Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} The Songs Of Homer by Geoffrey S. Kirk Geoffrey Kirk. Geoffrey Kirk, who has died aged 81, held the regius chair in Greek at Cambridge University from 1974 to 1982, and was a major figure in the study of the presocratic philosophers and early Greek epic poetry. He also wrote an important and wide-ranging comparative study of Greek mythology. As a young man, he distinguished himself during the second world war by his service in the Levant Schooner Flotilla, giving undercover support to resistance against the Germans in the Aegean islands. He was awarded the DSC for his war work. Kirk was born and grew up in Nottingham. He was edu cated at Rossall School in Lancashire and got a first in classics at Clare College, Cambridge. He enlisted in the Royal Navy in 1941, and was commissioned a year later. His colourful, sometimes hair-raising, experiences in the navy, and later in Greece, were chronicled by him in a characteristically understated and ironic style in his memoir, Towards The Aegean Sea (1997). Some of these exploits have a distinctly Odyssean flavour and they left him with a deep knowledge and love of Greece and its people. He graduated in 1946, and was offered a research fellowship at Trinity Hall, Cambridge. He was a Common- wealth Fund Fellow at Har vard University from 1949 to 1950, and then fellow and director of classical studies at Trinity Hall until 1970. His first book, Heraclitus: The Cosmic Fragments (1954), was followed in 1957 by The Presocratic Philosophers, a comprehensive study, coauthored with JE Raven, that has remained, through subsequent revisions, a standard work. Appointed fellow of the British Academy in 1959 and reader in Greek at Cambridge in 1961, Kirk then published The Songs Of Homer (1962), a brilliantly clear-headed analysis of the state of Homeric studies, which took account of Milman Parry's theories about oral poetry as well as the archaeological and historical context of the poems. It formed an excellent introduction to these and other aspects of Homeric scholarship. From 1965 to 1970, Kirk held the chair of classics at Yale University. In 1968, he was Sather professor of classical literature at the University of California at Berkeley. His Sather lectures were published as Myth: Its Meaning And Functions (1970). This offered a critical review of recent approaches to the study of myths, especially the structuralist theories of Claude Lévi-Strauss, and placed Greek mythology in a wider context by comparing it to the mythical systems of other cultures. A useful version for the general public, The Nature Of Greek Myths, followed in 1974. A prose translation of Euripides' Bacchae, with helpful introduction and notes, also appeared in 1970. From 1971 to 1974 Kirk was professor of classics at Bristol University. In 1974 he was back in Cambridge as regius professor. In 1982, he retired, and for the next 11 years devoted his energies to a six-volume commentary on Homer's Iliad. He wrote the first two volumes himself, and edited the whole series with a team of four other scholars from Britain and the US. In this, the crowning achievement of his scholarly career, he showed most clearly a combination of firm editorial policy with generous flexibility, allowing his collaborators the freedom to develop and maintain their own approaches to such a multifaceted text. The result is a work that is both coherent in overall design and wide-ranging in interpretation. A modern Greek version is also in preparation. Kirk's down-to-earth and rational approach to all the subjects that he tackled enabled him to give a comprehensive and critical view, cutting through the complexity of scholarship in a refreshingly lucid way. But underneath his practical manner there was a sensibility that enabled him to respond with sympathy and generosity to other scholars. Despite occasional impatience with some scholarly fashions, he was an open-minded critic, and he was always a stimulating and entertaining colleague. In 1950 he married Barbara Traill, by whom he had a daughter, Lydia. The marriage was dissolved in 1975 and he married Kirsten Ricks, who survives him, as do his daughter and four stepchildren. Kirsten and their children supported him through a long period of ill health in the last years of his life. · Geoffrey Stephen Kirk, classicist, born December 3 1921; died March 10 2003. The Songs Of Homer by Geoffrey S. Kirk. From and To can't be the same language. That page is already in . Something went wrong. Check the webpage URL and try again. Sorry, that page did not respond in a timely manner. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Something went wrong, please try again. Try using the Translator for the Microsoft Edge extension instead. Geoffrey S. Kirk. Geoffrey Kirk besuchte die Rossall School und studierte anschließend am Clare College in Cambridge. Der Zweite Weltkrieg unterbrach sein Studium: 1941 trat Kirk in die Royal Navy ein, ein Jahr später wurde er als Offizier im Ägäischen Meer eingesetzt. Er unterstützte die Partisanenbewegung auf mehreren griechischen Inseln und wurde 1945 mit dem Distinguished Service Cross ausgezeichnet. Nach Kriegsende nahm er sein Studium wieder auf und schloss es 1946 mit dem Master ab. Ab 1946 war Kirk Research Fellow an Trinity Hall (Cambridge). Von 1949 bis 1950 hielt er sich als Commonwealth Fund Fellow an der Harvard University auf. Anschließend wurde er in Trinity Hall zum Fellow und Director of Classical Studies ernannt. 1959 wählte ihn die British Academy zum Mitglied, 1961 wurde er in Cambridge zum Reader in Greek ernannt. Von 1965 bis 1970 hatte er einen Lehrstuhl für Klassische Philologie an der Harvard University inne. Im Jahr 1968/1969 hielt er sich als Sather Professor an der University of California, Berkeley auf. 1971 ging Kirk als Professor of Classics an die Bristol University. 1974 kehrte er nach Cambridge zurück, wo er zum 35. Inhaber des Regius Chair of Greek ernannt wurde. 1982 wurde er emeritiert. Geoffrey S. Kirk beschäftigte sich mit dem homerischen Epos, mit der Philosophie der Vorsokratiker und ganz besonders mit dem griechischen Mythos. Er untersuchte die Bedeutung und Funktion von Mythen in der griechischen Kultur und Literatur und zog dabei auch die Mythen anderer Kulturkreise heran. Bei den homerischen Epen untersuchte er vor allem die poetologischen und narrativen Strukturen und bezog die Konzepte von Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit ein. Ein Alterswerk ist sein sechsbändiger Kommentar zur Ilias . Daneben veröffentlichte Kirk auch Schriften zur griechischen Lyrik und Tragödie. Schriften (Auswahl) Heraclitus: The Cosmic Fragments . Cambridge 1954. Neuauflage mit Verbesserungen, London 1962 mit John E. Raven: The Presocratic Philosophers. A Critical History with a Selection of Texts . 1957. Zweite, überarbeitete Auflage mit Malcolm Schofield, 1984 deutsche Übersetzung von Karlheinz Hülser: Die vorsokratischen Philosophen. Einführung, Texte und Kommentare . Stuttgart 1994. Studienausgabe Stuttgart 2001 deutsche Übersetzung von Renate Schein: Griechische Mythen: Ihre Bedeutung und Funktion . Berlin 1980. Reinbek 1987. Literatur. : Geoffrey Stephen Kirk . In: Proceedings of the British Academy . Band 124 (2004), S. 141–148. Weblinks. im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek. Personendaten NAME Kirk, Geoffrey ALTERNATIVNAMEN Kirk, Geoffrey Stephen; Kirk, Geoffrey S. KURZBESCHREIBUNG britischer Klassischer Philologe GEBURTSDATUM 3. Dezember 1921 GEBURTSORT Nottingham STERBEDATUM 10. März 2003 STERBEORT Cambridge. Stand der Informationen: 23.11.2020 07:33:36 CET. Veränderungen: Alle Bilder und die meisten Designelemente, die mit ihnen in Verbindung stehen, wurden entfernt. Icons wurden teilweise durch FontAwesome-Icons ersetzt. Einige Vorlagen wurden entfernt (wie „Lesenswerter Artikel“, „Exzellenter Artikel“) oder umgeschrieben. CSS- Klassen wurden zum Großteil entfernt oder vereinheitlicht. Wikipedia spezifische Links, die nicht zu Artikeln oder Kategorien führen (wie „Redlink“, „Bearbeiten-Links“, „Portal-Links“) wurden entfernt. Alle externen Links haben ein zusätzliches FontAwesome Icon erhalten. Neben weiteren kleinen Designanpassungen wurden Media-Container, Karten, Navigationsboxen, gesprochene Versionen & Geo-Mikroformate entfernt. The Songs Of Homer by Geoffrey S. Kirk. From and To can't be the same language. That page is already in . Something went wrong. Check the webpage URL and try again. Sorry, that page did not respond in a timely manner. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Sorry, that page doesn't exist or is preventing translations. Something went wrong, please try again. Try using the Translator for the Microsoft Edge extension instead. ISBN 13: 9780521058902. The literature of the western world begins with one of its greatest achievements. The stories of the wrath of Achilles and its consequences, and of the wanderings of Odysseus, have been admired from ancient times to the present day. The two great epics can be read and enjoyed, unreflectingly, as tales of adventure; or they can be studied as literature, yielding, as insight and understanding grow, a deeper and more permanent pleasure. Professor Kirk's book is the means to this pleasure. It is a vivid and comprehensive account of the background and development of the Homeric poems and of their quality as literature. The epics are seen primarily as oral poetry, sung for centuries by illiterate singers; and from this view rises discussion of the problems of authorship and transmission. The historical, archaeological and linguistic evidence is also examined; and the possible contributions of the Mycenaean period and of the subsequent Dark Age are shown in a fresh light. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title. This is a vivid and comprehensive account of the background and development of the Homeric poems and of their quality as literature. The epics are seen primarily as oral poetry, sung for centuries by illiterate singers; and from this view rises discussion of the problems of authorship and transmission.
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