committee will consider the monthly schedule updating the position with regard to planning appeals, litigation and recent planning policy publications or pronouncements 7. Late Items The Planning Committee will consider any late items as follows: (a) Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection (b) Items which the chairman has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting PART II Items for which the press and public are likely to be excluded The press and public may be excluded from the meeting during any item of business whenever it is likely that there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in section 100I of and Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 197 NONE Members of the Planning Committee Mr A R H Smith (Chairman) Mrs P A Hardwick (Vice Chairman) Mr G A F Barrett Mr D J Myers Mr M J Bell Mr S J Oakley Mr Q J R Cox Mr H C Potter Mrs J E Duncton Mr J Ridd Mr J F Elliott Mr F Robertson Mr R J Hayes Mrs J A E Tassell Mr G V McAra Mrs P M Tull Mr J A P Montyn Mr M Woolley Personal Interests - Membership of Parish Councils The following members of the Planning Committee declare a personal interest by way of their membership of the parish councils stated below in respect of the items on the schedule of planning applications where their respective parish councils have been consulted: • Mr M J Bell - Chichester City Council (CC) • Mr R J Hayes - Southbourne Parish Council (SB) • Mr G V McAra - Midhurst Town Council (MI) • Mr S J Oakley - Tangmere Parish Council (TG) • Mr H C Potter - Boxgrove Parish Council (BX) • Mr J Ridd - Donnington Parish Council (D) • Mr A R H Smith - Chichester City Council (CC) • Mrs P M Tull - Sidlesham Parish Council (SI) • Mr M Woolley - Chichester City Council (CC) Personal Interests - Membership of West Sussex County Council The following members of the Planning Committee declare a personal interest by way of their membership of West Sussex County Council in respect of the items on the schedule of planning applications where that local authority has been consulted: • Mrs J E Duncton - West Sussex County Council Member for the Petworth Division • Mr G V McAra - West Sussex County Council Member for the Midhurst Division • Mr J A P Montyn - West Sussex County Council Member for The Witterings Division • Mr S J Oakley - West Sussex County Council Member for the Chichester East Division Personal Interests – Membership of Outside Organisations and Public Bodies The following member of the Planning Committee declares a personal interest as a member of the outside organisation stated below in respect of those items on the schedule of planning applications where that organisation has been consulted: • Mr M Woolley - Chichester Conservation Area Advisory Committee Personal Interests - Chichester District Council Representatives on Outside Organisations and Membership of Public Bodies The following members of the Planning Committee declare a personal interest as Chichester District Council appointees to the outside organisations or as members of the public bodies below in respect of those items on the schedule of planning applications where such organisations or bodies have been consulted: • Mr G A F Barrett - Chichester Harbour Conservancy • Mr Q J R Cox - Chichester Conservation Area Advisory Committee • Mr D J Myers - Chichester Harbour Conservancy Personal Interests – West Sussex County Council Representatives on Outside Organisations and Membership of Public Bodies The following member of the committee declares a personal interest as a West Sussex County Council appointee to the outside organisation stated below in respect of those items on the schedule of planning applications where that organisation has been consulted: • Mr J A P Montyn - Chichester Harbour Conservancy Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee in the Council Chamber East Pallant House East Pallant Chichester West Sussex on Wednesday 20 August 2014 at 11:03 Members (18) Mr A R H Smith (Chairman) Mr G A F Barrett Mr D J Myers Mr M J Bell Mr S J Oakley Mr Q J R Cox Mr H C Potter Mrs J E Duncton Mrs J A E Tassell Mr G V McAra Mrs P M Tull Mr J A P Montyn were present (12) Planning Committee Members Absent Mr J F Elliott Mrs P A Hardwick (Vice-Chairman) Mr R J Hayes Mr J Ridd Mr F Robertson Mr M Woolley Chichester District Council Officers Present for All or Specific Agenda Items Miss J Bell – Development Manager (Majors and Business) (agenda items 05 (6) and (9) and 06) Mr J Bushell – Principal Planning Officer (agenda item 05 (1)) Mr A Frost – Head of Planning Services Miss N J Golding – Principal Solicitor and Monitoring Officer Miss S Locke – Planning Officer (agenda item 05 (8)) Mr J Saunders – Development Manager (National Park) (agenda item 05 (10) and (11)) Mr G Thrussell - Senior Member Services Officer Mr T Whitty - Development Manager (Applications) (agenda item 05 (2) to (5), (7), and (8)) West Sussex County Council Officer Present for Agenda Item 05 (1) Mr D Smith – Planner Strategic Planning 112 Chairman’s Announcements As stated on the front page of the agenda, this meeting commenced an hour later than normal because of a preceding private briefing session for elected members of Chichester District Council to consider the draft report of the Planning Task and Finish Group’s (PTFG) findings and provisional recommendations following its recent review of the first year in operation of (a) the single Planning Committee (which replaced the former two area development management committees) and (b) the delegation to officers of [PC M1] decisions in respect of householder development planning applications where a parish council had lodged an objection. The agenda business for this meeting was not considered at that briefing session. Following the briefing session the PTFG convened to discuss the outcome of the briefing session which led to a slight delay in the start of this meeting. Mr Smith apologised for the later start as he welcomed members of the public and the press representative to the meeting. He referred to the emergency evacuation arrangements on the screens and outlined the speaking procedure for the meeting. He explained that as a result of the coming into force on Wednesday 6 August 2014 of The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 SI No 2095, which brought into effect section 40 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, visual and/or audio recordings of this meeting could be made by those present. He requested that anyone who made such a recording should do so discreetly in order not to cause a disturbance to the proceedings. Mr Smith advised that there were no items in the schedule of planning applications (agenda item 05) which had been deferred or withdrawn. It was noted that apologies for absence had been received from Mr Elliott, Mrs Hardwick, Mr Hayes, Mr Ridd, Mr Robertson and Mr Woolley. All other members of the committee were present for this meeting. 113 Approval of Minutes On behalf of Mr Elliott (who was unable to be present) Mr Potter sought clarification of para (iv) on page [M7] in relation to planning application SDNP/13/04033/FUL (STED) – Minsted Farm Minsted Lane Minsted Stedham. He referred to a recent letter from the Douglas Briggs Partnership, the agent for the applicant, which expressed regret that the minutes did not correctly reflect views which had been expressed by members during the debate about the demolition of the Midhurst Whites Dairy building and the construction of a new-build fourth building.
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