TABLE OF RATES 1st. Zone I 2nd. 3rd. 14th. I 5th. ~~~e ;~~~ :~~'e Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone 1000to 1400to all over Wehrht I Local Rate 50to 100150-u300300: 600600..1000 .1400 1600 1800 I Zone <n,'1 Rate m e mile mile mile mile mi!es I "" rm es Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate Rate 1Ib _ W.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12 2Ibs _ .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .19 .21 .24 3Ibs _ .07 .11 .14 .11 .20 .23 .28 .31 .36 4 Ibs _ .08 .14 .18 .22 .26 .30 .37 .411 .48 iilbs _ .09 .17 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 .51 i .60 6Ibs _ .10 .~O .26 .32 .38 .44 .55 .61 .72 7Ibs _ .11 .23 .30 .37 .44 .51 .64 .71 .84 8Ibs _ .12 .26 .34 .42 .50 .58 .73 .81 .96 9Ibs _ .13 .29 .38 .47 .56 .65 .82 .91 1.08 10 Ibs _ .14 .32 .42 .52 .62 .72 .91 1.011 1.20 lllbs _ 1.00 1.32 .15 '35 .46 .57 .681 .79 1.11 The local rate is applicable for parcels intended to delivery at the office of mailin&, or on a rural route star tine therefrom. It will be observed that the rates of postage are largely re- duced and that the limit of weight is increased from 4 to 11 pounds. Parcels will be delivered at all free-delivery offices and to patrons residing on rural and star -routes: they may be registered and may be accorded special delivery service on payment of the usual fees, and they may be insured against loss in an amount equivalent to their actual value, but not to exceed $25, upon payment of a fe!,) of lI.ve cents. Distinctive stamps must be used on all parcels. FOR GOOD PAINLESS DENTAL WORK SEE DR. HELLUMS ENID. PHONE 1026 22-K. GOLD CROWNS ONLY S5.00 OR A GOOD SET OF TEETH S8.00 TO $10.00 ALL WORK'GUARANTEED LIB ARY {ML\i OMA H\STORICAl soc ' Have you ar- ParentS. ranged fully for the advancement of your sons and daughters? Talk with us Phillips Business College Courses: Bookkeepin'g, Stenography, Pen Art and Telegraphy J. E. GEORGE, Prin. ENID, OKLA. THE REGISTRY SYSTEM. A new 10 cent stamp of special design has been prepared for prepayment of the fee of registered mail matter, domestic or foreign, but ordinary postage stamps may be used to prepay the registry fee whenever registry stamps are not available, but the use of the. special registry stamps are strongly urged. The registry fee is 10 cents for each separate letter or parcel, in addition to the regular postage, both to be fully prepaid with ordinary postage stamps. There is no "registry stamp." Full name and address of sender must appear on every piece to be registered, or it cannot be accepted for registration. When of the first-class, a registered article must always be carefully sealed-preferably with sealing wax, and envelope or wrapper must always be in perfect condition. When properly prepared, an article to be registered must not be dropped into the mail box, but must be presented in person at the registry window, where registry receipt will be given. In case of loss of registered mail, indemnity up to $50.00 will be paid on matter prepaid at first-class rates. VIAVI! What Is Viavi? A home treatment for mothers and daughters; avoids operations many times. It will cost you nothing to learn what this Natural System of Treatment will assist nature to do for you, but it may cost you a great deal of suffering if you do not know Viavi. Ask for our "V i a v i H y g i e n e" a health school within itself and a splendid reference book. Northern Okla Viavi Company 423-24 Chamber Commerce Bldg., Enid, Okla. We handle only the very best grade of Monuments Phone No. 275 F. L. BLACKBURN GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS -"..,.. ac . Pneumatic Air Plant 1 ffice in rooms TO' [lding, Enid, Oklahoma. -n_ ~o rn "'t "B rd, or any admissible greasy or oily substance, when h , delivery at offices beyond the first zone, must be packed ten orne .. amers, so that nothing can escape. Vegetables and it is desire ~ not decay quickly will be accepted for mailing to the words, "u..... , ' ••.•:>'! .to prevent damage to other mail matter. side. r ~.. h .• I .,. ,., :::z Parcel-post packages may 'TTl11],<{fG, ~. vAcept ll::z Great Britain (Barbadoes, Uruguay anu the ivetuertands) . [IJ~c:...:» Receipt cards are returned to sender for domestic registers • only, when request is made for same, such request being made on ""'"• envelope. If receipt is desired for a foreign registered article, the ~ words, "Return receipt demanded," must be written on address - side. If a register cannot be delivered by the postman, he leaves a notice to call at the postoffice, where addressee must be prepared to prove his identity. Registered articles are forwarded or returned without extra fee, but new postage must be paid on all except first-class mail. LOCAL RATE. The local rate will most concern those making use of the Parcels Post, and it is designed to benefit chiel1y local merchants and farmers and, consequently their customers. By this rate, packages may be mailed within the local postoffice boundaries, in- eluding city and rural carrier routes, at the rate of 5 cents for the first pound and 1 cent for each additional pound, making the 11- pound rate 15 cents. DR. M. A. MITCHELL and MRS. DR. L. BELLE MITCHELL OSTEOPATHS LIBRARY 64060 OKLAHOMA HiSTORICAL socr5l'¥ Small Checking Accounts DR. W. F. NAY fJN 0 one is denied the convenience of a checking account with The STEOPATHY is a system of drugless healing Oklahoma State Bank, because his transactions are small. by which a practioner through a thorough qlt is the policy of this bank to encourage the small depositor, be- O cause it sees in each one the possibility of the large account of the knowledge of anatomy physiology and by appro- future. priate manipulation adjusts structure so that na- t]lThe officers of this bank are accessible to those who call for the ture can restore normal conditions of function to transaction of business, and are glad to extend a welcome to new de- the body. ,- Our course of study is the "Year positors. of Nine Months Each." I have been practicing nine years in Enid. Office in rooms 401 & 402 Chamber of Commerce Building, Enid, Oklahoma. Butter, lard, or any admissible greasy or oily substance, when intended for delivery at offices beyond the first zone, must be packed om his in safe containers, so that nothing can escape. Vegetables and n deliver else that he fruits which do not decay quickly will be accepted for mailing to wn of which his any zone if packed so as to prevent damage to other mail matter. farmer living on a HOW TOI SHIP EGGS. Eggs will be accepted for local delivery when so packed in a Incidentally this feature will be a big reward to merchants of basket or other container as to prevent damage to other mailing ~ towns that have been energetic in getting rural routes centering ••• regardless of distance when each egg is wrapped separately and c in their town as each route increases their lowest package delivery rate by that much. surrounded with excelsior, cotton or other suitable material and w packed in a container made of double corrugated pasteboard, metal, "PERISHABLE" ARTICLES SO MARKED. wood or other suitable material in such manner as to place each Parcels containing perishable articles must be marked ..Per- egg on its end and to prevent them from striking together or against ishable." Articles likely to spoil within the time reasonably an outer cover of double corrugated pasteboard, .metai, wood or required for transportation and delivery must not be accepted for other suitable material and wrapped so that nothing can escape mailing. from the package. All such parcels must be labeled" .l!;ggs." Seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions and plants will be permitted Butter, lard and perishable articles such as fish, fresh meats. in the parcels post mails under regulations as to size and wetght dressed fowls, vegetables, fruits, berries, and articles of a similar nature which decay quickly, when so packed or wrapped as to pre- vent damage to other mail matter, will be accepted for local delivery either at the office of mailing or on any rural route start- ~~H. G. JAN ES~~ ing therefrom. When inclosed in an inner cover and a strong outer cover of wood, metal, heavy corrugated pasteboard, or other suit- able material, and wrapped so that nothing can escape from the FLOUR and CHICK FEED package, they will be accepted for mailing to all offices within the first zone. GOOD THRESHING COAL FIELD SEED IN SEASON Dr. M. A. Mitchell and Mrs. Dr. L. Belle Mitchell OSTEOPATHS 1312 RANDOLPH ST. Phone 455 ENID, OKlAHOMA E. A. SHANK WE SELL EVERYTHING COL. THE ENID AUCTIONEER And if you will take advantage of our liberal plan of distrib- uting all kinds of merchandise you will save money. Get a Starting Auction School about Sept. 1, 1913, Will cry farm copy of the "Commission News and Buyers' Guide." This number contains many special bargains that you will not sales anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Any bank in Enid get again. We pay highest price for Eggs and sell all kinds as reference.
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